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Corps Security in Hope Town: Somethin' Bad (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 3

by Cat Mason

  Kelsie and Briggs shove in close, their faces filling the screen. “Why are we whispering?” Kelsie asks, scrunching her nose. “Does he have supersonic hearing?”

  “I hate you.”

  “Jesus doesn’t like a liar, Sienna!” Briggs scolds, blowing me a kiss. “Now, go downstairs and stick us on the bookshelf. We can pretend to be a photo or some shit while we watch.”

  “I brought snacks!” Kelsie sings.

  “Yeah, that’s a no.” Ending the call, I toss the phone to my bed and head downstairs.

  The moment I open the door, I instantly regret not checking the damn peep hole first. “Babe,” he purrs, the sound making me groan. “You’re looking good.”

  “What do you want, Jimmy?” I ask, narrowing my eyes when I see the flowers in his hand. “I’m busy.”

  “Don’t be like that.” Reaching out, he runs the tips of his fingers up the inside of my forearm. Obviously mistaking my shudder of disgust for a good thing, he steps closer. “You miss me?”

  “Of course I have,” I admit, yanking my hand away when he attempts to lace our fingers. “I’ll be honest, though, you standing this close is bound to improve my aim.”

  Holding up his hands, he takes a step back. “I didn’t come to fight, Sienna. I want to talk.”

  “What could we possibly have to talk about?” I ask, arching a brow. “I know you’re not here to tell me I knocked you up.”

  “You always could make me laugh,” he says, reaching out for me again. “I’ve missed that. Missed you.”

  “Goodnight, Jimmy.”

  Right as I start to slam the door in his face, Jimmy throws down the flowers and charges. Shouldering the wood, he sends the door flying back into the wall so hard the knob lodges in the drywall. “What the hell are you doing?” I shriek. “Have you lost your damn mind?”

  “I wasn’t done,” he grunts.

  “Funny,” I hiss through gritted teeth. “Wasn’t that usually my line?” Stepping forward, I press my hands to his chest. “You need to leave. Now.”

  His fingers wrap around my wrists, holding me to him when I try to step back. “No,” he bites out and I start to panic. “Not until you hear me out.”

  “Let her go and walk away, pal!”

  Looking over, I spot Matt storming down the sidewalk toward us, his jaw ticking angrily. “Mind your own goddamn business,” Jimmy barks, not taking his eyes from me.

  “Matt,” I breathe, relieved to see him.

  Jimmy’s eyes narrow. “Who the fuck is Matt?” he seethes, his nostrils flaring.

  “The guy who’s about two seconds away from ripping off your goddamn arms if you don’t let her go.” Stepping up onto the porch, Matt clamps his hand down on Jimmy’s shoulder. “You ask him to leave, babe?” he asks, his blue eyes softening when they find mine.

  “Yes,” I reply, yanking my hands free.

  “Go inside, Sienna,” Matt says calmly, though I see the anger simmering in his eyes. “Get your keys and lock up so we can go, yeah?”

  “Yeah,” I nod, backing away slowly. “Okay.” Heading back into the house, I take a minute to catch my breath before grabbing my phone, purse, and keys from my bedroom. I don’t understand what the hell just happened. I haven’t seen Jimmy since the night we broke up, right after Kelsie, Briggs, and I threw all of his shit out on the front lawn. He hasn’t called, sent a single text, or even tried to see me here, or at the shop. To be honest, I hadn’t expected him to try.

  Not that I wanted him to either.

  Flicking on the hall light, I head for the front door. I hear Jimmy shouting something, followed by tires squealing. When I hit the bottom of the steps, I find a raging Matt standing in the doorway. “Does he have a key?” he asks, flexing the fingers on his right hand as he glares out at the street.

  “No.” I shake my head. “I changed the locks after we broke up.”

  “Good girl,” he replies, turning to face me.

  “You hit him,” I mutter, stepping forward.

  “He swung, I took him down,” he explains. “If he’s dumb enough to come back, he learns exactly how much I held back before.” Yanking the door free from the hole it has now put in my wall, he pushes it closed. Matt moves toward me slowly, his expression changing from enraged to concerned, almost immediately. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  His brows pull together as he studies me. “You sure?”

