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Fighting Demon: Devil's Knights Series

Page 11

by Winter Travers

  I shook my head no, and closed my eyes. “It’s nothing.”

  “If it was nothing, you wouldn’t have said anything,” he countered.

  “Just forget I said anything.”

  “Not likely. Tell me what I need to stop doing. From where I’m standing, basically, the only thing I was doing was breathing.”

  “You did more than that,” I whispered.

  “Tell me what I did,” he said, low and gruff. His lips grazed my ear, and a tremor rocked my body.

  I was going to combust right then and there if Demon kept teasing me the way he was. He knew exactly what he was doing, and no matter how much I wanted to not react to it, I couldn’t. “Please,” I whimpered.

  “Please, what? You need to tell me.”

  “Please don’t… don’t…”

  His hand slipped under the hem of my shirt, and the touch of his hand scorched my skin. “I’m going to keep touching you until you tell me what it is you want me to stop.”

  “Everything,” I gasped when he pressed a kiss behind my ear. He brushed aside my hair, giving him access to my neck. “Demon, please.”

  He spun me around in his arms and looked down at me. “Please what, Paige?”

  I closed my eyes and took a breath. “Please stop winking at me and acting like the man who stole my heart, who has yet to give it back to me even after all of these years.”

  “That man who had your heart isn’t going anywhere. He was a fucking idiot to leave you before and the only way he’ll leave you again is when he’s six feet in the ground.”

  My heart squeezed at his words, knowing that he meant each and every one of them, but he had promised the same thing before. “You’ll be there to hold me up when I can’t stand? Because of last time, that man who had stolen my heart also left me.”

  “Paige, stop fighting me. Every time you give me an inch, you back up twenty feet.”

  “I’m not fighting you, Demon, I’m just… worried. It all sounds good coming out of your mouth, but it’s different actually doing it. It’s harder.”

  “Nothing is easy, Paige. But I know you coming back into my life tells me that you and I are meant to be, no matter what happened in the past.”

  I shook my head, and a tear streaked down my cheek. “You make it sound so easy.”

  “It’s not, but I’ll be damned if we don’t give this another shot.” His hand cupped my cheek, and his thumb brushed my lips. “Stop fighting, and just feel.”

  “I just don’t know-”

  “Fuck it.” Demon pressed me against the counter, his hips pinned me in place, and his fingers delved into my hair. “I’ll just have to show you how I feel.” His lips connected with mine, and it instantly felt like I was home. That everything in my life that had seemed off was now right, and nothing else mattered besides the man in front of me.

  His lips moved against mine, giving me everything that I had been missing and promising me so much more. “Feel it, Paige,” he growled against my lips.

  I whimpered at his words and wrapped my arms around his waist. My fingers pulled up the hem of his shirt, my need to feel his skin under my fingers overwhelming. “Please,” I mumbled against his lips. Everything that had been holding me back was gone, and all that was left was Demon and me.

  His hands skimmed down my neck, shivers running over my body. In the wake of his touch, he lit my body on fire, and I knew no matter what happened next, I was Demon’s. I had been before, and even seven years later, nothing had changed. This man could turn me on in seconds and keep me hot and bothered from one single touch.

  His hands traveled down my body, and I wrapped my arms around Demon’s neck. His hands grazed my ass, and I deepened the kiss, opening my mouth to give him what both of us had been wanting. He grabbed my ass, lifting me up and set me on the counter. I spread my legs, and Demon stepped between them. “This is what I’ve missed every night,” he whispered against my lips.

  I delved my fingers into his hair and wrapped my legs around Demon. I had missed this, too, but I hadn’t let myself think about it until now. I used to love the quiet moments Demon and I would have together when no one was around but us. I don’t know if it was because we were so young, but we would just lounge around for hours, teasing and kissing each other. “I missed you,” I whispered against his lips.

