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Page 22

by Wilder, Chiah

  She drained the last of the wine. He turns me into a trembling jumble of need, and I fucking love it. I’m not going to let Vic ruin this. Army is the only man I’ve been in love with, and there’s no damn way I’m letting Vic’s ignorant hatred take that away from me.

  Mia picked up the remote but stopped when the doorbell rang. Her heart pounded in her chest, her hand curled tighter around the device, and her mind swirled. Would Vic really be that nuts to drive all the way to Durango to confront her? Yes.

  The bell rang again. She prepped herself for the fight of her life and slowly walked to the front door, her senses on high alert. She looked through the peephole. “Army!” She flung the door open and fell into his arms.

  “You didn’t put your alarm on,” he said.

  She laughed and playfully punched his chest. “You could’ve just called and reminded me,” she teased him as she pulled him inside.

  “Yeah, but I wouldn’t be able to hold you and feel your soft tits pressed against me.” He grabbed the sides of her face, his eyes boring into hers. “Give me your lips.”

  The command shimmied down her spine and landed right between her legs. She tilted her head back and waited for him to claim her mouth. At first, his kiss was slow and gentle and the more she leaned into him, the faster and rougher it became. It was like dancing the tango with their lips and mouths—closely connected and intimately romantic. She moaned when he bit her lower lip then softly sucked on her tongue. Mia matched his moves as arousal swept through her in a wild rush. Then, he roughly pulled her head back by the hair and whispered, “Did you miss me?”

  His lips were so close they tickled her ear and sent chills skittering across her skin. “Yes,” she breathed.

  The tip of his nose caressed her earlobe. “Have you been a good girl?”

  Oh fuck. Her sex clenched at his words. “Very good,” she rasped.

  He gave a low, deep growl in her ear that reduced her to a horny puddle craving to be devoured.

  Army smacked her butt hard then pulled away and shrugged off his jacket, throwing it casually over the wingback chair. Mia stood there watching him, her insides a trembling mess of want.

  “Do you have any beer?” He winked and threw her a quick smile before ambling into the kitchen.

  Not answering, she took several deep breaths, focusing on a piece of lint on the floor as she regained her composure.

  “No beer, babe. What about whiskey?”

  “In the cupboard next to the dishes,” she managed to say as her breathing normalized.

  “Want one?”

  “No, thanks. I’m drinking wine.” Mia walked over to the coffee table and picked up her glass then padded over to the counter and refilled the goblet. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming up?”

  “I wanted to surprise you.” He patted her ass then took her hand and led them to the couch.

  “You definitely did that. It’s a happy surprise. Is everything all right with your family?” She sipped the chardonnay.

  “Yeah. I came to see you. I missed you, babe.” Warmth spread through her. “How’s your training going?”

  “You’ve made me lazy.” She laughed. “I need to step up my game if I’m going to compete in a couple of months. Rick’s given me a week to rest, but after that, it’s no more coddling.”

  “I know you get a rush from being in the ring, and I get a hard-on watching you, so you gotta get back in there for both our sakes.” He brought the tumbler to his lips.

  She squeezed his bicep then dug her nails hard into his taut skin. “I’m so happy you’re here.”

  His gaze scanned her face then slipped down to her breasts and lingered before coming back up to her eyes. “I’m glad I’m here too. Where do you want to go for dinner?”

  “How about Twin Dragons. They have the best Kung Pao …” Her voice trailed off as the thought that Vic heard she was dating Army stabbed at her brain. Someone must be watching us. Then the image of the red sports car with the creepy guy flashed through her mind. Of course!

  “What’s up? You shut down.”

  Army’s voice drew her away from her musings. “I was just thinking that you always take me out, and I’d love to cook for you.”

  A slight smile played over his lips. “Aren’t you tired from working all day?”

  “Not really. I have some steaks in the fridge.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely. We can go for Chinese another time.” She snuggled next to him.

  He kissed the top of her head and ran his fingers over her forearm. “I want you to meet my dad and brother Asher.”

