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Forever Tattooed (Tattooed Billionaire Book 3)

Page 11

by Alicia Rae

  “Then, we’ll be shark bait together.”

  “Jeez, that sounds…romantic,” I teased, unable to hide my mirth.

  Damien brought his face to mine where he grasped the back of my nape and took my mouth. All my thoughts quickly dissolved as I instantly responded to his touch and melted into a puddle against him. Butterflies soared in my stomach, my pulse leaped, and my heart warmed with love for this man. I latched my arms around his neck and ardently kissed him.

  It wasn’t until I felt myself spinning and falling that I realized I’d been played.

  I broke our connection on a startled gasp and tightened my hold on Damien as the weight of him pulled me down. For a split second, my eyes went wide while gazing into his amused grays. His backside hit the water first. I landed on top of him, and we both sank beneath the surface.

  I began to wildly kick my legs and flap my arms. I surfaced at the exact same moment as Damien. The self-satisfied expression on his face sparked my inner sass, so I splashed him.

  “You’re such an ass!” I laughed, unable to conceal my humor. It was such a Damien thing to do.

  He hauled me into his arms, and I locked my arms around his shoulders once again as he kept us afloat.

  “Don’t kid yourself.” He grinned devilishly. “You love me just the way I am.”

  It was true. I did, endlessly.

  I snorted. “Maybe.”

  “You do.”

  “Sometimes.” I rolled my eyes, biting back my smile.

  He placed kisses all over my face. “All. The. Time.” He emphasized each word, his voice low and alluring.

  “Okay”—I caved—“I do.” I beamed dotingly.

  I loved him like this—carefree and playful. It was a rare sight with everything going on in our lives, and I was going to revel in every second of it.

  Joshua and Iris swam up to us.

  “How many times do I have to tell you two to quit swapping spit?” Iris teased.

  Joshua pounced on her. “You mean, like this?” He tackled her mouth, kissing her repeatedly, so she couldn’t speak.

  I chuckled.

  Damien told Joshua, “Attaboy. Show your woman who’s boss.”

  I gaped at my challenging man. Using all my might, I pushed off his shoulders into the air and came crashing down, taking him under the water. Though I wasn’t a match for his strength as Damien pulled me beneath the surface with him.

  We both came up, sputtering and laughing. Droplets of water trickled down Damien’s stunning face. And that smile of his sent warmth flooding my heart.

  “Gosh, I love you,” I breathed, inches from him, mirroring his expression.

  “I love you, too, gorgeous girl. Always will.”

  And then I longingly kissed him before I returned my attention to our friends. It was there, beneath the blistering hot sun, where we hung out for the rest of the day.



  The weekend had passed way too fucking fast for me. Monday needed to slow down, too. It was already three o’clock in the afternoon, and this was the first spare minute I’d had all day to look over the legal documents sent from my trusted attorney. The contract was to merge one of my construction businesses with Tryston’s construction company.

  The guy did phenomenal handiwork, ranging from residential to commercial jobs. His intricate work was unique, artistic, and top of the line.

  I grabbed my phone to send Tryston a message. There were six missed calls from a blocked number but no voice mails. That was odd. I opened a new message.

  Me: Tryston, I have the contract ready to go. When are you free to meet with me to finalize our merger?

  His reply came within minutes.

  Tryston: How about tonight? We can meet at Dodgers Steaks ’n’ Beers to have that cold beer we talked about.

  Shit, a cold beer sounded perfect, and I sure could use one after the hectic past few hours. I recalled my last meeting was at six tonight. My fingers punched the screen.

  Me: Does seven work for you?

  Tryston: Yes.

  Me: See you then.

  I set down my phone as my intercom buzzed.

  “Mr. Heathman, I have a Suzanne Stevens on the line for you. She says it’s urgent, sir,” Cathy spoke through the line. “Would you like me to put her through or take a message?”

  I hadn’t spoken to Suzanne, Drake’s estranged wife, in a while. Uneasiness prickled my skin as I briefly wondered if she and William, her son, were okay.