  I grabbed the hem of his shirt, working it up his body and pulled it over his head. My eyes traveled over his chiseled chest taking in all the tattoos that now covered it. “Looks like you’ve had quite a bit of work done.” My fingers grazed his arm where he had an angel tattooed.

  He looked down where my fingers had touched and pulled me close. “I had that done a couple of weeks after you left.”

  “Really? Why an angel?” I asked.

  “It’s for our baby. Even though we never got to meet him, I’ll never forget him.”

  “You got a tattoo to remember our baby,” I croaked out, tears threatening.

  “Yeah, each and every one of my tattoos means something important to me. The angel is one of my favorites.”

  “What’s another one that is your favorite?” I whispered, looking him in the eye.

  The microwave beeped and the smell of popcorn wafted through the air as Demon opened the door, letting the popcorn cool. “Why don’t we grab the popcorn and some drinks and we can discuss this back in front of the fire.” Demon looked down at me and took a step back.

  My arms dropped to my sides, and I suddenly felt far away from him when he was only a foot from me. “Sounds like a plan,” I mumbled. I turned around, grabbed a big bowl down from the cabinet and set it on the counter.

  Demon grabbed the popcorn and dumped it into the bowl as I refilled my cup with cocoa and grabbed the coffee pot. “Splash some whiskey into that, baby.” I cringed at the suggestion but reached up into the cabinet and pulled the bottle down.

  “The thought of alcohol makes my stomach roll,” I laughed as I poured in a finger of whiskey and twisted the cap back on the bottle.

  “Well, you did down those drinks last night pretty quick. I think you need to slow it down a bit the next time you drink.” Demon grabbed the bowl of popcorn and headed into the living room.

  I switched off the lights in the kitchen and followed Demon with both cups. “I think I should just give up drinking altogether. I think I’m one of those people who can’t hold their liquor.” I sat down on the pile of pillows, set our drinks down in between us and pulled a blanket across my lap. “So, back to what we were talking about before. I want to know the story of all of these tattoos. When we were together, you only had three.”

  “We were just babies when you and I were together.”

  “Yeah, we definitely were.” I took a sip of my cocoa and grabbed a handful of popcorn. “Spill, Demon.”

  “Well, why don’t we do it this way.” He laid down and folded his arms under his head. “You tell me which ones you want to know about.”

  My eyes traveled all over his body, not knowing where to start. “OK, how about your back. It looked like a pretty big piece.” I had only seen it for a second before Demon had sat down.

  Demon rolled over on his stomach and looked over at me. “That is for the club. Most everyone in the club has a tattoo like mine. Although I think mine is probably the biggest.” I had to agree that it was huge. The skeleton riding a motorcycle wearing knight armor was in the center of his back with the words, Devil’s Knights, stretched across his shoulder blades.

  “That had to have taken forever.”

  “Eh, it wasn’t too bad. Only a couple of sessions.” Demon rolled back over and grabbed one of the pillows I had around me.

  “So, how about the butterfly?” It was rather weird to see a man with a butterfly tattoo. I thought those were reserved for drunk college girls.

  “It’s a moth.”

  Oh, well, I guess that was more manly than a butterfly. “OK, so why a moth?”

  “Moths are nocturnal and are adept to see well in the da
rk. I got it to represent that I’m determined to find my way through life, even when passing through dark times.”

  “Well, damn. That’s pretty impressive when you explain it.” Demon chuckled and sat up. He grabbed his coffee and took a long drink.

  “I told you they all have meaning, baby.”

  “OK, one more.” I looked all over his body, trying to find one that stood out to me. “Alright, now about the roses over your heart.” Demon had a cluster of roses colored red and purple over his heart.

  Demon laid back down and looked at me. “You really don’t know what those mean?”

  “Well, normally red roses are for love, but I don’t know what purple flowers for.”

  “Purple flowers represent love at first sight.”

  “Oh,” I mumbled. I wasn’t quite sure what to say. He had red roses for love and purple roses for love at first sight. OK, but why?

