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Highland Troth (Highland Talents Book 3)

Page 22

by Willa Blair

  Jamie fretted at the passing minutes as they idly rode around the village. Madeleine kept up her commentary. When they reached the other side, Madeleine nodded. He and Kyle prepared to ride into the forest, but not before Fletcher took him aside.

  “I’m taking Madeleine back to Fletcher. She’s agreed to become my wife. And with his mother there, MacGregor willna dare retaliate. His clan willna stand for it. She’s too well regarded, despite her son.”

  “I wish ye both well,” Jamie said, genuinely pleased by this turn of events. He shook Fletcher’s hand, and then he went to Madeleine and kissed her cheek. “Be safe.”

  “We’ll help confuse the trail for my son and his men. He willna ken who went where.”

  “Ye have thought of everything.” Jamie grinned and kicked his mount into motion. Kyle flanked him. He should be thrilled at the way their departure had turned out, but he still felt that tingle under his arm, in his ribs. Once they were out of earshot of anyone in the village, he told Kyle, “We’ve got to find them. I know where Uilleam is supposed to be taking Caitrin. But I dinna ken if he has other plans.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Caitrin was safe enough with Uilleam, Malcolm, and the others, but she would have been much happier to have Jamie with her. They’d been riding for more than an hour, and the thick grove they traveled through kept her from seeing more than a few feet in any direction. Sunlight filtered weakly through the dense canopy above. She felt confined, boxed in, even more so than when MacGregor had locked her in her chamber for days at a time.

  How would Jamie find her in this forest?

  “Where are we going, Will?” She kept her voice low, not that it mattered. The trees swallowed up any sound she might make.

  “To a friend of yer da’s,” he answered as quietly as she had. “A cousin, too.”

  “On MacGregor land?” The prospect of riding all the way to Fletcher didn’t appeal to her, not without Jamie nearby, but it would take most of the day to get off Alasdair’s holding.

  “Aye. Married across a generation ago. ’Tis no’ so far, now.”

  Caitrin nodded and kept her attention on their route. She’d hoped to spot some familiar landmarks. But this did not seem to be the way they’d come from Fletcher. The trees were thicker than she remembered. Though by the time they’d approached MacGregor, she’d been tired and eager to get off the horse, so perhaps her recollection failed her.

  She wondered if MacGregor yet realized she and the Lathans had left his stronghold. If so, men would be on their trail soon. Perhaps that was why Jamie and her father had not joined them before now. They’d gone another way, hoping to draw off pursuers. Aye, that had to be it. She relaxed slightly. They would meet at the cousin’s and go on from there.

  At that moment, she became aware of the sound of horses, still distant, but converging with her group. “Will!” She kept her voice to a hiss, but he heard her and stopped, so the rest of their group did, too. Could it be Jamie? Or MacGregors, who would return her to the keep—and their laird? Both of those possibilities had the same effect. Caitrin’s heart pounded in her chest as they waited. Would the riders pass by, unaware of their presence?

  Caitrin crushed the reins in her hand, fighting the urge to flee. She hated the helpless feeling that stole the breath from her body and the strength from her limbs. But Will and the others sat silently waiting. They appeared unworried. Of course, if the need arose, they could draw their longswords and fight. She could not defend herself against mounted attackers with only the small sgian dubh Madeleine gave her. If only she had a dirk.

  Then the riders emerged from the trees off to the side of their group and she sucked in a breath. Jamie! Relief made her giddy. But Will signaled for silence and let Jamie and Kyle approach.

  “Well met,” Jamie said, nodding to her escort. But his gaze lingered on Caitrin and her pulse beat faster again.

  “Were ye followed?” Will’s question gave her pause.

  “Nay. Fletcher and Lady Madeleine are making for Fletcher territory. They’ll leave a good trail for MacGregor’s men to find. ’Twill be up to us to see the Lady Caitrin safely on from here.”

  Uilleam nodded. “We’d best be on our way. If Laird Fletcher’s ruse fails, MacGregors will scatter like hornets all through this forest.”

  “Aye,” Jamie answered. “Take yer men and head roundabout into the far hills to confuse the trail even more. Caitrin will come with me…”

  “But…” Uilleam attempted to interrupt.