  “Meeting your friends last Saturday, now the rest of your family … it sounds serious,” she said with an impish grin on her face.

  He lifted her chin on his index finger and held her gaze. “I’m fuckin’ crazy about you, babe.” Mia smiled and he caressed her jaw with his thumb. “That’s what gets to me—your smile, your eyes … every fucking thing. Mia, you light up the dark places inside me and make them all right. No one else has ever done that.”

  Mia was overcome with emotion at his words. She blinked rapidly then hooked her arm around his neck and brought his face down to hers. “I’ve never cared about anyone as much as I do about you.” Then, their mouths fused in a long, lingering kiss.

  When their lips broke apart, Mia ran her hand through his hair then stood up. “I’m going to start dinner.” She handed him the remote then practically skipped into the kitchen.

  In the middle of the black glass-topped table, two rust-colored candles in bronze candleholders flickered as Mia breezed by carrying a small platter of asparagus and cherry tomatoes in one hand and a cucumber and avocado salad in the other. After placing the last dish—black bean and corn quinoa—on the glass top, she slid into the chair across from Army.

  “This is the first time I’ve used the dining set,” she said, scooping a generous portion of salad on his plate. “I bought these autumn-colored placemats, and they’ve just been sitting in the drawer. It’s nice to be able to use them.”

  The dining room only fit a small table for four and a tall, skinny curio cabinet in the corner. An abstract oil painting of the sun setting over the city hung on a wall painted in a ginger shade.

  Army popped a piece of steak in his mouth then took a sip of red wine. “The food’s awesome. I’m impressed that you whipped all this up in under an hour.”

  “Thanks. It’s fun being able to make a big dinner. I rarely do it for myself.”

  As they ate, Army stared intensely into her eyes like a hungry wolf surveying his prey. She found it incredibly sexy and it made her body heat up, her nipples erect, and her skin tingle. Squirming in the chair, she smiled weakly at him then took a long drink of wine in an effort to calm down.

  “Do you want some more quinoa?” Mia pushed the bowl toward him.

  Shaking his head, he put down his fork and knife. “I’m good.” His gaze still bored into her.

  “I’m full myself,” she replied, putting her cinnamon-colored napkin on the table.

  Army leaned forward to pour more wine into her glass, but she covered it with her hand, shaking her head slightly. He proceeded to fill his up then reclined against the black leather chair.

  “Do you trust me?” Army asked before taking a sip of merlot.

  “I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking me. Are you talking about you not sleeping around?”

  He chuckled. “Not exactly, but now that you brought it up—I’m not. I haven’t been with anyone since I met you.”

  “Me neither, but I have to admit I’m surprised you haven’t. I mean, you have easy sex available to you twenty-four seven.”

  “That’s not what I want. You are a challenge, baby.” He reached for her hand, tucking it into his. “I meant sexually. Do you trust that I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you during sex? That all I want is for you to have pleasure?”

  Mia licked her lips and nodded.

  “Are you op
en to me grasping your throat while I fuck you?”

  “You mean choking?” she asked softly.

  “Not exactly. For me, placing my hand on your throat isn’t about choking or breath play, it’s about deep intimacy and a lot of trust. I’ve never done it with anyone in the past, but I’d like to with you, but if you don’t then it’s okay too.” His gaze still held hers.

  “No one’s ever done that to me before, and I know I wouldn’t have done it because I’ve never trusted anyone before when it came to sex, or just … in general.” Shivers lightly skated up her back. “But I do trust you. I know you would never hurt me or do anything to me I don’t want.”

  Army brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it. “With trust, you can surrender, and I can let all those demons inside you come out to play.”

  How does he know this is exactly what I want … what I need? “I surrender to you,” she whispered.

  “Come over here.” He gestured to his lap and she went over and curled up in it, cocooned in his powerful arms. “You are my dark fire,” he said against her hair.