  “Those are your flowers. I got them a week after you left. Even though we weren’t together anymore, I still loved you.”

  “But, love at first sight?” I whispered. I had no idea what to say. Demon had never told me that he fell in love with me at first sight.

  “That first time I saw you, baby, I knew that you were mine. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that you and I were going to be together.”

  “But, we broke up. I left.”

  Demon shrugged his shoulders and rolled over on his side. He propped his head up with his hand and smirked. “That didn’t change the fact that I still loved you.”

  “But, Demon, what if you and I never… I mean, what if you never saw me again?”

  “I got it because I thought I never would see you again. No matter what happened, you were always going to be the one who had my heart, whether I ever saw you again or not.” He reached, grabbing my hand and laced his fingers through mine. “I know it’s hard to believe, Paige. But I loved you with all of my heart back then, and I still do.”

  I set my cup down, threw a pillow next to Demon and laid down. “This all could have been different if you just would have kept your pants on,” I laughed.

  “Yeah,” Demon agreed. He turned over on his back and laid his head next to mine. “I bet Bill Clinton says the same thing all the time.”

  “You’re comparing yourself to Bill Clinton now?”

  “It was the best comparison I could come up with,” Demon shrugged.

  “I seriously don’t know how to argue with that,” I laughed.

  Demon turned his head and reached up with his hand to touch my cheek. “I’ve missed this. Just being with you.”

  I leaned into his touch and closed my eyes. “Me, too,” I whispered. It was so close to being the way things used to be. Demon and I together, just enjoying each other. “I want it back, Demon.”

  “Then just let go, Paige. I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere.” He wrapped me up in his arms and pulled me close. “I know we can’t change what happened in the past, but we can make a new future and start over.”

  I tilted my head back and looked up at him. “OK. I’m terrified to death, but I want this more than I’m afraid of being with you.”

  “I gotta admit. I thought it would take every single second of these seven days to convince you to give me a second chance.”

  “What can I say, you have a way with words,” I laughed.

  “Really, because I thought for sure it was that kiss five minutes ago.”

  “Ya think? I can’t even remember that kiss. You might have to refresh my memory.”

  “Refresh your memory, huh, baby? I think I might more than refresh your memory. I think we need to make new memories.” Demon rolled me on top of him, my knees straddling his hips, and our bodies pressed together.

  “New memories, huh?” I purred. “As good as that sounds, how about we just keep it to kissing tonight, and we’ll see where tomorrow takes us.” I had said yes to giving Demon and I a second chance, but I didn’t want to jump too quick. I wasn’t worried about whether or not that Demon and I were compatible in bed, I knew that when we were together in bed, it was explosive. I was more concerned how we were going to be out of bed.

  “Whatever you want,” Demon growled. His hands roamed over my back, lifting the hem of my shirt as I leaned down and stole a kiss.

  “You’re rather agreeable,” I said against his lips.

  “As long as I have you laying on top of me, I’ll agree with anything you say, baby.”

  “Hmm, that could be dangerous for you. I could suggest that we go sledding again tomorrow.”

  “I’ll agree to anything but that. I know I’m going to be sore as shit tomorrow. Besides, I already have plans for us tomorrow.”

  “Really? Demon, big bad motorcycle man who flies by the seat of his pants, has made plans for us tomorrow?”

  “Don’t act too impressed. I thought of it today and tried to get it lined up, but the guy said he was booked for today. Although it does involve another sled, so I’m not too sure of it after today.”

  “Hmm, now you have me intrigued.”

  “I know you love surprises, so you’ll have to wait and see until tomorrow. He’s picking us up at three, and we need to have a picnic packed to take with us.”

  “Demon, if I didn’t know any better, it sounds like you’re trying to woo me.”

  “Woo you?” he asked.

  “Yes, woo me.”

  He shook his head and pressed a kiss to my lips. “Call it whatever you want, baby. I’m just trying to make you mine.”

  “Definite woo,” I laughed.

