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Love Discovered

Page 1

by C. M. Steele


  C.M. Steele

  Copyrighted © 2017 C.M. Steele

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without written expressed permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is purely coincidental.

  Cover design: C.M. Steele

  Cover Image: Shutterstock

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows, and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as advertisement. Trademark names are used in an editorial fashion with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

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  This book is intended for mature adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. Suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Adult Erotic Romance.

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15


  Three Years Later…

  Five years later…

  Devlin Jacobs went to a museum to research a possible investment opportunity. Annoyed to the gills with his tour guide’s antics, he was ready to leave. What he didn’t expect to find love in a woman who’s looking for her kid’s necklace.

  Selene with her class are on their way out when a child heartbreakingly lost a treasure. Needing to find help, she enters the front office to search the “lost and found.” The necklace wasn’t found that day, but love was discovered.

  Chapter 1


  The museum was packed to the gills with a bunch of wild, little kids who aren’t even pretending to be interested in the exhibits. All they cared about were their phones. Hell, what happened to at least talking to each other? I wasn’t in the mood for this shit. The stress of work and no social life had worn on me.

  “Mr. Jacobs, right this way,” the tour guide said as she escorted me around the museum. I followed behind the tall, elegant blonde as she tried to please me. They wanted our money to help fund their restoration. I wasn’t interested, but my father begged me to look in to the opportunity. As a history buff he was thrilled at the possibility to help. He was a real fucking do-gooder, and well, I didn’t give a rat’s ass about anybody but my parents.

  “Lead on, Miss Kennedy.” She blushed like a school girl. I wasn’t in the mood for a flirtatious broad. I was taking a step back from the females. To me they weren’t anything special. I didn’t fuck a lot because I had better shit to do with my time, but I was a guy, so I needed to get off once in a while. I didn’t give Miss Kennedy any signs of interest, but it didn’t stop her from touching my arm in that gentle teasing way that would make normal men thirsty. I spent the next hour going around the museum fighting off her subtle attempts to seduce me. There was a lot of cool looking items in the one exhibit they hoped to restore and just that alone made me think this project could work.

  “Mr. Jacobs, this is the last part of the tour. It’s a geological survey of the area. It’s not the most interesting, but by this point the kids are tired already and it’s a way to wind them down.”

  “Yeah, I guess that would make sense. You don’t want them unwilling to leave. Then you get kids crying and throwing fits,” I said as my disinterest in this room grew.

  Searching for information, she asked, “Do you have kids, Mr. Jacobs?”

  “No, thank God,” I remarked, trying to knock this woman off my scent. Even if I wanted them, it wouldn’t be with someone like her. She had power hungry written all over her. She wouldn’t be the type to be satisfied as a stay-at-home wife. I worked and made enough to not have my woman working and caring for the kids.

  “Pity, a child could learn a lot from a handsome, intelligent father like you,” she purred as she admired my fit build. I felt her gaze roam over me, lingering where it shouldn’t have. And now she pushed me to the max.

  “Miss Kennedy, do me a favor. Don’t flirt with me. I’m not interested so you can just guide me to the office to get my things.” I had tolerated her little smiles and stares as well as her not-so-subtle flirty hints, but I’d had enough. She opened and closed her mouth in shock, but led the way back without another word about me, instead finally returning to business only.

  Once there, I grabbed my bag to go when another blonde entered the office, only this one peaked my curiosity. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was about five four or so with light eyes like honey. I drank them in, causing her to blush. I had no shame and knew it. Whoever she was she should be ashamed of herself for being so damn naturally beautiful. There wasn’t a drop of makeup on her face.

  I glanced down to get a look at her figure. It was a pity that it was mostly hidden under a bulky sweater, but I could see that her chest wasn’t small by any means. Still taking inventory, I noticed her nice tight, round bottom through her practically painted on jeans. They didn’t hide anything. A rush of new emotion ran through me—possessiveness. It pissed me off because I couldn’t have been the only one to have noticed. With the reaction my dick was having to her, I started wondering how many men were in this place and that they needed their eyes poked out. It freaked me out how instant and overwhelming this new feeling was. I just stood there, waiting for her to speak.

  “Excuse me, I’m looking for your lost and found area,” she whispered softly, like she was embarrassed about asking. Her voice only added to the pain I felt as my cock pressed hard against my slacks. It was soft and sweet.

  “Um… I don’t work in this area,” Miss Kennedy uttered with an attitude. I twisted my head slightly to see if her face matched her tone and it did. Her posture was indicative of a woman ready for a cat fight.

  “Well, can you direct me to someone who does?” the beautiful blonde snidely asked, her brow raising in challenge. I liked that she didn’t take the bitch’s attitude.