  They sat like that until his phone started to ring and broke through their comfortable silence. “Sorry, baby. I gotta take this.”

  Mia climbed off his lap and he went into the garage and closed the door. Her body was still tingling from anticipation and fear. Never in her life had she trusted anyone as implicitly as she had Army. Growing up, she’d learned to trust her intuition to try and stay one step ahead of her mother’s wrath, thus gaining loads of mistrust for her mother, and later on men.

  She stood by the kitchen sink rinsing a pot, and Army sneaked up from behind and hugged her close to him. He bit and kissed her neck, then whispered in her ear, “Mine.” Sparks of desire traveled from her nipples down to her pulsing sex, and she moaned and pressed her head against his shoulder.

  “I gotta go out for a little bit. Some club business came up, but I should be back in less than an hour,” he said as he squeezed her tight.

  Mia wanted to ask him if it involved the Satan’s Pistons, but she was afraid. At some point she had to tell him about Vic, but she kept pushing it away, pretending that it wasn’t between them. “Did you see anyone in a red sports car when you came over here?”

  He turned her at the waist so she faced him. “What’re you talking about?”

  “Did anyone follow you to my place?”

  “No. Why? Is someone messin’ with you?”

  She told him about the guy in the red car and how she was positive he had been following her. A knot of muscles at the side of his jaw pulsed.

  “Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”

  “I didn’t think about it. Anyway, I haven’t seen him in about a week. It’s probably just a groupie.” She laughed half-heartedly, her gut telling her that wasn’t true.

  “Next time you see him, get his plates. I’ll find out who the fucker is and straighten him out.”

  As she nestled her head against his chest, she felt safe and protected. He kissed her forehead then pulled back. “I have to get going.” He grasped her hand and they walked to the front door.

  “When you get back call me so I can open the garage door. You can park your bike in there.” She didn’t want to take any chances with his motorcycle parked in front of her house.

  “Sure, babe. Put the alarm on. I’ll be back.” He stepped onto the porch. “When I get back I better find you naked and in a pair of heels.” He turned around and walked to his bike.

  Dampness laced Mia’s panties and she felt a full body flush as she latched the screen door. Every nerve throbbed in anticipation of what was to come as she stood watching him until he turned the corner, then she locked the door and set the alarm.

  * * *

  A warm and fuzzy golden glow from two dozen red candles illuminated the bedroom, sending out showers of highlights while casting everything beyond its ambit in darkness. Hypnotic swirls of smoke escaped into the air from a stick of vanilla incense, wrapping the room in the sensual and luxurious scent. Metal power ballads from Manowar, Skid Row, Winger, Tesla and other artists played softly from a small speaker illuminated by a table lamp in the corner of the room.

  The flickering candlelight reflected in Army’s blue eyes making them sparkle and blaze at the same time. He raked his gaze slowly down her naked body and up again as she stood in front of him near the bed. Mia trembled and her skin felt hot—flushed, as arousal coursed just below its surface.

  “So sexy,” he said hoarsely as his eyes met hers.

  Mia’s body had been a medley of emotions since Army had left, only growing bigger as the minutes ticked away the time. She’d showered, dabbed some cinnamon oil on her pulse points, and made the room ready for their night of love. Sitting still while waiting for Army to return practically drove Mia to the brink of hysteria. When he’d finally called and asked her to open the garage door, she almost broke down and cried from relief. Her body was zinging and zapping all over the damn place, and the way Army was taking his time frustrated and enthralled her.

  “Come closer,” he ordered. Army reached out and touched her and she sighed deeply. His hand skimmed over her in a feather-like touch. She sucked in her breath and looked deeply into his gaze. All of a sudden, he grasped her nipples and rolled them between his thumbs and forefingers. They strained in tight peaks and an electric current singed through her. A deep moan broke free from her lips, and she tilted her head back and closed her eyes, reveling in the delicious ache throbbing in those hardened points.

  “Look at me. I want you to watch me play with your tits,” he said in a calm but stern voice.