  I pressed the intercom to speak to my receptionist, “Yes, Cathy. Please put Suzanne through immediately.”

  “All right. She’s on line one.”

  I picked up the phone off the receiver and clicked the red button to connect to line one. “Hello, Suzanne,” I said worriedly. “Is everything okay?”

  Suzanne sniffled into the phone before she cleared her throat and said, “Damien, oh, thank God you answered!” she cried hysterically on a rush. “I’ve been trying to reach you for the past hour.”

  “Slow down.” I tried to soothe her. “Tell me everything. What’s wrong?”

  “It’s Drake! I think he finally found my sister’s house. I saw a white truck drive past the house twice today. It had a temporary plate on the vehicle, but I just know it was him!” she wailed hysterically. “Then, I saw the big truck on my way out to drop William off at the library, five houses down from my sister’s home. I didn’t think anything of it, so I wasn’t paying attention to the driver. Then, I went to lunch with a friend, and when I picked William up again to bring him home, it was parked only three houses away. It’s Drake! I can feel it!”

  My pulse spiked. “Was it a white Yukon?”

  “I believe so. It was definitely white,” she confirmed.

  My hand balled into a fist.

  Suzanne wept, “Damien, what am I going to do? I’m so scared!”

  “Do you know if Drake saw you on your way home from the library?”

  “I’m positive he didn’t. It was parked facing the other way, and it made no effort to follow me when I turned down a side road.”

  “Where are you now?”

  “I’m at a gas station, up the road from my sister’s house, with William.”

  “What’s near the library?”

  “A video store, a bank, and a McDonald’s. All are on the same side of the road.”

  I glanced at my watch and said, “Meet me at the bank. Take William inside, and stay there. I’ll come in to get you. Don’t leave for any reason. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes, yes, I do,” she answered swiftly.

  I asked her for the name of the library and for brief directions to its location.

  She gave it to me and then said, “Thank you, Damien. I don’t know what I’d do without your help.”

  “I’ll be there as fast as I can. Get to the bank,” I demanded sternly.

  Then, I buzzed my receptionist and told her, “Cathy, clear the rest of my schedule for today right away. I’m leaving the office.”

  I didn’t wait for her response. Instead, I hung up the phone, grabbed my cell phone, and leaped out of my chair. I hoped there were no cops in my path because I was on a one-track mission, and I wouldn’t stop until I reached the bank.

  I pulled into the parking lot of the bank, speeding like a madman, where I saw Suzanne’s gray Buick. I parked my car next to hers. As I shut off my ignition and exited the driver’s door, I searched, but there was no sign of a white GMC Yukon anywhere. I immediately strode to the doors.

  All the air depleted from my lungs when I spotted Suzanne and William, safe and sound, sitting in the waiting area.

  I approached them as a woman dressed in a black suit neared.

  “Sir, can I help you?”

  “No, thank you,” I told her before redirecting my attention to William.

  The woman walked off, appearing confused. I felt no need to give her any explanation as to why we were here.

  William seemed completely shaken with
his arms wrapped around his stomach.

  I pulled the teen into my arms and hugged him hard. “Hey, kid.”

  “Hi, Damien. Thank you for coming to make sure we’re safe.”

  “Of course.” I drew back, taking him in.

  He looked much better than the last time I’d seen him. His face was fuller. His cheeks had color. And, more importantly, he didn’t have any welts or cuts on his face from Drake.

  I peered over at Suzanne, seeing her black eye makeup smeared all over her face. Her eyes were wide, terrified, and her body shook when I embraced her.

  “Thank you so much for coming,” she cried into my chest. “I don’t know what I would have done otherwise.”

  “You’ll never have to find out,” I reassured her with deep sincerity.

  Drake might not be my family by choice, but Suzanne and William always would be. I’d do anything to save them from my stepbrother’s violent, malicious hand.

  Three bank tellers stood behind a counter a couple of yards in front of us, whispering to one another.

  “Let’s take this outside,” I told Suzanne, keeping my voice low.

