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Earl of Westcliff: Wicked Regency Romance (Wicked Earls' Club)

Page 6

by Meara Platt

  What surprised Abby most was that he spoke of his bachelor activities as though they were a thing of the past. Was he done with the club and the idle pleasures it offered? Should she point out this slip of words to him?

  She gave a little grunt, for it was not possible that she was responsible for adding purpose to his life. “Are you suggesting I’ve done you the favor and not the other way around?”

  He shrugged his big shoulders and then casually rested his arm across the back of the sofa. When he stretched his long legs in front of him, she realized that he was making himself comfortable. He was showing no inclination to leave.

  He took another swallow of his port, the deep red liquid sliding down his throat with an easy familiarity. It had tasted sweet, but too strong for her when she’d taken a sip, and now she felt a little lightheaded. Having never tasted anything stronger than ratafia before, she had yet to develop a tolerance for this simple dessert wine. The mix of spirits and stressful days had left her raw and vulnerable. All her worries were piling up and taking a toll on her.

  “I would call our meeting one of mutual benefit,” he said, drawing her attention back to him. “You needed help and I needed someone to need me. Well, damn… that sounds rather pathetic, doesn’t it? I’m fine with my life. I’m not some wretch who is seeking constant attention or approval.”

  He rose abruptly and raked his fingers through his hair. “The thing of it is, had you truly been needy and grasping, I would have found a reason to back away. But you’re brave, and I admire that in you. You’re resolute in your purpose and are willing to sacrifice so much to save your brother, even at the cost of your own peril. You appreciate my assistance, yet you don’t demand it of me. There’s a strength in you. That’s what draws me to you. Er, to your situation.”

  He drained his drink and crossed the room to pour himself another.

  Abby took another sip of her own port. Where was Jameson with the tea cart? That Tynan admired her only increased the heat flowing within her body. By his own admission, he was a hound and that improper part of him would eventually come around to asking for something more from her, perhaps even her innocence, which was the only thing that was truly hers to give.

  The sad part about it was that she hoped he would ask.

  She set aside her glass and scowled at the ruby liquid that was putting reckless thoughts into her head.

  Tynan knelt beside her. “Your cheeks are a bright pink. Are you all right?”

  She put a hand to her cheeks. “Yes, I’m fine.”

  His smile was tender. “Your nose is a bright pink, too.”

  She gasped and her hand shot to it, but he took her hand in his to nudge it off her nose. “You’re sensitive to port,” he said with a chuckle.

  “Oh, dear. I must look a mess.”

  “No, you look adorable. Like a little pink rabbit.”

  Her eyes grew wide as teacups. He was kneeling so close and she’d never expected him to be playful with her. “Are you going to kiss me?” Although why would he? She had a brother upstairs who had been vomiting and convulsing a mere hour ago, her face was a blotchy mess because she couldn’t handle spirits in her system, and she was now hiccupping. Did handsome as sin earls kiss blotchy, rabbit-looking young ladies with hiccups?

  His emerald eyes darkened and he cast her a smoldering glance. “Do you want me to?”


  “Only if you would care to.” Her heart shot into her throat. That wasn’t what she’d meant to say. She ought to have given him a firm rebuke, but he was her savior and she did not wish to deny him anything. Besides, what harm could there be in one kiss?


  TYNAN OUGHT TO have known better than to encourage a conversation that could only end in a kiss between them. But Abby wasn’t the only one hungry for it to happen. Perhaps it was for the best to simply lock lips with her and get it over with. Then they’d both be satisfied, their hunger and curiosity appeased.

  He drew her to her feet along with him and wrapped one arm around her waist to draw her closer, but not close enough for their bodies to touch against each other. That would be too dangerous for both of them. He tucked a finger under her chin and tilted her head up at just the right angle to take his kiss.

  Her beautiful brandy eyes were wide and she was hardly breathing. “Close your eyes, Abby.”

