Unwanted Desire

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Unwanted Desire Page 3

by Skye Turner

  Finally, she sighs.

  I look over. She’s frowning. Tif is a great friend. We’ve been partners for three years now and she’s probably one of the people I’m closest to in the world. A lot of times, people in our profession tend to blur the lines between professional and personal. We spend so much time together for long shifts and in close quarters, either the trailer or the ambulance, or the bus, as we refer to it. We’ve never once even thought that about each other though. Within a week of meeting her, I loved her, but in a best friend, sister way, nothing even remotely romantic.

  She’s gorgeous, I have eyes, but I’m not interested in her and she’s not interested in me. We have an amazing relationship. And I’ve been fucking her sister for three months and she has no idea! That fact makes me feel even worse.

  Something is on her mind.

  “Hey girl.” She doesn’t respond to me. She’s deep in thought. I sit up and call out again, “Tif! Hey. What’s going on? What you thinkin’ about over there?”

  Her head turns toward me and she smiles slightly. “Sorry, I was out of it. What?”

  I chuckle. “I asked what has you so out of it over there.”

  She grimaces and rolls her eyes. “Family shit. I don’t need to bore you with it.”

  Family shit? AnnaBeth family shit?

  Without seeming too eager, I reply to her, “You can tell me. It’s obviously upsetting you and I’m your guy! We talk, Tif. It’s what we do. You can tell me.”

  Seriously, Ty? You’re fishing for info on the woman who basically told you, “The sex was awesome, but now I’m over it,” just this morning. You’re pathetic.

  Tif looks away and then looks back at me. “You remember last year when Stanton, the douche, kept asking me out and I finally went out with him a few times just to get him to stop?”

  I nod. “Yeah, the political lawyer dude. The one who’s tight with your family.”

  She shudders. “Yeah, him. Then, he asked me to marry him after the three boring dates. Remember that?”

  Oh, I remember. I remember thinking he was an idiot.

  I laugh. “I remember. You called me outraged because he had the audacity to ask you to marry him. I remember the scene at Tsunami that I rescued you from when I got the ‘911’ text from you.”

  She laughs. It’s full bodied and lights up her face. “What an idiot.” Then she sobers and looks at me. “Yeah, well… apparently he’s been dating my sister. He asked AnnaBeth to marry him this morning. They’re engaged.”

  My pulse stops and I forget to breathe.

  What. The. Fuck?!



  I left Ty’s place this morning and drove straight home. I have a small house at Chateau du Bellaforte, but I also have an apartment in town. I went there and showered and changed to get myself presentable. After all, it’s Sunday and that means Sunday Brunch at Chateau du Bellaforte.

  Before long, I’m crossing the bridge and heading through the small towns of West Baton Rouge. It’s close enough to Baton Rouge that you can get to everyone in half an hour, but over here, there are more fields. It’s more open, though over the past few years the chain stores have moved in and taken away from the “small town” feel, but it’s still a little less harried. I pass Cinclaire Sugermill and my phone rings. Looking at the dashboard, I see “Daddy” on the screen.

  Sighing, I press the button to answer it. “Hello, Daddy.”

  My father’s strong voice rolls through the car. His rich southern accent fills the space. “Hello, AnnaBeth. It’s almost ten. I called down to your cottage and was concerned when you didn’t answer. Your car is not there. Did you stay in town again last night?”

  Of course it’s not there. It’s with me! I’m twenty-four years old. He treats me like a possession or a small child sometimes.

  Gripping the steering wheel tightly, I answer him, “Yes, I stayed in Baton Rouge again last night. I had some business in town that ran late and I didn’t want to chance driving across the bridge. I was tired. I’m on my way. I’ll be there in about twenty minutes. I won’t be late.”

  He sighs. “Ok, everything will be served on the terrace at promptly ten. Now, the reason I was looking for you… Stanton is here. He went down to get you and you weren’t there. Just come to the house.”

  Shit! I forgot all about Stanton. I did know he was coming to brunch today, but it completely slipped my mind with everything with Ty.

  Ty. Stanton.

  Jesus, AnnaBeth… what were you thinking?! Ending things with Ty was exactly the right thing to do.