  “Yes,” I nod. “Are we going somewhere?” I ask, wanting to talk about something else, anything, other than fucking Jimmy Anderson and the fact that him putting his hands on me made me want to vomit. That topic is simply too heavy for me to take on right now.

  “Yeah,” he sighs, brushing the hair over my shoulder. “You ready to go?”

  “Where are we going?” I ask, my eyes dropping to his fingers as they make a trail over my shoulder and down my arm.

  Snatching my hand, his lips curl up into a devilish grin. “I’d rather show, than tell.”

  Matt isn’t satisfied until he goes through my house himself, making sure every single window and door is secure. After taking my keys and locking my front door himself, Matt leads me to where his truck is parked on the street. Stopping at the edge of the sidewalk, I stare up at the damn thing, wondering why the hell someone pays good money to lift something so far off the ground that most people would need a ladder to get into. Opening the door, he takes a step back, then gestures for me to climb inside.

  Looking down at my feet, I almost regret the black wedges I decided to wear. That is, until I realize the extra height they give me is going to help get my ass up into this beast of a truck. Reaching out, I grab onto the handle attached to the door, placing one foot on the running board as Matt presses his hand to my ass. “Got it?” he asks, flexing his fingers while giving me a push. “Can’t have you falling, can I?”

  “Thanks.” Shifting my body, I settle in the seat; the fact that his little attempt to be helpful has just evened the score a little hasn’t gone unnoticed by me.

  Closing the door, he makes his way around the front of the truck. Unable to help myself, I watch him out of the corner of my eye, while fumbling with my seatbelt, as he effortlessly climbs behind the wheel. His arms and shoulders flex, tightly stretching the fabric of his navy-blue t-shirt, making it incredibly hard not to drool like a complete idiot. Matt’s large body, this close to mine, though he isn’t touching me, makes the cab of the truck seem so much smaller than it is.

  “My life isn’t always so crazy. I promise,” I blurt after a few minutes of unbearable silence.

  “Oh yeah?” he asks, keeping his eyes on the road.

  “Yeah, just like I don’t make a habit of getting hammered on tequila and groping strange men like cheap prom dates.” Glancing down at my hands, I begin twisting them nervously in my lap.

  “Is that right?” he asks, taking the road that leads downtown. “Though, I’d like to think I’m more special than strange.” I look to him in shock, not knowing how to respond to that. Matt pulls up in front of a little Italian restaurant that opened a few weeks ago. Looking over at me, he laughs. “You’re cute as hell, you know that?”

  I blink at him, unable to respond. He has officially stunned me stupid. Flashing a panty melting smile that has my stomach fluttering, Matt shuts off the engine and hops out of the truck. Before I can get my seatbelt undone, he is around to my side and opening the passenger side door.

  “Italian good with you?” he asks, offering me his hand. Nodding my response, I slide my hand into his, and carefully maneuver my footing on the running board before hopping down. When I don’t move, he releases his hold on me long enough to wrap his arm around my waist. Pulling me into his body, he pushes the door closed with his other hand.

  Holy shit.

  His body pressed tightly against mine feels good. Too fucking good. The exact type of good that will have me doing more monumentally stupid things. The problem is, I won’t be able to blame tequila this time. Running the
fingers of his other hand along my jaw, Matt tips up my chin, meeting my eyes for a split second before his gaze drops to my mouth. His eyes heat, causing me to suck in a breath. Oh God. Motherfucking shit fucking damn. Everything about him has me so off-kilter that, if he kisses me right now, I have no doubt I will spontaneously combust on the spot.

  “Would you look at this…” The unmistakable voice of Dilbert Harrison, better known as Sway by everyone in town, echoes through the parking lot. Regaining my senses, I push away from Matt just in time to see Sway and his husband, Davey, headed our way. Sway, dressed in a pair of dark wash skinny jeans and a flared floral print tank, struts like a runway model in a pair of ridiculously high gold stilettos, that shimmer almost as bright as the smile spreading across his face. His cheekbones are highlighted with an iridescent gold glitter, perfectly framing his brown eyes while also setting off his mocha skin. It is subtle, but so very, very Sway.

  “Hi, Sway,” I wave, flashing him a smile. “You look fabulous, as always.”

  “As always,” he repeats, gesturing up and down his body. “It’s all about floral prints and gold shimmer, darling girl.”

