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Atlantis Series Complete Collection

Page 30

by Gena Showalter

  Oh, yes. Of course. The sheep farm has everything you need.

  Three hours later, the darkness waned and Gray reached the farm. He performed a perimeter check and discovered the owner asleep in his bed. The man/thing possessed the top half of a human, and the bottom half of a chestnut horse, complete with tail and hooves.

  Don’t hurt him. Please.

  Silently Gray withdrew a tranq-filled gun from his backpack and with a quick shot to the horse-man’s neck, injected him. The creature jerked, then stilled completely. This was the only tranquilizer Gray had brought, and he hated to use it now. At this point, however, he would have injected his own father if it meant eating a hot meal without interruption.

  When Gray was assured the creature wouldn’t awaken for hours yet, he strode into the kitchen and dropped his backpack on the freshly polished wood floor. The place reminded him of a country cottage, complete with straw beds, wood-burning stove, and fresh, home-cooked scents.

  He filled a clay basin with water, stripped to the skin, and washed himself as best he could, taking care around his wounds. He slathered those with antibiotic ointment before slapping bandages over them.

  Be gentler, please. You’re making me cringe.

  He arched a brow. “Can you see me?”

  Only through your eyes.

  How prim she sounded, he thought, smiling, just before he looked down.

  She gasped.

  He chuckled. “I think General Happy likes you.”

  Yes, well… I thought his—its—name was Private Happy.

  “He seems to be the one in command lately, so he’s come up in the ranks. Got a nice promotion.” His throat clenched as he fought to contain his guffaws of laughter. “Wishing I’d look down again?”

  She remained silent, and his smile grew.

  Clean at last, he redressed in his mud-caked fatigues. He hated wearing dirty clothes, especially now that he was clean, but he wouldn’t leave them behind. After he devoured a bowl of fruit and nuts and a plate of some sort of meat pie, he pilfered a royal blue robe and a yellow toga from the creature’s closet. He slipped the first over his head and shoved the second in his bag.

  “Why do centaurs wear robes?”

  They don’t. The clothing is for visiting sirens.

  Sirens. Women who lured men to their deaths by singing. Of course. He should have known.

  You can sleep here. The centaur will not mind.

  “I prefer to find a spot in the woods.” Solitude was always safer. A long length of rope caught his eye, and Gray stuffed it into his backpack. “He wouldn’t happen to have bullets lying around, would he?”

  No. No bullets.

  “It was worth a shot.” He hiked his way back to the cobbled path, feeling more energized than he had in days. Darkness had faded even more, making way for a bright golden glow. Flowers opened their petals, carpeting the ground with all shades of pastels, from the barest lavender, to the daintiest yellow. Trees swayed with renewed life.

  He spied several similarly robed people, their faces covered by their cloaks. Again, his first instinct was to whip out his knife and strike.

  The sirens are as harmless as the nymph. Simply block their voices from your mind.

  Gray strode past the small group, and he met a woman’s gaze. She was pretty in a delicate, protect-me way, with pale skin and mossy green eyes. Despite her prettiness, he felt not a shred of attraction toward her. She opened her mouth, about to speak to him, and he quickened his speed, not about to let the sensuality of her voice lure him to his death.

  When he was out of hearing distance, he said to Jewel, “You told me everyone here wants a piece of you. Now tell me why.”

  I’m special, she evaded.

  He opened his mouth to press her for more details, then closed it with a snap. She sounded so forlorn, on the brink of tears, and that knowledge unbalanced him for some reason. Made his stomach twist into several painful knots. Made his chest tighten and ache. She’d been impudent and bold up to this point.

  “Do they hurt you? These people who hold you captive?”

  I don’t want to talk about this. Her voice wavered.

  Which meant, yes, they did. Fury pounded through him, scalding hot and blistering. Gray had done many unsavory things in his life, all in the name of patriotism, but he had never hurt a woman. He would if he had to, yes, had even considered silencing Jewel on his own, but he did not like the thought of anyone else hurting her. She seemed soft and delicate to him, in need of protection. Anyone who hurt a woman like that deserved pain. Lingering, torturous pain.

