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Highlands at Dawn

Page 4

by Aliyah Burke

“You want me to do what?”

  He took his eyes off the road briefly to gaze at her. She watched him, aware of her shocked expression.

  “Come with me to Oregon.”

  Is he crazy? “No thank you.”

  “No thank you?”

  She pursed her lips before they quirked a bit. “Thought it was nicer than ‘hell no’.”

  She couldn’t get over how much this man intrigued her, and it wasn’t just because of the sex they’d had in the forest—although that had been amazing. She’d always had a wild and vivid imagination, so what he talked about more fascinated than scared her.

  “What’s it going to take to get you to accompany me?”

  She chuckled and held out her left hand. “A ring and your last name, Billy Kwan.”

  He coughed and she laughed even more, taking perverse pleasure in his discomfort.

  “A marriage?”

  “You and me, babe. You asked what it would take. I answered. Sorry it wasn’t what you were hoping for.”

  He sent her a look that had her in peals of laughter.

  “This is serious.”

  She wiped her eyes and leaned against the door. “I’m sure it is. Look at it from my side for a moment. A strange man approaches me and tells me he is an Astral Guardian. Tells me I am lucky enough to have demons after me who want me dead, oh, and now I need to go with him to Oregon. Now comes another point. I live in Scotland. Have a life here—a good life, I’d like to think—and a job. So when you say what you do, why wouldn’t I find it amusing? It happens to me all the time, so why should I hesitate to give up all I know for a man’s who is a virtual stranger?”

  “You keep calling me a stranger.”

  “Because you are.”

  Another heated look. “You do what you did with me in the forest with strangers?”

  Never! “My sex life is none of your business.” Her response was snotty.

  “It is now.”

  She made a rude noise. “Keep dreaming.”

  His gaze singed her and she swallowed repeatedly, trying to get more moisture in her mouth. How did this man manage to make her think of nothing but carnal activities? She barely knew him, yet was sitting here envisioning herself removing his clothing—article by article.

  “So marry me.”

  It was a good thing Billy drove the car as opposed to her. With that statement, she would have driven off the road.


  Billy pulled off and stared at her. “I think we need to find a place to hole up for the night. Where’s the nearest place to get a room?”

  “There’s a village coming up— They have an inn. We can get rooms there.”

  “Room.” He began driving again.

  That word left his mouth with such finality she didn’t know what to say. One room? Why did it fill her with a mixture of dread and excitement? More heavily on the excitement.

  * * * *

  Within the hour they stood in the room he’d rented for the night. She was frozen, fingers wrapped around the handles of her bag as she looked at the bed. The lone bed. The double bed.

  “Let’s eat,” he said, snapping her from her zone.

  Bag down, she followed him to get some nourishment. During the meal, she remained quiet and ate. Thankfully, Billy allowed her to keep to her own thoughts. Her nerves were wired as they walked back to their shared room.

  She went and sat on the bed, clasping her hands on her lap—and waited. It didn’t take long for him to approach her.

  “I’m going to shower. Be here when I get out.” Billy walked away and closed the bathroom door behind him.

  “Yes, sir,” she muttered behind his back. After sticking her tongue out in his general direction, she rose and made her way to the window.

  I love it here. So wild and untamed. Off in the distance, storm clouds were rolling in the area. She stayed by the window until she heard the door open behind her. Mal turned in time to see Billy stride from the bathroom, mist billowing out around him and adding to the vision he presented. His jeans, with a wide black belt, rode low on lean hips. That was all he wore. The combination of clothing—or lack thereof—and the steam from the shower created one hell of an image. Mystical. Magical. Otherworldly. Words that hit her as she stared.

  Damn! Lust rocked her and she barely kept her whimper contained. What is wrong with me?

  He smiled at her as he approached. Her legs trembled, heart pounded.

  “You stayed.”

  “You ordered me to do so.”

  Billy never hesitated nor slowed, just walked right up to her, sank his hands into her hair and kissed her. Dear Lord! His tongue thrust deep and moved in and out, reminding her of his cock and how it worked her pussy. Her legs shook and she grabbed his side to keep herself upright—his skin was warm and slightly damp beneath her palms.

  “More of a preference,” he said against her lips.

  “Uh huh.” She didn’t move back. “Not how I took it.”

  “We need to stick together.”

  She flexed her fingers and held his gaze. “Do we?” Why am I teasing him? Why am I wanting to lick his torso?

  “Yes.” His whispered breath fanned along her lips and goosebumps sprung up along her skin.

  “We are. All the way up to the Highlands.”

  “Longer than that.”

  She let it go but didn’t release him. “So what now?”

  Billy tipped his head, his thick black hair falling forward over one eye. “We get back to our discussion.”

  “About?” The way her hormones were acting, she didn’t think she could recall what she’d just eaten.

  “Marrying me.”

  Only his quick reflexes saved her from ending up on her butt, looking up at him. His fingers dug into her upper arms until she regained the use of her legs in a much more helpful way.

  “What did you say?”

