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Page 25

by Wilder, Chiah

  “Mia! Stop!” Taylor’s voice boomed behind her, but she just picked up the speed even though her body screamed in discomfort.

  Taylor was also gaining speed, so she pushed on until her chest suddenly became constricted, then she began to wheeze as she tried to gulp in air. Taylor grabbed her arm, and she collapsed on the ground into a weeping, gasping mess.

  “Don’t take it so hard, Mia.” He drew her into his arms, and she rested her head against his chest. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered as he held her.

  As her breathing slowly returned to normal, she realized that she wasn’t having a heart attack; it was just her heart breaking into a million pieces.

  “What the fuck were you doing?” Rick’s voice sounded jagged like broken glass.

  “She’s okay now,” Taylor answered.

  “Bullshit.” Rick bent down and gently straightened her left leg.

  “Ow!” The rush of pain felt like a hot poker stabbing her.

  “You’re injured. Why the hell did you keep running on an injured leg?” Rick’s fingers lightly massaged her calf. “We need to ice this. I’ll help you up, then lean on Taylor and me. Don’t put any weight on your leg.”

  Numb from pain and sadness, Mia nodded.

  Later that day, as she sat with her wrapped leg up on the ottoman, she absently stroked Pumpkin’s soft fur. The soreness in her leg was nothing compared to the pain inside her: a plethora of broken memories and burning flesh. Her aching heart throbbed all the time during her waking hours, and she couldn’t find any relief from it.

  Mia leaned her head back and closed her eyes. The last conversation she had with Army haunted and taunted her, replaying through her mind like an echo. Her insides burned as if red hot coals had somehow replaced them, and other times she felt raw as if a winter wind was blowing right through her skin. His silence tormented her.

  One day we were together and happy, and now we’re not. How am I ever going to get over losing the love of my life?

  Fuck you, Vic.

  Fuck you, Army.

  Fuck everything.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Army cleaned out the ashes in the fireplace before he’d locked up the cabin. For the past three days he’d gone to his dad’s cabin nestled in the San Juan Mountains. His dad used to take him and his brothers fishing a lot when they were young, but he hadn’t been back to the cabin in years.

  Army needed to be close to nature to think. After leaving Champion that day, he’d bought a burner phone and called Steel to give him the number. He’d told Steel that he didn’t want to be disturbed unless it was an emergency. He turned off his main phone because he didn’t want to hear from anyone, especially Mia. He still couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that she was Shark’s sister. Why couldn’t she trust me enough to tell me? He dragged his hand through his hair before emptying the cold ashes on the dirt in back of the cabin.

  A soft breeze sang through the trees, and he looked up and saw gold and orange leaves spinning in the air, and a tinge of sadness pricked his heart. The colors reminded him of Mia’s eyes: golden with streaks of copper running through them. He clenched his jaw and walked back into the cabin to gather his things before heading back to Alina. He’d take the back roads and try not to remember how Mia felt pressed against his back with her arms hugging his waist as they rode to Chaco Canyon.

  Army shrugged on his jacket and the faint scent of her still lingered. Dammit! He missed her like hell. He couldn’t just forget her and get on with his life like he had when his mom had walked out on them. This was different. Mia hadn’t walked away … he had. For what? Because she’s some fucker’s sister? She told me she was afraid I’d leave her and that’s exactly what I did. Mia … I miss you, babe. Maybe she was right about him losing face in front of his club. Crow had been a total asshole about it and he’d seen the smirks of some of the other brothers as if to say that she just used him. He knew in his heart that she didn’t. No one knows what we have. I know her love for me is real and mine sure as fuck is for her.

  He packed a few things in his saddle bags, then he straddled his bike, switched on the engine, and rode down the dirt road. Gold aspen trees mixed with dark-green pines lined the backroads while the magnificent peaks towered over the foliage of the San Cristobal Valley. As he passed through mountain meadows, canyons, and colorful foothills, all he could think about was how he wished Mia were with him so they could share the breathtaking vistas together.