  Her eyes snapped open and met the intensity of his stare as he twisted and tugged on her nipples.

  “Harder,” she breathed.

  Raging desire fluttered through her veins.


  A shot of pain made her gasp.


  The burn of lust between her legs.


  “If I pull any harder, I’m gonna rip the fuckin’ nipples right off your tits.”

  “I didn’t say my safeword. Harder … please.”

  A streak of mind-numbing pain morphed into a euphoric haze that seeped through her veins, evicting her anger, fear, and uncertainty about Vic’s phone call.

  Army licked her bright red tips, soothing them gently. After several minutes, he trailed his lips to hers and kissed her deeply and passionately while his hand slid over her throat. The mere hint of what was to come ignited every nerve in her body and she moaned into his mouth as he applied firm but gentle pressure. Mia closed her eyes.

  He pulled back. “Open your eyes,” he said in a low voice.

  Mia’s lids fluttered open and she stared into his gaze. As he held her look, he kissed his way up her neck until he reached her ear. Army’s musky, hungry scent wrapped around her, inviting her to journey into the darkness with him. Her skin tingled and her mound pulsed as she kept her stare fixed on his.

  Lightly biting her earlobe, he applied a bit more pressure to her neck. “You turn me on so much, babe,” he said in a soft, low tone. “I bet you’re dripping. I want to taste you and feel your wetness on the tip of my fingers.”

  Mia clenched her legs. This is erotic as hell. I don’t think I can hold out.

  “Do you like being spanked?”

  Army’s calm, deep voice made her body a bundle of sizzling nerves.

  His hand pushed down a bit harder. “Answer me.” His voice turned steely, and she loved it.

  “Yes,” she choked.

  “Good girl,” he said, his timbre soft and low again. “I’m going to smack your sweet ass until I see my handprints marked red on your cheeks.”

  “Oh God,” she moaned.

  “Then I’m gonna fuck you real hard. Just like you want it—rough as shit.”

  Her mouth was dry.

  “Now open your legs.”

  A shiver traveled across her back as she obeyed.


  She did as he ordered.

  Army slid his hand down to her quivering mound while his other one still pressed down on her throat.

  “Just what I thought—you’re dripping wet.” Without warning, he drilled several fingers into her and she cried out. “You love it,” he said close to her ear before moving his mouth away.

  The small hairs tickled the back of her neck as he trailed soft kisses over her shoulders while ramming his fingers roughly in and out of her dripping heat. His hand was still on her throat, and his gaze bored into her.

  For the next hour, Army teased her, bringing her to the verge of climax only to pull away. Mia was nearly in tears from frustration, but he kept playing with her as her body greedily accepted anything he did to it.

  Right as she was ready to go over, he withdrew his tongue from her sweet spot. “What the fuck, Army? I need to come.”

  “I’ll tell you when to come. I’m in control, not you.” He grasped her hand and led her over to the bed. “Get down on all fours. Leave your heels on.”

  Mia obeyed, positioning herself as he requested, then glanced behind her shoulder at him. Army had stripped and the golden light in the room danced over his amazing pecs. “Can I lick you?” she asked.

  “After you’ve rested.” Her eyes widened, and he chuckled. “That’s right. I’m gonna fuck you all night.”

  Her body hummed and she pursed her lips in a kiss. He leaned forward and crushed his mouth over hers and gave her a wet, messy kiss that left her lips tingling.

  “Put your ass higher in the air.”

  The slap stung and she jumped. He immediately rubbed the spot. She lowered her upper body down on the mattress which helped to elevate her butt.

  “I fuckin’ love your hot little ass,” he growled. He smacked it again then rubbed his palm over her cheek. Another slap then he gripped her butt. Another smack.

  Mia wiggled and moaned—her need was so great, and the way Army was treating her was liberating and sexy as hell. She felt him rub his hardness against her ass crack.

  “Fuck, you make me so hard. I can’t wait to shove my cock into that sweet pussy.”

  “Do it … please.”


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