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Caught in the Net

Page 19

by Breanna Hayse

  Michael touched under her chin. “Then you fully understand the implications of being involved in a relationship with me and, subsequently, my crazy family?”


  “Tell me, then. What are they?” he asked firmly, not letting her look away.

  “To follow the rules as they are listed and suffer the consequences should I choose to do otherwise.”

  “Can you tell me what the consequences are? And what they are not?” he asked.

  She shivered, hearing a mix of both his father and uncle in his tone. “They are not separation or avoidance. I’ll be stuck with all of you.”

  “Good. And please tell me what they are?’’

  “Discipline,” she whispered, embarrassed. She hated that he was making her speak aloud, but instinctively knew this was part of his expectation of obedience. He seemed to grow taller and broader as he straightened himself before her.

  “Be specific, please.”

  “Corporal punishment.” She looked down, blushing.

  “Look at me. What type of corporal punishment?”

  “I might be spanked,” she whispered, wanting to sink into the deck.

  “No, you WILL be spanked. And it is rarely administered with the presence of clothing. Which would mean,” he placed his large hand on her ample bottom, “this beautiful backside will be bared. Can you accept that?”

  “It’s so humiliating. I mean, if we become lovers, that’s one thing, but…”

  “But nothing. That is how it is. Just think about it for a while. I won’t rush you.” He swept his hand over her cheek to kiss her again. “The solution is to behave. Then you won’t have any difficulties from any of us.”

  “Any of you?”

  “The four of us. You adopted Rich as a brother. I expect him to care for you like I do for my own sister. Would you care to share about your vices before we go to the next step, so I can prepare myself?”

  “Well, I’m stubborn and sometimes have a big mouth. I am easily distracted from stuff I don’t want to do. I also hate cleaning.”

  “Oh God, you are like my sister. Please, don’t let her pull you in. It won’t be good. Anything else that you think I might not go for?”

  “I like to party sometimes. You know, get drunk. That’s the worse I do, with an occasional joint.”

  “Okay, as of now, no more of that. You’re under 21, so it’s illegal to drink unless you are in the company of my parents. Second, absolutely no more pot. You’re going to be working in a governmental research facility so you need to keep your nose clean. Agreed?”

  “Yes, Michael. No problem. Now your turn. What are your vices that I need to be aware of?”

  “I am also incredibly stubborn and sometimes opinionated, and tend to be a little uptight when it comes to safety issues. Especially after last year. I’m a bit of a workaholic and not much of a risk taker. My sister does enough of that for the two of us. I sometimes will jump on a decision before taking in all the info. If I do that to you, please go straight to my dad or Scott. They’re good at helping me see beyond my thick skull. I also like taking things apart. I’m presently forbidden to tinker with anything that isn’t broken,” he chuckled.

  “It sounds like you have a lot of vices. What should we do about them?”

  “I think some of them will improve with time. Others, well… I doubt it. Count your lucky stars that I have my dad’s disposition instead of Scott’s. I’d be impossible then,” he laughed. “Come on, let’s go join the family.”

  The couples met at the same time, coming from opposite ends of the ship. Dr. Quimby was sitting with Scott, talking quietly about work.

  “Hi Daddy. This is so nice. Thank you,” Sam said, kissing his cheek.

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart. I'm glad you’re having a good time.”

  “It was my idea,” Scott grumbled. She laughed, kissing him and letting him pull her onto his lap. “Having fun, kids?”

  “This has been the most wonderful surprise of my life, Scott. Thank you.”

  “Didn’t you ever take family vacations, Jennifer?” Dr. Quimby asked.

  She shook her head. “We never had the money for anything extravagant. It would have driven me nuts. My brothers are nuisances. Plus, Pop used to drink a bit too much when he vacationed, so we avoided it.”

  “My mother was a full blown alcoholic. I did anything to avoid her,” Rich said. “That’s why I don’t drink.”

  “I probably shouldn’t either. I don’t think he was an alcoholic, but he sure didn’t handle his liquor well when he did drink. He got moody.”

