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Royally Charmed: A Royal Bad Boy Shifter Romance

Page 5

by Lea Jade

  “If that’s what it takes. Tomorrow then?” I say. The priestess may have been wearing a necklace. I can’t be sure. This doesn’t mean I’ll do it. I’m not in the business of stealing from witches, even if Kai is. Not that I say that aloud.

  He nods, eyes hot like coals. “I’ll be waiting.”

  I leave Kaiser and exit through the back to where I parked the bike. Just as I’m pulling away, Trey calls me.

  “Trey,” I say through the com connected to my helmet.

  “The Council know you slipped out last night. They’re challenging Raynard to haul you back in or they’ll place a bounty on your neck. I’m just calling to let you know.”

  “Can you delay them until tomorrow?”

  “You’re asking a lot these days, you know that?”

  “Trey, I’m asking if you can do it or not.”


  Then… “Sure, anything for the King.”

  Before I can respond, Trey hangs up on me.

  Chapter 5


  Morning comes, and with it comes a sore head.

  I’ve no idea where I am and it takes a while to process that I’m not at home. Instead, I’m in a very opulent looking bedroom. Hues of blue and grey soothe me from all sides complimenting the solid-wood antique furniture and polished gold fittings. This is definitely not a hotel I can afford. The silk sheets alone must cost more than my monthly salary.

  Flash backs of the vampire catching fire and me climbing out of a cab window onto a speeding motorbike slowly filter into my brain. Also, the hot and sexy warlock who saved me.

  I sit bolt upright, only just remembering that I’m still wearing half a dress, and gather the sheets around me. Vague memories of me half naked, unlatching my bra and Golden-Eyes taking my breasts in his mouth, has me wresting the covers over my head.

  What the hell did I do last night?

  Did I sleep with him? Would I even know if I had? Apart from the scratches inflicted by the vampire, I ache all over. But nothing in particular pains me down there. Should it? I don’t even know who to ask. Ingrid might know, but don’t have my phone to text her. A quick glance around the room confirms I don’t even have my bag.

  There’s no sign of Golden-Eyes, thank goddess, but beside me on the bed is a fresh towel and a note:

  Take a hot shower. There’s plenty of water.

  I’ve left you some clean clothes on the dresser.

  Come out when you want feeding.

  I don’t want to do what the note says, I want to go back to bed and sleep off the throbbing of my skull, but I must admit, a hot shower would be glorious right now. I’m also starving, since didn’t eat much during the flight.

  But first, I need to call Esme and let her and the coven know that I’m fine. If something did happen last night between me and Golden-Eyes, I want to prepare for the lecture that’s coming on losing my potential.

  Women today can have one-night stands, right?

  Right, Haile, so long as they’re not powerful witches about to inherit an entire legacy!

  A legacy I never cared about or wanted. Being twenty-eight and still a virgin has sucked big time, so I’m not upset about it. But my mother will be. I can just see the disappointment in her eyes.

  Oh, Goddess, that woman infuriates me.

  After a futile hunt for my phone, during which I inadvertently slip out of the huge bed and practically throw myself onto the soft, plush carpet, I give up. It probably went up in smoke with the rest of the cab, along with my bag and all the things I actually need right now.

  Like a toothbrush, and a new bra—the one I was wearing last night just won’t fasten, no matter how many times I try and re-clasp it. So I end up leaving it under the pile of my ruined clothes.

  Next to the bedroom, I find a wet room which is larger than I imagined. With a foot long shower head built into the ceiling, water comes out like warm, tropical rainfall. I wash my hair and all the grime of the previous day off of me, being careful not get my bandages wet, then change into the clean clothes left for me. A pair of oversized basketball shorts and a baggy t-shirt.

  In the huge gold mirror, I look absolutely ridiculous. Hair sopping wet, shorts and t-shirt hanging off me, and no bra. Except for the bandage around my ankle, most cuts and scratches seem to have healed or disappeared completely. Maybe I wasn’t as injured as much as I thought?

