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Loving the Lawyer (The Cowboys of Katydid Farm Book 2)

Page 19

by Sam E. Kraemer

  Jon laughed and pulled him into a hug. "I think you and I need to become better friends, Rock. I'd like to come out to the ranch again. You think your dads would be okay with that?"

  "Oh, man, would they! Tim took me to a barber in Radford, but I hate the way the guy cut my hair. I want it more like yours," the boy told him as he touched the side of Jon's hair where it was short. It was groomed impeccably with the sides and back close while there was a little more on top. It wasn't in a fade, per se, but it was groomed to his liking, and he could see the boy's blonde, curly hair had been clipped far too short at the back and sides.

  "I'll find a place out here where they can do it right, I swear. Now, let's go inside so I can wash up. Can you introduce me to your friends?" Jon asked. The boy nodded, and for the rest of the afternoon, Rocky held his hand and introduced him to everyone in attendance as his 'friend', Mr. Jon.

  After gifts were opened and the arsenal of NERF guns was unveiled, the kids divided into armies and moved into the yard, much to the adults' relief and appreciation.

  Jon was sitting on that webbed chair speaking with a little woman with white hair who was insistent on figuring out how a 'handsome man of color' who wasn't Rocky's dad, fit into the party. "I'm a lawyer, ma'am. I work for Matt," he told the woman.

  Mickey walked up to Jon and plopped down in his lap, wrapping his arm around Jon's neck. "Miss Ruthie, you're just givin' him trouble because you don't know him. He's mine."

  Mickey then turned to Jon and smiled. "She's the librarian in town, and I've been spendin' a lot of time there while I'm studyin' for my GED. She's just givin' ya hell," he teased as he kissed Jon on the lips in front of everyone.

  It sent a shock to Jon's system because he'd never been kissed in front of such company, but it felt good. It felt natural, so he pulled Mickey down for another kiss, keeping it chaste, but enjoying the feel of their lips molded together.

  When they pulled away, Jon Wells was sunk. In his wildest dreams, he never thought he'd be so stupid as to fall in love with a white boy with bronze hair and bright green eyes who worked with horses and had more compassion in his little finger than anyone Jon had ever met in his life. It seemed his soul settled in that very moment.

  Jon took the lady's hand and shook it. "Miss Ruthie, it's a pleasure to meet you, and if you think this guy's slacking off on his studying, please call me. I'll get you one of my cards before you go home," Jon teased as he looked at Mickey.

  "How you feel about helpin' me clean up the kitchen and put the food away before we start poisonin' people?" Mickey asked.

  "Show me the way, baby," Jon told him with a smile, patting that hot ass as the young cowboy hopped up.

  They carried dishes in from outside, throwing away most of the food that had been out in the heat of the day far too long. After they cleaned up the mess, Mickey went to a refrigerator in the laundry room and brought in two ice-cream cakes.

  He opened the lids and showed them to Jon. "Tim drove all the way to Roanoke to get ‘em. They're cute, right?" Mickey asked.

  Jon looked at one cake with a turtle standing on its back legs, wearing a mask of red, and some sort of armor with a weapon in his other hand, he was a little confused. The other cake was Ironman, and he understood that one completely. "What's the turtle?"

  "Oh, come on. You were a kid once, I'm sure. It’s Raphael from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He's Ryan's favorite. Turns out Rocky's favorite is Ironman. Trust me, they argue about whose hero is the coolest," Mickey told him.

  Before he got away, Jon grabbed the hot cowboy and pulled him into his arms in the empty kitchen. "After cake, can we slip away somewhere and maybe spend some time alone?" he asked as he caressed Mickey's tanned cheek. If the man was his, he was definitely lucky.

  "Like I said earlier, Matt and Tim had a change of heart regarding guests, and I'm able to entertain a gentleman caller in the event he's serious and it's not just a one-night stand. Your thoughts?" Mickey teased.

  Jon leaned forward and kissed Mickey's soft lips. "I promise you, it's not a one-night stand, Mickey. Let's serve the cake and work the crowd. I'll meet you in your room at ten, if I'm judging this right."

  "You're on," Mickey told him as they lit the candles and carried the cakes outside. The boys were extremely happy when they saw the cakes, and Jon remembered some very happy birthdays of his own, but as he watched the cowboy, he could see him taking in everything with a pained smile.