  He’d already decided to spring Jewel from her prison, but his determination intensified, reaching new heights. No way in hell would he abandon her now. He’d save her or die trying.

  There will be no dying on your part. Promise me.

  “Of course there won’t. You might have missed the memo, but I’m invincible.”

  Yeah. Right.

  Another hour passed, this one in silence as they each mulled their own thoughts. All the while he climbed up a steep, dangerous mountain, fast losing his bout of energy.

  Finally Jewel uttered the magic words his tired, exhausted body longed to hear.

  You’ll be safe here.

  Gray immediately tossed his bag onto the ground and made camp. Only when he lay atop his bedroll, the stolen yellow toga acting as his pillow, did he allow himself to drink in the scenery. He was perched atop the highest ledge of the mountain, overlooking a breathtaking vista of trees and flowers, and a waterfall that glistened like liquid pearls. So clear it was, he could see the mossy bottom.

  Exotic birds with bright, colorful feathers soared around him, calling to one another in a symphony of squawks and cries. This was, quite possibly, the most beautiful sight he’d ever beheld.

  Above him arched the crystal dome, so close he had only to reach out to touch the glistening, jagged fixture. Seawater churned in every direction, splashing one way, then another, before dancing away. Foam and mist lingered determinedly as schools of fish swam past.

  I’ll warn you if anyone approaches. Sleep well, Gray.

  “I won’t let myself sleep deeply. I’ll know if anyone comes close to me.”

  Whatever you say. A soft melody drifted through his mind, Jewel’s sexy voice lulling him to deep, deep sleep.

  His eyelids grew heavy against the dawning brightness, and he yawned. Why fight it? Slowly he surrendered to nothingness, one final thought drifting through his mind: if today was only the beginning, getting to the end was going to be one hell of a ride.


  “OUT OF PARADISE and straight into purgatory,” Gray muttered as he maneuvered through a thick, cackling crowd of…people. He used the term loosely. Around him meandered bull-faced men (with actual fur!), women with skin that glowed and glittered—and who also dressed in scanty, see-through robes with more cleavage than a Playboy centerfold (which he only flipped through for the articles). They reminded him of the siren he’d encountered last night, pretty and delicate.

  Giant, one-eyed Cyclopses shook the ground as they walked, and griffins, half lion, half bird, raced on all fours, growling and snapping at each other, their tails whipping from side to side. Overhead, birds flew—no. Not birds, he realized. They possessed grotesquely misshapen faces, female torsos with large—very large—breasts, and the body of a bird. Talons, wings and all. Harpies, that’s what they were. With beautiful breasts. Had he mentioned those?

  He was truly hard up if female birds were turning him on. Maybe it was time to renew his subscription to Playboy. For the articles.

  There were a few centaurs, half man, half horse like the sheep farmer, and each of them carried long, thick clubs. A pack of giggling horned children darted past him, throwing rocks at each other as they ran.

  Jewel had navigated him down the mountain and into this—whatever it was. Town? Freak fest? He’d already checked in with home base, and now gripped his knife, careful to keep the dark metal hi
dden within the folds of his robe. Heat stretched from the crystal dome above like a too-tight rubber band, ready to crack and break at the first sign of pressure. Still, he was glad for his robe and hood. They blended him into the crowd quite nicely. And if anyone sensed his human blood, they gave no notice.

  You made it, Jewel said, breathless with excitement.

  You really made it. The last was barely a whisper. The closer he’d drawn to this area, the more desperate she’d become for him to reach her.

  “Finally,” he muttered. “Where am I?” A salty breeze at last stirred, whisking his hood around his face.

  This is the central agora—market—for the Outer City.

  Only then did he notice the vendors selling their wares. Gleaming linens, sparkling jewelry and—slaves. His eyes widened. A man with green scales instead of skin and red-rimmed eyes paced in front of a line of naked humanoid men, shouting about the merits of buying them, he’d bet. What he wouldn’t give to speak Atlantean. The slaves were well muscled and streaked with dirt and whip marks, and they each wore expressions of dismay, their cheeks flushed with humiliation as they stared down at the ground.

