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Charity Rising (Charity Series Book 2)

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by Kinney, DeAnna

  * Levi’s POV *

  My heart broke at the sight of my wife being led away, tears, pain, and confusion in her eyes. It killed me to hurt her.

  “Arrrr!!!” I growled, punching the wall, leaving a deep hole. Charity would never hurt me, never betray me. I knew that, but yet there was no other explanation. I felt helpless, a painful feeling when related to Charity. It was my job to protect her, to comfort her, to be there for her. At that moment I couldn’t be any of those things, and it was killing me. But the scent?? I couldn’t just forget about the scent, could I?

  I paced angrily about the room. There had to be something I could do. I had to go to her.

  I started out of the room in pursuit, when my elite stepped in front of me, blocking my exit. “What are you guys doing?”

  “We’re intervening. You can’t go after her, Levi. It’s the law. You can’t be with her until this mess is cleared up.”

  “I don’t care anymore! I have to ease her pain! You saw her! I have to!!”

  “Listen,” Jordan began, “we know it hurts, and maybe she really is innocent. But until we find out what is going on, you have to stay away from her. I’m sorry, Levi.”

  I sighed, gripping my hair in frustration, but acknowledging defeat. I knew they were right. I couldn’t go to her until the confusion was all cleared up. I had to believe she would be strong enough, but could I be? I looked up at them then. “Fine! Then find that scent!!” I plowed past them and down the hall. I burst through my bedroom door, slamming it shut behind me. Suddenly, Charity’s hurt expression came back to me, her eyes filled with tears and confusion, and I was the cause. I gripped my chest as the violent bolt shot pain through my heart. I should’ve been thankful that the bed was there to catch my fall—but I wasn’t.

  * Charity’s POV *

  Josh led me by the arm carefully through the facility and into the garage. I was so distraught he had to pick me up and set me in his car. I cried all the way home. Levi’s expression haunted me. He was so confused and unsure. He hated hurting me, and yet he felt betrayed.

  When we pulled into my driveway Josh finally spoke. “I don’t know exactly what’s going on, Charity, but I’ll find out. Levi really wants to believe you, and so do I. I’ve known him my whole life, and I know he’s extremely conflicted. He believes you—and then he doesn’t.”

  I wiped my eyes and looked over at him, noting compassion in his sleepy eyes. “What’s gonna happen now?”

  “Well, you’re forbidden to enter the Drake House again. But try not to worry. I don’t know how, but this will all work out—somehow. I just know it will. Before I go—can I ask you—were you with someone else?”

  I gaped at him. “No!! I could never be with anyone else but Levi—never!”

  “Okay. I don’t know whose scent is on you, but it’s a werewolf’s, so we’ll find him eventually. He can’t get far.”

  “Josh, it was Levi’s scent! I’ve been with no one but Levi! How many times do I have to tell you?!”

  “Okay, please calm down. We’ll figure this all out, I promise. Now go inside, and again, try not to worry about this.”

  I opened the car door and entered the house quietly in order to avoid explaining anything to my mother, who was in her room, probably changing out of her work clothes.

  I strolled into my room and plopped down on my bed where despair would’ve consumed me had it not been for the anger rising up inside of me. I did not betray Levi, and I didn’t know how I was gonna fix it, but that’s what I had to do.

  I grabbed the phone out of my back pocket and called Hector. “Hey, it’s me. What’s going on?”

  “Well, Levi’s a mess. After you left he went into his room and hasn’t surfaced, despite attempts to talk to him. Everyone is in shock, and no one knows what to do. Are you all right?”

  “I don’t know yet. I don’t have time to think about that right now. I have to figure out what’s going on.”

  “Mrs. Charity, I haven’t seen you with anyone else, but I have to ask—have you been with anyone else?”

  “Why does everyone keep asking me this?! No!! I have not been with anyone else, and I never will, got it?!”

  “Yes ma’am. But the scent wasn’t Levi’s scent.”

