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The Marquess's Maddening Dilemma

Page 12

by Ginny Hartman

  “No, darling, you know I mean no offense. I suppose I just expected him to be excited about the prospect of choosing his own wife.”

  “Well, it appears he doesn't give a fig about that. Look, I cannot continue this pretense. I insist you divulge to him the truth of our situation before things get out of hand and I find myself wed to the wrong Beaumont. The results would be tortuous for both of us. Would you like to see me wed to your son, the child I bare being your grandchildren instead of your own offspring?”

  Aaron closed his eyes and sighed painfully. “I cannot bear the thought.”

  “Neither can I,” she hissed, “so you must do something about it.”

  “I will,” he promised, “though it might take me some time to figure out the best way to go about it.”

  “Don't take too long,” she quipped as Lord Coldwell came to claim her for the dance.

  “Father, when did you return?” Samuel asked brightly as he approached.

  “Just now. I was just asking Lady Alexandra where you were.”

  “Do you wish to speak to me, because if you do, I must insist it wait until after this dance.”

  “Very well,” Aaron said between gritted teeth as Samuel escorted Alexandra to the dance floor as the orchestra began playing a quadrille, but Alexandra could tell he was not at all pleased by the way his son had claimed her so possessively.

  She tried to focus on the steps of the dance instead of the way Aaron was staring at her from the side of the room. His gaze made her more nervous, and she found it hard to focus. Though Lord Coldwell proved a fine partner, she was relieved when the dance finally finished, and he escorted her from the floor.

  She wasn't prepared, however, for the surprise that registered on Lord Coldwell’s face when his father claimed her at once as the orchestra began playing a waltz. Aaron drew her into his arms, holding her so close she felt scandalous. His hard body towered over hers, surrounding her with his masculine scent. She contrasted the sensation of being in his embrace with that of being in Samuel's. It was like trying to compare watered down lemonade with the finest of French brandy.

  Simply put, there was no comparison.

  “I've missed you desperately, my love,” Aaron said as he twirled her about the floor, making it impossible for her to concentrate on the steps.

  “Likewise,” she confessed as she gifted him with a dazzling smile and received his in return.

  “Promise me another dance,” he nearly demanded, gazing at her hungrily.

  “It would be too bold,” she admitted though she wanted to dance with no one but him.

  “I will tell you what is too bold,” his voice lowered and turned husky as he whispered, “Waltzing you out the French doors so I could ravish you on the balcony with only the moon to witness your ruin. That, my dear, is too bold yet I have half a mind to do it.”

  Her skin prickled with awareness. “I have half a mind to let you.”

  His eyes roved over her body. “You look rather appealing in that gown, though I bet you look even more so without it.”

  Alexandra gasped at his boldness and felt heat spread from her cheeks, down her neck, and onto her collar. “You can't speak to me like that.”

  “But I thought you liked it.”

  “That's the problem, I like it very, very much, but this is not the place.”

  “You are right,” he reluctantly admitted, letting her pull away just slightly. “I need to set things straight with Samuel so I can pursue you without guilt.”

  “Tonight?” she asked eagerly.

  He sucked his teeth while he thought. “Very well. I shall endeavor to speak with him tonight. It will not be an easy conversation to have, but I will do it.”

  “Thank you, my love,” she said with sincerity. “That will make me the happiest of women.”

  All too soon the dance was over, and Alexandra found herself once more at Lydia's side.

  “If that dance didn't give your feelings away, I don't know what will,” Lydia said bemusedly.

  “What do you mean?”

  One dark, winged brow arched delicately on her face. “Alexandra, I could feel the heat emanating from you all the way over here.”

  “No!” she hissed, feeling herself heat.

  “It's true. Outsiders can see more than you think.”

  Just then they were interrupted by Levi who rudely barked, “Miss Phelps, I'm claiming you for the next dance.”

  Lydia squared her shoulders and spat, “Impossible; it has already been claimed.”

  “Then the next one,” Levi said without hesitation.



  Alexandra stared at Levi and Lydia, strangely amused.

