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Charity Rising (Charity Series Book 2)

Page 14

by Kinney, DeAnna

  “Hey, Charlie girl, are you all right? You don’t look so good.”

  “Just a little tired, Grandmammy.”

  She took my arm. “Come with me. I got some’m fix you right up. Cure anything from a cough to the flu, it will.”

  She led me into her room and over to a table where a tall bottle of something was waiting. “Um, Grandmammy, are you sure I should be taking that? I’m not much of a drinker.”

  “Don’t be silly. Just a sip’ll do ya.”

  She poured about an inch into a small glass and smiled with anticipation as I gulped down the strange smelling liquid.

  “So, whatcha think?”

  “It’s good,” I choked. “What’s in it?” I choked again.

  She laughed. “Honey, if I told you that I’d have to shoot ya ‘tween the eyes.”

  I stumbled my way back to my room and collapsed on the bed. When I woke in the morning, I was in my nightgown and wrapped tightly in my Snoopy blanket—Levi’s doing, I assumed. I stretched and found myself full of amazing energy and ready to start a new day.

  Levi came into the room with a tray of food and coffee. “Are you hungry, my beautiful wife?”

  “Levi, you’re gonna spoil me doing this.”

  He was pleased. “That’s my job, kitten.”

  I applied my lip balm while pouring a most generous amount of Cinnabon creamer into my coffee until the taste resembled a sweet dessert and nothing like coffee at all.

  “You know,” Levi said, eyeing me in amusement. “Next time why don’t you just let me bring you a mug of creamer only.”


  While most of our friends from school were at the beach celebrating our graduating, Ashley and I spent the day moving. I can’t believe someone so little can have so much stuff, but Ashley was able to fill up a rental truck. Me—all I had was bedroom furniture. One thing for sure, we had the hottest moving crew alive or dead. Levi, Eli, Josh, Jordan, Jared, and Hector were all helping. We didn’t really need six guys, but it was fun nonetheless. Cars were honking and girls were whistling. It was quite annoying. And to torture us even further, they removed their shirts while they worked. To see six gorgeous, young men shirtless was almost overwhelming, once I even became woozy.

  Going down the steps, I almost slipped when I spotted Levi coming up, his arms full of boxes. Smirking, I slapped him on the butt.

  “Hey, Bell, I’m gonna have to tell your husband you’re flirting.”

  I shrieked. “Eli?!”

  He laughed but kept going.

  “Dang it!”

  Ashley was rummaging through the boxes in the kitchen. “Guys,” Ashley called, “you are going to join us for supper before you leave, aren’t you?”

  “I have an idea,” I interrupted, “what if I cook us something?”

  “No!” they all blurted out in unison.

  “Hold the phone, Wookies! My cooking has greatly improved.”

  Levi shook his head at them.

  I turned just in time to see him. “Hey, Scooby, I saw that!” I snapped, pointing my finger at him. “Your nights in the doghouse are accumulating—you want to add another one?”

  He grimaced.

  We ordered pizza. The delivery girl said we could keep the tip. Seeing six gorgeous guys shirtless was tip enough.

  “Charity, where do you want these last boxes?” Jared asked as he and Jordan brought the last ones up.

  “Oh, in the bedroom please.”

  A few minutes later, I walked into the bedroom only to find Jared and Jordan laughing, standing over one of my boxes. “What are you turkeys doing?”

  Jared laughed. He was holding two tampons, one in each ear, like he was cleaning his ears out. “Hey, Charity, what big Q-tips you have.”

  “Very mature. You guys need to get yourself some girlfriends to pester. Now get!”

  They darted from the room in record speed. I turned to find Levi standing behind me—no wonder.

  “Are those twerps bothering you?” he asked, taking me in his arms.

  “Yes,” I pouted. “Can you decapitate them for me?”

  “In one swipe,” he was fighting laughter.

  “You’re laughing, but I’m serious.”