  “Yes it was!!”

  “Okay, Mrs. Charity. I’ll help you with this. Whatever you need me to do, just ask.”

  I sighed. “Thanks, Hector. What I need you to do right now is keep an eye on Levi. Let me know if you see any suspicious behavior.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  Afterwards I called Ashley and filled her in on everything. Along with everyone else, she was in total shock, but also agreed to help me.

  I heard a tap on my window and jumped up, running to it and jerking it open. “Levi?”

  “No, my love. Sorry, it is just I.”

  My shoulders slumped forward. “Oh, Raven.”

  His left eyebrow arched. “I am sorry to disappoint.”

  “No. Come in.” I plopped on the bed, sighing.

  “Are you all right, love?” he asked, reaching to take my hand in his.

  I looked up into his deep, dark eyes and marveled at the compassion there. Before I knew it I was in his arms. He held me close as I wept.

  Chapter Eleven

  At school the next day Levi was a no-show. I knew if I could just talk to him I could make him believe me. But I couldn’t talk to him if I couldn’t see him, and going to the Drake House was out of the question, seeing as how I was exiled and all that.

  Focusing on my schoolwork was impossible.

  At lunch I sat at my usual table with all of my usual friends. Josh, Jared, Jordan, Ian, and Cody never spoke to me, but they weren’t exactly ignoring me either, though the mood was somber, to say the least. I wanted to ask about Levi, but in doing so would draw attention from my other friends, and I didn’t think I was ready to answer their questions just yet.

  Too late.

  “So, Charity,” Delaney began, “where’s your shadow today? It’s odd seeing you guys apart.”

  I looked up in surprise and fumbled for an answer. “Oh—uh—well.”

  “He wasn’t feeling good this morning,” Josh said, putting me out of my misery.

  I offered up a smile of thanks, and he returned it. How odd. They were treating me rather good for someone they suspected of betraying their alpha.

  At once something occurred to me. Levi once mentioned werewolves could sense if someone was sick. I wondered if that was because the scent changed. I brightened up at my new theory and headed out of the cafeteria to call Hector.

  “Hector, hey. How’s he doing?”

  “He’s still locked in his room. No one’s seen him yet.”

  “Not since yesterday—since I left?”

  “That’s right.”

  “But shouldn’t someone check on him?”

  “He needs his space right now.”

  “But what if something’s wrong?”

  “He’ll be fine, Mrs. Charity.”


  “He’s fine.”

  Suddenly I remembered my earlier thought. “Hector, if a werewolf was sick, would his scent change at all?”

  “Um, females’ scents change when they’re pregnant, and when they’re marked, but I’ve never heard of a male werewolf’s scent changing.”

  “But could it be possible?”

  “Are you suggesting that you believe Levi is sick?”

  “I’m not sure, of course, but his behavior has been odd lately. He’s been acting unusual and forgetting important things—things we’ve discussed in detail—things he should never forget. Could it be possible? And that would certainly explain the scent change.”

  “Well, I guess it could be possible, and the scent did smell a lot like his, so maybe that makes some sense. I’ll look into it.”

  “Thanks, Hector. I really appreciate it.”

  I hung up the phone with renewed hope. Maybe the mystery was closer to being solve
d after all. All I had to do was be patient. But I really hated the idea of Levi suffering. I glanced down at my connection symbol—blue as ever. As long as that was true everything was still all right.

  The rest of the week came and went and still no sign of Levi. Josh was collecting his schoolwork so he wouldn’t get behind. Obviously they had given the teachers some good excuse as to why he was absent. I was worrying, of course. I hadn’t talked to Levi in four days, and the separation was beginning to take its toll. And if I was feeling it then so was Levi.

  “Ash, do you think there’s some way you could help me sneak into the Drake House to check on Levi?”

  “Oh no, Charity. I’m not messing with the werewolves. We could get in serious trouble.”

  “Ash, they love us.”

