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Loving the Lawyer (The Cowboys of Katydid Farm Book 2)

Page 25

by Sam E. Kraemer

  "God, baby, I'm trying to hold off. Stroke your cock, Mickey. Come with me, baby. I wanna feel you clamp down on me when you shoot," Jon whispered into Mickey's ear as they fucked harder, sweat pouring off both of them despite the air conditioning.

  "I want you to suck me off after you come," Mickey whispered in response, trying to hold off himself. The feel of Jon's mouth on his hard cock was too good to pass up, so he wouldn't.

  "O…Oh, God…I'm coming," Jon hissed as he released inside the condom. Mickey wanted them to get tested so they could do away with condoms, but he felt maybe he was jumping the gun. Jon hadn't intimated he was ready for more than just dating, and based on what Mick had gleaned about the guy, he wasn't the serious type.

  After Jon sucked him down his throat and swallowed everything Mickey had to give, the two of them settled on the bed with Mickey's head resting on Jon's sparsely haired chest. Mickey loved to tug at the short, curly hair with his teeth because it made Jon laugh.

  "I've missed ya," Mickey told his lover. Jon turned on his side, smiling at Mickey.

  "I've missed you too, Mick. Damn, I hate fuckin' on the floor. My old bones are aching," Jon teased. Mickey vowed to himself to wake his man with a blowjob to maybe ease the aches in the morning.

  The two of them snuck into the bathroom down the hall to clean up. When they returned to the bedroom and settled into bed, Jon turned to rest his head on his hand as he studied Mickey. "I picked up your suit. It's going to look amazing on you. You should see the dress Karen bought for Megan. Of course, I forced Terry to get a pair of slacks and a jacket, but he balked at the tie. Do you think Tim and Matt will be upset?"

  Jon had taken Mickey to his favorite menswear shop to buy a new suit during Mickey's first visit in Richmond. The Italian tailor had measured Mickey as intimately as any doctor had ever examined him, and Jon had laughed as he watched the contortions on Mickey's face. "I feel violated," Mickey told him, earning him another big laugh.

  Thinking about the clothing issue reminded Mickey of the arguments at breakfast regarding the proper attire for the wedding. He was making pancakes and sausage as Matt and the boys were sitting at the table. Tim had to go to the feed store to work with Dean on a problem with the inventory program, and Mickey could tell Matt was pissed at his sons.

  "This suit bullshit y'all are arguin' about with Tim? You're wearin' a suit, Ryan Earl. Rocky, son, you're gonna wear one as well. This is Tim's first and only weddin', and we're gonna make it special for him. Gramma is takin' the two of you to Roanoke to get new ones, and you'll both behave like gentlemen, or we ain't goin' on the honeymoon y'all picked. I'll put the two of ya to work at Arlin Murphy's farm scoopin' up cow shit on fifty acres while I take Tim to the Bahamas. So, what are y'all gonna do this afternoon?" Matt demanded.

  Mickey saw the boys look at each other for a brief moment before they turned to their dad. "We're gonna go get two suits for the weddin' since I've hit a growth spurt and Rock's never had one," Ryan responded.

  Matt smiled and turned to Mickey. "How those pancakes comin'?"

  "Well, I think when Terry sees all the other boys in ties, he'll want one, which is why I ordered one for him from some slick website I found. I ordered matching ones for the two of you. They're green, which matches your eyes and will bring out the green flecks in Terry's hazel ones. I also bought Megan a cute little headband with green and purple flowers on it 'cause I was pretty sure her dress would be some sort of purple," Mickey told him as he settled the lawyer in his arms.

  "I love ya, Jonny. Sweet dreams," Mickey whispered to the man he loved before he kissed the top of his head. It felt so good to fall asleep with Jon Wells in his arms. It was a beautiful feeling Mickey had never anticipated in his life.

  Mickey was standing in Ryan and Rocky's room trying to help Kayley and Megan get dressed while Jon was downstairs with the boys. Earlier that morning, there was a bit of a kerfuffle in the kitchen when Tim got downstairs. He was pissed because Matt hadn't come home from his impromptu bachelor party the night before, and his mood wasn’t one to be endured by children.