  “Yes, I know.” With one hand he shut the door, at the same time his lips pressed firmly to mine. He pulled me tightly against him, so close in fact I could feel his heart beating wildly against me. “I love you so much, Charity. The longer we’re married the harder it gets to be away from you.”

  “I know what you mean. My heart is already aching knowing we won’t be together tonight.”

  “Well, I hate to say this but we better get going. It’ll be getting dark soon,” he said, kissing me passionately once more. “I’ll miss you so much tonight. Sure you two will be okay?”

  “Are you kidding? We’re gonna turn this place into a romantic paradise then spend the night talking about you. It’ll be great. Go have fun, get all furry, and run around making howling noises and peeing on things. Don’t worry about us.”

  “I can send Raven over here if it’d make you feel better.”

  “Oh stop! I’m still mad at him anyway.”

  He jerked to attention. “What for? What did he do?”

  “Well, I still can’t seem to remember, but when I do you’ll be the first werewolf I tell.”

  “What would my life be without you?”


  He laughed. “I love you, and I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”

  “Okay. I love you too. Now go. Chase a herd of caribou for me.”

  He kissed me one last time and then left the room. Josh kissed Ashley goodbye and then they were gone.

  It was a full moon and our werewolves turn furry, run through the forest, and do crazy things I don’t want to know about. You couldn’t pay me enough money to get near the forest on a full moon. I always make sure I’m far away.

  This was the first full moon Eli would spend with his pack. I was kind of excited for him. He’d missed a lot in eighteen years, but fortunately he was getting to make up for it. He was living at the Drake House full time now that he had graduated. Levi was taking him under his wing and teaching him how to run the pack should anything happen to him. He was also teaching him to fight. Every day they would go out and practice. Levi said he was definitely improving.

  Ashley and I spent most of the night unpacking and getting settled. Finally, around eleven o’clock we were at a stopping point. As we sat Indian-style on the sofa, drinking a coke, I broke open the Godiva truffles Levi left as a house warming gift, took a mouth full, and thought it might be a good time to bring up the eating thing.

  “Um, Ash, there’s something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about.”

  “Okay, shoot.”

  “Well, I’m not sure how to go about this, but I need you to tell me about your eating problem.”

  She looked alarmed. She immediately stood and began pacing about the room. “I’ve been meaning to tell you about that. At first I just wanted to lose a few pounds, but when I did, it felt so good. And the more control I gained over my eating, the more I wanted. It’s weird, I know. I don’t expect you to understand, you’re so perfect.”

  “Ashley, you know me better than that. How can you say that?”

  “I mean that you’re the perfect size. You can eat anything you want and not gain weight. I don’t expect you to understand how good it feels to lose weight.”

  Feeling guilty, I swallowed hard and slid the chocolates out of reach. “Ash, I might not understand about weight gain, but I understand about control. I’ve been living in an abusive home for years remember? Trust me, I do understand. But we’re like sisters. You can talk to me about this. I care about you, and I want you to start eating again. You’re getting too thin. It’s not too late to get control over this, but I’m afraid if you don’t do it now it might be.”

  She sighed. “I know you’re right. Josh has been complaining too. I’ll try, I promise.”r />
  I stood and went to her. “I’ll do all I can to help you. Let’s pray about it, okay?”

  She smiled. “Okay.”

  We prayed, hugged, sniffled a little, and got back to work. And just for fun, I made her eat a truffle.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  It was hard to believe it had already been a week since graduation. Ashley was situated nicely in our apartment, I’d moved in with Levi, and Ashley and I were preparing to take the entrance exam at Windrake Community College so we can take nursing classes. And on top of that, she was eating again—not a lot but it was improvement.

  Everything seemed to be moving along nicely, and I was really happy. This was exactly the place I’d been waiting to get to, and it hadn’t been a disappointment. All would be complete once I found my stupid cat. She was still lost and running around the facility somewhere. Occasionally she’d cause an uproar, but no one had been able to get their hands on her. So odd—I didn’t have any trouble the night I found her by the road. Then again I wasn’t trying to eat her either.