  He smiled in encouragement and watched her sooty eyelashes flutter shut and come to rest upon her delicate cheekbones. She’d taken a deep breath and had yet to let it out. His own breaths were coming faster now, as though this was his first time kissing a girl and the first time he’d inhaled the scent of summer roses against a girl’s skin.


  What was happening to him?

  He traced his thumb lightly across her fleshy, lower lip. Soft. So incredibly soft. He closed his eyes and lowered his lips to hers, eager to savor her with all of his senses. But he had no chance to savor, for every sensation welled up at once and struck him with the force of a tempest the moment his lips touched hers.

  What he felt was a raging storm of desire, his heart now pounding like thunder while lightning bolts shot through his body, scorching a trail through every muscle and sinew with reckless and fiery abandon.

  “Abby,” he said in a whisper, wrapping his arms around her and drawing her up hard against him as he deepened what was meant to be a gentle, detached and proper kiss, but had become raw and hungry and possessive.

  He growled low in his throat.

  Wolf claims rabbit. Mine, Abby. You’re mine.

  Her body felt so good against his, her slender curves perfectly molding to his large frame, her pliant mouth surrendering to the demanding pressure of his. He loved the lush fullness of her lips, loved the eagerness of her response. This girl was a siren in disguise, her intoxicating call drawing him onto the rocks of destruction.

  A kiss was not enough for him.

  He felt wild and untamed, wanting to conquer her body, wanting to plunder her innocent core and embed himself fully inside of her.

  He teased her lips apart, taking command and invading with his tongue, for he wasn’t merely eager to probe and plunder the velvet warmth of her mouth. He was the hunter determined to corner his prey. He was the wolf on the prowl, and he meant to leave no doubt that she was his quarry, that she belonged to him, and he would never give her up.

  She gave a breathy moan and gripped his shoulders.

  He pulled her fully up against him, leaving not so much as a particle of air between them. His tongue slid along her lips and delved back into her mouth with desperate abandon. His hands possessively explored her body, roaming along her curves and igniting sensations of fiery desire within him, sensations that he’d never felt with any other woman before.

  Hell, he’d gone too far with this girl.

  But she didn’t seem to mind. Quite the opposite, she arched against his body, seeming to crave his touch as hungrily as he craved hers. “Abby, push me away.”

  “No,” she said with an ache to her voice that matched his own.

  He crushed his lips against hers and held her so tight, their bodies molded into one. He knew he couldn’t take this any farther. He couldn’t seduce her into his bed. He couldn’t remove the layers of clothes between them and touch her creamy skin, or taste her heat as he slid his tongue over the most intimate parts of her body.

  He couldn’t.

  No matter how badly he wanted to.

  “Abby? Are you all right?” His voice sounded raspy and breathless to his own ears as he ended the kiss and eased back gradually so that the storm of his desire and her own had time to calm.

  “I am, Tynan. Thank you for asking.” She opened her eyes and smiled up at him, her dark eyes sparkling and her smile broad and joyful. “I understand now why you’re considered so devastating to women.”

  He frowned. “Did I hurt you?”

  She shook her head in denial. “Not at all. I know you would never hurt me.”
r />   No, but he’d lost control in that moment, his lustful desires for this girl sweeping him along on its raging current. “I didn’t mean to take it that far, not for your first kiss. I’m so sorry, Abby. I meant for it to be sweet and gentle.”

  “And I’d just lectured you on the importance of maintaining my good name.” She laughed and shook her head. “I’m glad you weren’t sweet or gentle. You gave me something unforgettable. You gave me a kiss to fill my dreams.”


  She’d done the same for him.

  Did he dare allow her into his heart?

  “TYNAN, THAT KISS has changed things between us. Hasn’t it?” Abby asked, concerned that he’d turned quiet and almost sullen since it happened.

  She tried to act calm as she cut a slice of lemon cake for him and set it on his plate. “I know that you are a hound and this is what you do with women. Just because I loved it, doesn’t mean that you owe me anything more or that I expect anything more of you.”