  I tease my fingers through my hair, trying to tame my wet locks, and after a few minutes of snooping around his bedroom for something better to wear, stopping to admire row on row of tailored suit jackets and expensive shirts, I decide I’m ready for food. To hell with what I look like.

  A mouthwatering, delicious aroma of crispy bacon and baking bread assaults my nose, and I head into the open-plan area to find my savior making breakfast.

  He’s just as gorgeous as I remember.

  A tall, chiselled-jawed demi-god, looking edible himself in black jeans and a white v-neck shirt stretched over a broad, muscled chest.

  A chest I was planting kisses all over last night.

  Breathe, Haile, just breathe.

  The man looks up from cooking, all sculpted cheekbones and lovely eyebrows, and just smiles. Floppy brown hair, the kind I like to run my fingers through, falls into his eyes. Eyes that are different this morning, darker; melted-chocolate brown rather than burnished gold.

  He gestures to a stool. “Take a seat.”

  I could have sworn his eyes were lighter last night.

  When he was kissing me senseless.

  “What do you want on it?” he asks as I feel my face redden.

  “On what?”

  “On your pancake,” he says, showing me a whole stack.

  “Oh.” Goddess-be-damned.

  A whole range of toppings are on display that I didn’t even notice, from strawberries and chocolate sauce, to maple syrup and even—oh, goddess, yes—bacon. Pancakes must be my favorite food of all time. I’m not going to let this moment go to waste.

  “Can I have three?”

  He raises a brow. “Three?”

  “One sweet, one savory, and one—”

  “Plain?” he finishes for me.

  “How did you know?”

  “Because plain ones are the best.”

  “A man after my own heart,” I murmur.

  He laughs and delivers me up three of the fluffiest golden ones. He then starts cleaning up, but not before I spy a load of burnt experiments on a plate next to the sink. A sheepish look spreads across his face.

  “They didn’t make the cut.”

  “I can see why,” I say, munching on number one. Savory first. Bacon and maple syrup, which is technically still savory even though it’s sweet. It has to be maple syrup too, none of that fake golden stuff.

  He takes a piece of bacon off of my plate, drenched in maple syrup, and eats it.

  “Oi, get your own.” I shoo him away with a frown. He may be hot, but stealing food is sacrilegious.

  He chuckles again, the rumbling sort which I feel right down to my toes, and pours me a coffee.

  It all feels too nice and sweet—and domesticated. No guy has ever made me pancakes. Ever. I can’t help but stare as he finishes the washing up, and then puts every last plate and utensil away.

  “So, do I keep calling you Golden-Eyes, or do you have a name?” I say, taking a sip of coffee between bites of fluffy-carb-heaven.

  “Golden eyes?” His brows knit-up as he glances my way.

  “Your eyes, they change color. Last night they looked kind of gold-ish.”

  He sighs and stands up, throwing the tea-towel over his shoulder. “I think… that might have been one of the healing salves I used on your wounds last night. You were totally out of it. How’s your leg by the way?”

  “My leg? Oh, I think it’s fine. It doesn’t hurt anymore.” I’d totally forgotten about my leg. I reach down to check under the bandage, but he’s already at my feet, gently peeling back the gauze.

  “The sa
lve worked. It’s healing nicely.” He’s right. There’s hardly anything there but a few faint scratches, already healed over.

  “Goddess. That’s some healing salve. Thanks for dressing my injuries last night when I was er… you know… out of it.”

  He looks up at me. The corners of his mouth up-turned a little. Running those chocolate-brown eyes up and down my body. Taking me in.

  “And thanks for coming to my rescue.”

  “Don’t mention it. And you thanked me already, last night.”

  “I did?”

  I chew my lip and look away, my face feeling hot. It's probably an embarrassing shade of crimson. I mean it is way too hot in here after all the cooking. He should really open some windows. I peer back at him and notice how kissable his neck and the v of his chest is. I have a sudden urge to bite him.

  Okay, where the hell did that come from? Calm down, Haile. You’re not a freaking animal.

  I wish I could remember last night. He obviously does, right?