  “No,” Miss Kennedy barked. This was about to get out of hand any second. I’d put all my money on my cute honey-eyed girl; she looked like she was all fight despite being smaller than Kennedy.

  “Excuse me, Miss. I’m Devlin Jacobs. Is there something I could help you with?” I didn’t know what possessed me to ask, but I did. Who was I kidding? I was hoping she’d say I could by getting her off while she chanted my name. My eyes never left hers as I waited for a response, almost eager to pounce on any invitation she gave me.

  “One of my kids lost their necklace. I
t must have fallen off somewhere. She’s really upset about it,” she said emotionally. The expression on my face changed from a smile to a mild grimace as I tried to hide the fact that I was feeling unreasonably angry and full of hatred for the bastard that gave her kids. I looked at her finger and didn’t see a wedding ring. It didn’t look like the father was still in the picture. Either way, I should just ignore the burning in my gut. She had baggage a guy like me wouldn’t be able to handle. I tried not to be concerned about her request, but I didn’t like that she seemed distraught. I could easily buy her a new one and a lot more. Damn it, I only dated a single mother once and it was a big mistake. She was looking for a daddy for her kid, and a rich one at that.

  “Don’t worry. Give us your contact information, and we’ll let you know when we find it,” I declared, giving my word that I would make it right, and I would.

  She filled out the piece of paper. I caught her first name, Selene, before the guide snatched the paper from her hand. “Mr. Jacobs doesn’t work here. I’ll take care of it,” she stated with irritation. My eyes opened wide at her remarkable lack of professionalism. It was on an epic level.

  “He may not, but at least he has manners,” Selene murmured before leaving the office. I liked her—a lot. If she only knew what I wanted to do to her, she would reconsider her statement that I had manners.

  As soon as the door closed behind Selene, I turned to my hostess. “Miss Kennedy, I don’t know what that was about, but I didn’t like your treatment of that lady. Are you that rude to all the guests or is it just the beautiful females?” I boldly asked. There was no need for her condescending behavior. As much as the museum could use the restoration, it was an overhaul of their staff that was a priority.

  “I don’t work in this area, but at least I’m an employee. You almost had her personal information, and that could have gotten us into trouble. You’re not an employee or even an investor yet, so it would be wrong should she receive a call from you when it came from this encounter,” she explained. That was a crock of shit. I knew exactly what her problem was with the beautiful Selene—my attraction.

  “That’s fair, but that didn’t mean you had to be a snob to the poor woman,” I told her.

  She shook her head just enough to be annoyed. “She was trying to get your sympathy. You’re a handsome man in a finely tailored suit, of course she thought she could get away with getting her claws into you,” she clarified, confirming my suspicions the bitch was trying to stake her own claim.

  “Make sure you have the staff look for the necklace,” I demanded before I walked out of the office in a hurry. I’d had enough of Miss Kennedy and hoped to see the beauty again. The place was still just as packed, so I walked around looking for her, but she wasn’t anywhere to be found.


  I headed back to my company and straight into my father’s office. I knew my mother was at home which meant I could just barge in. If she was visiting, it was a no-go. After all these years, they still went at it like bunnies. I was surprised I was an only child.

  “Dev, how did it go?” he asked cheerfully, but the sour expression on my face was a dead giveaway.

  Dropping down to the seat in front of his desk, and taking a deep breath, I snarled, “It was a nightmare.”

  “What happened?” His excitement over the museum wasn’t anything new. It’s where he met my mother thirty years ago. It was special to him and a big reason for his persistence in the investment.

  I got up and poured myself a stiff drink. I took a swig then answered, “The broad that gave me the tour wanted to give me one of her panties. Then some beautiful single mother walked in looking for the lost and found. Miss Kennedy, the tour broad, acted like a total bitch to her, refusing to help. Only when I tried to, did she take over. It was like her ass didn’t want our money. I was so put off by her behavior that I’m not sure the deal should be made.” I sat back in my usual chair and took another drink.

  “So…the deal is squashed, then?” His exuberance faded. I hated to say it, but I had some standards and the museum didn’t meet them at this point.

  “As long as that broad is working there.” I thought about her treatment of Selene and it continued to infuriate me. I sat in the chair growling to myself. I heard the rumble in my chest and knew I was quickly losing my shit over a woman with kids.

  He sat straight up and looked at me with a stern gaze and said, “Don’t mess with a single mother. She’s obviously either loose or has been badly hurt before.”

  “I’m not,” I blurted out immediately. I wanted to argue that she wasn’t loose. She couldn’t be; she seemed too sweet. All I could think about was that some bastard left her alone to raise their kids. How could someone do that to her? She had genuine written all over her face. When she looked at me, I could see the attraction, and from her expression, it came as a surprise to her.

