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Charity Rising (Charity Series Book 2)

Page 10

by Kinney, DeAnna

  “Did not!”

  “Did too!”

  “Did not!”

  What, are we in second grade now? “Stop!!” I yelled, causing them both to freeze at once, and drawing curious eyes from the few customers on the other side of the store. “That’s better. Now, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but we’re in a big hurry. We think Levi may be sick, and we really need to see those archives in order to prove it so the others will believe us and we can get him the help he needs.”

  They both eyed each other for a moment, then, as if someone lit a fire under their butts, which I guess I just did, both of them grabbed Ashley and I’s arms and led us swiftly to the right corner of the store. They ushered us through a door that led down a flight of stairs and into a clean and organized basement.

  “Our archives are on all these shelves.”

  Ashley and I glanced to the bookshelves and grimaced. There were two rows of them, and each book was at least three inches thick. I sighed. “This is gonna take longer than I thought, Ash. We better get started right away.”

  “Yes,” she simply replied, as though she was in a daze, which I guess she was.

  “We’ll help anyway we can. How ‘bout starting with a Frappuccino?”

  We perked up then. “Yes, that would be awesome, thanks.”

  We sat at the table in the basement and finished the supper the brothers had brought to us and milled over our books. “Have you found anything yet?” I asked.

  “Um, no, not yet. And you?”

  “No, dang it! We can’t be here all weekend! We have to find something real soon!”

  The brothers were so sweet, bringing us anything we wanted, like food and coffee, along with some things we didn’t want, like some of their pack friends. This slowed us down and only added to the growing urgency in my core, but I remained friendly, if you can call it that. After all, they were just reacting to the crushes they had developed for us both. It was actually adorable, in an annoying sort of way.

  Ashley and the brothers tried to perk me up as the closing hour approached. It wasn’t working. All I could think about is the fact that Levi was counting on me to find whatever it was I needed to find. The growing blackness to my connection symbol only increased my urgency. Levi was sick, and it was up to me to save him—that or die with him. Living without him would never be an option for me—now or ever.

  Chase was break dancing, while Razz was spinning on his head. This kind of entertainment wasn’t quite what I had envisioned when they said they had something that would cheer me up. I mean, I have nothing against Rap, but I had more urgent things on my mind, like finding out what was causing my husband to act like a total idiot. Ashley had stopped skimming her book and was watching the guys with interest, even clapping.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I walked over to the CD player and punched the button, stopping the music. “Okay, listen up, you turkeys! I know you’re trying to help, but stop! Do you see this?” I held up my left palm, exposing my connection symbol. Their eyes grew wide. “This is the symbol that signifies the heart connection I share with Levi. Do you see this growing blackness on the end?” They both stepped forward. Chase actually took my hand in his as he studied the darkening symbol there. “This means that Levi is sick, and if this black continues to travel down, eventually it will all be black, and that means death—for Levi and me. Do you understand now?”

  Compassion filled their eyes as they continued to stare. “We’re sorry, Charity. We didn’t know.”

  My voice softened. “I know. If you really want to help you can both grab some books and start looking for anything that will explain what’s wrong with him.”

  They raced each other to the shelf and grabbed stacks of books in their arms. I then began to explain all of Levi’s crazy symptoms; the change in personality, mood swings, short-term memory loss, and the slight shift of his scent.

  We ignored closing hours and continued to read until 2 a.m., when I woke to realize we’d all fallen asleep. I woke Ashley quietly and we left to go back to the hotel, leaving the brothers to sleep where they were.

  The next morning, Ash and I raced down the sidewalk again, just like the morning before, but this time I had a bad feeling, causing me to turn and glance behind me. I spotted a guy in a blue t-shirt walking a good ways behind us. He looked familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on how. Then, as I risked another glance at him, it hit me. “Ash, run faster!”