  I was also getting to know the pack better, and I’d made some new friends. My routine was pretty awesome too. I’d wake up in Levi’s arms, we’d shower and have breakfast together, and then he would head out to take care of pack business and train with Eli, while I spent time with Irena and Joseph. Then I’d go visit with Tosha and little Jeremy, go to the gym in the Recreation Wing and pretend to exercise, shower again and have lunch with Levi and the guys, and on most days, talk Levi into an extended lunch in our bedroom. Then I’d call my mom and listen to her blab about Doc and spend about an hour pestering Chef Barney in his kitchen while trying to learn something. As if on cue, he’d yell something in Italian and swing pans in the air, and I’d run from the room with a renewed determination to find out what he was yelling, only to forget by the time I reached my room. Ashley would usually come over and talk to me while I did laundry, then we’d head over to the dining hall and wait for our men to wander in, all the while trying to pretend not to notice Hector following me around everywhere I went. It’s not like he’s easy to miss.

  After supper we’d usually hang out in the Recreation Wing and watch episodes of Drake and Josh on the flat screen, or play pool or Xbox, or head to our living quarters where we spend time alone. All in all, a pretty nice time, I’d say.

  Raven had his own separate living quarters, like Levi and I, away from the others. I didn’t think he was fully comfortable with us yet. Something was missing for him. I could only guess what it was. The truth is I felt kind of bad for him. It must be hard being separated from his family, never to see them again. I wondered if he’d had any contact with them. I thought perhaps it was time that he and I talked.

  I didn’t see Raven all day so I finally decided to go to his room. Levi wouldn’t like it but I’d find a way to make him forgive me.

  I knocked.

  When he opened the door he looked surprised. “Charity, how nice to see you. Would you like to come in?”

  “Can you be trusted?”

  “Of course, please,” he gestured me in.

  I stepped in, taking in the view of his beautifully decorated space. “Wow, Raven, your place is nice. No wonder you don’t come out much.” I sat down on his black, leather sofa. “Speaking of that, are you happy here?”

  “Hmm, well I miss home, I will not lie, but yes I think I am happy here. However, I like my privacy too.”

  “Have you had any contact with them at all? You know—your family?”


  “I’m sorry, Raven. It’s my fault. If you hadn’t saved me they would still accept you.”

  “No, Charity, I had to save you. I know you cannot understand, but you will just have to trust me.”

  “Speaking of trust, what is it that I can’t remember? Why am I mad at you?”

  He laughed. “And why would I want to tell you that?”

  “You’re not gonna tell me, are you?”

  “When the time is right. But I will say this—I now know two secrets about you, my queen.”

  “Oooh! Fine. Have it your way.” Stinking vampires.

  Later, Ashley and I were making our way through the dining hall, and stopped at a table to talk to Sissy and Tara who were in the process of gorging themselves on a plate of homemade cookies.

  “Hey guys. What’s up?” I asked.

  “Charity, want a cookie? Chef Barney made them. They’re delicious.”

  “Oh yeah. Thanks.” I was reaching for the biggest cookie on the plate when I began to feel odd; kind of like how it feels the moment you step off a monstrous roller coaster. You know, rolling stomach, swimmy head, and muffled voices.

  “Charity, are you all right?” Tara asked. “You look pale? Charity? Charity!”

  Then I knew I was falling.

  I woke to masses of people hovering around me and the muffled voices were getting clearer. Irena was dabbing my face with something cold and wet, and I heard Levi frantically making his way through the crowd.

  “Charity!” He knelt down beside me, moving his mother gently aside, and took my face in his hands. “Charity, honey, are you all right? Talk to me. What happened?”

  Tara answered for me. “She was standing here talking to us and then she turned pale white and fell, hitting her face on the table. No one could catch her in time. I’m so sorry, Charity,” she called down to me.

  Without further hesitation Levi scooped me up in his arms and carried me to the Medical Clinic. Doc was waiting for us there. He laid me down gently on a table.

