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The King's Daughters

Page 15

by Nathalie Mallet



  "AAAAAH. . . . "

  SMACK! My head flew to the side. A burning sensation on my cheek followed.

  "Amir, wake up!"

  I blinked. Everything was blurry and distorted. Yet, somehow, I knew I was still in the Baba's house. What am I doing sprawled on the floor? I thought, confused. As my vision began to clear, Diego's alarmed face appeared above mine. The next thing I saw was his hand rising to strike me again. "NO—DON'T. Once was enough."

  Relief flashed across Diego's face, and he let himself fall back on his heels. "Oh my goodness, for a moment there, my friend, I thought you were going to die."

  "What happened?"

  Diego brushed a strand of hair away from his face. "You were looking in that cauldron, and then suddenly you started screaming. I tried pulling you away from the damn thing, but you were stuck there. I couldn't move you. I had to ram you down. Amir, I thought you weren't going to wake up."

  I cupped my stinging cheek. "Well, clearly you found a way of breaking this spell."

  "Was it really a spell?"

  I shook my head. "Honestly, I don't know what that was." There was one thing I now knew though. Eva was in danger, terrible danger. And my deepest fear was that I wouldn't be able to return to the castle in time to protect her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Fortunately, soon after we left the Baba Yaga's cabin, a cold north wind blew away the cloud cover and moonlight beamed down upon us, illuminating our steps and rendering our return to the castle an easier feat. This brought me very little relief. I desperately wanted to be in the castle now, right this minute. I wanted to see Eva safe. This was my main focus. My disinterest for everything else must have been written on my face, because Diego gave me one glance when we began our trip back and kept his mouth shut for its duration. That was rather unusual for him. The man seemed to know every tale ever told. So we walked in silence, me in front, plowing through the snow as fast as my legs could manage, and Diego behind. We moved rapidly and quietly, with only the sound of our heavy breathing disturbing the silence of the night.

  Finally, the castle fell into view. I was glad we'd reached our destination because I was exhausted, out of breath, and my legs wouldn't cease trembling. But when I entered the castle, my mood turned sour as I realized that I had no way of contacting Eva. I couldn't burst into her chambers like a vulgar thief. Well, to begin with, I didn't even know where her chambers were. I looked at Diego. But he knows the way.

  "Diego, can you guide me to Eva's chambers?" I knew his answer was going to be no before he opened his mouth. His furrowed brows and overall expression of horror contorting his face made that clear.

  "Amir, there are certain ladies' chambers in this castle that even I won't attempt to enter."

  "Please, I must see her. I need to know that she's safe."

  "No, my friend. It's too dangerous a venture. If the king gets wind of your presence there . . . goodness, you'll be killed on sight."

  "I'm willing to take that risk."

  Diego shook his head. "I can't help you—not for this. You're on your own, my friend."

  Fists closed, I glared at him. "How dare you call me a friend if you won't help me? Leave then! You're not my friend at all."

  Diego sighed. "Yes, I am. But you're too angry right now to see it. Tomorrow maybe." This being said, he turned and left.

  Alone in a dark corridor, I cursed Diego. That stinking dandy! He's no friend of mine. I should set fire to his wardrobe; that would be a relief for everyone's eyes. Infuriated by what I conceived as Diego's betrayal, I screamed, I wanted to break something. Finding nothing in the corridor to break, I directed my rage at its meager decoration. I ripped a tapestry off the wall and threw it on the floor. Then I kicked it a few times. It did not make me feel any better, only a little ashamed of myself. "What am I supposed to do now? Ask a guard where she sleeps? That will raise suspicions."

  As I was wondering what to do, I heard a "Psst." I turned.

  Countess Ivana tiptoed out of a dark corner. "I've waited for you," she said in an anxious voice. "Have you found something? Was I right to suspect Isabo of wrong doing?"

  "Yes, you were."

  "Is she a witch?"

  I scratched my beard. "I'm not sure what she is. It's just . . . I have the feeling something bad will happen tonight."