  Living two lives finally caught up to bite you in the ass, didn’t it?

  Shut up! I didn’t do anything wrong…

  Yeah, sure you didn’t… so why are you freaking out?!

  Daddy cut into my inner musings. “AnnaBeth! Can you hear me?” I jerk the wheel, narrowly avoiding heading into the median.

  Dammit, AnnaBeth! Get your head on straight. Forget about Ty! Ty is not your life!

  I answer him, “I did, Daddy. I’m sorry. The connection is not very good right here. I’m heading into Plaquemine now. I’ll be there in about ten minutes.”

  He sighs and curtly says, “Don’t be late. Drive safe.” And hangs up.

  My hands are shaking as I grip the steering wheel. I pass the church and look at the packed parking lot and a shiver races up my spine. I’m so going to hell for what I’ve been doing.

  Eight minutes later, I’ve left town behind and am once again in nothing but country. It’s beautiful out here. There’s nothing but cane fields and lush landscape. I turn through the massive, ornate gates and onto the drive for Chateau du Bellaforte. I drive beneath the three-hundred year old oak trees that form a luxurious canopy until the house comes into view.

  As I roll to a stop in front of the porch, one of the workers races out to take the keys from me. I shake my head. Who still has workers on their plantation grounds? The difference is that they are paid and get to go home at night and on holidays. Except for the live-in housekeeper, Mrs. Dolores, that is.

  Handing him my keys, I straighten my skirt. “Thank you, Beau.”

  He smiles and nods. “You’re welcome, Miss AnnaBeth. They’re outside on the terrace already.”

  Of course they are. It’s almost ten. Can’t get off track of the schedule.

  Stop it!

  Walking through the house, I cross the gleaming floors. I stop at the French doors and look outside. My mother and father are there, as is my Grandma Clarabelle. But then, they all live here. My uncle and his wife are here and I see Stanton deep in conversation with my parents. Grandma Clarabelle is sitting at the head of the table under a linen umbrella and sipping on what looks like a mimosa. I smile. She’s a mess, that one.

  I need a mimosa. Taking a deep breath, I open the door. All eyes turn to me. My mother is smiling, but looks uneasy and my father just watches me as I cross over to everyone. I stop at Grandma Clarabelle to kiss her cheek and she pats my hand. Then, I make my way over to my parents and Stanton. Leaning up on my tiptoes, I kiss both of their cheeks before doing the same to Stanton. He takes my hands and stares at me. It makes me uncomfortable. He says, “AnnaBeth. I came early to be able to bring you up to the house, but you weren’t home. Your parents graciously allowed me to wait for you here.” His eyes travel over my body. “You look lovely. That pink is your color.”

  I smile at him. “Thank you, Stanton. Yes, I had business in town and didn’t want to chance coming back this way as I was so tired. I apologize for keeping you waiting.”

  He rubs my hand as I tell my lies. He smiles. “It’s fine, dear. I just wish you had called me to let me know you wouldn’t be home. I wouldn’t have had to impose on your family this way. You need to be more responsible.”

  My back arches and I bite my tongue. I meet his eyes as my father claps him on the shoulder. “Nonsense. You’re always welcome here, son.”

  Smiling tightly, I once again apologize. “Again, my apologies.
The time got away from me. I’ll call you next time.” I gesture to the server to bring me a mimosa. I wish I could double the champagne in the glass.

  Just then, Grandma Clarabelle calls out, “I’m hungry. Get over here and sit down. I’m old and I’m not going to wait on you.”

  My father rolls his eyes and my mother smirks before quickly masking it. She says, “Of course.” She gestures for everyone to sit down. The food is laid out once everyone is seated. I’m quiet, lost in my own head, as everyone chatters around me. My father and uncle discuss politics, often asking Stanton his opinion. My mother and aunt talk about their charity work and Grandma Clarabelle just eats. I see her looking at me quite often though.

  When the meal is over, I look at my plate and see that I’ve eaten nothing and have just pushed the food around. Sighing, I indicate that I’m finished and start to excuse myself.

