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Tucker's Justice (Wild West Cowboys Book 1)

Page 21

by Maggie Carpenter

  Tucker rode Ranger through the meadow and stopped at the willow tree near the edge of the bank. Sliding off, he raised his arms, and leaning sideways, Dolly fell into them, but he didn’t stand her on her feet. Kneeling down, he laid her on the soft, lush green grass, then wordlessly pulled off his jacket, vest, tie, and shirt. Relieved to be free of his clothes, he let out a breath of relief and stretched out beside her.

  “Alone at last,” she moaned, rolling onto her side and resting her head in the crook of his shoulder.

  “Alone at last,” he repeated, and though he wanted her desperately, he waited, wanting to soak in the serene, intimate moment.

  “Isn’t this heaven?”

  “It is, Dolly, it’s heaven. I thought that when I first saw this place.”

  A few minutes passed, then bending over her, he slowly unbuttoned the bodice of her dress. Taking off the blue shawl and laying it safely next to him, he sat her up and helped her out of the many yards of material that made up the dress, placing it a few yards away in the shade of the willow. Finally seeing her in just her undergarments, he soaked in the sensual sight before peeling off her chemise, then kissing her neck, he moved behind her and unlaced her corset.

  “How do you put this on every day?” he asked as it fell away from her body.

  “Maude helps me. I don’t think about it,” she replied, “but it always feels good when it comes off.”

  “You’re beautiful,” he purred, lowering his lips and kissing between her shoulder blades.

  She softly moaned and tilted her head to one side, inviting his kiss to return to her neck. Her body had never felt so alive, her heart was pulsing against her ribs, and she could feel a flood between her legs. The desire and need that had been brimming inside her for so long were now blooming to life, and for a moment she thought she would weep with happiness.

  “Lie back down,” he murmured.

  “I never want this to end,” she breathed as she sank into the grass, “not ever.”

  Taking his time, he removed the last of her clothing, finally savoring the sight of her completely nude body.

  “Only God could create something so perfect,” he said softly, gazing at her in awe. “You are utterly and completely perfect.”

  “Truly?” she whispered, staring up at him, unexpectedly feeling self-conscious.

  “Truly,” he nodded, and as he hurriedly finished undressing, he wished he hadn’t told her he would spank her. His only desire was to consume her body and bring her to the ultimate end.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked, seeing the subtle shadow cross his face.

  “Nothin’, not a bit,” he smiled, “except I’ve gotta spank your lovely backside before we can—”

  “No!” she protested, cutting him off. “No, you don’t!”

  “I made you a promise,” he reminded her, “and I’ve gotta keep my promises.”

  “But Tucker, you said you were going to spank me on our wedding night, and it’s only the afternoon!”

  He paused, lowered his eyes, and shook his head.

  “I am so glad I married you,” he grinned, then shifting his gaze back to her, he added, “and I’ve got a feelin’ I’m gonna be sayin’ that a whole lot as time goes by.”

  “I hope you do,” she said softly, her blue eyes sparkling.

  Immediately dropping his lips on hers, he lovingly kissed her as he roamed his hand over her full breasts, cupping and molding them to the muffled sounds of her pleasure, then lowering his head, he brought each of her nipples into his mouth, gently sucking, then drawing them in, making her gasp.

  “Touch me,” she begged, spreading her legs, “please, Tucker, please touch me.”

  “Since you asked so nice,” he crooned, sliding his hand across her belly and through her full, curly bush, “and you’ve gotta learn about that too.”

  “What?” she panted as he tickled her inner thighs with his fingertips.

  “Bein’ good and behavin, beggin’ like that, it goes a long way with me,” he purred. “Beggin’ and askin’ nice you’ll get what you want, demandin’, that’ll get you a whole lotta nothin’. Remember that.”

  “I will, I will,” she swore, wriggling her hips in an effort to find his fingers. “Please? I’m begging you, please, Tucker.”

  Her eyes were closed, her brow was creased in a deep frown, and as he made her wish come true, pushing his fingers into her soaked pussy, she moaned happily and the frown disappeared.

  “It feels… so… good,” she whispered, “better than I even dreamed.”

  “Like the sight of you,” he sighed, “better than I even dreamed.”

  Her pretty pink puckered nipples were asking for more, and he lowered his mouth for a second helping while his fingers continued to explore her pussy. She squirmed against his touch and lifted her chest to meet his mouth, but he continued to devour her breasts and tease her sensitive clit until she was panting and mewling his name. Only then did he push his finger into her hungry entrance and begin thrusting it in and out.

  “Please, your penis, please?” she pleaded, raising her hips. “I want it so badly.”

  Letting out a low growl and rolling on top of her, he placed his member at her portal and pressed home. He was expecting her to tighten, to hold her breath in a moment of fear, but she raised her legs around his waist and lifted her hips.

  “You luscious, luscious girl,” he breathed, and started to thrust in a slow, strong rhythm.

  “More, harder,” she pleaded, her fingers clinging to his back, then hastily added, “please?”

  “You sure are a fast learner,” he muttered, sitting up and grabbing her waist.