  Gray’s hands flexed and relaxed, flexed and relaxed. He wanted to cut them loose, at least try to save them, but that wasn’t his mission and he couldn’t afford to draw attention to himself. Maybe, after he found the jewel, he’d come back for them.

  Those men are rapists, killers and thieves.

  “Then they deserve what they get,” he said, losing all traces of pity. He turned away from them. The scent of fresh, succulent meats taunted his nose, and his mouth watered. Having eaten only one decent meal—the rest being fruits, nuts, and tasteless energy bars—in the past five days, he craved steak, so rare it mooed, with another steak on the side.

  With a sexy serving wench, I’m sure.

  “You got that right.”

  She snorted. Since dragons control and protect the Inner City, outcasts and the more bloodthirsty races stay in this area. It’s why everyone here carries a weapon. No one trusts anyone else.

  Gray intensified his guard. He even let his robe drop from his wrist, revealing the long length of his machete. Jewel was right. Everyone else had a weapon, and they weren’t afraid to show it. He’d stand out if he didn’t showcase his blade.

  Someone pushed past him, jostling the backpack that was hidden under his robe and causing him to stumble forward. He growled, knife raised, ready to strike, but the bull-faced man never turned to engage.

  Follow him. He’ll lead you to me.

  Gray quickened his step, elbowing figures out of his way as he clambered past a tall, stone gate and toward a black crystal castle that swept a towering apex toward the dome. His gaze remained on the bull-man’s back. Anticipation unfurled in his stomach, then quickly spread through his veins.

  This morning he’d finally admitted to himself that his desire to reach Jewel had less to do with his mission, and more to do with seeing her in the flesh. More than anything, he wanted to save this woman who had been his only companion for two days.

  “Where are you?” he muttered quietly, not wanting the creatures surrounding him to hear his foreign tongue.

  I’m at the top of the palace steps. Hurry. Gray, please hurry. I will only be here a few moments more. I want to see you and know I’m not dreaming. That you’re really here.

  He finally reached the bull-man and shoved him out of the way. Sweat beaded across every inch of his skin, trickling down and wetting his robe. He would have preferred to hold his gun, but there wasn’t much two bullets could do in a crowd this size. Since he hadn’t used the grenades, he had those, and would use them if necessary. He only hoped it didn’t come down to that kind of destruction.

  Several beings grumbled when he continued to shoulder his way closer to the castle. Almost there. He’d see her any moment….

  “What am I up against, Jewel? You never told me.” Even as he spoke, he scanned the area, searching for any signs of trouble. Searching for her. Someone stepped directly in his path, and he barreled into the man’s back, propelling him forward. Damn it, would this crowd never part? Would he never reach the steps?

  I can feel your presence.

  Strangely, he could feel hers. A warm, feminine energy pulsed inside him with greater intensity every step he took. Faster, faster, he strode, only then realizing she hadn’t answered his question.

  And then, he forgot about his need for answers.

  He was there, standing at the front of the crowd, his feet hitting the bottom of the steps. He stopped, but his gaze still moved, roving, searching, climbing the dirty, blood-soaked staircase. Where was she? His heart hammered inside his chest, nearly cracking his ribs with its fierceness. He couldn’t see her.

  The centaur beside him pointed to the top left and whispered something to his female companion. Gray shifted his attention—and sucked in a shocked breath.

  There she was.

  He knew it was her, knew it was Jewel. And she was a stone fox. A bound stone fox, and seeing her arms tied over her head, the ropes anchoring her to a towering column, pissed him off royally.

  A pristine robe draped her slender body, knotted at her right shoulder and just below her stomach. The long material hung loosely, both hiding and showcasing her curves as it billowed against her frame. Silky, jet-black hair cascaded down her back, a startling contrast against her virgin-white clothes. Even from here, he could see the creamy, flawless purity of her skin, skin that seemed to glisten like a pearl.