  “Is that from all those books you read?”

  “No, well, yes. I mean, doesn’t every girl want to be wooed?”

  “If wooing is what you want, wooing is what you’ll get.”

  “Do you think we could say woo anymore?” I giggled.

  “I hope not,” he smirked.

  “How about you woo me a little bit more and then we head to bed?” I wiggled my eyebrows at him, and he wrapped his arms around me and rolled us over.

  “Oh, baby, you haven’t seen nothing yet. I plan on being the king of woo when I’m done with you.”

  “Promises, promises,” I whispered against his lips.

  “A promise I plan to keep.”

  “We’ll see.”

  His lips moved against mine, giving me everything we had both been missing.

  Let the wooing begin. I was ready.


  Chapter 20


  “He’s here? How is he here? I didn’t even hear a car pull up.” Paige walked out of the bathroom and grabbed her coat that she had tossed over the back of the couch.

  “Because he’s not driving a car.” I grabbed the picnic basket off of the counter and grabbed the chilled bottle of wine out of the fridge. “Can you grab the two blankets?”

  Paige buttoned up her jacket and looked at me like I was crazy. “Demon, it’s like fifty million degrees below zero. These two blankets aren’t going to keep us warm.”

  It was cold out today, but it wasn’t as bad as Paige thought. Saul had assured me that he had two small space heaters that would keep us plenty warm, but he had advised also bringing a couple of blankets along. “Just trust me. Grab the blankets, and I’ll grab the basket.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me. I know how much food is in that basket, and you can bet these two blankets don’t weigh as much.”

  Paige and I had gone shopping this morning then spent the early afternoon, making dinner for the basket and just hanging out with each other. We so easily slipped back into the way we used to be, it was almost as if we had never been apart.

  “You’re going to have to close your eyes.”

  “What?” she squaked. “How am I supposed to walk with my eyes closed?”

  “Very carefully,” I laughed. I stood in front of her and looked over my shoulder. “Grab onto my shoulder and close your eyes. I’ll guide you outside.”

  Paige shook her head but put her hand
on my shoulder. “Demon, this is the weirdest thing you have ever made me do.”

  “Close your eyes.”

  She pursed her lips at me but closed her eyes. “If I fall, I’m taking you down with me.”

  “I know how graceful you are, baby. I will heed that warning carefully.” Paige put her hand on my shoulder, and I couldn’t help but laugh at the annoyance that was written all over her face.

  “Hey, who was the one who slid down the hill on their ass yesterday? It sure wasn’t me,” Paige sang out.

  We slowly made our way to the door with Paige only tripping over her feet twice by the time I had the door open. “Step down, and then you can open your eyes.”

  I stepped to the side of the door and helped Paige down the step and held my breath as she opened her eyes. I hoped to hell that she liked the surprise I had.

  “Pinch me.”


  “Pinch me right now, seriously.” Paige grabbed onto my arm and turned to look at me. “There is a massive Clydesdale with a sleigh hooked to it in the driveway. Pinch. Me. Now.”

  A smile spread across my lips, and I knew that Paige liked my surprise. “I’d much rather go for a ride with you, baby. I promise to pinch you later,” I winked, swatting her on the ass.

  “Hey,” Paige squealed. “Just for that you get to carry the blankets now, I’m going to pet the horse.” Paige piled the blankets on top of the picnic basket and scurried over to the horse and Saul, who was climbing down from the top of the sleigh.

  Well, I guess I could mark this down in the win column. Paige was happy, and I was to thank for it.

  Score one for Demon.

  Now, I just needed to not fuck it up.



  “Where are we headed?”

  “Not really sure,” Demon laughed. “Saul just said the ride can last for however long we would want, really. I said two hours and he said no problem.”

  “Here comes that brilliant planning of yours again.”

  Demon shrugged his shoulders and put his arm around me, pulling me close. “You have to admit, my ability to not plan, but still plan is what attracts you to me.”


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