  He increased the speed and strength of his strokes, but his cock was nearing its bursting point, and when he glimpsed the shawl lying on the grass beside her, his fantasy flooded his brain; he paused, catching his breath, then slowly withdrew.

  “No, please, no,” she wailed. “Why did you leave me?”

  “Roll onto your stomach and get up on your knees,” he said firmly, reaching past her and picking up the scarf.

  She didn’t move, but stared at him with wide eyes.

  “Why are you waitin’?”

  “You just told me to get up on my hands and knees?” she frowned, instantly recalling her deep humiliation when he’d spread her bottom cheeks as punishment.

  “Yep. Go on, quick now, don’t worry, I’m not gonna spread you, not this time.”

  “But, uh, isn’t that how animals do it?”

  “Yep, and humans too, and you’re gonna love it. Go on now, trust me, do as I say.”

  “I’m not sure I believe you,” she mumbled, shifting her body and getting into position.

  Laying the shawl over her waist, he wrapped it around her twice and knotted it off, then gripping it with one hand, he landed several sharp smacks on her backside with the other.

  “Ow! Ouch!”

  “You know better than to argue,” he declared, then sending his cock back inside her drenched channel, he asked, “now tell me that don’t feel good.”

  “Ooh, it does, it does,” she moaned. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m gonna do it hard now, and you’re gonna have a real big orgasm. You ready?”

  “Yes, oh, yes… just saying that made me almost have it.”

  Tucker’s fantasy had become a reality, and gritting his teeth, he began pummeling her pussy. He couldn’t move his eyes off her beautiful bottom, now soft pink, and as his moment drew near, he smacked down his palm with light stinging slaps.

  “Tucker, it’s amazing,” she gasped, throwing back her head. “I can feel it. It’s so close.”

  Reaching under her, he pressed his finger against her clit and rubbed her forward, and as she screamed out her joy and bucked back against him, he exploded inside her, his spasms ricocheting through his body. For them both it seemed endless, until she collapsed onto her stomach, and falling next to her, he immediately pulled her into his arms. For long moments, they laid t
ogether, silent but for their heavy breathing.

  “I never expected it to be so…” she whispered, still panting.

  “So what?”

  “Your heart, it’s pounding really hard.”


  “It’s almost scary.”

  “So what? You never expected it to be so…?”

  “So much, so exciting, so… like that.”

  “Oh, my dearest Dolly,” he murmured, stroking her hair, “it’s only gonna get better.”

  Closing her eyes, she thought about it, and decided what they’d just shared couldn’t possibly be better. The serene minutes ticked by, until feeling the sun too hot on her body, she sat up and looked at the pond.

  “Will you come in the water with me?”

  “I was about to say the same thing,” he smiled. “I wasn’t sure you liked to swim, not after the way you carried on that first day.”

  “I was dressed, and you were being a beast.”

  “Me? Now I’m definitely gonna throw you in.”

  “No!” she squealed, and jumping to her feet, she raced to the water’s edge and dove in before he could catch up.

  “I’m gonna do it one of these days,” he laughed, walking in and swimming over to join her.

  “How?” she asked, wrapping her body around his.

  “How can I throw you in the water?”

  “No, how could it be better?”

  “Ah, well, imagine bein’ tied to a bed, with maybe even a scarf around your eyes. I’ll rub you and kiss you and—”

  “Stop, ooh, I can hardly bear it. It sounds too wonderful.”

  “That’s kinda how it is. You can hardly bear it, ‘cos it’s so good.”

  “Will you do that next time?”

  “Not knowin’ what’s comin’ is part of the excitement, so it’s best I don’t say, and sometimes, it’s real nice just to make love slow and easy.”

  “I don’t know anything,” she mumbled.

  “I’m glad about that,” he said warmly, kissing her softly. “I’m gonna get a lotta pleasure teachin’ you, and you may not believe this, but you’re gonna be teachin’ me too. I’ve gotta learn what you love.”

  “That’s easy. I love you, so I’ll love whatever we do together.”

  “I’m not sure it works that way, but maybe it does. I’ve never been in love before, but I’m gonna find out.”

  “We’ll find out together, the both of us,” she smiled.

  “We will,” he purred, “the both of us.”

  “I’ll race you to that tree trunk,” she suddenly declared, and slipping from his arms, she began to swim.

  “If I beat you…”

  “What?” she called over her shoulder.

  “I dunno, but I’ll think up somethin’.”

  After returning to the cabin, they snoozed through the late afternoon and into the early evening, and when Tucker opened his eyes, he discovered Dolly sitting at the dressing table dressed in a cream robe and brushing her hair.

  “You been awake long?” he asked, climbing off the bed and walking up behind her.

  “Long enough to make us some coffee and slice up some of that cake Maude left us.”

  “How are you feelin’?”

  “Wonderful, incredible, happier than I ever thought I could be.”

  “Go look outside.”


  “Just go look.”

  Moving the few steps to the window, she pulled aside the curtain and gazed out at the corrals.

  “I see Ranger, oh, and Daisy. That was thoughtful. One of the ranch hands must have brought her down.”