  "Me too!" Countess Ivana looked so relieved it was as though I had pulled a sharp thorn out of her side. "I thought I was mad to think so. I've tried warning the queen and the king about her . . . strange ways. But they won't listen to me." Slapping her thigh with a fist in frustration, she added, "As it stands now, there's nothing I can do. Nothing!"

  She raised pleading eyes to me. "But you, Prince Amir, you can help. I heard the plea you made to Prince Diego. I can lead you to Princess Eva's chambers. At least she will be safe tonight."

  My heart soared. "You would do that?"

  She nodded. "I must warn you though. This is a very dangerous endeavor."

  Taking her hands into mine, I kissed them with all my gratitude. "Danger matters not, Countess. I am willing to face any peril set in front of me. Please, lead me to her."

  * * *

  As I tiptoed toward Eva's majestic white canopy bed, the irrationality of the situation struck me. Why didn't I just knock or scratch at the door like I wanted? Why did I listen to Ivana and enter Eva's bedroom uninvited like a common ruffian? True, I might have awakened someone else by knocking, as Ivana said. Still, invading a lady's chambers like this was highly improper. Oh well, it was too late to go back now. With this in mind, I crossed the space separating me from the bed.

  Slowly leaning over the sleeping princess, I gazed at her enchanting profile, her small nose, her half-opened mouth. Eva looked so peaceful, so lovely amid those pillows of soft white linen. Gently, I brushed gold curls away from her cheeks. The touch of my fingertips on her skin awoke Eva. Her eyes opened wide, and she stared at me in panic. At that instant, I realized that she was about to scream. Quickly, I covered her mouth with my hand.

  "Eva," I whispered, while she punched, kicked, and scratched me like a wild cat. "Eva, it's me. Amir."

  Recognition replaced the panic in her eyes. Eva stopped fighting and collapsed into her pillows. She tugged at the hand I still kept over her mouth.

  "Shhhh . . . " I made with a finger on my lips.

  She nodded.

  I lifted my hand.

  "You scared me half to death," she hissed. "What possessed you to do such a thing? I thought I was being abducted."

  "That's why I'm here, to protect you."

  "Protect me from what?"

  "From danger—danger coming from within this castle." I told Eva all I had learned tonight, I told her of my fear, my suspicions also.

  "Isabo—a witch! Don't be silly. She's a blessing."

  "Eva, I wouldn't make up such a story. Isabo was in that house. Evidence of her presence was there. I saw it with my own eyes. Why do you think I would risk my life coming here? I had to make sure you were safe. I just had to. I couldn't bear the thought that someone might hurt you; it was driving me insane."

  "What you're doing now is terribly dangerous, Amir."

  I took Eva's hands into mine and kissed them softly. "I care not for my own safety. I care for yours. I love you more than anything in the world, and I would gladly risk my life a thousand times to see you safe."

  Pushing back her thick blankets, Eva sat up in her bed. She wore a fairly transparent, lacy white nightgown. My eyes immediately lowered to her small perky breasts with their dark pink nipples, now clearly visible through the thin airy fabric.

  Eva cupped my cheeks in her hands and raised my face to hers. "Amir," she murmured against my ear. Her warm breath caressed my skin, sending goose bumps along my entire body. "Is my safety really the reason why you're in my chambers tonight? Or have you another motive, a lovelier one?"

  Our eyes met, our lips followed. Molten lav
a shot through my veins, warming my body and soul. My hands glided to Eva's narrow waist then traveled up to her breast. She gasped. My kisses became harder, my tongue plunging deeper into her mouth. We fell back into her pillows.

  For a long moment, all we did was kiss, our tongues exploring each other's mouths at length. Then I rose up to my knees and, with Eva's help, I undressed rapidly. Even though the room was cold—the fireplace held only embers by now—I felt burning hot. Slipping under the cover, I began the delightful task of undoing the many little bows fastening Eva's nightgown. I relished untying every single one as if it held some lovely treasure, which they did in fact. They held Eva's young supple body. Her skin was soft and creamy, her belly flat, her hips firm and round. My mouth explored every sensual curve of her body, and my tongue played upon her most sensitive part until she was moaning with pleasure. Only then did I gently lie upon her and, with the greatest of care, pushed myself into her. Eva emitted a small whimper of pain, yet urged me to go on. I thrust myself deeper into her. Keeping my eyes fixed on her face, I made love to her as tenderly as my burning passion permitted. I had dreamt of this moment for so long, I didn't want it to end. And when it finally did end, it was in a glorious climax, after which we both fell back heaving, our bodies glistening in sweat.