  She didn’t question me as she hurried to my side and then passed me. We barged into the bookstore, rushing to the counter. “Chase, Razz, someone’s following us!!” I glanced around for customers before I continued. Finding none I said, “I think it’s a vampire!”

  Without another word they both bolted over the counter and out the door in hot pursuit. My heroes. Ash and I ran behind the counter and hid—waiting. Ten minutes later we heard the door open and finally the brothers appeared around the counter.

  “It’s okay. Whoever it was is long gone now. You’ll be safe here with us. If it was a vampire, he’ll not dare come in here. We’ll make some calls to our pack, get them tracking.”

  “Thanks guys.”

  “You’re welcome, milady.” They both took a bow.

  Rolling my eyes, I pushed them aside and made my way to the basement to start the long process of discovery.

  It was early afternoon when we finally took a much-needed break. Chase was taking a late lunch break and brought some food and coffee down with him. He picked up one of the books we’d been looking through and read it while he ate. “This is interesting,” he began, “listen to this. It says here that although alpha twins a rare, when they do occur, one may have a tendency to kill the other, eliminating the competition, so to speak. It is rumored that some parents may even take desperate measures to separate the twins, even sending one away to be raised in secret in order to protect them both.” He glanced up then. “Wow, if that’s true then think of all the alphas that might have a twin in the world somewhere and don’t even know it. Pretty interesting stuff.”

  Ashley was the first to respond. “I can’t imagine how hard that would be to separate your children, especially twins. You know they say that twins have a special connection to each other. It just seems so unfair to separate them.”

  “Yeah,” I added, “but if they were in danger from each other a parent would have to do it if they loved them, right?”

  “I guess.”

  I was in the middle of taking a bite of my sandwich when it hit me. “Wait a minute.”

  Ash looked up in surprise. “What it is?”

  “That explains everything! Ash, we have to go back right now! I know what’s wrong with Levi!” I kissed Chase on the cheek. “Thank you, Chase. If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have figured it out.”

  He looked puzzled, but responded, “Okay, your welcome, Charity. Glad I could help. Please come back and visit us again.”

  “We will!” I called to him as we dashed up the stairs and out of sight.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Surprisingly no one tried to stop us as Ashley and I charged through the facility, not slowing our stride until we came to the Alpha Wing. There were people lining the walls and hovering around Levi’s bedroom door, peering in and murmuring, their faces tainted with concern.

  I became more alarmed the closer I got. When I stepped inside, walking into the center of the room, I froze. Levi was lying motionless on the bed, covered only by a sheet to his waist.

  “Levi!” I cried, rushing to his bedside.

  Everyone moved out of my way as I knelt beside him, grabbing his hand in mine. His eyes were closed, his face pale and lips white. I touched his bare chest. His skin felt cool and clammy against my shaky fingers. My heart pounded out of fear. He was dying! Turning his right hand over, I stared down at the small, vine-like symbol on his palm. The blue was almost completely gone—replaced by black. I glanced down into the face of my magnificent husband—the only love I’ll ever know, and knew what I ne
eded to do.

  Without further hesitation, I jumped to my feet. “Everybody out!! Everybody out now!!” I demanded, ushering everyone through the door, shutting and locking it behind them. I stripped out of my clothes as I crossed the room, leaving them in heaps on the floor. Climbing into bed beside him, I turned his face toward me and whispered, “Levi, look at me.” He didn’t open his eyes. I fought the tears as I leaned in and began kissing his face softly. “Levi. Please don’t leave me. I love you so much. I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry for getting so mad at you for locking me in our room. I’m sorry for leaving on vacation without making things right with you. I’m sorry for all the fighting we’ve been doing. But mostly, I’m sorry for being such a pain in the butt. Levi, do you hear me? I’m so sorry. Please don’t leave me.” I rested my head on his chest, listening to his faint heartbeat. I picked up his hand, pressing it against mine so that our connection symbols touched. Gasping, I felt a heated tingling that started in my palm and spread throughout the rest of my body. I instantly knew there was still hope. I positioned my body, towering over him and pressed my lips gently to his. Minutes passed and nothing. I had a thought and bolted out of bed and over to my jeans where I found my lip balm and applied a generous coating. Repositioning myself over him, I pressed my lips to his once again, hoping the scent found him and triggered his memory. Suddenly, as if a bolt of lightning had surged through him, his mouth opened and his lips slowly began to devour mine as his body trembled in response. His fingers sought my face and inched into my hair, grasping handfuls. Urgently, even violently, he crushed himself to me. As his body heated against mine, and as his strength began to return, I felt whole for the first time in days—finally I was home. His head popped up and his eyes flew open. “Charity? Are you really here?” he asked, eyes tearful.