  The blonde was fit to be tied when he went to the barn at six that morning, and Mickey saw it first-hand when he walked into the barn hallway to see Tim Moran standing in Charlie's stall, crying his eyes out as he leaned against the stallion.

  "Timmy, what's wrong?" Mickey asked as he began dropping hay flakes into the stalls of the inhabitants at the barn of the Circle C.

  "He didn't come home," Tim sobbed as he continued to gently brush Charlie. The horse loved to be groomed, just as Mickey was sure Matt did. He'd heard too much shit from their bedroom in the mornings, and he hoped he had similar things to be embarrassed about if he and Jon ever figured out how to be settled together. The absences were too long.

  Mickey laughed. "You can blame that on Miss Jeri and Aunt Katie. They decided you two needed the traditional break where the parties don't sleep together the night before the weddin', so after they all went out, Danny and Hank took Matt back to the Katydid to spend the night. From what I've been told by text, he passed out pretty quick," Mickey explained.

  "How come I didn't get a night out?" Tim asked as he walked out of Charlie's stall, closing the gate.

  Mickey smiled and took the curry comb and brush from Tim's hands. "Because you're the one who's managin' this chaotic mess, and if you're not one-hundred percent, we're up shit's creek. Timmy, you make sure everything's perfect 'round here, and Matt knows there won't be any surprises because Tim Moran is on the job. You give him the freedom to concentrate on the big picture because he knows damn well you've got the details covered. The whole insemination program wouldn't be as successful as it is if it wasn't for you managin' it so Matt could nurse his buckin' bull program and be the salesman he is, and you know it.

  "Now, get your skinny ass up to the house and get ready for your wedding. I've got this," Mickey promised his best friend. After a hug, Tim hurried up to the house, and Mickey went back to work.

  "Okay, ladies, we have to decide about the hair. I'm not an expert on ladies' fashion, but I'll try my best," Mickey began as he tried to figure out how to tame Megan's wild brown curls and Kayley's wavy blonde hair.

  There was a knock on the door, and when Jon walked in with Aunt Katie, he had a big smile on his face. "Ah, reinforcements, fantastic," Mickey joked as he stepped back.

  "Let's go take a walk downstairs while Miss Katie finishes up with the girls," Jon suggested.

  Mickey grabbed his new suit jacket and nodded, kissing each girl on the forehead before he left the room. He followed Jon downstairs and out onto the back porch. There were glasses of sparkling wine on a tray, and when Jon grabbed two, handing one to Mickey, the look on his face had Mick a little concerned. It was a smile, but it seemed to be a worried one.

  "Before we get caught up in their wedding, I wanted to toast you. You've embarked on this journey with me, Terry, and Meggie, without questioning if I've lost my damn mind, and I can't begin to tell you how much it means to me, Mick.

  "I love you. I've been honest about that, but I just wanted to remind you how much I love you. We need to settle in the same place, Mickey," Jon told him with a nervous smile on his handsome face.

  Mickey leaned forward and kissed him on his soft, full lips. When he pulled away, he cleared his throat. "I don't know the Bible 'cause we didn't ever go to church when I was a boy, and with what happened to me at Lola's hand, I have no love for any religious who come around, but I will pledge my love to you with everything inside me, Jonny. Those two beautiful children? I'll love them like they're our own if they're in our lives. I truly love you, and I'll do my very best to take care of you, all three of you," he offered with another soft kiss.

  "I don't know if I believe in marriage, Mick. I've seen how much people can tear each other up because of a failed marriage, but…that being said, I want us to make a life. Would you do that with me?" Jon asked as he held Mickey's hands in his, taking his breath away as well.

  Mickey chuckled quietly. "Hey, I don't have any great role models with regard to marriage either, so I'm open to whatever you wanna suggest. I'd guess we have a lot to consider, right?"

  Jon wrapped his arms around Mickey's shoulders and kissed his cheek. He nuzzled into his ear and licked it. "We don't have a time clock over our heads, so we figure this out as we want, right? I love you, Mick," Jon reminded.