  “I think it would be a good idea to abstain. No more for you, okay?” Dr. Quimby said.

  Jen nodded. “You’re right. Mike and I talked about that. I also promised I wouldn’t smoke pot anymore.”

  “You do that? What’s it like?” Sam asked, jumping on the new topic.

  “Nothing you will ever need to know, kidlet. We have zero tolerance for drugs,” Scott commented.

  “Mike told me. I’ll submit myself to drug tests if you want me to,” Jen offered.

  Scott shook his head. “No need unless we feel you are fibbing about it. That wouldn’t be wise.”

  “Just come to us if you have a problem with it, okay? I will also expect you to tell us if you slip up. We are accepting your word to stop and your word…”

  “Is your law,” Michael, Sam and Rich completed. Dr. Quimby grunted.

  * * * * *

  It was late when they returned to the house. The older men went straight to bed while the two couples hung around downstairs to talk. After the boys left to get some tea in the kitchen, Sam looked at her friend.

  “Jen? Can I try something with you?” she suddenly asked.

  “Sure. What?”

  “I want to see what happens if I try to integrate you. You know, swirl.”

  “You’re going to try to seduce me? You’re cute, but I’m not into girls.”

  “I don’t know how it will be felt. I’ll have the boys stand on the other side of the room. I need to be within a couple of feet right now to do it. Are you game?”

  “Sure, but if I try to kiss you, you better stop it,” Jen teased. Sam announced her plan when the boys returned. They shrugged, going to the far end of the room when they could see, but hopefully, not feel.

  “All right, relax. Think of floating… I’m going to start sending images to you. Tell me anything you think or feel.”

  “Okay. I’m hungry.”

  “No, you’re not. Relax. Are you sensing anything?”

  “I am,” Michael announced. “The kelp forest.”

  “Me too, only it’s warm,” Rich said.

  “How about you, Jen?”

  “Nothing. I like having my eyes closed, but all I can think about is chocolate.”

  “That’s not my doing. Okay, try to think about Michael. What he sounds like, how he smells, how he tastes…”

  “Mmm, that’s easy,” Jen said smiling.

  “I’m getting pheromone reaction here, little sister.”

  “Go upstairs until you feel it stop. Rich? Anything?”


  “It stopped at the top of the stairs,” Michael announced.

  “All right, one more thing. Mike, come down here next to Jen. I’m going to remove myself.”

  He trotted down and felt his head start to swim when he stood about five feet from the girl. His sister moved further away, keeping her concentration on Jen. At the top of the stairs, she released the swirl. “What’s happening now?” she asked.

  “I need an ice bath,” Michael groaned, burying his face in his hands. “I want to jump you so badly, Jen. I’m sorry. What the hell happened?”

  Sam came down, sitting next to them and joined by Rich. “I guess I stimulated her pheromones without her endorphins. This part of swirling is like a mating ritual. Cool. Wait until I tell Daddy.”

  “Don’t you dare!” Jen gasped.

  “Why not? It’s science,
that’s all.”

  “It’s personal! And private. Don’t you have any social boundaries?”

  “Hey, Jen, please don’t talk to my sister like that.”

  “No, Michael, it’s okay. Look at her eyes. Instead of bliss, she’s angry. Interesting. What else are you thinking, Jen?”

  “I want to fuck Mike’s brains out but can’t do anything with you in this room. Why can’t you leave?”

  “Jennifer!” Rich scolded.

  “I told you that this isn’t her; it’s the chemicals. She’ll balance soon, don’t worry. It seems to be a pretty good truth serum, though. Jen? Are you jealous of my relationship with Mike?”

  “Samantha Anne, don’t do this,” Rich warned. She ignored him.

  “No, except I want him to take care of me the way he takes care of you. I want him to love me.” Jen sounded like a little girl.

  “What do you think of Rich?”

  “He’s smoking hot. I always wanted a big brother and he’s the best. Rich? Hold me,” she whimpered. Sam nodded to Rich, watching him pull the girl into his long, strong arms.