  “I don't want to dance with you,” Lydia hissed.

  “Nor I with you, but there is something we need to discuss.”

  “I'm quite finished with discussing matters with you, your grace,” she hissed acerbically.

  “That's unfortunate because I'm not finished with you.”

  The tension between the two made Alexandra wonder what precisely was going on with the pair. She wondered if Levi was still upset that Lydia had slapped him.

  “I will fetch you as soon as the next dance has ended. Be waiting for me, or you'll regret it.”

  “Because you'll insist on teaching me another lesson?” Lydia asked angrily.

  Levi grinned arrogantly. “Precisely,” he said before turning on his heel and departing.

  “I hate your brother,” Lydia grumbled before he was even out of hearing distance.

  “Are you certain it is hate you feel?” Alexandra asked, suddenly wondering if there was more going on with the two than she knew. She'd never seen Levi so affected by another person in all of his life, nor Lydia for that matter.

  Lydia looked at her nonplussed. “Whatever do you mean?”

  Borrowing Lydia's own words, she replied, “Outsiders can see more than you think.”

  It was in the early hours of morning when the party finally returned to Tisdale Manor. Though exhausted from the night's events, Alexandra found she couldn't sleep. She'd been lying in bed for nearly an hour, tossing and turning, when she finally decided to arise. Perhaps she could go find Aaron and discover how his conversation with Samuel went. She was most anxious that it be done with so they could move on with their lives.

  She pulled a silk robe tightly around her and slipped on a pair of dainty slippers before grabbing a candlestick and making her way downstairs. The house was quiet as she walked through its halls, hoping she'd find Aaron in his study. As she approached the room, she noticed the door slightly ajar and came up short as she heard voices coming from behind the door. She backed away ever so slightly then tuned her ears towards the conversation.

  “It sounds as if your travels were truly adventurous, son. I'm glad you got the opportunity to experience those things.”

  “So am I, father. I also find that I'm not at all displeased about having to cut my travels short to return home. Lady Alexandra has turned into a fine specimen, one whom will undoubtedly make a fine wife.”

  Outside the door, Alexandra held her breath. Now was the time for Aaron to tell him the truth.

  “Speaking of your marriage to Lady Alexandra, how do you truly feel about it?”

  There was a short pause before Samuel answered. “Truthfully, I am pleased with the arrangement. I've always trusted your judgment in character and knew you wouldn't align me with someone who would make me miserable.”

  “But do you find the idea of wedding someone not of your choosing undesirable?”

  “Honestly, I never thought much on the matter. I've always just accepted the fact that I would wed her and there was nothing I could do about it.”

  “How would you feel if objections were raised concerning the union?”

  This time, Samuel sounded baffled when he asked, “By whom?”

  “Tell him, Aaron,” Alexandra whispered urgently. It was grating on her nerves that he was pr
olonging the conversation by failing to cut directly to the point.

  “Just speaking hypothetically. What would you do if an objection was issued?”

  “I suppose I would listen to whoever raised such concerns to see if they were warranted.”

  “Very well,” Aaron answered, pleased.

  Alexandra felt the air she was holding deflate from her lungs. Now was the time for him to express his concerns.

  Samuel continued, “And after I listened to their concerns, I would call the person out for attempting to ruin my future happiness.”

  Alexandra gasped, then quickly hid her mouth behind her hands hoping the men hadn't heard her. Surely Samuel was jesting.

  “I see. I pity the fool who wishes to cross you,” Aaron replied blandly, and Alexandra wanted to scream. Was he giving up his future happiness for his son's? Though noble as it seemed, Alexandra was not at all impressed with his honorableness.

  She stood there shaking, debating whether she should interrupt the men and raise the objections herself since it appeared Aaron was too weak to do so, when she was startled nearly out of her skin when somebody tapped her on the shoulder.

  “Excuse me, milady, but can I be of assistance? You don't appear well.”

  Alexandra turned towards the concerned maid, who she recognized at once, with the intent to tell her to leave her be when she felt her shoulders sag and heard herself admitting, “I don't believe I am well.”

