Aunt Penelope's Harem
Page 9
“I think it would be a challenge.”
“Well, I’m gonna try.” Dawn licked her lips. “I mean, look at them. It’s like owning a candy store.”
“You’re really ready for another round?”
“Oh, fuck yeah. I’m going to get so laid that if I never get laid again in my entire life I still won’t have reason to complain. You’re not quitting on me, are you?”
“I don’t know. Carl’s acting kind of weird.”
“Which one is Carl?”
“The one sitting next to me in the tub. Brown hair.”
“Oh, yeah, yeah. The one whose face you sat on.”
“Right. Him. Not that you could probably recognize him at that moment.”
“Well, I saw his face before you mounted him. How’s he acting weird?”
“I don’t know. Just…weird.”
Dawn shrugged as the two of them put on their bathrobes. “Okay, well, so what? Let him act weird. Your selection this evening is pretty extensive, in case you haven’t noticed. If you choose to get laid further, you will get laid further, whether he’s acting weird or not.”
“I know, but…”
“No buts. Well, actually, lots of butts, but you know what I mean. Let’s go fuck some harem studs.”
“I thought you said you weren’t going to fuck all of them.”
“I didn’t.”
“You fucked most of them.”
“Half of them.”
“But you’re planning to fuck the other half.”
“Not Carl. Not if he’s acting weird.”
“I’m serious.”
Dawn smiled. “Look, if a guy had eight beautiful women wanting to sleep with him, and he did all eight of them, he’d be a hero. Doesn’t Hugh Hefner have, like, seven girlfriends? And Hugh isn’t exactly Aunt Penelope’s harem material, if you know what I mean. So, screw it. I’m not going to play the gender game. I’m going to get fucked like few women have ever been fucked, and I’m going to be happy about it.” She raised her hand in the air. “Woman power forever!”
“You have a great career in politics ahead of you,” said Melanie.
“Y’think? I was thinking more along the lines of porn star. C’mon, it’s time to have some more fun. I noticed that Keith has some special tongue talents that I may have to take advantage of.”
They joined the men and walked back into the mattress room. “You okay?” Melanie asked Carl.
“Of course. I’m fine. Why?”
“You just seem kind of…I don’t know…”
“No, really, I’m fine. Did I mention that you have great tits?”
Melanie stared at him for a long moment. “Let’s go outside and talk.”
“Is that an order?”
“Then I shall obey.”
Melanie took Carl’s hand and led him toward the doorway to the main area of the harem. “Dawn, keep these men entertained while I’m gone.”
“Oh, hell yeah,” said Dawn.
Melanie and Carl left, closing the door behind them.
Then Melanie threw her arms around Carl and kissed him deeply.
Chapter Twelve
They kissed for about a minute, tongues roaming. When they finally broke the kiss, they stared into each other’s eyes for a long moment.
“I’m not good at this kind of thing,” Melanie admitted. “Actually, I’m terrible. But when we kissed in there, while the other guys were…you know…I just felt like there was something there. Is that completely freaky?”
“I mean, there couldn’t possibly be a less appropriate forum for stuff like deep feelings and romance and shit like that, but kisses are personal, and this kiss meant something, even though it was while two guys were sucking my tits.”
Carl nodded.
“What’s the nod for?” Melanie asked. “Are you agreeing with the less appropriate forum part or the kiss meaning something part?”
“You don’t seem like the inarticulate type. That’s supposed to be my job. Tell me how you feel.”
“I felt it too,” said Carl, looking past Melanie at the water slide. “I mean, I enjoyed what happened in there with the other guys, and I loved watching you get completely turned on, but at the very end I started to wish that I was showing you my art instead of having you jerk me off in front of a room full of people.”
“Your art?”
Carl looked a bit flustered. “I just meant that I wanted us to be alone.”
“Tell me about this art.”
“There is no art. I was speaking hypothetically.”
“If you lie to your mistress, you will be spanked.”
Carl hesitated. “I draw sometimes. No big deal. I suck anyway.”
“Can I see it?”
“Let me explain something to you. There are seven absolutely gorgeous, naked, immensely talented men just beyond that door willing to grant me pleasures beyond my wildest fantasies, and yet I’m here with you asking to see your artwork. If you don’t appreciate the magnitude of this, I shall have to kick your ass.”
Carl grinned and his face lit up. “You have to promise not to tell me my art sucks.”
“I promise.”
“You can think it, but don’t say it. My fragile artist ego won’t be able to take it.”
They walked along the row of doors, stopping at the one with “CARL” engraved on a nameplate. “It’s kind of a mess,” he warned, turning the knob and opening the door. He reached inside and flipped on the light switch, and they entered.
Melanie gaped.
The room was practically an art gallery. There were pictures covering every square inch of the walls, and dozens more on easels, many of them unfinished. They ranged from black-and-white sketches to full-color portraits. Melanie immediately recognized a huge one that was obviously the centerpiece of the room.
Aunt Penelope.