  “I know, but they also think you betrayed their alpha. They banned you from there. If I help you it could be bad. What if they ban me from there as well?”

  “I’ve got to see Levi, Ash. I just have to.”

  “I can’t, Charity.”

  “Please—as more than my friend—as my sister. Please.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Something’s wrong with him. I can feel it. Something’s definitely wrong. Remember the day of our wedding? I can sense it. Ashley, please.”

  She stared at me then, and I watched her resolve break. She sighed. “Fine.”

  “Thank you.”

  “But I have no idea how we’re gonna do this.”

  “You leave that to me.”

  “I really hate it when you say that.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “It’s a good thing I’m not claustrophobic or we’d have a real problem,” I said right before Hector shoved my head down and closed the lid.

  “Just remember who insisted on doing this,” Ashley said.

  “Fine, but drive fast, will ya? On second thought don’t, I might get sick and vomit.”

  The ride to the Drake House was bumpy and far more uncomfortable than I had originally expected when I hatched this stupid plan. On top of that I was covered in smelly laundry Hector had insisted would mask my scent, but I had little choice. I had to see Levi. And if I was right, he needed to see me too.

  “Okay, we’re here,” Hector whispered. “Now remember, no matter what happens don’t make a sound.”

  “Fine,” I whispered out of the tiny hole he’d made by my head so that I could breath. I could actually see out of it too, though just barely.

  Hector was carrying the chest across the facility with Ashley by his side. When they came upon Josh, Ashley broke away and went to distract him, while Hector continued on.

  We had just entered the lobby when Tosha, Hector’s wife, approached. Uh oh.

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “Oh, just some laundry Irena asked me to take to the Laundry Room.”

  Up until that moment I never knew Hector was such a bad liar, and I think she knew it too.

  She was silent for a moment, and I began to sweat as the silence dragged on. I could see the Alpha Wing through my little peephole, and I was getting antsy with anticipation. He was so close I could almost feel him.

  “I need your help for a minute,” Tosha said. “Could you come with me? Someone else can take that for you.”

  “Well, I told her I would take it. Let me just get rid of this, and then I’ll come and help you with whatever you need.”

  “Don’t be silly. It’ll only take a minute.”

  He was reluctant, but sat the chest down. “Fine!” he said loudly for me to hear, “but I’ll leave it here and come back for it in a minute!”

  Good grief! Why had I insisted on him helping me again? Oh yeah, he’s the only one who can carry me in a chest full of smelly clothes across the facility without straining.

  I listened intently, hearing no one. With my heart pounding wildly in my throat, I slowly opened the chest and peeked out—no one in sight. I flung open the lid and sprang from my hiding place. I heard murmurs behind me and turned to see Jordan and Jared coming from the R Wing and headed in my direction. Without further hesitation I bolted down the Alpha Wing, heading straight for Levi’s room.

  “Charity, stop! You’re not supposed to be here! Stop!”

  I didn’t. I kept running, pulling the key from my pocket and fumbling with it. I reached the door and stuck the key in the lock, but before I could turn it they were on me.

  “Levi! Levi!” I screamed in desperation.

  “You’re not supposed to be here! You can’t go in there!” Jordan said, pulling me from the door.

  “I have to see him, Jordan! Levi! I have to see you! Levi!”

  I continued to scream and fight until I was at the end of the hallway. I heard a click as Levi’s door unlocked and slowly crept open.


  Hope sprang to life. He was coming out to see me.

  Jared and Jordan pulled me into the lobby where a guilty-looking Hector joined us. I struggled to see passed them and into the hall where I imagined Levi was just then stepping.

  “Please don’t take this personal, Charity,” Jordan said, shoving me into Hector’s arms. “Hector, get her out of here before we all get in trouble.”

  “No! I have to see Levi! Hector, he’s just right there! Let me see him!”

  “Get her out of here before he sees her! Now!”