  Michael rubbed his temple. “She’s sincere about this family. I’m not happy with what happened, though. You need to tell Dad in the morning.”

  “I will. And I did it supervised, so he can’t yell at me.”

  “Rich? There’s a joint in my purse. Will you get it for me?” Jen asked, eyes glazed.

  Michael scowled, looking in her bag. Sure enough. “My girlfriend is a pothead. Great.”

  “It can’t be that bad, her grades are good and she shows up for school,” Rich said, rocking her. “Jen? How often do you smoke dope?”

  “Once or twice a week, maybe. I have a green thumb,” she giggled.

  “Are you telling me you are growing this shit in your dorm room?” Michael asked.

  “You’re so cute when you frown. Come kiss me.”

  “Not now. What are we going to do?” Michael asked, holding the joint out of her reach.

  “Let’s get her off her high and then re-question. If she lies to us, then she’ll discover the consequences. If she tells the truth, she needs to figure a plan.”

  “Should we tell the folks?”

  “No, let the brother and boyfriend handle this. Samantha, you are not to say one word. Got it?” Rich ordered, that ‘look’ on his face expressing his seriousness.

  Sam bit her lip, nodding. “Yes sir, Rich.”

  “ ‘Sir’? Did I hear a ‘sir’ come out of her for you? You are a miracle worker, my friend.”

  Jen returned to normal within an hour. She shook her head, still dazed as things began to focus again.

  “How are you doing?” Rich asked.

  “That was the weirdest thing. Last I remember was thinking of Mike and his presence exploded in my senses. Wow. I remember I was angry, too, but I don’t know about what.”

  “Jen? I’m bothered about something. How often to you smoke pot?”

  “Not much, Mike. I promised I’d stop. Did I say something?”

  “Yes, you asked Rich to get this from your purse. Why didn’t you tell me you had this? We’re in Canada. We could all get in trouble if you’re caught.”

  “I’m sorry, I forgot about it.”

  “Okay. Sammi, go flush this,” Michael ordered, watching Jen’s pained expression. She wanted the damn thing! “My next question. Where do you get the stuff?”

  “I live in college dorms, it’s everywhere.”

  “So if I went up with you to your room, there wouldn’t be any plants around?”

  She didn’t answer, looking at the floor. Michael’s jaw started twitching along with the pulsating vein in his neck. Sam swallowed hard; she felt more sorry for her brother at this moment.

  “Mike asked you a question, little sister. Answer him,” Rich said gently.

  “I have a few in my bathtub. I make extra money that way. I’m so sorry, Mike.” She was in tears.

  “So am I. You know what this means, don’t you?” Michael stood up, hands on his hips.

  Her crying increased. “I blew it. I knew it was too good to last,” she sobbed.

  Michael squatted in front of her. “What are you talking about? Blew what?”

  “Us. I fucked up bad.”

  “Yes, you screwed up, but I don’t understand what you think you blew.”

  “Michael, don’t be a nimrod. She thinks she ruined it with you.” His sister slapped him on the back of the head.

  He frowned at her. “Don’t hit me. Is that what you think, Jen? Nothing has changed with us. Except that you are in big trouble. I just need to decide what to do.”

  “Please don’t tell your parents. They’ll hate me.”

  “There is no reason for them to know at this time because we will be taking care of it. If they find out, it’s because you choose to tell them. Samantha, you need to go to bed. No arguing.”

  “Yes, Michael. Good night. Night, Rich. Jen, I’m sorry.” She hugged her friend. Michael waited until she was out of sight.

  “Rich, your input please.”

  “So this is what it feels like to be a brother. If it were Sam, how would you approach it?”

  “My sister is my responsibility. I would handle her before forcing you to. However, if she lied to both of us, she’d have to face both.”

  “I didn’t lie to you, Mike,” Jen whispered, truly frightened as she looked back and forth between the two very tall, very large young men standing in front of her and looking down at her with frowns.