  I was almost immediately ready to start over. And to my amazement, so was Eva. This time, however, our lovemaking was far less careful. This time, there was a feverous hunger in our kisses and caresses that we had not experienced before, an unabashed passion that brought us to a complete and satisfied exhaustion.

  As we lay closely intertwined together in her bed, Eva's back resting against my chest and my arms surrounding her shoulders, she began to sob.

  A sickening fear seized me. "Eva, my love, what's the matter. Have I caused you some pain? Do you regret—?"

  "NO. I regret nothing. Stop worrying, Amir. I regret nothing. I swear." She took a long hiccupping breath, turned around in the bed and buried herself in my arms.

  Totally mystified by her reaction, I hugged her as tightly as I could, brushed her hair back, and kissed her forehead in the hope it would appease her. "I love you," I whispered to her. "I love you more than life."

  "I know," she replied in a sleepy voice.

  * * *

  BANG. BANG. BANG. "Princess! Princess Eva!"

  The door . . .

  My eyes flew open. For the space of a breath I didn't know where I was. The room was dark. It was still night or maybe early morning, very early. I glanced around. In spite of the ambient penumbra, I could tell this wasn't my room, or my bed for that matter—it was far too comfortable. Then my gaze fell on Eva still clutched in my arms. As the memory of last night returned to the forefront of my mind, I began smiling. Oh, what a magical night it had been.

  A ruckus coming from outside the chamber's door brought me back to reality.

  "Eva, answer!" a voice boomed behind the door.

  My stomach flopped. That was the king's voice. The stomping of heavy footsteps followed. By the sounds of it, there were at least a dozen men on the other side of that door.

  "Eva!" I murmured, shaking her awake. "Eva, your father is at the door."

  At those words her sleepy face turned into a mask of fear. "Grab your things, Amir. Hurry, hurry," she begged, while slipping into her nightgown.

  I was already on the floor, gathering my scattered clothes, when I heard the king shouting, "BRING THAT DOOR DOWN!"

  Without further thinking, I rolled under the bed, bringing my clothes with me. Lying naked on the icy marble floor, I watched the door burst open and armed men pour in.

  "Father! What is this intrusion?" Eva exclaimed in false outrage. It was a good bit of acting, I thought while shivering from cold under the bed.

  "Eva! Oh my dear daughter, you're still here." The king sounded extremely relieved.

  "Where else should I be, Father? What is the meaning of this? What happened?"

  "It's your sister, Thalia." The king paused, as if the words were too painful to say. "She's . . . she's been kidnapped."

  "NO! PLEASE NOOO!" Eva yelled. She fell down on the bed, crying.

  Stuck under the bed, I felt awful. I wanted to come out of my hiding place and comfort her. But I knew this was impossible—and I doubted that my getting killed right then and there by the king's men, which was sure to happen, would've comforted Eva very much.

  Grinding my teeth, I stared ahead. What I saw then made my blood run cold. My turban, the darn thing was still on the floor beside the bed. I had forgotten to pick it up. I was doomed. It was just a matter of time before someone spotted it, because there were far too many people walking about this room not to. Holding my breath, I watched a pair of blue satin high-heeled shoes walk straight to my turban—Diego?

  "Your Highness, I have a suggestion," said the person with the blue shoes.

  I'd guessed right. It was Diego; I recognized his affected tone. I watched his feet move into a flourished curtsey, and in the process the left one kicked my turban under the bed.

  "Yes, Prince Diego," said the king.

  "Now that we know that the princess is safe, perhaps we should give her some privacy."

  "No. I want guards with her at all times."

  I winced. I couldn't stay under her bed forever.