  As Jon observed Mickey while the boys enjoyed an off-pitch rendition of the birthday song, he vowed he'd find a way to make up for things that hadn't been exactly wonderful in Mickey's past. Jon felt like he might actually be able to make the future better for the young cowboy…a future with Jon. Based on what he'd heard about Mickey's parents he was pretty damn sure he couldn't make it worse.

  Chapter Seventeen

  "I picked up all the bottles and cans, and put 'em in the recycle like you ordered. Can I go to bed now?" Matt asked as Mickey stood at the sink washing the serving dishes.

  The birthday party had been a great success, and Mickey knew the boys had appreciated all of it, including the horse rides for their friends and the silly game he'd bought at Walmart. Everyone had been a good sport, and at the end of the party, it seemed Miss Jeri was the only one who hadn't taken a face full of whipped cream. Everyone participated and nobody complained.

  "Hang on, Bull Rider. It's still okay if I sleep with Jon, right? I know how you feel about things happenin' in the house, but the barn loft didn't work out so well," Mickey told Matt as he touched his bruised cheek and the cut on his brow for emphasis. He'd been hard all damn day, and all he wanted was some relief. He wasn't about to let Matt cockblock him again, but he didn't want to break the trust he'd gained from Matt and Tim.

  "Matthew, don't be an ass," they both heard as they saw Tim standing in the doorway of the kitchen with the rest of the dishes from the party.

  "I'm not tryin' to be an ass. I was just lookin' out for…" Matt began his defense.

  "Don't even try it. That beating Mickey and Jon took? That's partially your fault because you told Mickey he couldn't have guests. Did you think he was gonna fuck someone on the kitchen table with the boys watching? You owe Mickey an apology, and we owe him some time off to go to Richmond when he wants to visit Jon. Say you're sorry, Matty, before I cut you off," Tim threatened.

  Mickey felt a hug from behind as he continued cleaning the pots that couldn't go into the dishwasher. "I'm sorry, Mick. I was just lookin' out for our boys, but I shoulda known you had common sense. You have my blessin' to fornicate with the lawyer if you wanna. Wash your own sheets," Matt teased, which made Mickey crack up because he did the lion's share of the household chores, including the laundry.

  Mickey heard a laugh and turned to the doorway of the kitchen to see Jon Wells standing there with a smile. "I guess I need a kiss as well, Matt." He pointed to his bruises and laughed when Matt actually kissed him on the cheek.

  "Don't charge me for the time it takes to heal," Matt joked.

  Jon laughed and nodded. "You got it. Can I take him to bed now? It's late."

  Mickey quickly finished the pots and let out the water, drying his hands. It was late and he was looking forward to climbing between the sheets of his queen-sized bed to meet Jon Wells in the middle, hopefully in their birthday suits. The love he felt for the man was palpable, and he prayed it would finally be the night they could consummate their relationship. It would make it real for him, which was exactly what he needed.

  "Yeah. Lock the basement door so you don't have any unwanted guests," Tim instructed as he took Matt's hand to lead him toward the upstairs.

  After Mickey rinsed the sink, he turned off the big kitchen light, leaving on a light over the sink. "You ready?" he asked hoping he was hiding the nerves.

  "I am. Are you?" Jon asked as they walked to the stairs leading to the basement.

  Mickey chuckled. "You betcha. Get down there and get nekkid. I'll lock up and meet ya
at the bed. I've been lookin' forward to this for a little bit of time."

  He saw Jon exhale. "Looking forward to what?"

  On that question, Mickey was stumped. "I guess we need to talk some more, huh?"

  Jon laughed as he walked down the stairs, and Mickey had no idea what to make of it, but he was determined to navigate whatever waters came his way. With Jackie, he'd been a top. He was prepared to be a bottom for Jon Wells because he was sure the man was an Alpha male who would demand to show Mickey he was boss. The only time he'd bottomed hadn't been exactly good times, but Mickey vowed he'd do his best for Jon.

  When Mickey closed the door to his room, seeing Jon relaxing against the headboard with his phone in hand, he didn't hesitate to step toward the bed. The man's chest was bare, and Mickey was hungry to caress the hard muscles with his tongue.

  "Problem?" he asked as he began stripping off, starting with his trainers and working his way up.

  Jon chuckled. "Just sending my assistant a message I won't be to work on Monday. I'm going to find a decent place for Rocky to get his hair cut. Plus, I'd like to spend more time with you, if you don't mind. Since Matt seems to have accepted us as a couple, I was hoping I could ride the stallion."