  All Mickey could do was offer a nod in agreement. He certainly did love the man, and yes, a life with Jon Wells was everything his heart desired.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  "Would you dance with me?" Jon asked Mickey as they sat at a table next to the dance floor. The wedding had been beautiful, and when Jon caught Mickey drying his eyes as he stood at the altar next to Tim, Jon knew the man he loved had a sentimental streak and it actually made him happy. He, himself, didn't have one, but he was pretty sure he could depend on Mickey to remind him when they needed to take time with things regarding the kids. Jon was practical, and if Mickey was his emotional other half, they'd be perfect.

  "I'd love to dance with you, Jonathan Wells, Esquire," Mickey teased as he stood and took Jon's hand, leading him to the makeshift dance floor on the grass at the Katydid. There was a four-piece country band on the back deck of the farmhouse, and everyone was dancing.

  Ryan was dancing with Kayley, Danny's niece and Rocky had Megan, holding her on his hip as they danced to the slow, country song. Terrence was sitting with Matt's former in-laws talking to Robby Stanford, and the two seemed to be getting along well, which pleased Jon very much.

  Mickey wrapped his arms around Jon's waist and pulled him close. In turn, Jon wrapped his around Mickey's shoulders and kissed his neck. Mickey had lost the tie as soon as the vows were said, and he'd opened his shirt collar. The jacket to his new suit was situated on the back of a white, wooden chair at their table, and Jon was happy to feel the muscle and heat from the man he loved.

  As the singer sang about kissing in the rain, Jon held Mickey close. "The wedding was really nice," he whispered to Mickey as they swayed together to the music.

  Mickey pulled back and smiled. "It was, and they're very happy to be married, but Jonny, it doesn't have to be that way for everybody. I know I'm not gonna walk away from you, but I don't have anything to bring to a marriage between us. I got no money, and hell, even my name ain't worth nothin'. All I can offer you is my heart and my love," he told him before they pulled each other closer.

  Jon swallowed hard because of the lump in his throat at the honesty in Mickey's voice. "You give me love and support, Mick. You and me? We don't need the paper, but you're the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, and I hope we get to keep those kids in our home and our hearts," he whispered.

  That was as much of a promise as either man seemed to need. The next hurdle was living so far away, but Jon had the idea to speak to his father the next weekend when he took the kids to meet his parents. Audrey hadn't shown up at the wedding as he thought she would, but things with Megan seemed to be going along well for him without anyone's help but Mickey's.

  One thing was becoming apparent: taking her away from Terry seemed like it might hurt both children more than was necessary. There was no need to rush things, or so Jon hoped. He had the pieces of his life he wanted. He just needed to figure out how to put them all together.

  "Well, it's good to see you've come back to town. Nice tan, by the way," Jon snapped at Audrey when she showed up at the door of his condo, unannounced. Terrence and Megan were in the living room when the doorbell rang on Saturday morning a week after the wedding weekend, and Jon wasn't happy to see his best friend standing in front of him with a suntan and a bright, stress-free smile.

  "I got your messages, Jonny, but I was at a wellness spa in Palmilla. It came up last minute, and I talked to Daddy about it. Thank you for covering my docket, but it really did me a lot of good," Audrey stated as she pushed passed him toward the kitchen.

  Jon was so pissed at her, he was ready to bite nails in two, but the situation reminded him he had received a blessing with the kids, and if Audrey had been around, he'd have never had the chance to get to know Megan. He wanted to keep Megan and Terry, but he was sure he'd need Audrey's help to make it happen.

  "Glad to hear it. Come meet my foster kids," he stated dryly as he led her into the living room where the two kids were lying on the floor watching a documentary about different types of monkeys, from what Jon could tell.

  Once she saw them, Audrey grabbed his arm and dragged him back into the foyer. "Where in the hell did you get two foster kids?" she whispered as she continued to watch them from her vantage point in the hallway.

  "Well, I got Terry because he was living in a shitty group home and at the time of his hearing he was incarcerated at Stonebridge. I just couldn't send him back there, Audrey. The boy needs someone to give a shit about him and it turns out I was the guy who fit the bill.