  His eyes widened and he glowered at her.

  Perhaps she ought not to have used the word ‘love’ when speaking of the kiss. Obviously, using that particular word was like sticking a hot poker in him.

  She handed him the plate of lemon cake, and then set it down with a clatter in front of him when he did not take it. “If you’re going to be angry with me, then perhaps you ought to leave.” She felt tears well in her eyes, but she refused to fall apart in front of him. “My only surviving brother is bent on destroying himself. He snarls and snaps and fights me at every turn. I don’t need you doing the same. I loved your kiss.” There, she was tossing the word in his face. “If you’re bent on tarnishing my memory of it, then just go. I don’t need another beautiful thing in my life ruined.”

  Tynan groaned. “Abby, I–”

  She rose abruptly. “In truth, it’s best that you leave. I’ll wait for Dr. Farthingale to finish examining my brother and come downstairs to talk to me. I don’t need you here beside me.”

  Her voice caught and those last words came out sounding too much like a sob.

  He got to his feet as well, now towering over her. Well, he was big. Gladiator big. “I have no intention of walking away from you.”

  “Oh, then I suppose you mean to run away.” She motioned to the door. “Don’t let me stop you.”

  He took her hand, this time growling to mark his annoyance with her. “If you must know, I’m behaving like a horse’s arse because I enjoyed our kiss, too. Probably liked it more than you did. I’m not happy about this unexpected turn of events, that’s all. I prefer to be in control. Always.”

  “Are you suggesting that I shattered your control?” Her eyes widened as she took in what he was saying. She had affected him. Merciful heavens! The possibility that she’d given him a kiss to remember for the rest of his days had never occurred to her.

  “Shattered? That’s a bit extreme. The point is, I’m angry with myself, not you.” He cast her a sardonic smile. “So, may I stay? Because I have no intention of leaving your side until the doctor has given us his report, and I don’t think you have the muscle to toss me out.”

  “I suppose you’re right. It would cause an ugly scene.” She laughed softly. “Poor Jameson’s heart would go into spasm if he came upon us brawling.” She turned serious now, but glad for the moment of levity. “I didn’t mean what I said about not wanting you to stay. I’m so relieved that you’re here to lend me support.”

  “I know, Abby.”

  “Then we are friends again?” She held out her hand to him.

  He glanced at it. “Yes, we’re friends. But I’m not going to take your hand. I’m not touching you again today.”

  She dropped her hand to her side. “For your sake or mine?”

  He groaned. “Let’s just say for both our sakes.”

  Abby nodded and had just resumed her seat on the sofa when Dr. Farthingale strode into the drawing room, a grim look on his face. She cast Tynan a desperate glance, wishing he hadn’t just insisted on not touching her again. She felt cold and was afraid of what the doctor was about to tell her.

  She clasped her hands together on her lap to keep them from trembling.

  In the next moment, Tynan came to her side and took her hands in his, enveloping them in his warmth.

  She cast him a surprised look. Hadn’t he just resolved not to touch her?

  “The hell with resolutions,” he muttered. “You matter more.”

  Yes, she mattered to him today and perhaps tomorrow. Perhaps even for a few weeks. But Tynan would eventually figure out that she was not the one destined to fill whatever void he felt in his heart. Until then, she would enjoy his company and appreciate all his gestures of friendship and support.

  She held her breath and listened as Dr. Farthingale spoke of her brother’s situation, giving a cold, accurate assessment, and yet conveying obvious warmth and concern for his new patient. “Your brother came within a hair’s breadth of dying today. His addiction has weakened his lungs and heart. He’s too badly addicted to be taken off opium all at once. His heart will give out from the shock unless he’s carefully eased off it,” he warned.

  Abby gasped. “What are you saying? That I’m to supply him with that lethal substance?”