  “You heard me fine but I’ll say it again. Marry me.”

  “Why the hell would I do that? I don’t know you.” Her heart thundered in her chest. His question wasn’t truly the issue for her—the fact she actually contemplated saying yes was. I think I need to admit myself for an observation.

  “You said that’s what it would take for me to get you to Oregon. I’m willing to do it. We can do it up here, in the Highlands. Get married.”

  Her laugh was sharp. She stepped away from him and plunked herself down in the rocker-glider that occupied a corner. From there, she stared out of the window and watched the storm clouds grow nearer. Jags of lightning could be seen as they hurtled across the sky toward them.

  “Why would you be willing to marry me?”

  He moved closer, braced his legs apart and crossed his arms over that damn chiseled chest, which was so damn distracting.

  “I told you I would do whatever it took to protect you. Getting you to Oregon is going to be the best protection and if the only way you will go is marriage, so be it.”

  She fingered the quilt draped over the left arm of the chair. “So be it? I don’t know how you can be so cavalier about this situation. Marriage is a huge commitment, not something you go into with a ‘so be it’ attitude.” She threw her hands up and groaned. “Listen to me, I’m complaining about this like I’m actually contemplating it. We’re both certifiable. You know this, right?”

  “It doesn’t worry me because I know we’re meant to be together. It will work out.”

  “Meant to be together? Again, and this could just be my rational brain speaking here, but how could you possibly know that? We don’t know each other!”

  Damn him! Why wouldn’t he get ruffled? Why am I so bent over this? He stood there, calm and unconcerned. And hot. Don’t forget hot. She shoved her internal commentary into the darkest corner of her mind.

  I have to be rational. I have to. I brought this on myself. I did. I was the fool who agreed to go with this man. Anywhere.

  She pinched the bridge of her nose. “How exactly do you know this? You c
laim we’re meant to be together. How could you possibly know this?”

  He drew her necklace—belt—from his pocket and dangled it before her eyes.

  She raised her brow. “My necklace?”

  Billy gestured for her to take it. She did and was proud she didn’t flinch when the ribbons of light poured from it.

  “What’s your point?”

  “These colors only appear when a Guardian and his mate touch the artifact.”

  She ran over his words and chewed on her lip, unsure she truly wanted to pursue this venue of questioning. “Mate.” Mal tipped her head up and met those black velvet eyes. “You’re standing there telling me I’m your mate?”


  “And you know this because of the purple and green light that’s around us?” Mal pulled the necklace free from his grasp then set it upon the quilt. New waves of color stopped but the lingering ones still mesmerized her.


  He sounded so confident for someone who was in the situation with her.

  “Had there not been colors?”

  “I would have had to find another way to get you back to the States.”

  “Another way.” She was positive she didn’t want to know what that would entail.

  “I saw flashes of indigo and knew you were a mate to one of the Guardians. Until we both touched that”—he pointed at the item beside her—“I didn’t know you were my mate. Had it not done what it did, I would have searched for another way.”

  “No sex?”

  “Not if you were another’s mate.”

  “So sure about that?” She lifted an eyebrow.

  “Absolutely. It would be my sole job to keep you safe until you were united with your mate.”

  “But since I’m yours?”

  He leaned close, lifted the necklace and returned it to settle around her neck. His fingers on the edge of her chin encouraged her to maintain eye contact. Their lips were millimeters apart.


  Her body tingled. “Sex?”

  “Lots of sex.”

  Her pussy clenched and she tightened her thighs. “Still not a reason to get married.”

  Chapter Four

  Billy backed away from her succulent lips. It wasn’t smart for him to be thinking about sex right now. She was just too damn tempting for him.

  “Will you marry me?”

  She was aroused. He could tell that easily. He could smell her scent and craved having her cream on his tongue. Lapping at her, hearing her cry in pleasure, have her thighs clamped tight around his ears. All of it.

  “You’re serious, aren’t you?”


  Billy knew they would wed. She was his mate. It mattered not if they married now or later. They would learn about one another over time. It would work out. But she’d said she needed a ring before going to Oregon. He was willing to give it to her.

  “I don’t know why you need me. I gave you the artifact. You gave it back, but I’ll hand it over again. You can keep it.”

  “They will still come after you. I cannot—will not—leave you unprotected.”

  “Why would people still be after me?”

  “Because you are a Guardian’s mate.” He watched her rock. “Correction. You’re my mate.”

  “But they want the artifacts. That’s what you said.”

  “Mal, They’ll use any means they can to get an edge on us.”


  “You are my mate. Your protection comes first.”

  “How long would I have to be there?” She moved one hand through the air. “In Oregon, I mean.”

  He didn’t want to think about her leaving him. Sighing, he tugged her from the chair and drew her to his chest.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” She wrapped her arms around him. “For some crazy reason, I do.”

  “So will you come with me?”


  Is she kidding? “Why not?”

  “This is all a bit much for even me—and I have a crazy imagination.”

  Thunder boomed overhead. He glanced out of the window when the first pitter-patter of rain came. Billy was frustrated.