  Stanton stops me. “AnnaBeth, if you could stay for just a moment. I have something I’d like to discuss with you.”

  Huh, discuss what with me? Why do we have to discuss anything out here in front of everyone?

  I’m annoyed, but I nod and stay seated. I look around the table and everyone is looking at us expectantly.

  What in the hell?

  Stanton pushes his chair back and stands. He reaches into his pocket and takes something out. Then, he pulls my chair back and squats in front of me. He smiles. “AnnaBeth, I know this is fast and we’ve only been together a couple of months, but I’ve spoken to your father and he knows my intentions.” He takes my hand. I want to jerk it back. “We get along so well and I think we’re perfect for each other. I’d like to take this one step further. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  What the hell did he just say? Did Stanton just ask me to marry him? In front of my family? We’ve been seeing each other for two months. I haven’t even slept with him!

  He asked my father?!

  Oh my God!

  I blink and see the massive diamond in the box. I just stare at it trying to decipher what exactly is happening.

  Apparently, I take too long. My father’s booming voice makes me jump. “AnnaBeth, child, do you have an answer? Stanton asked you a question.”

  My gaze leaves the ring as I look over at my parents. My father is smiling and my mother has a small smile as well. Stanton is staring at me, holding my hand and a box with a ring… A giant ring. An ugly ring that easily cost one-hundred-thousand dollars.

  What do I do?

  Stanton asks me with a strained voice, “AnnaBeth? Do you have an answer?” He whispers under his breath, “I look like a fool here. I need an answer.”

  I blink again.

  My father says, “For God’s sake, child… answer the man.”

  Blinking back tears as the chains tighten around me, almost suffocating me, I swallow and nod. “Yes. I’ll marry you, Stanton.”

  He slides the ring onto my finger and presses a brief kiss to my cold lips. I’m numb.

  Everyone is congratulating us and my father is shaking hands with Stanton… my fiancé?!

  I look over at Grandma Clarabelle and her gaze is sharp and clear. She’s not smiling or congratulating us. She’s just watching me. I give her a small smile and she frowns and sighs.

  Looking down, I see the ring sparkling on my finger. The diamond is huge. It’s too big. It looks gaudy.

  As my gaze once again trails over everyone I realize my words to Ty this morning were true. I have responsibilities. And I intend to uphold them.

  Chapter Four


  My ears are ringing and I can’t breathe. I thought Tifanie just said that her sister, that AnnaBeth, was engaged. To the dude that asked HER to marry him.

  “What? AB is engaged? To the guy that asked you to marry him?” I cannot believe I’m hearing her right.

  She sighs and laughs uneasily. “Yeah. I didn’t even know they’d been seeing each other. My mother called and when I ignored it, she left a voicemail. It just said that AnnaBeth and Stanton had been seeing each other for a couple of months and he proposed to her this morning, after Sunday brunch. She accepted.”

  I’m hearing what she’s saying, but I’m not processing it. I can’t grasp it. I had sex with her this morning. I’ve been sleeping with her regularly for three months, so how exactly did I not know that she was involved with that tool? She’s slept at my house a couple of nights a week for months and now she’s engaged to someone else?!

  I never would have thought she would do that. She completely had me fooled. She was stringing me along the whole time. She used me for sex.

  Me! She used me for sex! I’m Ty Motherfucking Boudreaux and that bitch used me for sex.

  I cared for her and she’s no different than all the other bar bunnies I’ve been with over the years. Well, son of a bitch. She got me. She got me good.

  I’m enraged. I don’t know what to do with myself and I’m even more pissed off that I can’t even talk to my partner, my best friend, about what I’m feeling right now because the bitch that has me ready to kill her is her sister! And she doesn’t even know I was involved with her.

  Fuck me up the ass with a 2x4!

  Tifanie calls out, “Ty. Ty, are you ok? You look sick. Are you feeling ok?”

  I look sick?! I am sick. I’m disgusted. I’ve never been that guy who sleeps with another man’s woman and damned if she didn’t just make me break that rule. I was fucking a woman who had a boyfriend.

  Suddenly, it all makes perfect sense. No wonder we couldn’t go anywhere together. No wonder we stayed in my house. In my bed! Being seen with me would ruin it all for her.