  I smiled, sighing in relief. “Yes, puppy, it’s me. I’m really here. And I’m not leaving your side this time no matter what you say.”

  Tears leaked from his eyes as he pulled my head down and our lips met once again.

  It was in the middle of the night when I emerged from the room, arm in arm with my happy, and healed, husband. He called a meeting to discuss my new theory. I noted lots of sleepy smiles as we strolled through the Meeting Room toward the stage.

  Levi stepped up onto the low stage, turning to address everyone. “I know it’s late and I appreciate all of you getting out of bed to be here. I’ve called this meeting to discuss a new revelation. Charity has brought something to my attention that I think we need to discuss. She and Ashley spent the weekend in Frazier studying our archives there, and made a discovery. Charity is convinced that I have a twin.”

  Before he could continue the room was abuzz with protests.

  “But how could that be? We would know something like that,” Ian said.

  “Yeah, we would know,” Jared added.

  “Are you saying someone has been impersonating you? That’s not possible.”

  “Yes it is!” Joseph said, bursting into the room. “It’s possible if the person impersonating you is identical to you.”

  Levi looked stunned, his face turning pale yet again. “Father, do you know anything about this?”

  “Yes, I’m afraid I do,” he said. “The person that’s been impersonating you is your twin brother. I’m sorry, Levi. Your mother and I kept this from you for your own good, but it seems that now he has come looking for us. So I guess it’s time you knew the truth.

  “Twins are very rare in the alpha line, only two reported cases in our history books. In both cases, however, because of our competitive nature, one twin killed the other, assuring his place as alpha. When the two of you were born, your mother and I had a hard decision to make. Do we keep you both and take a chance on losing one of you, or do we separate you so that both of you survive? We chose the latter. You were the oldest by three minutes so we kept you. We found a couple in our pack that weren’t able to have children and sent them away with your brother to live in secret. We’ve struggled with that decision from that day until now. His name is Eli.”

  The room was in total silence.

  Joseph walked over to Levi, who was still stunned and standing lifeless, and put both hands on his shoulder. “I’m sorry for the deception my son, but it was necessary in order to protect you both. Forgive me.”

  He glanced at his father then, shock still evident on his face. “Yes, of course, Father.” It took a few moments, but he managed to snap out of it. “Okay, now that we know who he is—what does he want? And why is he impersonating me and making moves on my wife?!” His face turned angry.

  I too became angry now that the theory was proven as fact. “But why would he do that? I mean, what do I have to do with him?!”

  “Charity,” Levi said, approaching me, “can you ever forgive me? I knew you were telling the truth, and yet I couldn’t deny the scent. It’s so close to my own that I almost didn’t catch it. I’m so sorry. Please say you forgive me,” he pleaded, his eyes slightly moist.

  I wanted to be angry, but I understood where he was coming from. I remember when Selena snuck into our room and made a move on him. I felt the same way, even slapping his face. I peered up into his magnificent eyes, remembering just how close I came to losing him forever. I touched his face, recalling how pale and lifeless it was only hours before. “Of course I forgive you. How could I not?”

  “Thank you. I’ll make it up to you somehow.” He picked up my hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it gently. His eyes turned hard, a flicker of yellow flashing in them. “My brother, on the other hand, will not get off so easily. He will regret ever touching you, along with all this mess he has created.”