  As he neared Alina, the sun painted the sky a reddish pink and smoky purple streaks as it began its descent over the craggy mountain tops. The whole ride back, the colors of fall reminded him of Mia. The nutty scent of damp earth mingled with the aroma of burning logs made Army smile as he remembered the times they had rushed into Mia’s house after a light rain and she’d turn on the fake fire. He’d kid her about it, then they’d both fall on the couch in a laughing heap. Then, he’d catch the scent of her shampoo as it wrapped around her and before they knew it, they’d be making out like a couple of teenagers.

  Army kicked the loose stones on the concrete as he walked toward the front of the clubhouse. Eagle reclined against the stucco wall smoking a joint as he approached.

  “Want one?” he asked Army, holding out his hand.

  Army tilted his head and put the joint between his lips then lit it. He inhaled deeply, looking out at the saffron-colored glow behind the mountains. A few stars sparkled in the darkened sky to the east.

  “How’re things with the family?” Eagle asked.

  “Good.” Army blew out and a shroud of smoke hazed around them. He glanced sideways and saw Eagle’s eyes on him.

  “No matter what you decide, I’m with you, bro.” Eagle dropped his roach and ground it with his boot. He pushed off the wall and went into the clubhouse.

  The aroma of smoky fajitas that came from the open windows of the main room reminded Army of their first date at El Señor Sol. Since that night, they’d gone back many times, and she teased him about his obsession with Mexican food. He took out his regular phone and turned it on—several messages and missed calls from Mia flashed on the screen. He slid the phone into his pocket again.

  Eagle came back out with a tumbler filled with whiskey. He handed it to him and leaned back against the wall.

  Army took a long drink from the glass. One of the many things he loved about Mia was how easy she was to talk to. They could discuss anything—barbecue ribs and action films, past relationships and family stuff, or character flaws and personal failings. They shared their darkest thoughts and he fed her wicked desires while she fed his. That’s why he was hooked and totally in love with her. I can’t let her go. I’ve been a fuckin’ idiot. She had gotten into his heart when he wasn’t looking, and he knew she’d stay forever if he made things right.

  “Is Steel or Paco around?” Army asked.

  “Yeah. They’re watching Raven kick Brutus’ ass in pool. When the hell’s he gonna learn that Raven just a better pool player than he is?” Eagle chuckled.

  “Probably never. Is it family night?”

  “Yeah. Lena just put out the food.”

  Once a month the clubhouse hosted family night for the old ladies, girlfriends, and children of the brothers. The club girls stayed out of sight, mostly hanging in their rooms or going into town for a movie or dinner. If they came back and the old ladies were still there, they’d use the back entrance and go directly to their rooms.

  “I’m going in.” Army lightly pounded Eagle’s arm. “Thanks, bro.”

  Steel and Paco stood against the bar with their arms draped around their old ladies. Breanna glanced over at him and waved too enthusiastically, and he knew that Steel had told her about Mia. Army lifted his chin and walked over to the buffet table where he grabbed a plate and heaped some rice and fajitas onto it. He sat at a table away from everyone and didn’t meet the glares of Crow, Skull, and Shotgun. Glancing sideways at Crow, he knew he’d broken his nose, but he’d do it again if he talked tra
sh about Mia.

  The chair across from him scraped on the floor, and Army looked up into Steel’s gaze. He jerked his chin at the president then kept eating.

  “Did you decide what the fuck you’re going to do about Shark’s sister?” Steel asked.

  Army shoved a forkful of rice into his mouth. Nodding as he chewed, he picked up his drink and took a swig.

  “What’s your decision?”

  “I’m getting an apartment. I get how you and the club feel about Mia, but I know she’s sincere. We got something going and I don’t give a fuck that she’s asshole’s sister, and she doesn’t give a fuck that the Night Rebels hate her brother’s club.” He took another bite and chewed slowly, watching Steel who sat stone-faced across from him.