  “Daisy’s out there? I didn’t know. I’m glad, Ranger needs the company. What else do you see?”

  “Uh, nothing. Just the stars and moon.”

  “So it’s nighttime,” he declared, returning to sit on the edge of the bed.

  “Yes, it’s… oh…” she muttered, turning around and looking at him.

  “That’s right, sweet wife, I’m gonna have to spank you now.”


  “I’m gonna pretend you didn’t just ask me that. Come on, take off that robe and lie over my knee.”

  “But I don’t have anything on underneath.”

  “If you had, I’d tell you to take it off. Be quick now. The longer you make me wait, the harder I’m gonna spank.”

  Letting out a sigh, she slipped off the robe, walked over to him, and crawled over his lap.

  “You wanna tell me why you’re about to get a hot bottom, besides bein’ sassy and just plain needin’ one?”

  “Taking father’s gun and leaving his office,” she mumbled.

  “Say it louder.”

  “Taking father’s gun and leaving his office.”

  “Do you realize you could’ve got yourself killed?”

  “But I didn’t,” she protested. “It was good, what I did.”

  “No,” he scolded, as he landed his flattened palm with a solid smack, “there was nothin’ good about it. It might’ve worked out good, but it was still foolish, and you disobeyed me… again!”

  His voice was suddenly stern, and he began briskly spanking her, moving his hand from cheek to cheek.

  “I understand, I do,” she swore, raising her legs and wriggling. “I’ll be more careful in future, and I’ll do what you say.”

  “Feet down,” he growled, and putting his leg over hers, he added, “You bet you will.”

  Starting up again, he increased the force of the spanking, catching her sensitive sit spot, and landing volleys of hard spanks on the same cheek, continuing to punish her until she was yelping and begging him to stop.

  “Have you learned?” he asked solemnly, pausing his hand.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl, callin’ me Sir. That’s good, now go fetch your hairbrush.”

  “Ooh, yes, Sir,” she muttered, and with her burning backside making it clear she’d better not argue, she slid off his knees, and clutching her hot skin she walked to the dresser, picked up the brush, and carried it back to him.

  “Turn around and let me see you swat yourself four times, real quick and hard, on each cheek, and if I don’t think it’s hard enough, I’ll do myself after you finish.”

  “I… uh…”

  “You wanna make it five?”

  Strangely embarrassed, she pivoted on her feet, and holding the brush behind her, she clenched her teeth and delivered the stinging swats.

  “Other side,” he said brusquely, “no waitin’.”

  Switching hands, though it was still awkward, she managed it, and the smacks were just as fast and hard as the previous four.

  “Turn back around.”

  Taking a deep breath, she slowly faced him.

  “Tell me why I had you do that?” he asked, taking the hairbrush and laying it on the bed.

  “I’m not sure, Sir.”

  “That’s called justice, and it was for all the times you’ve sassed me or argued or been difficult,” he said, reaching behind her and holding her cheeks. “Your slate is clean now, but from this point on, when you need it, I’ll be spankin’ you, or maybe punishin’ you some other way. If it’s serious, I’ll take my gun belt to your butt, or the reins from your bridle. You’ll be happier for the discipline, but you already know that.”

  “I do,” she admitted, nodding her head. “It’s strange, but I do.”

  “Come lie with me on the bed,” he said, softening his voice. “You’ll always have lots of love after I’ve chastised you.”

  Stretching out on the bed, she curled into his arms, and he moved his hand down to her hot red bottom, gently smoothing it over her scorched skin.

  “That feels good,” she sighed.

  “I’ll always rub away the sting,” he whispered.


  “Yeah, Dolly?”

  “Why does it make love you even more?”

  “The spankin’? ‘Cos it shows you I care. I give what you deserve, what yo
u need to grow.”

  “That means there’ll come a time when I won’t need it anymore.”

  “Dolly,” he grinned, raising himself up on an elbow and smiling down at her, “you’ll always need and want me to spank your lovely backside, and I’ll always be needin’ and wantin’ to do it.”

  “So then, it’s about the both of us.”

  “Yep, like our lives now, it’s about the both of us.”

  The End

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  More Stormy Night Books by Maggie Carpenter

  Her Officer in Charge

  As a stage hypnotist accustomed to playing for crowds at military bases, wrapping men in uniform around her little finger was a way of life for Bella Montgomery… until she met Captain Vince Valenti and suddenly the tables were turned.

  Though he serves in the US Marine Corps, Vince is no ordinary officer. After working for months to track down the operative who has been stealing sensitive documents from military bases across the West Coast, the last thing he needs is a sassy showgirl interfering in his investigation. Yet from the moment he sets eyes on Bella when she arrives to perform for a gathering of fellow officers, Vince knows there is something special about her.

  But when Vince catches Bella sneaking around his base unescorted after her performance, he is forced to detain her. Though a brief interrogation confirms for Vince that she is not the culprit—and in fact she confesses that she was only hoping to see more of him—her trespassing cannot go unpunished. Soon enough, Bella is blushing red as her jeans and panties are lowered, then squirming and begging as her bare bottom is spanked long and hard.


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