  He glanced at Tynan before returning his attention to her. “Someone has to do it. I’ll do it if he remains in London. But I think it is too dangerous for him to be here among familiar surroundings. He knows where to go to feed his addiction and those vipers know how to reach him even if he doesn’t come around to their den.”

  She nodded.

  “Miss Croft, get him out of London. Plan on at least six months.”

  “That long?” She knew she was thinking only of herself, but the thought of not seeing Tynan for that long sincerely distressed her. She’d do it, of course. Her brother’s life was at stake and that was far more important than her needs.

  “It’s your only chance to save him. Let me know where you decide to take him and I’ll make arrangements with a doctor in the area to administer the dosage. In truth, I don’t want you to take on this burden yourself. Your brother knows how to manipulate you. He’ll rip your heart to shreds with his pleas for just a little more. He’ll use your love for him as a weapon against you, because all that will matter to him is getting his hands on more opium.”

  She nibbled her lip. “I plan to get him out of here as soon as possible, but I don’t have anywhere to take him yet.”

  Tynan squeezed her hand. “I’m making the arrangements this evening, Dr. Farthingale. Shall we meet here tomorrow morning? I’ll give you the details then.”

  He nodded. “Of course, my lord. Once I know where you’ll take him, I’ll give you the name of a trusted doctor to supervise his medication and recovery.” He then turned to Abby. “I expect the travel arrangements will take several days to finalize. I’ll come around twice a day in the meanwhile to look in on your brother and start his treatment.”

  “Thank you, yes.” She worried about paying him for his services, but knew that Tynan intended to take on that obligation. She wouldn’t fight him on the matter now since she had no funds at her disposal. But once her brother was better, she’d make certain that Tynan was repaid every shilling he was owed. “Is there anything I should do for Peter this evening?”

  “Place a servant in his room to watch him through the night. Look in on him from time to time, if you wish. I don’t think he’ll be in any distress. In truth, he’ll probably sleep the night away. But he’ll be in discomfort by morning. I’ll come to see him around nine o’clock.”

  “Thank you, doctor. I’ll be waiting for you. I don’t think I’ll sleep a wink tonight.”

  After a few more words exchanged about travel arrangements between Dr. Farthingale and Tynan, the doctor left. She was now alone with Tynan, but he also appeared eager to leave. “Try to get some rest, Abby. We have a busy few days ahead of us.”


  That sounded nice.

; He surprised her with a gentle kiss on her cheek. “I shouldn’t have done that, but I wanted to. Perhaps you do shatter my control.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “Ah, yes. I’m just that alluring, as you can tell by the horde of eligible young men pounding on my door.”

  “Lucky for me. I like having you all to myself.” He tweaked her nose. “It’s still pink. Just like a rabbit’s.”


  TYNAN STEPPED OUT of his carriage later that evening into the Wicked Earls’ Club that had become a second home to him, one that allowed him to indulge in all his vices. He gambled, at times. But that pastime was something he reverted to whenever he was not seducing some jaded noblewoman who was looking for a romp in the sack and no entanglements.

  He misbehaved at will.

  He discarded women with as much thought as he gave to discarding an unwanted playing card. They did the same, for this is how these Upper Crust games were played.

  Until now, he’d enjoyed himself and given no thought to his future obligations.

  But something had changed in him and Abby was squarely to blame. She was causing him to rethink the careless path of his life. There was no other logical reason for his sudden dissatisfaction with this indulgent part of his life. He hoped this change was temporary. “Good evening, m’lord,” said the club’s steward.

  He nodded to the man, ignored the scantily clad women who tried to catch his eye as he strode past them, and headed toward the Earl of Coventry’s office. To his relief, the earl had just arrived and was about to settle into the chair behind his desk with the club’s ledger of accounts in front of him. “Ah, Westcliff. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  “I need a favor.”

  Coventry motioned for Tynan to shut the door and take a seat. “What is this about?”

  Tynan sank into a chair across the desk from the man he’d come to think of as a father figure. He leaned forward, eager to have the conversation underway. “That young woman I rescued last night.”


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