  Mickey looked up to see a huge, lopsided grin on the lawyer’s face as he peeled back the blankets just enough to reveal a bare hip. Mickey almost dropped to his knees in grateful thanks. "I'll go get Charlie from Marty's barn in the mornin'," Mickey offered as he dropped his shorts and put his hands in the waistband of his boxer briefs.

  Jon peeked under the cover before he turned to give Mickey a wicked smile. "Maybe I need a refresher?"

  Mickey dropped his drawers so fast, he swore the bedspread ruffled from the breeze. He whipped his shirt over his head and as he was about to drop it, he remembered he needed to brush his teeth.

  "Keep the thought, please, I'm beggin' ya," he stated as he quickly raced to the bathroom to do a little touch-up. He hurriedly brushed his teeth before a quick touch-up shave and an even quicker cleaning of a few places in hopes it would make a difference before the night was over.

  After he was happy with his appearance and how he smelled, he hurried back to the bedroom, locking the door on his way to the bed to ensure they'd have complete privacy. He took deep breaths to calm himself before he turned to the bed to see Jon had shown no mercy. He was lying on the bed with the covers bunched at the bottom. His semi-hard cock was resting on his left hip as Mickey stared at the man's gorgeous body feeling…completely dumbfounded. He didn't think he'd seen a man as beautiful in his entire life.

  "We can't do what I'd like to do if you just stand over there," Jon explained with a sexy smile, bringing Mickey out of his stupor. He turned off the ceiling light and moved to the bed, reaching for the bedside lamp. Once it was illuminated, he opened the drawer of the nightstand to retrieve the same box of condoms and bottle of lube Matt and Tim had given him the night he ended up getting to know Danny and sleeping…alone…on his couch.

  "So, um, where were we?" Mickey joked as he laid on the bed and pulled Jon's muscular body to his, kissing the man with a lot of pent-up passion.

  He reached between them and wrapped his hand around Jon's ample cock. He was so happy it perked up at his touch because he was concerned maybe Jon wasn't as attracted to him as Mickey was to the lawyer.

  Their tongues swirled around each other, mixing cinnamon with mint. Mickey didn't think he'd tasted anything quite so delicious. He felt long fingers wrap around his own cock, and he couldn't help moaning at the delightful sensation.

  Surprisingly, Jon pulled Mickey atop him and the two began frotting their hard, leaking shafts together, clearly enjoying the friction. The kisses didn't stop and when Jon wrapped his fingers in Mickey's too-long hair, he vowed he'd never cut it again as long as he lived.

  "Fuck, Jonny," Mickey groaned as the man kissed across his jaw to his neck where he nipped and bit as the two of them continued to enjoy the friction provided by the pre-cum leaking plentifully from both of them.

  "Mickey, baby, I don't know how much longer I can hold out. I've had a hard-on for you since I got here," Jon told him as he kissed his way back to Mickey's waiting mouth.

  "Oh! Oh, God, Jonny," he panted as he felt his balls churn before drawing up into his body. Mickey felt Jon's arms around his shoulders, holding on as Mickey let his control crumble like a cookie. He felt Jon's cock throbbing against his and heard the "ahhh….fuck" groan as they broke apart for a moment before continuing to cram each other's tongues down their throats.

  It was definitely a way to keep from shrieking out in joy at the feel of Jon's body relaxing beneath him. It wasn't what Mickey hoped to get that night, but it was a damn good place to start.

  After catching their breaths and sharing a few more soft kisses, they went to the bathroom, both laughing as they tried to keep from making a mess. They stepped into the roomy shower stall after the water heated, and proceeded to gently wash each other as they continued to kiss and nip at each other's mouths…jaws...ears…necks, mindful of the injuries they'd suffered that morning.

  When they got out of the shower, Mickey wrapped a large bath sheet around Jon before taking one for himself. "Baby, your face…you're gonna have a hard time explainin' that to your daddy come Tuesday." Mickey felt terrible about what had happened that morning, but he was actually proud of Jon for trying his damnedest to rescue him from what was sure to be hell.

  Jon sighed. "Thankfully, there's no permanent damage, but Mickey, please promise me if they try to do anything to get back at you for losing their jobs, you'll call me. I'll file police reports and whatever else is necessary to make sure they stay away from you. I'm not going to feel good about leaving you here when I go back to Richmond. Maybe you can come visit next weekend?"