  I was lying to myself and him about my need. Leaving with the promise to reconsider helping at a later date, I drafted an email to the museum that I wasn’t interested at this time. I tried to get back to work, dealing with investment options and buyouts, but the pretty blonde was on my mind. I couldn’t think straight, and it was pissing me off. My dick hadn’t gone down all day.

  It was starting to be too much to take. I thought about what she had hidden under her blouse, wondering if her breasts were large with light or dark nipples? Did she breastfeed her kids? She would ours. The thought of breeding her was all consuming. I was glad I sent my assistant home half an hour ago because it meant I had privacy.

  Not being able to focus anymore, I locked my office door and pulled my cock out. The head was an angry purple, ready to explode with lust. It was swollen almost to the point of pain; I knew it wouldn’t be long before I nutted to thoughts of Selene. The tip was glistening with pre-cum. Rubbing the head with my thumb, I spread it to lube my dick. I started to stroke, slow and long at first because it was so damn sensitive to the touch. I groaned and tossed my head back as I thought about what my lovely Selene could do. I pictured myself shoving my thick cock into her heat, letting her get used to my size. I imagined her biting her lip as she tried to take me all the way in. As the orgasm started to build to the surface, I stroked faster and harder, like I was pumping into her unprotected pussy, and it was just waiting for me to breed her. I roared her name as I shot my load into my hand.

  Chapter 2


  “Miss West, please. We have to find it. It’s from my daddy,” little Katie cried. “Please, please. He gave it to me and then he died. Please, we have to find it,” she sobbed into my leg. I felt her hurt. I lost my parents too, but at least I didn’t have to process it at five. Her father died in Afghanistan a few months ago.

  I bent down and told her it would be okay. Reassuring her was all I could really do at the moment. The bus was ready to be boarded and we had to be back at the school before the three-fifteen dismissal. “Don’t worry, Katie. I’m going to check with the lost and found.” I turned to Miranda, the other teacher on the trip, and asked, “Can you keep an eye on them?”

  “Of course,” she said with a sincere nod. “Oh, my goodness,” she murmured as her eyes moved to the office I was going into. I followed her gawking face, seeing what she did. He was a stunning specimen of a man. I got a good look at his profile—dark brown hair, clean shaven with a strong jaw. About six foot-four in a well-tailored gray suit with a deep green tie. His frame was visible through it and the way he walked showed he was strong and muscular. Lord, the man could set a woman’s panties ablaze and send her ovaries into overdrive, but he wasn’t in the cards for me, no man was.

  “Just go in and ask about the necklace—or I will,” Miranda warned, her eyes full of mischief.

  “Oh, hush,” I said with a grin and a flick of my wrist waving her away. My pulse started to race and the thick sweater I was wearing suddenly made me feel bulky and underdressed. I didn’t have makeup on because I didn’t want to attract attention.

bsp; Taking my time, I entered the room just after the handsome man and the sophisticated woman with him. I saw them talking, but my entrance distracted him. I almost hyperventilated when his eyes immediately made contact with mine. He was more of everything up close.

  “Excuse me, I’m looking for your lost and found area,” I whispered like a fool as I sheepishly dropped my gaze. I was so nervous that I couldn’t speak properly. I could feel his burning gaze on me while seeing the condescending look on hers. Her eyes narrowed as she took me in and then flashed back to her companion.

  “Um… I don’t work in this area,” the woman said with an attitude when she spotted me staring at the devil in a gray suit. I couldn’t care less what she had to say. She seemed eager to be the one he was looking at.

  “Well, can you direct me to someone who does?” I asked. Her attitude needed a readjustment. It was clear by her badge she worked here.

  “No,” she replied rudely. I was ready to knock this broad out. I was high on emotion with Katie’s tears hurting my heart, then Mr. GQ over here making me wetter than a pool. Now this bitch wanted to piss me off. Two years ago, I would’ve been intimidated, but no one aside from Ken scared me now.

  “Excuse me, Miss. I’m Devlin Jacobs. Is there something I could help you with?” The handsome man spoke to me. I felt like a school girl when the hot football player finally acknowledges her. My panties caught my first bit of juice. I calmed down as he continued to stare at me, waiting for an answer. I had a feeling he didn’t work here, but at least he seemed willing to help unlike the snobby bitch with the stick up her ass.

  “One of my kids lost her necklace. It must have fallen off somewhere. She’s really upset about it,” I said emotionally. I didn’t understand why, but I felt he would do all he could to help me. It didn’t make any sense, but there was something in his gray eyes that made me feel special. He was staring at me so intently. I tried to hide my reaction to him, but that wasn’t going to happen. My attraction to him was involuntary.


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