  Why was this particular maid always finding her when she was at her worst?

  “Oh, milady, allow me to assist you back to your bedchamber, then I will fetch you something from the kitchens to settle your nerves.”

  Before she allowed the maid, who she recalled was named Peggy, to take her arm, she tuned her ears once more to the door where Aaron and Samuel where now discussing the convening of parliament that was about to take place. She felt as if she were going to retch, so upset was she by Aaron's refusal to tell Samuel the truth.

  The sweet young maid kept silent as she ushered Alexandra back to her bedchamber, assisting her to bed before saying, “I will return at once with a concoction that will ensure you forget all about tonight's events.”

  Alexandra nodded her head trustingly then waited anxiously for her return as she fumed silently in her bed. How dare Aaron refuse to tell Samuel the truth? She envisioned the conversation that would take place when she saw him next, him placating her by telling her he hadn't the heart to crush his son's happiness and her accusing him of crushing hers instead. It was not a conversation she relished having, though it must need occur.

  Soon Peggy returned, a goblet of dark liquid in her hands. She thrust it towards Alexandra who took it and said, “Peggy, I must thank you for this drink and hope it does as you claim.”

  “It will, as long as you drink it in its entirety.” Peggy reached forth and tilted the glass towards Alexandra's lips, helping her pour the contents inside.

  Alexandra gulped down every last bit of the strange substance then quickly asked, “May I have more?”

  Peggy hesitated only slightly before saying, “Yes, milady, as you wish.”

  Alexandra fell back into the pillows and closed her eyes as she waited for Peggy to return. She wondered how long it would take to fall asleep as she waited, just barely starting to feel relaxed.

  Peggy slid silently into the room, and once more helped Alexandra finish off the contents of the goblet. “There, milady, now just let the drink do its job.”

  Alexandra felt her head begin to swim and marveled that it was already starting to work. “Yes, Peggy.”

  With her eyes still closed, Alexandra didn't see Peggy slump into the chair next to her bed to watch her as the strange potion began to take effect.

  Just as she was about to doze off, Alexandra hiccupped loudly and began giggling as if it were the most amusing thing in the world. Suddenly feeling very alert, she sat up in bed and called out into the dark, “I hate you, Aaron Beaumont. You are a coward to keep our relationship from your son.”

  Next, to her, Peggy straightened in her chair and encouraged her to go on, “Yes, very cowardly. I fear my lordship has wronged you greatly, milady.”

  Alexandra's head snapped towards Peggy, her eyes widening in surprise. “I thought you had left.”

  “Nay, not until I made sure you were well.”

  “Well I'm not well,” she spat, feeling suddenly very bold and defiant. “I am a woman in love with a man I can't be with because I am betrothed to his son.”

  “Does my lordship know of your affection?”

  Alexandra looked at Peggy as if she were daft. Throwing her legs over the side of the bed, she exclaimed, “Does he ever!” Then, throwing her hands out wildly before her, she went on to explain. “I've allowed him to kiss me most indecently, albeit deliciously, on several occasions. I've allowed him to worm his way into my heart, making me fear the thought of losing him. And you know what's the most absurd part of all, Peggy?”

  Peggy shook her head. “Do tell me, milday,” she encouraged, giving Alexandra fuel to go on.

  “I will loose, er loss, er, drat, what's the word I'm searching for, Peggy?” her speech had begun to slur as her mind began to feel very foggy.


  “Yes, I will lose him to his own son. How pathetic is that?”

  “Very pathetic. Do you not find it unfair as well?”

  “Unfair?” Alexandra asked, feeling as if she couldn’t comprehend what Peggy was asking her.

  “Yes, unfair to Lord Coldwell that he will be forced to wed someone who's heart belongs to another.”

  “Unfair to Samuel?” she asked, confused. “What about unfair to me?”

  “That too. Look, milady, I think you are the only one who can make this right.”

  “Me? How so?”