  A chill ran down my spine.

  Josh interrupted, “What do you think he wants, Joseph?”

  “I’m not sure. Revenge perhaps, or maybe he’s just curious. But whatever it is we need to find out. It seems that Charity is the only one he has approached.”

  “Yes, and why is that?” I asked.

  “Isn’t it obvious?” Levi added in a snarl not directed at me. “He’s attracted to you. Maybe he thinks you should belong to him, along with the pack. Maybe he wants to replace me.”

  I would’ve shrieked, but it wasn’t my style. “Replace you? But you’re a great leader. He hasn’t been raised in the pack, or even as an alpha. How could he justify taking over? Besides, you’re the oldest.”

  “I don’t know, but trust me when I say this……we’re going to find out.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “You have to make sure you don’t let him know you’ve found him out,” Levi began. “He has to believe you still think he’s me. And when he shows up I want you to get him to the clearing where we will be waiting for him.”

  “But how will I know it’s not you? Other than the fact that his hair has a slight red tint, and he’s a little more tanned that you, and maybe you’re a little taller, he looks just like you.”

  He rolled his eyes. “And you didn’t know it wasn’t me, how?”

  “Hey! How was I supposed to know God would make two of you?! And leave the sarcasm to me, why don’t ya!”

  “Fine. But just use your instincts. Notice his scent, study his connection symbol, notice if it’s on the correct hand and correct spot. Be observant. If he says anything that I wouldn’t say, or how about this, every time I greet you, until this is over, I’ll call you by your pet name.”

  “Okay. I guess that’ll work. What do I do once I know it’s him?”

  “Call Hector and tell him the two of you are going to the clearing to spend some time alone. In truth, Hector will know to notify me. We’ll meet you there and find out what this brother of mine is up to. Please don’t let him know you suspect him. He could be dangerous. And be especially careful.”

  “Fine. But I don’t like this one bit, just so you know.”


  I narrowed my eyes at him. Smart-alec.

  I was relieved out of my mind to have the myste
ry solved, at least part of it. That’s why Levi was acting strange at the Prom. I gasped. That fool had his hands all over me! And I made out with him! But as I recalled the scenes more closely I realized, to my horror, that it was me who instigated all of it. He didn’t kiss me until I kissed him first. He was just responding to me. Great. Add guilt to all the other emotions I was experiencing. Just pile it on.

  In the meantime, I continued to work on my cooking. Knowing it was important to me, Levi made arrangements for me to cook alongside their chef, Chef Barney, a serious man with a large belly and a strong, Italian accent. However, after only one short hour, he shooed me out saying I was wreaking havoc on his kitchen. Geez, werewolf chefs are so touchy. So I went home and started practicing in my own kitchen. I started with a cake. Only a fool can mess that up.

  When I was finished, it looked pretty good. Maybe I could be proud of this one. No such luck. Just call me a fool. I took it to the Drake House, thinking that the children would love it. Instead, they had a food fight with it. I was mortified; that cake had taken me most of the afternoon. So what if the icing looked like Pepto Bismol.

  To cheer me up, Levi took me out to dinner. It was our favorite restaurant, Giovanna’s, located just outside of town, in the gloomy city ironically named Happy, N.C. We asked for our usual private booth and spent most of our dinner making out. It was nice to be just a teenager in love and nothing else. Levi felt it too. He needed time away from his responsibilities and all the anxiety of the new revelation that he was no longer an only child. He’s missed years with his brother, yet all he wanted to do was kill him. After all, we had been through hell because of him, and yet our connection was much stronger as a result. For some reason every time our heart connection was re-established it seemed to grow stronger. Go figure.

  “You know, you need to have a serious talk with that chef of yours,” I said, snuggling against him in the safety of our private booth.

  His strong arms came around me. “Oh yeah? What about, exactly?”


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