  “Why don’t you lie down and get some rest.” Billy made the suggestion.

  She stepped away and walked silently to the bathroom. He grunted and sat on the side of the bed.


  “Are you on your way home?”

  “Not yet. Going to try and draw out some more New Order faction members.” He flopped back. “Actually her idea, or suggestion, to do it.” In a roundabout way, but he could give her credit.

  “Keep them both safe.”

  “I will.”

  That connection was severed and he called upon his brother and best friend, Cale Mattox. “Cale.”

  “Billy. How are things in Scotland?”

  “They’ve taken an interesting turn.”

  “Which means?”

  “How is your mate?” He changed the subject.

  “Taylor is fine, now. I was worried after she was kidnapped and went through the hell she did. But she’s strong and has recovered from it well.”

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t there.”

  “I know if you could have been you would have. Now, who is she?”

  “My mate.”

  “You found her and the artifact?”

  “Yes. Found the item first, discovered who she was later.”

  “And she is?”

  “A surgeon who is unwilling to come back to Oregon with me.”

  “Surgeon? We could use that around here.”

  Cale’s laughter had him wishing his friend was close enough to punch in the face. “Some more than others.”

  “What’s the problem that she won’t come with you? I thought you had always been able to talk any woman into, or out of, whatever you wished.”

  “I’m not going there. She has a full life here, Cale. She said she’d go if I married her.”

  Bless the man—he tried not to laugh, truly he did. “You offered, didn’t you?”

  “Of course.”

  “So you’re a married man?”

  “No, she comes up with reasons not to marry me.”

  “She’ll need some time. Married or not, you will still be there protecting her.”

  The shower shut off and he sat up again. “I want her safe.”

  “I know. Keep me posted. I have to go.”


  “Man, you just don’t know.”

  Mal stepped from the bathroom wearing a towel.

  “I think I do.” He ended their connection, withdrawing to a place where it was just him and Mal.

  Her skin, scrubbed clean, had his fingers itching to touch her. The cream towel against her sienna skin had his cock rock hard within seconds. One little tug would be all he needed to have her naked before him.

  “Left my bag,” she said, with a slightly embarrassed smile.

  “Don’t rush on my account.”

  She rolled her eyes and approached the bed where her bag still sat. When she bent, he focused on her cleavage. Was it him or did the towel appear to be slipping?

  “By the way,” she said, stepping back into the steamy bathroom. “Thanks, you know, for saving my life.” She vanished and the door clicked.

  * * * *

  That night was the longest and hardest night of his life. Mal lay in his arms, her tank top and boxers driving him to distraction. She smelled soft, clean and feminine. Each inhalation she took rubbed her breasts against his forearm. His cock wouldn’t soften at all.

  As he lay there and listened to her, along with the rain that continued to fall, he heard it. His power rippled as he crawled from the bed. The light flapping and scratching sounds were indicative of the demons.

  He gazed through the darkness to where Mal continued to sleep. At the door, he cracked it open and slipped through. He leaped for the roof and used his agility to make his way up across
the rain-soaked tiles. The demons hovered on the roof and he employed the downpour to mask his approach. There were four there, but he knew more would be coming—or were here, just hiding. He tapped his power and called forth his weapons—they slipped seamlessly into being and onto his hands. He barely paused before he released them. Straight through the neck so the vile creatures couldn’t cry out.

  All four went down and he moved closer. He saw them, the spread formation of the group, coming across the field, to attack from the back. New Order freaks. He shook his head at how extensively they were armed. All that for one woman?

  He began running and jumped off the roof, weapons palmed as he went wide to circle around behind the men. Starting at one end, he worked his way up the line. He was nearing the end when his presence was noticed. More demons attacked.

  Billy exploded into action, using his powers of speed and agility to keep him from the majority of attacks. Whirling and striking, he fought. Fireballs exploded at him, singeing his body. One demon came up from behind and landed on him, claws ripping through his flesh.

  “Argh!” He reached back with a sword and cut it into two. One of the humans remaining shot at him.

  Thankfully his sign protected him and began pushing the poison out. Billy tossed some more stars before sinking to his knees and the New Order fanatic fell as well. He knew one of them wouldn’t be rising again.

  He didn’t feel right. Breathing harder than he should, he looked for the demon who landed the hit to see what it was. Problem was, when he found it, he didn’t recognize it.


  “Yes?” The voice was the epitome of calmness.

  “There is a new demon. Yellow-ochre color. Seems like a dog with wings.”

  “Higher level of demon. Don’t let him cut you.”

  “To late for that. He got me four times.”

  “You need to rest and take some herb from the green bag. As soon as possible.” Some concern leeched into his tone.

  Billy’s vision wavered. “Okay.” He knew his sign was doing all it could and also he understood he had to get to that bag soon.

  Mal’s scream rippled through the night, tearing at him. Billy moved faster than he believed he ever had before. The window was open and, ignoring his own injuries, he leaped through, rolled and came up, blades leaving his hands, trusting his power to guide them.


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