  “What’s going on?” Paco asked, sitting down.

  “I was listening to Army’s decision about Shark’s sister,” Steel replied.

  Army reclined in the chair. “She’s got a name—Mia. I’m staying with her. The club may not like it, but there’s nothing in the bylaws against me having a rival fucker’s sister as my woman.”

  “Did you think how this is going to play out?” Paco said.

  “Yeah. If she can’t come to the club, I get it and she’ll get it too. She’s not involved in the club wars. She just happens to be the sister of a sonofabitch.” Army splayed his hands on the table. “She’s important to me, and I can’t let her go.”

  “You’re a fuckin’ pussy!” Crow’s angry voice boomed through the room. Suddenly, all eyes were on Army.

  He darted his gaze around the room, and from the look on some of the members’ faces, he knew they agreed with Crow. “Maybe, but I think Steel, Paco, Diablo, Sangre and some of the others understand what I’m saying.”

  “None of the old ladies have deep ties to a rival MC,” Steel said in a low voice.

  Paco cleared his throat. “We see this relationship as a problem because we can’t trust her. You’re looking at it with your cock, and we’re looking at it objectively.”

  “Bullshit. What I have with Mia is more than sexual.” Loud rumbles echoed around the brothers. “It’s true. I can’t walk away from her, but I don’t want to lose the brotherhood.”

  “How much shit did you tell her when you were inside her pussy?” Skull asked.

  Army scowled at him. “I’m gonna let that pass this time, but you say one more thing even remotely disrespectful about Mia, we’re gonna have a round in the yard.”

  “What did you tell her?” Steel asked.

  Army’s chest tightened as anger crawled up his spine. “The same thing you tell Breanna.” He looked at Paco. “Or Chelsea.” He slammed his fist on the table, knocking over the empty glass. “Give me a fuckin’ break! I’m a Night Rebel through and through. I’d die for any of you. Any one of you pussies want to challenge me on that?”

  “We’re not disputing your loyalty,” Paco said. “It’s just that you really need to think about what you’re doing. If she’s bullshitting you, you’re putting the whole club in jeopardy.”

  Army snapped his gaze to the vice president’s. “Isn’t that what Steel told you when you moved Chelsea into the clubhouse? You argued for her because you believed her—you trusted your gut. That’s where I’m at, and my gut is telling me Mia’s not involved. I respect the way you all feel, and that’s why I’m moving out of the clubhouse.”

  Paco stood up. “I hope you’re doing the right thing in trusting her.”

  Army held his chin up. “I am.” He watched him and Steel walk back to where the old ladies sat. Chelsea caught his eyes and smiled at him, then turned away when Paco came over to her.

  The other brothers dispersed and headed back to the bar and the pool table. Army took out his phone.

  Army: I’ve been a fuckin’ fool, babe. Coming to Durango.

  In less than a second the phone pinged.

  Mia: U have. Bout time u realized it.

  He threw his head back and roared. Damn she got his blood going.

  Army: I’m leaving now. Be ready. Makeup sex is the best.

  Mia: U put me through 3 days of hell. Ur crazy if u think ur getting it that easily.

  Army grinned knowing full well that she would make him grovel, and he was totally up to the challenge. She was his wildcat, and he would’ve been disappointed if she greeted him with open legs.

  Army: Leaving soon.

  Mia: xoxo. Luv u.

  Army: Me 2.

  He got up and went to his room to take a shower and pack a few things. When he came back to the main room, he walked over to Steel.

  “I’m going to Durango for a few days. Lil’ Donnie said that the buy is gonna happen in ten days. I’ll be back before then. Chad and Brutus can cover Lust for me. Call me on my phone if you need me back sooner.”

  “We can manage without you for a couple of days,” Steel said, grasping his shoulder. “I need you fuckin’ focused when we take the Pistons and the 39th Street punks down.”