  His stomach tightened—right along with the rest of him. In ever-growing anger at seeing her bound. In arousal at simply seeing her. Her face was as smooth and pure as his mother’s antique cameo. Not classically beautiful, but somehow so exquisite he ached simply from looking at her. Her lips were full and pink, deliciously pouty.

  She was familiar to him, but he didn’t know where he’d seen her before. He only knew that he had seen her at some point in his life. How was that possible?

  A black-robed man knelt in front of her, his head bowed. Too busy scanning the masses for Gray, she ignored him.

  “I’m here,” Gray whispered. “Toward your left.”

  Her chin snapped up and turned in his direction.

  Their gazes collided.

  He sucked in another breath, this one burning his lungs with the force of its sizzle. Her eyes were large, so large they dominated her face, and they were amazingly blue. Startlingly blue. Otherworldly blue. A shade so clear and deep he could easily lose his soul in their depths—and thank her for the loss. They hypnotized him.

  “Hell,” he said, unable to hold the word inside.

  Her buttercup lips lifted in a dazzling smile, and that smile rocked him to the core, nearly laying him flat. Her teeth were straight and white. Perfect.

  You’re even more handsome than I realized.

  And she was lovelier than he ever could have guessed.

  He watched as a scaled, yellow arm reached from behind her and nudged her in the shoulder. Her grin quickly faded. I’m sorry. I must finish my day’s work. She turned her attention to the kneeling man. Her rosy lips moved as she spoke to him, but Gray was too far away to hear what she said.

  She closed her eyes, paused for a long, protracted moment, then spoke some more. The man was jerked up and hauled away, sobbing in relief.

  Gray’s eyes narrowed, and his temper sparked to life. What was going on here? He forced himself to study the little details he had missed in his haste to see Jewel. A trio of demon guards stood behind her. Two small, sharp horns protruded from each of their scalps. Their noses were beaked, and their skin pulsed with a yellowish, scaly hue. Evil red eyes stared out at the crowd. None of them held a weapon, but then, they didn’t need weapons. Gray knew from experience that demons relied on their superior strength and speed, as well as their razor-sharp teeth to defend and attack.

  A wave of shock worked through him as he realized exactly what he was seeing. This is what Jewel had meant when s
he told him it was only the beginning. She needed him to save her from an army of demons. Sure. No problem. Whatever.

  Shit. “How many are there?”

  She needed no explanation. More than I can count. I can make an escape plan for us, but I must wait until I’m alone.

  Gray wasn’t sure he had enough firepower to beat such a large army. But damn it, he was here, and he wasn’t leaving without Jewel. He also knew he wasn’t going to wait on Jewel to make the escape plan. That happened to be one of his specialties.

  A guard cut her ropes, and she sank into a heap on the ground. He yearned to race up the steps and sweep her away, but she was quickly scooped up and carried inside the castle.

  “What’s going on? Where are they taking you?”


  “Jewel!” he shouted, and he didn’t care who heard him. “Answer me.”

  Again, silence.

  Damn it! He didn’t like this. Didn’t like not knowing. Didn’t like the feeling of helplessness working its way through him.

  The crowd began to disperse, and he soon found himself alone, staring up at the black castle through narrowed eyes. He released a heated sigh. “Be ready, babe. I’m coming in.”

  * * *

  “WHAT KNOW YOU of a portal that leads from Atlantis to the surface world?”

  On her perch at the edge of the bed, Jewel blinked up at Marina, Queen of the Demons, and prayed her expression remained blank. “A portal?” She phrased the words as a question, though she already knew the answer.

  “Darius of the Dragons has taken a human bride. I’ve heard the woman came to him through a portal located below the dragon palace.” Marina’s arms were crossed, and she drummed her long, sharp claws against her scaled forearms. The scent of sulfur emanated from her. “You spent several years with the dragons, so you should know if the portal exists. Does it?”

  Lying, for Jewel, brought great physical pain. She didn’t know why, she only knew that it did happen. Horrendous, agonizing pain. The information Marina wanted was not information Marina needed. If she told the truth, bad things would happen to the dragons, a race of creatures she adored. But if she lied, bad things would happen to her.


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