Melanie walked over to the painting. “That looks just like her,” said Melanie. “I mean, it’s exactly like her.”
“It’s practically a photograph. How long did this take you?”
“I’m not sure. I work on a lot of different things at once.”
“It’s amazing.” Melanie looked around at the other drawings and paintings. Though a few were of a more abstract bent, the majority were as realistic as possible. There were sketches of all the harem guys, lots of wilderness drawings, a sunset or two, the requisite bowls of fruit, and some paintings of city life that looked like they could spring to life at any moment.
“I’m not very creative,” said Carl, “but I try pretty hard to be true-to-life.”
Melanie walked around his room, looking at all of the artwork. “Why aren’t you selling these?” she asked. “This is great stuff.”
“It is. I had my fingers crossed behind my back when I promised not to tell you if your art sucked, and trust me, this art doesn’t suck. I mean, how do you do this? Did you take art classes?”
“One,” said Carl. “My teacher said I sucked.”
“Your teacher was an idiot.”
“Well, I was only eight.”
Melanie kept looking at the paintings, taking them all in. When she’d glanced at all of them, she was amazed at their quality…and a bit disappointed that there wasn’t one of her.
“Would you draw me?” she asked.
Carl shook his head.
“What if I commanded you to?”
“I wish you wouldn’t.”
“So, what’s your story? You’re Mr. Personality until I start complimenting your artistic talent. What do the other guys think of this?”
“They don’t know.”
“How can they not know? Your room is packed to capacity with the stuff.”
“I don’t let them in my room. Your aunt didn’t know, either. And I kind of
wish you didn’t, because I have to admit that I’m uncomfortable standing here with you looking at them.”
Melanie grinned. “You’re cute when you’re humble. Bring your sensitive artist soul over here and kiss me.”
“You don’t think we should get back to the playroom?”
“Nope. I’m sure Dawn is doing just fine. She probably has them playing masturbation games.”
“I remember one time Aunt Penelope had us—”
“Keep it to yourself.”
Carl walked over to her and they put their arms around each other. It felt nice, pressing her fluffy bathrobe-covered body against his. They looked at each other for the briefest of moments, and then they kissed.
It was a sweet, tender kiss.
A loving kiss.
Melanie held him tight. They kissed for several minutes, not breaking the embrace, their passion slowly increasing. Melanie felt the push of his erection against her bathrobe as their tongues met.
She stepped away, tilted her arms back, and the bathrobe dropped smoothly to the floor.
Carl removed his own bathrobe and they stood naked before each other.
He took her hand and led her to his bed.
It was a queen-size bed, nothing spectacular, with light blue flannel sheets. “I would have made the bed if I’d known you were going to visit,” he said, easing her down upon the mattress.
“It’s okay,” she said. “Unexpected company’s a bitch.”
She lay on his bed and Carl lay on his side next to her. They held hands and kissed some more.
“Are you sure this isn’t completely fucked up?” asked Melanie.
“Honestly? I’m sure it is.”
“That’s what I thought, too.”
“But sometimes you have to look at a completely fucked up situation and just say, ‘Hey, I’m going to…uh, deal with the fucked up situation.’” Carl considered that. “I’m sure I meant to say something much more profound and inspiring.”
“We’ll pretend that you did.”
They kissed.
It wasn’t long before their kisses had moved into the realm of “passionate making out.” They gripped each other tightly, their kisses ravenous. Melanie wrapped her legs around him, and as they feasted upon each other’s lips (not literally) they rolled around the bed, shaking the bedsprings and filling the air with the sounds of their gasps and moans.
His penis was hard against her leg. Melanie wanted to taste it.
“Would it be unromantic of me to suggest that I want to suck your cock?” she asked.
“Not at all.”
“Because, you know, I was sort of thinking that I might like to suck your cock.”
“Please do.”
She kissed a sloppy trail down his chest, using her tongue when appropriate, and then ran her fingers through his pubic hair. “What is pubic hair for, anyway?” she asked.
“I’m not sure. Maybe it’s supposed to be like a cushion when you’re having sex.”
“That seems kind of silly.”
“I’m only speculating. It’s not a question that comes up often. Dawn seems to be doing pretty well completely shaved, so who knows what it’s for?”
“Did I give you permission to look at Dawn’s pussy?”
“I thought it was implied.”
“No, it was not.”
“I guess you’ll just have to punish me,” said Carl, stretching out. “I sure would hate to receive a blowjob right now. Man, I can’t imagine such a cruel punishment.”
“Especially if I bit.”
“Please don’t even joke about that.”
“Sorry.” She kissed the tip of his penis and caressed it lovingly with her right hand. So smooth. “You know, I told Dawn that you had the best cock of them all.”
“You bet.”
“Did she agree?”
Melanie hesitated. “I forget.” She took him into her mouth to evade future questioning along those lines.
She moved her tongue over the shaft as she slid her lips down his length. He was too big to take in all the way, but she went down as far as she was able, and then slid back up, adoring the taste of him.
“Mmmmmmmmm…” she said.