  "I'da been fine if it was just one of 'em, but the two of 'em made it tough. My ribs are a little sore, but I don't think nothin's broke. I'll keep ya apprised…a-p-p-r-i-s-e-d. Meaning: inform or tell," Mickey explained with a proud smile.

  Jon chuckled. "Well, now, look at you, becoming the wordsmith. I'm really proud of you for getting your GED, Mickey. With it, you can truly do anything you want. Baby, I'll help you in any way I can," he advised.

  Mickey felt his chest swell a little at the praise. "I need to clean up my grammar, Tim tells me. I have to learn to speak more formally. It's hard to break old habits, I'll tell ya…you," Mickey corrected.

  Jon smiled and kissed him gently as they crawled into the comfortable bed. "I don't want to dissuade you from your studies, but I've grown to love the way you speak. There's nothing wrong with embracing your southern roots, sweetheart. I work with a guy from South Georgia, Jackson Lee Tremont. You should hear him with the 'darlins,' and 'sugars'. He charms the ladies around the office, and he's as gay as the day is long. It cracks me up to be on a call with him when he's in full fluff. Throws off a lot of the straight-laced DC lawyers we deal with sometimes," Jon explained with a laugh in his voice Mickey loved hearing.

  "Damn. He have the 'bars and stars' hangin' on a wall in his office?" Mickey joked.

  Jon actually giggled, pulling Mickey to rest on his bare chest. "Naw. You've met Ham. He'd have him strung up if he did. No, Jack's a good ol' boy, but he doesn't take it to extremes. Maybe sometime in the future, we can get together with him and his partner, Monte. They're a fun pair, I promise you."

  Jon finished off with a yawn and looked down at Mickey. "I'm sorry. I mean, we didn't get much sleep last night, but I did love hearing about your childhood. You don't have any desire to track down what happened to your parents?" He'd asked the question the night before, offering his help, but Mickey had been staunchly against it.

  After considering the offer, he'd softened a little. "Not yet, okay? Maybe someday?"

  Without waiting for an answer, Mickey settled onto his stomach with his arm over Jon's torso, who had seemed to have drifted into a heavy sleep. They hadn't actually consummated their new relationship in the biblica
l sense, but maybe it was better to go slow? If Jon was still there in the morning, maybe they might fool around some more? It bothered him he had to wonder if Jon would be there in the morning. With worry in his mind, Mickey drifted off into a fitful sleep. He did hate feeling unsettled.

  Mickey woke at the gentle snick of the door closing. He rolled over to see the bed empty, and the panic set in immediately. "Fuck me," he hissed to himself. He started to get up, but if Jon was going to run again, Mickey refused to stand in his way.

  "You knew it was likely gonna happen sooner or later," he stated out loud. He glanced at the clock to see it was quarter-of-six, and he hoped Jon got the hell out of the house before Matt or Tim got up. It would be awkward enough to explain when Mickey went upstairs and they all saw Jon's sports car was gone. It was a one-night stand he'd promised Matt and Tim would never happen. Not only had the man broken his heart, he'd made him a liar.

  He heard fumbling with the door handle a bit of time later, so he rolled over and pretended to sleep, hopefully putting off the inevitable conversation with his bosses. "Damn, that was close," he heard behind him.

  Mickey rolled over to see Jon wearing his boxers from the day before. He was standing there with two cups of coffee and a bright smile on his handsome face. He handed the mugs to Mickey and whisked off the shorts before he climbed over Mickey and under the covers.

  "What was close?" Mickey asked, feeling a tear of gratitude leak out of the corner of his eye. He handed a mug to Jon, hoping he could surreptitiously wipe it away without notice.

  "Matt seems to have the nose of a…wait, are you okay?" Jon asked, obviously noticing Mickey wasn't one for smooth moves.

  "I'm fine. My eyes always water in the mornin'. I think it's allergies," Mickey lied.

  Jon took his chin in hand and look deeply into his green eyes. "That's bullshit. Don't lie to me, Mickey Warren. You thought I left, didn't you?"

  Mickey felt ashamed for his lack of faith, but history had proven it wasn't out of the realm of possibility. "Yeah, I did. I'm sorry, Jonny, but I'm so relieved you didn't disappear again."


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