  Hector turned and ran through the facility with me screaming and kicking the entire way. By the time we got back to his car I had lost all hope. I was so close—so close I could almost touch him—see him, but it didn’t matter anymore. I wouldn’t get a second chance.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sprawled across my bed in a heap of total despair, I felt a hand caress my back. I spun to see Raven. Without hesitation I went into his arms, weeping—again. Boy I was turning into such a baby.

  “What is it, love? What has you aching this way?”

  I somehow managed to speak through the tears. “Levi thinks I was with another man. I tried to tell him it wasn’t true, but he doesn’t believe me.”

  “And why would he think that?”

  “He caught an unfamiliar scent on me, one that resembles his own, but they all say it isn’t.”

  “Yes, I have to confess, I too have caught that scent. But I thought perhaps I was wrong. So who is it?”

  “It was Levi! I couldn’t be with anyone else. He should know that by now.”

  “Yes, I agree. He should.”

  “Oh, Raven, what am I gonna do?”

  He took my face in his hands and stared into my eyes. “Right now you are going to sleep—a very deep and dreamless sleep. And when you wake you will have hope once again.”

  And sleep I did—very peacefully as a matter of fact, just like Raven said.

  When I woke, besides the ache in my heart, I felt good and rested. It was Friday and I really wanted to stay home from school, but what if this was the day Levi came back?

  I stretched and noticed a note on my pillow with the words elegantly scrawled:

  BTW, you must shower as soon as you wake. You smell like a pile of dirty laundry. I do not want to know.

  ~ Raven

  I smiled, stuffing the note in my bedside table. I stripped off my clothes and shoved them in my dirty-clothes basket. I jumped into the shower and quickly dressed for school, but when I arrived, my heart sank—still no Levi.

  My phone vibrated, alerting me to a voice mail. It was Irena. I pressed the button and listened.

  “Hello, Charity dear. If you’re looking for answers, we have pack archives secretly stored in the lower level of the Pack’s And More Bookstore in Frazier, North Carolina. The Frazier Pack owns it. They’re our allies. Tell them I sent you. I love you, and I hope you find what you’re looking for.”

  I hit the button ending her message. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. Did she know something? I listened to the message again, but decided there was nothing to do about it at the moment but filed it away for later.

  At lunch, Levi’s guys all looked unhappy and disturbed. Ashley sensed it too. I knew something was seriously wrong, but how could I get them to tell me? Maybe I didn’t have to.

  “Charity,” Toby said, “is Levi still sick? He must have something really bad, huh?”

  I looked at Josh for help.

  “Yes. He has the flu,” Josh said.

  Not what I wanted to hear. I knew Levi couldn’t get the flu. Werewolves fight off normal germs. What could be wrong with him? Is he just avoiding me? Could he be well after all? Was I worrying for nothing? By the look on the faces before me—the answer was no. But what could I do?

  By accident I glanced down at my left palm and the symbol represented there. I gasped, jumping to my feet. “Oh no! No, no, no!” The tip of my connection symbol was beginning to turn black. I glanced at Ashley in alarm.

  “What is it?” she asked, her face mimicking mine.

  The others also looked alarmed, waiting for my reply.

  Tears filled my eyes as I leaned over the table, my face inches from Josh’s. “I have to see him, and I have to see him now. Right now.” I raised my hand and stuck it in the air for all of them to see—not caring the slightest about what my others friends thought.

  The guys took in sharp breaths at the realization of what this meant.

  “What’s happening?” Toby asked in alarm.

  “I have to get to him now, Josh, before it’s too late.”

  He took my arm and escorted me away from the table, and away from curious ears. “Charity, you’re not to be allowed in the facility. I can’t disobey the rules.”

  “Your obedience could be the death of him—and me—and your pack. I am your alpha female, and I’m telling you to override this decision.” I looked him square in the eyes, anger replacing fear, and used my full authority as alpha female. “I’m not asking you—I’m telling you. You will take me to him right now.”


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