  “So.” I can’t believe I’m doing this. “Last night, did we, er…” I don’t know how to finish. Balls. I’m never sleeping with a guy again if this is how weird it is afterwards.

  But, I’m saved when he shakes his head. A shamed look on his face. “No, no. We stopped. And, I should apologize for that, my behavior. I didn’t know…” he pauses, his brown eyes burning into mine, “the salve would affect you that way. I would have stopped a lot sooner had I known.”

  “Affect me in what way?” Confusion must show because he smiles, instantly all charm again.

  “I had to use a pretty, strong healing ointment on you last night to counter the vampire poison. The medicine can contain traces of lion pheromones, the older batches do anyway. I wasn’t sure it would work, but it did. But it may have had some other effects too.”

  “Oh, right.” I feel myself going red again. Damn this heat!

  I don’t know whether to be relieved or frustrated. Golden-Eyes is still talking, explaining himself, but all I can think is, great, I’m still a virgin. You’d think a girl would want to remember her first time, but honestly, I just want to get it over and done with. A night alone with a sexy, hot warlock doesn’t come along very often where I’m from.

  I mean this never happens. I practically live in a convent. Ingrid is going to go insane when I tell her about it. I’m just thinking it’s a shame I don’t have my phone to snap a photo of him, when he speaks again.

  “… now you’re out of the bedroom, Let me take a shower and get changed, then I’ll drive you to your hotel. Let’s talk on the way, okay? We have lots to discuss.”

  His eyes crinkle as he smiles, and his lips look decidedly kissable. He was good kisser, I remember that. “About?”

  “About why you’re here, in Sidlow. And about the vampire who tried to kill you?”

  Oh, that.

  I start nodding. “Oh yes. We should talk. About that.” My brain is definitely taking its sweet time to get up to speed. Of course, he’s the warlock my mother and the Council agreed upon for this assignment. That’s the only reason he’s here. Maybe he will become a new associate at the Academy.

  My stomach does a little flip at that.

  Then I remember. “Oh, could we stop on the way and see if my bag and purse are still in the cab? I know it's a long-shot but I need my things.” Without my phone, I’m totally cut off from everything. If there’s a chance it’s still there, I want to stop and check.

  “No need.” He leaves in the direction of the garage and comes back with my holdall, looking pleased with himself. “I went back and retrieved it last night.”

  “Oh, my goddess, you are a lifesaver.” I grin at him and jump down from my seat to root through it. Everything is there even my purse, everything but my phone. “You didn’t see my phone, did you?”

  “It’s not in the bag?”

  “I can’t see it…” I pull out some things, all but emptying it right on the kitchen floor. I glance at him. “I think I dropped it under the seat. I'm sorry, but can we go back?”

  He nods slowly. “Sure… let me get changed. We should be able to make a quick stop on the way.”

  I’m about to say okay, but then I have a brilliant idea. “Oh, maybe we can check out the crime scene together while we’re there?”

  Esme isn’t due for another two days, but I think we have enough magic between us to start the investigation before she gets here. If I can prove to my mother that I’m capable of working alone without a chaperone, maybe she’ll stop treating me like a child. I’m a grown woman, for goddess’s sake.

  “No. That’s not a good idea.” He shakes his head at me, brow all furrowed.

  I frown. “Why? You don’t think I can do it? You think we need a circle of three?” It’s common knowledge warlocks don’t need the stability of three, so he’s really saying I’m not strong enough to match him.

  The warlock’s nostrils flare. “I didn’t say that. I’m just not sure we should stick our noses in at a crime scene the morning after you were nearly abducted.”

  “I don’t think that’s your call to make.” I’m painfully aware that my hands are on my hips like a school teacher, but I don’t care. The Coven are paying him huge sums to provide additional magic if we need it. I’m the client here, not him.

  Finally, he sighs. “Fine, if that’s what you want. Let me get changed first.”

  He starts to walk to the bedroom.

  “Wait. You didn’t tell me your name?”

  “You honestly don’t know my name?” There’s an incredulous look on his face as he stares at me.