  The king cleared his throat, paced around the room, then added. "I want every corner of this room searched."

  I let my face drop onto my turban and sighed. Now it was certain. I was dead.

  As the guards began spreading throughout the room, a high-pitched shriek echoed in the nearby corridor. Then I heard Diego shouting, "Your Majesty, the beast, the beast!"

  "Where?" roared the king.

  "Running down the corridor . . . I think it was going toward the garden door."

  I silently thanked Diego for creating this diversion. It was a daring initiative—Diego was braver than I thought. The man kept surprising me. I owe him an apology. He is truly my friend. I heard the footsteps of the guards as they rushed outside the room, and then Eva's face popped upside down at the edge of the bed.

  "Get out now," she breathed in a tone of urgency. "Hurry, before they come back."

  I crawled out from under the bed, dragging my clothes along with me.

  "This way, Amir." Eva was at the left corner of her room holding the servants' door open. "Don't stand there. Go! You'll dress later."

  I didn't argue. I dashed into the passage completely naked. The door closed behind me and everything went dark.

  * * *

  Wasting no time, I dressed quickly, then hurried in the direction of the servants' quarters. Two things struck me when I came out of the passage. First, the servants' quarters were boiling with activity. Everyone in here seemed in a state of panic. Second, an out-of-breath Diego waited for me by the door.

  Gulping air like a horse after a sprint, he waved a handkerchief at me while gripping his side. "I . . . I had to . . . to run. From . . . from the garden to here . . . all the way."

  I grinned. "I see that."

  Diego shook his head. "I have to admit I've misjudged you. You're far more audacious than I gave you credit for. Do you know how close you came to being discovered?"

  "I was there, Diego. I know."

  Diego produced a devious, yet charming, little smile. "Well, I hope she was worth the risk."

  I was about to say yes and praise Eva's wonderful attributes and passionate nature when I realized that this was exactly what Diego wanted. He was fishing for lurid details. That was too bold. So instead of answering, I bowed to him. "Thank you for coming to my rescue with that diversion."

  "Actually, about that." Diego grabbed my elbow and pulled me away from the servants' ears. "I intended to throw the king and his men on a wild goose chase, so you'd be able to escape . . . but it turned out quite differently."

  I frowned. "What? You found Thalia?"

  "No. She's still missing. We found someone else though."

  "Explain your
self better."

  "We caught her."


  "Isabo. When I came through the garden door, with the king and his guards in tow, Isabo was already in the process of being arrested. Someone else, not me, saw her going out and rang the alarm."

  "The alarm—Why? What was she doing?"

  "She was leading a giant bear to the forest. I saw the tracks in the snow, Amir. I saw the beast too—its backside anyway."

  "Are you sure that's what you saw?"

  "In the dim dawn light it looked like a bear, big and dark. I only caught a glimpse of it because it was already entering the forest when we got outside. From what I was told, Isabo sent the beast off before the guards could kill it."

  "What about Isabo? Did she try running away too?"

  "I don't know. The guards already had her by the scruff of the neck and were leading her to the dungeons to be questioned, when I entered the garden. She fought back all the way to the castle though, and made threats against the queen, the king, the entire royal family really. She said they would all die if they imprisoned her, starting with the queen."

  Too shaken by the recent events to make sense of what I was hearing, I asked again, "Are you sure of this?"

  "Amir, I witnessed the whole thing, saw it with my own eyes. The woman is a sorceress."

  Chapter Thirteen

  Part of that morning was a blur to me. My head was too fuzzy to recall what else Diego and I had talked about. However, I remembered parting ways with him, and after that I somehow managed to shuffle my feet to my rooms.

  I'd just gotten to bed after my night's adventure and desperately needed rest, when Milo burst into my bedroom.

  "My lord, my lord!" he shouted from the foot of my bed.

  Rubbing my eyes, I yelled, "WHAT?"

  "My lord, something terrible happened."

  "I know," I grumbled. "Thalia is missing and Isabo—"

  "No, my lord, not that. It's something else."

  I sat straight up in my bed. "Eva! Something happened to Eva after I left?"


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