She gave him several long, slow strokes, feeling his penis get even warmer inside her mouth. It was so hard. So big.
She kissed down the underside and licked his balls, swirling her tongue around them, gently taking one into her mouth and then the other. She cupped them in her hand and licked them as Carl encouraged her through a series of loud moans.
Melanie considered licking even lower, but no. She didn’t have the same courage as Keith.
She licked back up his cock and then took him into her mouth again, sucking only on the head. She stroked his wet shaft with her hand as she sucked.
“You cannot imagine how good that feels,” Carl proclaimed.
Melanie smiled through her blowjob and kept going.
Then, keeping her mouth around his cock, she got onto all fours and moved in a circle, straddling him right over his face. She lowered her pussy onto him, thrilled when his outstretched tongue touched her sensitive folds of flesh.
Yes, sucking a cock was much more fun when there was a tongue on your pussy.
As Carl licked her, he rubbed his finger against her as well, making the most of what limited room her crotch against his face afforded him. He knew exactly where to touch, and her wetness and heat more than doubled.
She sucked as far down on his cock as she could handle without gagging.
His tongue darted over her pussy, his finger working her clitoris.
She wanted to taste more of him.
Melanie sped up her mouth strokes, head bobbing up and down, trying to let him know without speaking that his release was okay and desirable.
His tongue moved faster and faster, so rapid and right on the mark that she thought she’d reach her own orgasm before him.
She rubbed her breasts against his legs, stimulating her nipples, stimulating her entire body.
She sucked and sucked and gasped for breath as she realized that he’d just sent her over the brink…
Melanie came hard with his cock in her mouth, her tongue moving so furiously over him that if there were such thing as a literal tongue twister, she was very much in danger of it happening to her.
She had to pull away from his cock. She needed to scream.
“Oh, GOD!” she wailed, as her knees went weak and her feet went numb and fireballs of pleasure roared through her center. Melanie had never in her life come so many times in the same evening, and each one threatened to catapult her out of this world into another dimension where the only thing that existed was unrestrained delight.
Or something like that.
Either way, it felt really fucking great.
When she finally settled down, she resumed the task of making this handsome stud muffin come in her mouth. She sucked on him for a couple more minutes, as he continued to lick her dripping wet pussy, until finally he announced that he was nearing the point of no return.
She sucked harder.
“I swear, I’m gonna come,” he warned.
She reached back and gave him an “a-okay” sign with her fingers.
She sucked.
And sucked.
He exploded into her mouth, ejaculating so hard that the stream pounded against the roof of her mouth as if it had been shot from a hose. And it was no small stream. In fact, he was coming so hard and so much that she didn’t think she could swallow it fast enough.
“Oh, crap,” she said, or would have said had her mouth not been full. Come trickled down the sides of her mouth and dripped onto his legs in a most undignified display. She quickly wiped her mouth on his bed sheets and swallowed as much as she could.
She licked her lips. “Somebody was frisky!”
He held out his arms. “C’mere.”
She lay on top of him and kissed him deeply. He didn’t seem to be bothered by kissing her after he’d come in her mouth, nor was she bothered by kissing him after he licked her, which was good. To feel otherwise would’ve been tacky. They kissed each other for several minutes, until Melanie realized that his erection, which had never completely faded away, was back to its original glory.
She rolled off of him onto her back. He rolled on top of her and kissed her once more.
She could feel his penis against her vagina, just barely touching it. She was so horny, so wet, that a quick thrust of her hips would be the only thing required for full penetration.
So she did it.
Her mouth fell open as his cock entered her, filling her completely. If she hadn’t been so wet it might have even hurt. Carl looked almost surprised that she’d made the first thrust, and then began a series of steady, slow movements into her.
This was bliss.
Yes, the four-guy massage had been awesome, and the two mouths on her nipples had been a moment for posterity, but having Carl inside of her was too much to even describe. It felt so good that she thought she might burst into tears.
She wrapped her legs around him.
They kissed deeply as they made love.
Carl’s thrusts began to pick up speed, and Melanie thought that she was going to die from the excruciating pleasure. The bed creaked with each thrust, not quite drowning out the wet sounds of their joined bodies.
Yep, Aunt Penelope’s skills tests were right on the money…
Melanie cast that thought out of her mind. She wasn’t having sex with Carl, harem stud. This was Carl, her lover.
Carl, her lover, who just happened to be able to fuck like a pro.
There wasn’t a clock in the room, but Melanie estimated that they had to be going for at least ten minutes before Carl pulled out of her. He rolled over onto his back. Melanie took the hint and straddled him, easing his cock into her pussy, and then rode him for all she was worth.
The bedsprings shrieked.
Melanie’s loud neighbors had nothing on them at this moment. In fact, she half expected Dawn and her seven guys to knock on the door and ask them to please keep it down.
She rode him as if this was the last time she’d fuck in her life. Her breasts bounced and her hair fell down over her face and she hollered as if trying to wake the dead…or even her butler.