  “If I knew it, I wouldn’t be asking, would I?” It was Kay or Kai or something. I’m pretty sure it began with a K, but I won’t admit that I forgot his name.

  He frowns. “It’s Ka… Cal.”

  I was nearly right. I offer him a smile. “Glad to be working with you, Cal. I’m Haile.”

  “Pretty name,” he says, brown eyes blinking at me, voice smooth as silk. “If you want to change and I expect you will, you can use the guest room.” Then he disappears abruptly into the bedroom, leaving me feeling like I want to apologize. Even though I’m certain I have nothing to be sorry for.

  What the hell happened to Prince Charming?

  One minute he was all over me, the next…

  Head full of useless thoughts, I reach for the orb around my neck out of habit. Something I do when I’m having a bad day. But my necklace isn't there when I touch my collarbone or neck.

  Crap, where is it? Shit, I've lost my necklace.

  I dart my eyes over the floor and pull everything out of my bag twice, as panic takes over.

  But the necklace my father gave me is gone.

  Chapter 6


  She’s standing there, hands on her hips, when I come out of the room. I’ve no idea what I’ve done wrong, but the sight of her challenging me instantly makes me want her again. She’s dressed in something other than my shorts and t-shirt. Skin-tight blue jeans and a clinging, white, off-the-shoulder blouse embroidered with dainty flowers.

  Fuck. She’s adorable.

  I don’t mind her bossiness, in fact, I quite enjoy it. Even my lion approves. She’s glaring at me now though. And I’ve still no idea what the hell I’ve done wrong. But she’s as cute as hell. I resist the urge to walk over there and lay a kiss on the tip of her nose.

  I guess she’s still mad at me for being a bit of a dick earlier. But there’s no way I can keep up the pretense if we go to the crime scene. I also have a deadline. Not that it matters anymore. I’ve decided I can’t go through with what Kaiser wants me to do. I’m not a thief. When all this murder business is sorted, I’ll find another way to get the power I need to claim the throne. Or take a mate like the Pride wants me to.

  Honestly, though, I’m intrigued enough to want to spend more time with her. There’s something she has that draws me in. I’m grateful she hasn’t figured out who I am. I should tell her soon though. But not just
yet. I don’t want to freak her out or spoil the moment.

  Only the fates know how I’ll explain it to her.

  She’s going to annihilate me.

  Not that my lion gives a shit. He seems to like her more when she gets feisty. Although, right now he’s content to just have her here. Pursing her lips at me like I’ve forgotten to do the laundry or pick up the groceries. Too cute.

  I saunter by her, humming to myself, grabbing my jacket and car keys from kitchen table. Enjoying the charade a while longer. The barest essence of mint shampoo and a touch of magic tickles my nose as I brush past her.

  Her scent is… thorny but not unpleasant. I ignore the urge to stalk over there and rub my cheek against hers. A lion’s way of easing tension, showing affection—to a mate.

  I squash that longing back down. Where it belongs.

  She’s a witch, Caleb, not a potential queen to chase after.

  She opens her mouth to speak, but I remember something important first. “Oh, I found your necklace, you left it on the bed.”

  She startles, eyes going wide, cheeks turning pink, and runs into the bedroom.

  It was just lying there in the middle of the bed, tangled in the sheets. The glint of it caught my eye, and I knew what it was as soon as I saw it. I would have taken the necklace. It would have been too easy. I honestly considered it, until I remembered how panicked she looked when she realized her phone was missing, and how goddam awful I feel knowing the blasted thing is still in my jacket pocket. The difference is, I will give her phone back to her. The moment I drop her off at her hotel I’ll slip into her bag. I’m only keeping it for now to maintain my cover.

  That’s all.

  When she returns, she’s wearing her necklace and her eyes are soft again. Proud and pleased. She even smells satisfied. It suits her. The scent of a queen. I start to say this, but instead I bite my lip, indicating with a tilt of my head we should go. It’s a long drive if we want to get to Tia’s place and to the hotel before noon.


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