  “Of course.”

  “Let’s talk about you, Sienna. You little fireball.” Holding his arms out, he grabs my hands, his eyes shifting between Matt and me. “That hunky Liam Beckett told Sway such a story when he came in for a haircut this afternoon.”

  “He what?” I blurt, mortified that my most embarrassing moments now seem to be topics for public discussion.

  Giving my hands a squeeze, Sway winks. “Well, he was actually talking to Dani, but that’s not the point, is it?”

  “Is there a point?” Davey asks, smirking at Sway.

  “The point is, I want to know,” Sway huffs, rolling his eyes. “Don’t mind him,” he says, winking at me. “The hostess, mouse of a little thing too, by the way, told us there’s at least a ninety-minute wait for a table.” Arching a perfectly sculpted brow, he glances over at his man, playfulness filling his eyes. “Someone had a tantrum.”

  “There was no tantrum,” Davey chuckles. “And sadly, there was no tortellini either.”

  “Don’t worry, handsome.” Releasing his hold on my hands, Sway turns and hooks his arm with Davey’s. “There’s always Heavy’s.” Reaching out, he pats my arm. “You come let Sway get his hands on your gorgeous head of hair this week. I demand all the juicy details on Hunk P.D. here.” He sighs loudly. “Oh, all of these men around here. It’s like this town demands bulging muscles and chiseled jawlines on every male specimen.”

  “Hunk what?” Matt blurts, his eyes shooting between Sway and me.

  “Lord above!” Sway exclaims, holding up his free hand. “Like you don’t know you look like that.” Looking at Davey, he rolls his eyes as they head for the sidewalk. “Some men are so dense, love. I mean, at least we know we’re keeping Georgia hot.”

  “I can’t tell if that was an insult or a compliment.” Looking to me, Matt’s brows knit together. “And what the hell is Hunk P.D.?”

  The tension from earlier fading, I laugh. Matt’s eyes soften, a smile playing on his lips. “It’s not a what. It’s a who. You can thank Tessa and the girls for that.”


  “You,” I nod. Shoving his hands into the front pockets of his jeans, Matt clears his throat, an unmistakable blush filling his cheeks. “Are you blushing?” I ask, taking a step closer.


  I laugh again, happy as hell that someone other than me is embarrassed. “Want to check on that wait time?” he asks, jerking his chin in the direction of the restaurant. “Maybe if we bribe the wait staff we can be out of here by midnight.”

  Pursing my lips, I shake my head. “I’ve got a better idea,” I inform him, holding out my hand. “Do you trust me, Matt?”

  “Sure.” Taking my hand, he laces our fingers and gives me one sexy as hell smirk. “Unless it involves tequila.”

  Chapter 5


  Since it was pretty clear we wouldn’t be eating where I had originally planned any time soon, Sienna and I walked down the street to Heavy’s. Once we ordered, she suggested we grab one of the small tables out on the patio to enjoy the cooler night air. I wasn’t about to argue with that. I haven’t been able to get this woman off my mind since I met her. Getting to know as much as I can about who she is, without some constant fucking interruption, is exactly what I want.

  Our conversation is easy, though I don’t miss the tension that seems to be crackling constantly around us as we eat. While neither of us mentions it, I can tell by the look on Sienna’s face that she feels it too. When she gets to talking about the bakery and all the work that went into getting it up and running, her face lights up as she speaks; pride filling her voice. Listening to her talk, watching her green eyes blaze with passion, is sexy as hell. I want to pull her body into mine and kiss those lips and taste the sweetness I know will be even better than anything she put in that box for me yesterday.

  “So, what brings you to Hope Town, Matt?” she asks, turning the conversation to me. “Family?”

  Clearing my throat, I nod. “My twin sister, Michaela, lives in Atlanta with my three-year-old niece, Harper. My brother in law was recently deployed overseas and I wanted to be closer to them. What about you? Brothers, sisters?” I ask, finishing off my burger.

  “No siblings. My parents sold everything and moved to Costa Rica when I was nineteen,” she answers, reaching for her beer. “Although, Kelsie and Briggs are like the annoying sisters I never had, so there’s that.” Taking a pull from the bottle, she places it back down on the table. “They’re my family. Well, and Tessa. She’s the nut in my fruit cake.”