  Jamie held up a hand. “Nay. Ye ken I’m right. They’ll have realized who is gone and signs made by many riders will draw them off. I’ll cover our tracks and get us there before nightfall.”

  “I dinna like leaving the lass with only ye for protection.”

  “I’ll be fine, Will.” Caitrin’s words were out before she considered them. But truly, hadn’t she been thinking only moments ago she’d be much happier with Jamie? She had no doubt he could protect her. “Do as he says.”

  Uilleam gave a curt nod of the sort one gave to his laird’s daughter with whom he disagreed, and kicked his horse into motion. Malcolm and the other men followed.

  “Ye, too, Kyle,” Jamie added after they’d gone out of sight. “Stay on their trail. Find us if there’s trouble. Otherwise, just keep an eye on them.”

  “Aye.” Kyle’s mount responded as he lifted the reins, and in moments, he, too, was lost from view in the trees.

  “Ye do ken where we’re headed?”

  He gave her a long, measuring look. “Aye, I do.”

  “I’m glad, since I dinna.”

  Jamie chuckled. “I kent that, too.”

  “So, if something were to happen to ye, I’d be lost in these woods.”

  That seemed to bring him up short. He stiffened then shook his head. “If ye keep going as ye were,” he said, gesturing forward, “ye’ll be there in an hour or so.”

  “Another hour?” Caitrin bit her lip. “I could use a wee bit of privacy before we go on. Once we heard ye coming, the waiting to ken if it was MacGregor men come to return us to the keep near frightened me to death.”

  Jamie nodded and dismounted, and then he helped her down from her mount. “Dinna go too far,” he ordered as he released her hand.

  “I willna.” A memory of stumbling around in the dark, supposedly on the same errand, but in truth looking for Jamie, came back to her. The night the wildcat clawed her back. Jamie’s raised eyebrow told her he thought about the same thing.

  Caitrin took care of her needs and returned to find Jamie lounging against a tree, arms crossed over his impressive chest, holding the reins of both horses. He looked so confident, so commanding, with control of two powerful beasts in the palm of one hand. Yet, the grin he gave her was pure temptation.

  “The betrothal negotiation is over. And we’re alone,” he told her, invitation, rather than command, clear in his deep voice.

  “And out from under the MacGregor’s roof.” Caitrin understood him instantly.

  He straightened and looped the reins over a low-hanging branch, leaving the horses free to crop the tufts of grasses spearing through the forest loam. Caitrin met him halfway, her steps as slow and measured as his, as if they were both giving the other time to change their mind, to call a halt to what was so clearly on Jamie’s mind. And hers.

  She made the first move, reaching up to tangle her fingers in his dark auburn hair, nearly black in the forest’s low light. Jamie did as she wished and bent his head to kiss her. The heat of his lips sent tingles coursing down her back, but then he wrapped her in his arms, chasing the chills away, replacing them with a low fire that spread along her nerve endings from her back to her fingertips and toes. Instantly, his scent and taste flooded her senses, and his soft groan of need vibrated against her breasts.

  “Will ye be mine, then?”

  “Aye, of course. Here? Now?”

  Jamie pulled back, his eyes full of regret as he searched her face. “Yer first time must be sp
ecial. As much as I want ye…need ye, this is neither the time nor the place.” He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers for a moment.

  “My first time will be special, because it will be with ye.”

  Jamie’s teeth caught his lower lip as he studied her. “It will be hours yet before MacGregor’s men tire of chasing the others and come this way—if they ever do.”

  “So we’re safe if I want it to be here…and now?” Caitrin murmured in his ear then licked and nipped his neck just behind it.

  Jamie’s grip on her tightened.

  “Now, Jamie. Here. And now.”

  With an oath, he grabbed the rolled-up plaid from behind his saddle and moved away from the horses before tossing it open on the ground. Then he picked up Caitrin and laid her on the plaid, joining her there before she’d had a chance to catch her breath.

  Caitrin arched against him as he kissed his way down her throat, then unlaced the tie at her neck, and continued running his lips and tongue down her chest. With eager fingers, he pulled aside the bodice and covered her peaked nipple with the wet heat of his mouth, licking and sucking, before he moved to the opposite side.