  The three of us walked outside. Suzanne and William flanked either side of me, keeping close. Their palpable fear sent my blood boiling. No one should have to live in constant terror like this. I wanted to kill the motherfucker for making them feel this way.

  I paused in between our vehicles. “I have two options for you guys. Either you can come and stay with Raelyn and me at our house until we can relocate you, or I can put you in one of the empty condos I own in Sarasota, about fifteen to twenty minutes from my home,” I explained.

  Suzanne wrapped an arm around her son and drew him close with a comforting gesture. “Either works for us.”

  “Drake has been randomly showing up at my house and Raelyn’s work, so I think the condo would be the best choice.”

  “Okay. But all our belongings are back at my sister’s house.” Her lower lip quivered. “We have nothing.”

  “Don’t go back to your sister’s, not until I can be sure Drake isn’t there.” I reached into my back pocket and pulled out one of my credit cards to give to her. “Use this. Get whatever you need—food, gas, clothing, anything. If anyone gives you trouble with it, don’t hesitate to call me, and I’ll take care of it.”

  Suzanne stood motionless and glanced down at my card before returning her gaze to me. “Damien, you’ve already done so much for us. I can’t accept your money.”

  “Nonsense.” I extended my arm closer to her. “Take it. I want to help you, both of you. No strings attached.”

  Suzanne’s eyes filled with gratitude as she took my offering. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” I curled my fingers and said, “Hand me your phone.”

  She did. I pulled up Google Maps and entered in the address to one of my vacant condos.

  Returning it to her, I said, “Here is the address to where you’ll be staying. You and William head there while I hang back and make sure Drake isn’t following you. Then, I’ll meet you there shortly to make sure you’re both all right and settled in for the night.”

  “That sounds like a plan.” Suzanne gave me a kind, thoughtful smile.

  I watched as she and William entered the Buick and left the parking lot, keeping a watchful eye on our surroundings. Then, I followed behind them. My eyes assessed every car, making sure Drake was nowhere to be seen.

  If he intervened and hurt these two, he’d have hell to pay.

  After making sure the coast was clear of Drake and helping Suzanne and William settle into the condo, I sped off in the direction of Dodgers Steaks ’n’ Beer where I pulled into the first vacant parking spot I could find with only a few minutes to spare.

  I was looking forward to that cold beer even more so than earlier today. Hell, I needed it to calm my anger and nerves. Plus, Tryston was an honest guy, one of the rare few left in this world, and I was glad to have some time just to talk with him.

  I turned off the engine, grabbed my briefcase, and hustled to the door. Tryston was seated to the left side of the bar, and I went straight to him.

  He rose to greet me and said, “Good seeing you again, Damien,” with a genuine smile on his face.

  “You, too, man.” I briefly shook his hand.

  “I took the liberty of ordering you a Corona. That always was your preference back in the day, if I recall correctly.”

  “That’s right, and it still is.” I grinned as we took our seats.

  I reached for my beer. It went down smooth as fuck. “So, how are things?” I asked after lowering my drink.

  “That depends.” He leaned one elbow on the table and cocked a curious brow at me. “Business or personal?”

  “Ha!” I laughed deeply. “How about both?”

  “Business is great.” He mindlessly rubbed his thumb up and down the glass of his beer. “Personal life could be better.”

  My head shot back on my shoulders at the solemnness of his voice. “That bad, huh?”

  “A shitstorm,” Tryston admitted with a tilt of his head. “Tori and I split a few weeks ago.”

  Tori and Tryston had been dating for years. I’d truly thought they’d be together for the long haul.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up a sour subject.”

  “Nah, it’s all good.” Tryston brushed it off before divulging, “I always thought she cared more about my wallet than she did for me. She proved me right when I caught her in bed with some sleazeball.”

  “Fuck, man, I’m sorry.” I felt for the guy.

  “I’m just relieved it happened now rather than down the road, you know?” He took a long pull from his beer.

  I did the same before replying, “Yeah, that makes sense.”