  Tif calls me again, “Ty? You’re worrying me. Are you ok? What’s going on?”

  I look at her and swallow down the rage I’m feeling. I’m not going to take it out on her. I smile, though it hurts my face. “I’m fine. I think I just ate something that didn’t agree with me.”

  She smiles and reaches out to touch my forehead. “You’re very flushed and you feel warm. Let me take your vitals. You might have food poisoning.”

  I shake my head at her and stand up. “I’m ok. Really. I’m going to walk outside to get some air, ok?”

  She looks uneasy, but nods. “Ok. Call out if you need me.”

  I nod, but I’m already striding the short distance to the door. Opening it, I make the effort not to slam it against the hinges. It’s not the door’s fault AnnaBeth Bellaforte is a bitch. Once I’m outside, the crisp air fills my lungs as I take deep breaths and try to level out my blood pressure. I feel like my head is about to explode. I count in my head as I continue to breathe deeply, holding them for fifteen seconds, and then expelling them. I do this until I feel my blood pressure coming down.

  Once my vision is no longer spotty and my ears stop ringing, I lean on the railing and stare up at the stars. It’s a clear night. I can count them if I wanted to.

  That was one of my favorite pastimes as a child. I vividly remember lying on the trampoline and staring at the sky. I could do that for hours. I’d search for constellations or count the stars. It was always so relaxing, so peaceful.

  I need some peace right now.

  I start to count. I’m at five-hundred when I hear the trailer door creak open. Turning my head, I see Tif peek her head out. “Hey. You ok? Just checking on you.”

  I look back at the stars before I answer her. “Yeah, I’m ok. Thanks for checking on me.”

  She walks out and down the stairs. As she reaches me, she bumps my shoulder with her own. “Of course. You had me worried, buddy.”

  I sling my arm around her shoulder and pull her into my side. She snuggles up and leans her head against my shoulder. We both look up at the sky. “It’s so pretty. I used to look out of my window every night and watch the stars and the moon.”

  I nod. “I know. I love the night sky. It’s like art.”

  She chuckles. “You’re so romantic. Too bad the thought of getting jiggy with you makes me want to barf.”

nbsp; I bust out laughing and lean down to see the mirth in her eyes. “Yeah, ditto, babe. You’re fine as hell, but seeing you naked is not on my bucket list!”

  She snorts. “Yeah, well, this,” she gestures to herself, “naked is just perfection. Wet dreams are made from this.”

  We both laugh at the ridiculousness of our conversation. Tif is in fact gorgeous and she makes men pant with her long legs, full breasts, and a face that could be on a magazine. But sadly for me… the more petite, voluptuous, untouchable Bellaforte is the one that makes my blood burn.

  Thankfully a call comes over the radio Tif is carrying and my dark thoughts are thwarted. We work in perfect synchronization to ready the bus and are heading to the call within minutes of getting it.

  This is what I do. It’s what I was born to do and I’m great at it. I take pride in that as we get our game faces on.



  I’m engaged. I’m engaged to Stanton. How did this happen?

  I’m lying on my bedspread in my cottage just staring at the atrocious ring on my finger. I’m certain some women would love it, but it feels like a lead weight on my hand. The diamond is a marquis cut and massive. It covers from the base of my finger to the first knuckle. It’s too big. Too glaring. Too… just too everything.

  I’m a small woman. I’m petite. I take after my mother in that respect. She’s small but curvaceous at only 5’2 and I’m the same height. I’m small, so I wear heels to make up for it. I also have curves. My father is tall at well over six feet and my sister takes after him and has legs for days. She’s also dark haired like him and I’m fair haired like our mother. We’re so very different.

  It’s funny. She looks so much like our father, yet she’s nothing like him. She shuns everything to do with our family and the prestige the name Bellaforte holds. She left when she was eighteen and put herself through college by working and scholarships and now she’s a paramedic. She’s Ty’s partner….

  Stop it, AnnaBeth. Don’t go there. Thinking about Ty is fruitless. You walked out this morning and now… now you’re engaged to someone else.


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