  “Little Megan was supposed to be placed in the care of a nice family who turned out to be hedging their bets in the event their adoption of a deaf boy didn't go through. When they got the word things were solid with the boy, they no longer wanted that precious little girl.

  "I simply couldn't send her back into the system. You were my first choice for her, Audrey, but when you were gone and left no contact information, I had to improvise," Jon preached at her, so pissed at her but unable to pinpoint a good reason why.

  He saw her give him a sly smirk which totally unnerved him, but he was going to fight it. "No, you don't get a…" he began his protest.

  "Jonny, you don't really need me to take over that sweet girl's care. The look on your face is enough to tell me you've got everything under control, just like everything you’ve ever taken on in your life, my dear one.

  "I'm still trying to decide whether I really want to be a mother, you know. Lyla wanted it, but she didn't stick around, did she? Myself? I need to give it some thought before I make the leap. I'll help you with the kids, but you're the best person to be their guardian. What does Mickey say?" she asked as they settled at the kitchen table with glasses of iced tea.

  "We need to leave in an hour to meet him in Dillwyn for the weekend. Mom and Dad are anxious to meet the kids, and Mick and I need to figure out how we can be settled together in one place. I need him with me, Audrey," Jon whispered to her.

  "Can I meet them before you go?" she asked. Jon saw a smile on her face that gave him comfort. She seemed to believe he was strong enough to be a father to those kids for as long as he was allowed to have them, and that made him feel more confident in his limited parenting skills. He took her hand to lead her into the living room and introduced her.

  "Meggie, Terrence, this is my best friend, Audrey. Aud, these are my foster kids and new best friends," he explained with a smile. He was surprised Terrence seemed to warm to her right away, but Megan sidled over to him and wrapped her little arm around his leg, seeming very uneasy about the appearance of the woman standing next to Jon. It almost seemed as if she was staking her territory.

  "It's okay, Meggie. She's friendly," Jon explained to the little girl with a laugh in his voice.

  "So she's not gonna make Mickey not come here anymore? She's not your girlfriend?" Megan asked.

  Audrey laughed. "Sweetie, I don't think dynamite would keep Mickey from being here, and no, Jonny's my best friend, not my boyfriend. Now, how about we go get your things together so you can get on the road to meet Ham and Ally? You'll love them."

  An hour later, Audrey was hugging all of them goodbye, having won over the hearts of Terrence and Megan while she quickly earned the title of 'Auntie Audrey'. They waved to her as Jon pulled out of the parking lot and got on the road for Dillwyn.

  The ride was lively as Terry and Megan played word games. The teen boy had actually asked Jon to help him look up things on the internet regarding children with Down's. They'd found some exercises to assist and reinforce the things Meggie was learning at the day camp she was at
tending in Richmond while Terrence attended a sports camp in the same neighborhood. He and Jon had discussed the options and both agreed it was a great idea to introduce her to the games.

  "That's really great, Terry. We're going to take her to a special school for kids like her when school starts, but these are things we can do to help her in the meantime. Good job," he praised Terry, quite proud to see the young man was interested in anything that didn't involve spray paint.

  Since then, Terrence had been working with Megan, encouraging drawing and storytelling in the evenings while Jon cooked dinner. The two kids had begun making graphic-novel-type fairy tales with Megan providing the stories as Terrence drew the pictures she described. Jon encouraged it because he could see they were bonding, and it was good for both of them. Their well-being was his only concern.

  "So, let me tell you about Ally and Ham. Ham's my dad. He's black, and Ally's my mom, she's white. Some people don't like to see people of different races together any more than they like to see me and Mickey together, but in our family, we're pioneers. We do what we want, not what's expected. We don't listen to the ugly things other people say about us because we all love and support each other.

  "Now, my mom's going to want to smother you with attention, but she has horses you can ride, so if you'll just indulge her for a little bit, it'll pay off, and Mick will be there," he reminded.

  "Will she like us? She won't be mad you brought us, will she?" Megan asked. Jon looked to see her hands clutching a little, stuffed horse Mickey had sent to her, just like a multitude of things he sent to Terrence as well. There were art supplies and books, along with video games and a gaming system. When Jon called to protest, Mickey giggled.


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