  “By telling Lord Coldwell of your relationship with Lord Emberson yourself. It's only fair that he knows of your feelings.”

  Feeling spurred on by Peggy's encouragement, Alexandra shot to her feet then suddenly felt insanely dizzy, grabbing her head and falling back onto her bed at once. “I think you're right, though I'm uncertain if I'm able to do so at the moment.”

  Peggy grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet, exhibiting a surprising amount of strength. “No, you must do so now before it's too late. Come, I will take you to him.”

  Alexandra couldn't seem to think rationally, so she allowed Peggy to pull her along. She felt herself teetering and almost tripping on several occasions, though she found it incredibly amusing instead of alarming. She giggled loudly as they moved along the halls, Peggy shushing her over and over again, though Alexandra couldn't seem to help herself.

  Pulling her to a stop before a door Alexandra didn't recognize, Peggy whispered, “This is Lord Coldwell's door. He's only just retired. Enter, and you will find him still awake.”

  Somewhere in the back of Alexandra's mind, she knew the instructions Peggy were giving her were foolish, but a larger part of her mind found them to be reasonable and she reached at once for the doorknob.

  Peggy dropped her arm and slid away from the door. “Where are you going?” Alexandra asked loudly. “Surely you don't wish for me to face Samuel on my own, do you?”

  “You don't need me. This conversation is between the two of you. Lord Coldwell would not be pleased with another pair of ears listening in on it.”

  She nodded, once again finding herself thinking Peggy was right. “Very well. Wish me luck,” she urged as she twisted the knob and pushed the door open with a flourish.

  “Albion, is that you?” Lord Coldwell called out upon her entering his bedchamber.

  Alexandra laughed. “Do I look like a man to you?”

  Lord Coldwell startled as she entered his room, dressed as she was in only her nightdress and silk robe which had come untied at the waist and was now hanging loosely off her shoulders.

  “Lady Alexandra? What are you doing here?”

  “What do you imagine?”

  Lord Coldwell stared at her for long moments before his eyes went soft and his lips lifted in a smile. “Though I'm quite shocked by your appearance here, I find I'm not displeased.”

  He came close and reached for her which caused Alexandra to take a hasty step backward. “Don't touch me,” she hissed, causing his brows to furrow together in alarm.

  “Pardon, my lady, but perhaps I've misconstrued your meaning in coming to my bedchamber?”

  “I came to tell you what your cowardly father would not.”

  “What do you mean?” Lord Coldwell asked, confusion marring his brow.

  “We are in love, passionately, madly, in love, and I can deny it no longer.”

  Alexandra expected him to appear shocked or be angered by her confession, but instead, he only looked worried. “Darling,” he whispered, reaching for her shoulders. “Are you drunk?”

  Alexandra writhed from his grasp and glared at him angrily. “Don't call me darling; only Aaron is allowed to do that.”

  “Aaron, as in my father?”

  “Yes, your father and the man I love. Now you see, I will never wed you because my heart belongs to another.”

  Finally, Lord Coldwell's face registered surprise. “How can this be? Why didn't he tell me?”

  “Because he's a cow,” she spat, failing to add “ard” to the end of her word. “I told him he must tell you, but clearly he didn't listen to me. No one ever listens to me.”

  “I think, my lady, that you do error in coming here tonight. You are deep in your cups, and you're not making any sense.” Lord Coldwell grabbed her arm and began dragging her out of the room. “Let me assist you back to your own bedchamber to get some sleep. We will discuss things further in the morning.”

  “No!” she screamed, trying to break free from his grasp. “This cannot be put off any longer. You must know the truth, so you can break the agreement. You must break the agreement,” she insisted once more as she began to sob loudly.

  Lord Coldwell quickly gathered her into his arms so he could hurry her back to her bedchamber before waking anyone and causing a scene. He didn't say anything else as he hurried along, and Alexandra wondered why he refused to talk to her.

  Once he'd deposited her on her bed, he reached for the coverpane and quickly covered her up before saying, “Your claims will be examined further after you get some rest and sober up.”


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