  Caitrin moaned, and the sound seemed wrenched from deep within her, so deep that it sounded like it belonged to someone else. Like Jamie. Aye, he moaned, too, as he tugged her skirt above her knees and slipped a hand underneath. She opened her legs while Jamie’s hand strayed higher, fully aware of his hard length on her thigh as his fingers found her moist center. Caitrin bucked, but Jamie didn’t let up, with mouth or hand, as he murmured sweet words and his body rocked against hers. She barely knew what happened before she found herself moaning his name and drowning in sudden pleasure the likes of which she’d never felt before.

  Jamie eased up, slowing his seduction in time with her breathing as the last pulses claimed her. Then he caressed her hip with the hand beneath her skirt while he kissed her again, then told her, “It will be like that, love, only more so, when I make ye mine. But yer first time should be done in comfort, no’ on a plaid on the ground. Never fear…” he continued, stroking his big warm hand down her hip as he silenced her with a kiss, “I will make ye mine. And soon. I can barely stop myself now.”

  She gave him a soft smile. He was trying to care for her the best way he could, reigning in his own passions to protect her. But she wanted him as much as he wanted her. “Then dinna stop, Jamie. I want this. With ye.” Caitrin’s breathing speeded as Jamie’s hand wandered up, tugging gently on the damp curls at the apex of her thighs. “I meant it when I said now.”

  “Ye willna wish to ride…after.”

  “Then I’ll ride with ye. ’Tis only an hour, ye said.”

  Jamie chuckled. “Ye will, indeed.” His hand left her body.

  Caitrin stroked down his chest to his belt and fumbled with the catch.

  “Let me.”In moments, Jamie had freed himself and pushed Caitrin’s skirt up to give him access. “Ye’re lovely to look at, lass.”

  “Ye are…intimidating.”

  “We can wait for a bed.”

  Caitrin reached out and traced a finger around the moist head of Jamie’s erection. “Or no’.”

  With an oath, Jamie took her hand away and kissed it while he moved between her thighs. “It will hurt, but only for a bit.”

  “So I’ve heard. I want ye, Jamie. I always have. I willna wait any longer.”

  With that, Jamie began to push his way inside.

  She welcomed the pressure. It filled the emptiness within her that ached for him. She scarce noticed the pinch as he breached her barrier. Her heart swelled with joy, with relief, that Jamie, the man she’d loved for so very long, finally possessed her. The rightness of it brought tears to her eyes, happy tears. Satisfied tears. She seized around him then slowly relaxed as he held still, giving her time to accustom to his length and thickness. “Now, Jamie,” she whispered.

  “As milady wishes,” he murmured and began to move within her.


  So close was he to bursting with the joy of finally possessing Caitrin, Jamie could scarce control himself. He’d loved her for years. This moment had been delayed too long, but it was finally here. Her demand, her welcome, tasted sweeter than anything he could remember in his life. As he stilled to give her time to adjust to his body within hers, he marveled at the fate that had brought them back together. At how this woman fought to make him hers. As he longed to make her his.

  At her whispered, “Now, Jamie,” he withdrew a bit and pushed back in, each time making the stroke longer until he set the rhythm that would drive him to heights, and bring Caitrin with him. Fire spread from his cock to his belly, pulling his balls up tight and tensing every muscle in his body. “I canna wait, lass. I want ye too much.”

  “Then take me, Jamie. I want ye, even more.”

  His release staggered him, lasting far longer than he was accustomed to. At its end, he rolled to his side, pulling Caitrin with him, still deep within her, and wrapped her in his arms. “Ach, lass, I’ve waited a lifetime for ye.”

  “I doubt that,” Caitrin told him with a giggle as she shifted the leg wrapped over him and kicked him in the ass with her heel. “Though I have, for ye.”

  Jamie kissed her, savoring the taste of her lips. “And ye have proof, aye,” he teased, thinking of the blood likely on her thighs, and the uncomfortable ride ahead. “But it doesna matter. I would have ye to wife, nay matter yer history, nor mine.”

  “So ye shall, if we both survive the MacGregor.”

  He winced, wishing she had not mentioned that name. “We shall.” Reluctantly, he withdrew from her and propped his head on his hand while he stroked her cheek with the other. “But we’ll no’ do that staying here much longer. When ye are ready, we’ll go on our way.”

  She slid her leg off his hip and pushed down her skirt. “There wouldna be a handy stream nearby, would there?”