  “Well,” Doc began as he did his ‘thang’, “her face is banged up pretty badly. Her cheek is bruised, and her nose and lips are busted, but it looks like nothing is broken—that’s good. Charity, how do you feel?”

  “Um, don’t take this personal, Doc, but that’s a stupid question.”

  He laughed. “I’d say she’ll be fine. What we need to find out now is why she passed out in the first place.”

  “I can answer that,” Raven said, stepping into view.

  What did he know?

  “I know what is wrong with Charity. She is with child.”

  Levi and I both gasped.

  “And how would you know that?” Levi replied, slightly agitated. “I can’t sense it. Her scent hasn’t changed. So how do you know?”

  “The night of her graduation she let me feed on her. I knew through her blood.”

  He turned to me, his purple eyes smoldering. “Charity, is this true?! Did you let Raven feed on you?!” He was definitely angry.

  “To be honest with you I don’t really remember. But I think I did because I was mad at him for some reason only I couldn’t remember why. So that must be it. I’m sorry, Levi.”

  He looked over at Raven. “Start explaining.”

  “I owe you both an apology,” he said, looking first at Levi and then to me. “Charity was curious, and to be honest, so was I. It is over now and it will not happen again. I promise.”

  I think Levi was satisfied with his explanation, that or, like me, he just couldn’t hold onto the anger after the news, because his face suddenly changed and became elated. He turned to me. “Charity, you’re pregnant!”

  After seeing the joy on his face I too became happy. We’re going to have a baby!

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Holy freakshow!!! A baby! Go figure. That explains why I’d been so emotional at times, and woozy, and here I thought it was good-looking guys running around shirtless. Well, I guess I was as ready as I’d ever be. On second thought—I could’ve been more ready. On third thought—how does one get ready anyway? I’d only been a wife for two months for Pete’s sake. Oh well, it was what it was ready or not.

  Levi carried me to our room and laid me on the bed. “Is there anything I can get for you?”

  “Good grief, don’t start treating me like a helpless weenie—although, I am hungry. Could you get me something to eat? Maybe some meat of some kind—oh and some fruit—and something really
sweet—and chocolate.” Oh well, he asked.

  He laughed. “I’m gonna love taking care of you I can already tell.” If his face wasn’t full of such felicity, I might’ve thought he was being sarcastic.

  He returned with a tray full of all kinds of things; beef kabobs, corn on the cob, a salad, an apple, red grapes, a piece of carrot cake, and a tall glass of chocolate milk.

  I sighed. “I love you, Levi Drake. You’re the best man alive, but what took you so long?”

  “Well, everyone wanted to know how you’re doing, and I had to tell them, although I didn’t say anything about the baby. I thought we could tell everyone together.”

  “That would be great. I’d hate for Ash to learn from someone other than me. I inserted my straw and took a careful sip of my milk only to spit it out seconds later. “Levi! What do I tell my mother?! She’s going to kill me! She doesn’t know we’re married! Oh, Levi!”

  “Calm down, baby,” he said, grabbing a napkin and wiping chocolate milk out of my hair. He thought for a minute. “We’ll have that pretend wedding ceremony right away. You can’t be but a few weeks along otherwise I would’ve sensed it by now. We’ll go to see your mom tomorrow and I’ll ask her permission.”

  “What if she doesn’t give it?”

  He looked at me incredulously.

  “Hey, it could happen. But maybe we should wait until my face is better.”

  “Good point. I don’t want her to worry about you. She does that enough. I’ll get Mom to start working on the wedding arrangements.”

  “Won’t Irena ask why the urgency?”

  “I won’t make it sound urgent. I’ll just tell her that we’ve decided we want to go ahead and marry for the public, that way we can relax and get on with our lives.”

  “Okay, that sounds acceptable. She shouldn’t be suspicious about that, right?”


  When I woke the next morning I felt good. I stretched and got up and walked sleepily into the bathroom to take my shower. When I emerged, Irena was sitting on my bed waiting for me.


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