  “So, instead of licking my wounds like a pussy, I’ve been keeping my head busy with work. Where’s this contract for me to sign?”

  I pulled the documents out of the briefcase and placed them on the table. “You’ll retain all your clients and profits you currently have with Kingsley Construction, your residential company. Both of our commercial construction companies’ divisions will be renamed to Heathman and Kingsley Commercial.”

  Tryston leaned back in his chair and cocked a brow at me.

  “What?” I asked, knowing exactly what he was about to drill me with.

  “Heathman and Kingsley. Why are you first?”

  My eyes went wide, and I puffed out my chest. Our testosterone was flooding this small-ass room. I’d been prepared for this, and I wanted to see him fight for it.

  “Because H comes before K in the alphabet, fucker,” I said, letting loose with an old friend.

  Tryston crossed his arms over his chest. “What in the fuck does that have to do with anything?” he drawled.

  My answer was simple. “Everything.” I shrugged nonchalantly, tipping back my beer.

  “The fuck it does.” Tryston leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table. “You forget that I don’t need you, Damien. I’m a successful entrepreneur, just like you. I put everything I have into each and every one of my designs and blueprints, and I see them through, giving one hundred percent of myself.” He tapped his finger on the table, making his point. “Kingsley and Heathman, or I walk.” He thoughtfully tilted his head. “After my beer.”

  I leaned back in my chair, still holding my drink. I was never one to back down, especially when it came to doing anything business-related. But I valued Tryston—as an old friend and, more importantly, as a businessman. He was my age, with the same drive, and he was loyal. Plus, he brought a lot to the table—like the quality in his work. He’d also proven to me that he wasn’t a pushover, and he was willing to fight for his title.

  “You’re still one stubborn son of a bitch, Kingsley,” I told him, my lip twitching.

  “And you’re still one ruthless motherfucker, Heathman.”

  I eyed the guy, making him wait just a little while longer for my answer until I was good an
d ready. “You’ve got yourself a deal, Tryston. Kingsley and Heathman Commercial, it is.” I switched my beer to my other hand and extended my arm over the table.

  “Thank you.” Tryston’s face shifted to a roguish grin as he took my offer. “I’m looking forward to you being a pain in my ass again.”

  “Likewise, brother.” I roared with laughter, realizing just how much I’d missed this guy.

  The two of us signed the contract, sealing our business deal. Then, we hung around for one more beer, and I was quickly reminded that Tryston was truly one of a kind. I was happy to have him in my life again.

  I walked inside the house, slipped off my shoes, and went in search of Raelyn, fully prepared to lift her into my arms and carry her into bed, if she wasn’t there already.

  It had been a long day. There had been a lot of hectic points in my morning, followed by Suzanne and William worrying me, which had riled up my nerves at the idea of Drake spying on them. Then, it had concluded on a positive note with Tryston. It had been the ultimate roller coaster of emotions, filled with ups and downs.

  Now, all I wanted was Raelyn’s warmth enclosing me to bring this day to an end.

  I found her sitting on the couch in her navy-blue silk pajamas with her legs crossed at her ankles. There was a glass of wine in her hand along with a piece of crinkled white paper. I went to her and bent at the waist to place a chaste kiss on her forehead.

  “Hey, gorgeous. I’m surprised you’re still awake. You ready for bed soon?” I asked. Lifting her legs, I settled in next to her and rested her legs atop mine.

  Raelyn was quiet as she mindlessly ran the brim of her glass back and forth over her lips. It was then I realized that something was off with the look in her eyes. She seemed…distant, distracted.

  I tenderly stroked her thigh. “Raelyn, what’s wrong?” There was no hiding the obvious concern in my voice.

  She peered over at me and lifted the paper with her spare hand. “Who’s Henry Heathman?”

  I immediately went cold, bone-chilling cold. Shock displayed itself in my features. The beat of my heart cranked up to a treacherous speed, and I feared it would be the end of me. Every muscle in my body went stiff, hard as stone.


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