  He shook his head. “Nay, but I have water.”

  Caitrin sat up and retied her bodice. Jamie lifted a hand to her breast and stroked over and under it. “Beautiful, even when hidden.”

  She snorted and pushed aside his hand. “Water, if ye will.” She glanced down and winced. “Ye’ll be needing a rinse, as well.”

  He nodded. “Virgin’s blood. Aye.” He rolled to his feet, holding his trews up with one hand, and pulled a flask from his pack. He dampened the corner of his shirt, and then he offered the water to her, and cleaned up as best he could. The sight of Caitrin dabbing at the blood on her inner thighs had him hardening again in his hand. He tucked away his wayward cock and rearranged his clothes. She did not need a repeat this soon. Between his size and riding a horse for another hour, she would not thank him.

  In moments, she sighed and stood, then bent to roll up the soiled end of the plaid. “There’s nay sense advertising what we just did,” Caitrin said with a grin.

  Jamie rolled the rest of it to fit and replaced it behind his saddle. “I have already spoken to yer da. I’ll make this official as soon as I can.” But when? And what would be the consequence for Lathan? Well, it was too late to worry about that, not that it would make any difference. He loved Caitrin and would marry her.

  Caitrin nodded. “I believe ye.” Her quiet confidence steadied him.

  “But for now, I must keep ye out of MacGregor’s clutches. Let’s go.”

  He helped Caitrin take her seat. Her slight hesitation as she settled herself told him she suffered at least some discomfort. “Would ye rather ride with me?”

  “Nay, I’ll be fine.” But she winced as she said it, leaning forward to pick up the reins. “If we’re to arrive before nightfall, we’d best be on our way.”

  They made the rest of the trip in silence, riding gently to spare Caitrin as much discomfort as possible. As long as they encountered no one, Jamie would gladly keep the easy pace, though he still fretted at being away from enough men to protect her. Fortunately, they crossed paths with no one and arrived at Fletcher’s cousin’
s croft well before dark.

  “Ye dinna remember me, I’m sure,” Rabbie told Caitrin as he led her toward the croft. “Ye were little more than a bairn the one time yer parents came this way.”

  Jamie would have loved to hear the rest of that story, but the horses needed attention, and he needed to talk to his men.

  “All’s quiet,” Kyle assured him as they brushed the animals down and settled them for the night in the cousin’s rough barn.

  “For now,” Jamie warned. “I want ye three, Will, and Malcolm’s men to bed down in here when no’ on watch. Keep each mount’s tack handy in case we need to ride quickly.”

  “Do ye think we will?”

  “I canna ken. Between Fletcher’s, yers, and our trails, MacGregor’s men will be led on a merry chase across the countryside. Mayhap they’ll never arrive here—at least, no’ until we’re long gone.”

  “How long do ye plan to stay?”

  “Ye ken we thought we’d be leaving Caitrin here and returning to MacGregor as if naught was amiss. But with all of us, and Lady MacGregor and Fletcher gone from the keep, we havena any reason to return, and many reasons to avoid it.”

  “As many as MacGregor has men, aye.”

  “Aye.” Jamie set aside the curry comb he’d been using on a tangle in Caitrin’s mount’s mane and rubbed the beast’s shoulder. “We’ll leave in the morning for the Aerie.”


  “Nay, I want ye to pair up and go in different directions. We’ll meet at the edge of Lathan territory and go on from there.”

  “I’ll take first watch,” Kyle offered.

  “Set the others to follow ye. I trust Madeleine kens her men, but pair them with one of ours for the watch, including Malcolm. I’ll be in the croft, staying close in case of trouble.” He rubbed a hand down his face. “Let the horses rest two hours then saddle the freshest pair. We may no’ have the time it takes to ready them all and my main concern is to get Caitrin away if there is trouble.”

  “Aye, I will.”

  With a nod, Jamie left Kyle to organize the watch. Inside the croft, Rabbie had a small but cheerful blaze going in the hearth. Caitrin sat at table with a mug at hand and a wooden tray of bread and cheese before her. Judging by the sounds he heard, Rabbie moved about the loft, preparing the extra sleeping space. He hoped the man planned to sleep up there, because Jamie would be down here, guarding the door all night.


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