  “I’ll be laser sharp. No worries about that.” He bumped fists with Paco and Eagle then walked out of the club, acutely aware that his brothers’ eyes were glued on him. He jumped on his bike and sped off.

  * * *

  Before Army got off his bike, Mia ran over to him and threw her arms around his neck, covering his face in soft kisses. He chuckled as he pivoted toward her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

  “Hey, baby,” he growled, then he seized her lips in a furious, possessive kiss.

  “I’m so pissed at you,” she said as she pulled back a little.

  “And …?” Army claimed her mouth again, smothering her answer as his hand roamed down her body and cupped her ass, squeezing it hard. As Mia sank into him, he pulled her up onto the leather seat, shifting her until she sat facing forward in front of him. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked it hard, then slipped his tongue between her gasping lips and into the sweet recesses of her mouth. She tasted like wine and smelled of lemon and cinnamon. And he missed her every fucking minute they’d been apart. He plunged in deeper, loving the whimpers climbing up her throat and the way her nails dug into his back underneath his shirt.

  “Let’s go inside,” she murmured against his lips.

  “Anything you say, babe,” he said before deepening the kiss for a while longer. He eased back, and the corner of his mouth turned up slightly. Mia kissed him quickly on the lips, then pulled her leg up and over and jumped off the bike.

  “Park your bike in the garage,” she said over her shoulder as she ambled across the lawn. “I’ll open it for you.” She disappeared into the house and soon the garage door slowly opened.

  When Army came inside, he tossed his bag on the floor near the back door and gathered her into his arms again, but she twisted out of them and went to the refrigerator.

  “Do you want a beer?” she asked.

  “I want you,” he said, coming over to her.

  “I’m mad at you. Why didn’t you return my texts or calls?” Her amber eyes sparked.

  “I had my phone turned off.” He took the beer from her and popped open the tab.

  “That’s it?” Mia slammed the fridge door.

  “I went to think at my dad’s cabin in the mountains. I had to clear my head.”

  “Why couldn’t you have told me, then turned off your damn phone? I didn’t know what happened to you.” Her voice cracked.

  Army put the beer down on the counter and tugged her close to him. “I’m sorry, darlin’. I wasn’t thinking. I was so fuckin’ pissed and confused that I needed to be alone for a while.”

  “I thought you dumped me,” she said, the words muffling against his shirt.

  He drew back and his gaze met hers. “I could never do that, babe. I was just pissed that you didn’t tell me about the fuc … about Shark. I had to digest it. I admit I was shocked off my ass when I found out you have the same blood as that … him.”

  “I should’ve told you.”

  “Yeah … you should have, but no
w I know and it’s okay.”


  He picked up his beer and led her into the living room where they sat down on the couch. He just noticed the gauze around her calf. He ran his hand over it.

  “What happened?”

  “I sprained it or something when I was doing laps. Rick patched me up.”

  “That sucks. I’m sorry, babe.”

  “I’m supposed to keep off my leg as much as possible, but my job doesn’t really allow for that. The worst thing is that I can’t wear heels. I’m going crazy.”

  Army laughed then brushed his lips across hers. “You’re kooky, but I love it.”

  Snickers jumped up and rubbed her face against his knee.

  Mia laughed. “She’s so shy around people. I can’t believe she did that.” Not to be outdone, Pumpkin leapt onto his lap and Army chuckled. “They missed you too,” she said softly.

  Army kissed her gently then pointed at the tabby. “Can you help me with this?”

  Mia scooped Pumpkin up and plopped her down on the other side of Army. “She likes to snuggle.”

  He snagged Mia around her shoulder and drew her closer. “I know her owner loves it.” He kissed her deep and hard then pulled away. “It’s important for you to understand something.”

  Worry flashed in her eyes. “What?” she asked in a barely audible voice.

  He locked his gaze with hers. “Make no mistake about who and what I am. I’m a Night Rebel and I protect the brotherhood to the death. Satan’s Pistons—your brother’s fuckin’ club—is my enemy. It’ll never be any other way.”


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