  “You evaded the truth. Same difference in my book. I warned you this evening about how we were, didn’t I? You told me you wanted this type of relationship and this type of family. Now’s your chance to decide if you do or don’t.”

  “I don’t want to be in trouble.” Jen’s lower lip quivered.

  Michael’s expression remained firm. “I don’t want a girlfriend who’s a pothead. Or a drug dealer. That’s a deal breaker for me.”

  “Please, Mike. I’m so sorry. Rich, tell him I’m sorry,” she started to panic.

  Rich squatted, patting her leg. “We know. He’s giving you a choice. Submit to the family or just be friends. You’ll always be welcome here, but it won’t be quite the same.”

  “I want to be in this family,” Jen whispered.

  Michael nodded with satisfaction. “Very well. Rich, I’m asking you to take the role of her brother and do what you feel is best. It’s not proper for me to handle problems this soon in our relationship.”

  “I agree. We won’t have any privacy here. Should we wait until we go home?”

  “You could do that. There is a wood shed across the property, but I don’t know how clean it is.”

  “We’ll wait. Jennifer, as soon as we get home, I will go with you to your dorm and we will take care of your plants and your discipline.”

  “My dorm? But everyone…”

  “Will know that you no longer use or are dealing. Simple. Now go to bed.”

  Without a word, she walked upstairs. Michael followed her with his eyes. “I so envy you, brother. I wish it were my hand on that bottom,” he sighed.

  “I don’t have the attraction, or distraction, of it. You were right in having me deal with this first offense. Trust me, she won’t ever think of using again. Do you think she’ll confess to the folks?”

  “I don’t know, but it will certainly show her degree of integrity.”

  Jen quietly slid into bed, staring at the ceiling. How could she have gotten herself into this position so soon?

  “Jen? Are you okay?”

  “I’m in deep shit. Rich is making me take him to my dorm when we get home to clean it out and take care of business. I can’t believe this is happening. Mike actually gave me a condition to either submit to this or just be friends.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know this would happen. So Rich is going to punish you?”

  “Sounds like it. How bad is he?”

  “I’ve not experienced anything significant fr
om him, only a little session after swearing. I was fully clothed too, and it hurt like hell. Why is Rich doing this?”

  “Mike felt that it was a brother’s role of responsibility and if it had been you, he would have handled it. I’m scared.”

  “I bet. When are you going to tell Daddy and Scott?”

  “Mike said he didn’t have to.”

  “He won’t, but you should. Part of building trust with my family is being honest and accepting the consequences. I wish I could help you.”

  “Yeah, me too. I can’t believe how disappointed Michael looked.” Jen started crying again.

  Sam sighed loudly. “I know. That’s far worse than anything he dishes out. There is a silver lining, though.”


  “The fact that he gave you a choice means he really cares for you and wants you to be in his life. Otherwise, he would have told you he could only be friends with you and nothing more. Also, having Rich involved means that he’s accepted Rich fully as a brother and trusts him with you, like Rich trusts Mike with me. It doesn’t sound good, but it is.”

  “What’s Rich going to do to me?”

  “I wish I could tell you, but I don’t know. I haven’t incurred his wrath yet. I doubt it’s going to be pleasant. It sucks when you're caught in a net,” Sam answered quietly.

  Jen’s heart pounded with fear. What did she get herself into?

  Breanna Hayse

  “I write what I know. With few exceptions, my scenarios are pulled from either personal experience or observation. I've served overseas as an Intell Specialist in the USMC, work as a nurse, and have degrees in Biology (pre-med) and a masters in Psych. Specialty? Deviant behavior and alternative lifestyles, of course. I put all of this together and try to bring about a fun, unique and, hopefully, thought provoking reading experience.”

  Visit her blog here:

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Breanna Hayse and Blushing Books!

  Meeting Her Master

  Playing A Little

  Dare to Defy

  Painful Consequences

  Up A Notch, The General’s Daughter Book 2


  The Reformer

  The Siren, The General’s Daughter Book 1


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