  “Yeah,” I agree, laughing at her comparison. “I’ve noticed Tessa can be a little…wild.”

  “That’s one way to put it.” Sienna smiles, a dimple appearing in her right cheek. “I’m usually the calm one. Boring, even.”

  “Sienna.” Reaching across the table, I cover her hand with mine. “The last thing you are is boring.”

  Looking down at our hands, she blushes. “You’re flirting with me.”

  “Fucking trying, babe,” I tell her, my thumb circling her pulse point. “Is it working?”

  “Yeah.” Tucking her chin downward, she blushes. “I think it is.”

  * * *

  By the time we get back to Sienna’s, it is well after eleven. My mind immediately goes back to when I came to pick her up and saw that asshole putting his goddamn hands on her. I wasn’t lying to Sienna before when I said I went easy on him. Had I really torn into him like I wanted, Jimmy would have been leaving in an ambulance instead of his pickup.

  Like I did before we left for dinner, I do a walk-through of the entire house, checking every window and door, room by room. I know all too well that a few window locks and a deadbolt won’t stop someone determined to get into somewhere they don’t belong. “Need to start using that security system on the wall, babe,” I tell her, yanking on the backdoor in her kitchen. “Maybe get a dog.”

  “A dog?” she asks, flipping on the kitchen light.

  “A hard boot to anyone of these doors and it’s open. Windows,” I say, tapping the glass. “Are just locked pieces of glass. At best, you’re slowing an intruder down. A big, barking dog is a deterrent to someone staking out your place. If they’re ballsy enough to come in, the dog becomes protection.”

  “I’ll take that under advisement, Officer,” she says, dropping her bag and keys to the countertop.

  “Serious as a heart attack, Sienna,” I tell her, making my way around the island toward her. Cupping her cheek, I tilt her face up and search her eyes. “Don’t play it off.”

  “I hear you,” she assures me. “Use the security system. Get a dog. Floss between meals. Eat your peas and carrots,” she adds, giving me a mock salute. “You’re so bossy.”

  “Am I, now?” I ask, biting back the laugh I know she is hoping for to cut through the seriousness of the conversa
tion. One thing that has become very clear tonight is that any time the topic becomes too heavy, Sienna uses humor and sarcasm to redirect the conversation.

  “Hell yes, you are, and it makes one hell of a first impression,” she huffs, making me laugh.

  “Unlike your tequila-fueled fondle?” I smirk, running my knuckles across her cheek. Leaning down, I brush my lips over hers. “Not much can top that.”

  Grabbing onto my shirt with both hands, Sienna pushes up on her toes, sighing softly as she returns my kiss. Fuck. Unable to help myself, I sweep my tongue over her bottom lip, allowing myself the smallest taste of her, while fighting the urge I have to sink my teeth into her plump flesh. “Sweet Sienna,” I murmur against her mouth, earning me a sexy as hell moan. She tastes like beer and the sweet caramel glaze on the skillet brownie dessert she ordered, mixed with something so sweet, so goddamn decadent, that it has me desperately wanting to taste every inch of her soft skin.

  Visions of stripping her down and spreading her out on the countertop has my cock hard enough to pound nails. Damn. She has me crazy.

  “Matt,” she pants breathlessly as my lips trail along her jaw.

  “Hmm?” Pushing her hair over her shoulder, I press a kiss just below her ear, smiling against her skin when she shivers.

  “Pretty sure this is topping it.”

  “Good,” I inform her, tracing her collarbone with the tips of my fingers. “Because I’ve only gotten started.”

  Chapter 6


  “Should’ve done this sooner.” Matt’s hand slides down to my ass, his fingers digging into my skin through my dress. “Been thinking about kissing you ever since I left your shop yesterday.”

  Lifting me up onto the island, he shoves my dress up and steps between my thighs. Leaning in, he presses open mouth kisses along my collarbone. Unable to hold still, I run my hands up his arms, feeling every hard inch of muscle. “Good thing you didn’t.” My words come out in little pants of desperation and need. Pulling my ass to the edge of the counter, he wraps my legs around his waist, and presses his body into mine. His erection grinds against my core, causing every cell of my body to heat. “I’m pretty sure the health department frowns upon dry humping on the display case.”


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