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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Charlotte (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 4

by Rochelle Paige

  “I’m not saying that anyone is going to actually try to hurt me,” I reassured him. “Just that filing a police report with what I have so far isn’t going to accomplish a whole lot. It’s only a handful of vague messages that could possibly be interpreted as threats.”

  “I want to see them. Every single one,” he growled.

  “Of course.”

  “And no hiding shit from me again, Charlotte. If you’ve got a problem, I’m the first person you come to. Especially if it’s something like this. Your boyfriend is a cop, for fuck’s sake.”

  We’d both hinted at it before, but neither of us had said it straight out the way he just did. “So, we’re officially boyfriend and girlfriend?”

  “Fuck,” he chuckled. “You’re the only person in the world who can make me forget my anger so quickly.”

  “Who me?” I dropped my hands, shrugged, and gave him what I hoped was my most innocent expression.

  “Yeah, you,” he quipped. “My girlfriend.”

  “That’s a good quality for a girlfriend to have, don’t you think?”


  I wrapped my knees around his hips. “You know what another one is?”

  “I can think of a couple.” The mood between us shifted as his lids dropped lower and his eyes gleamed with a hunger that had nothing to do with the carryout food he’d brought for dinner.

  “Excellent taste in lingerie.”

  His gaze swept down my body. “Is that a hint about what you’re wearing right now?”

  “Yeah,” I admitted softly, a tingling heat sparking between my legs.

  “Then you’re going to show me a helluva lot more than those messages tonight, beautiful. First, I want you to strip out of your jeans and sweater. Give me an eyeful of whatever sexy thing you have on under there from right up there on the counter. And then I want you to sit there while I fuck you.”

  “Holy shit.”

  He yanked my body closer to his. “Tell me now if that’s not what you want too, Charlotte.”

  I nodded frantically. It sounded exactly like what I wanted. Even better than what I’d hoped for when I’d bought the bra and panty set, and he hadn’t even seen it yet.

  “I wanted to give you gentle our first time together, but I can’t right now. Not when I’m feeling out of control,” he rasped out, making my core clench in need.

  “I don’t need gentle,” I promised as I ripped my sweater over my head.

  His eyes latched onto my breasts, which were almost spilling out over the cups of my black lace bra. “Another damn good quality for my girlfriend to have.”

  Feeling bold, I reached out and cupped his dick. “It’s only fair since my boyfriend has great material to work with himself.”



  Any control I might have had left was lost when Charlotte stripped out of her sweater to show me the sexy-as-fuck bra she was wearing and followed that up by grabbing my cock. “I never would have thought that my girl would grow up to be so naughty.”

  She quirked a brow as she gave me a sassy grin. “Is that a good thing, or a bad one?”

  “It’s sexy as fuck, that’s what it is.” I thrust my hips forward, pressing my hard-on into her palm. “Feel what it does to me. What you do to me.”

  Her hand clenched around my length before she pulled it away to undo the snap on her jeans. Her hips canted upwards as she yanked her zipper down, and then her jeans were at her ankles and she was kicking them off. Her panties were tiny and made with the same black lace as her bra. “I’d rather you show me instead.”

  I kissed her hard and quick. “You don’t have to ask me twice,” I groaned into her mouth, raking my teeth again her bottom lip. I liked how Charlotte’s breath caught, so I made sure to nip her skin as I kissed my way down her neck. “You were wearing these skimpy scraps of lace under your clothes, and nobody else knew it but you. Did it make you feel sexy? Like you had a dirty little secret?”

  “I changed when I got home,” she admitted softly.

  I cupped her tits with my hands, swiping my thumbs over her lace-covered nipples. They pebbled under my touch. “This is all just for me?”

  Her back arched, pushing her tits against my palms. “Yes.”

  “I want you to wear them again this Saturday, all day long instead of changing for our date. I want you to spend hours thinking about how I’m going to tear them from your body, while I spend the day remembering just what you look like in them.”

  Her fingers toyed with the top button of my shirt. “Get naked for me, and I’ll think about it.”

  I made quick work of the rest of the buttons and shrugged out of my shirt while I toed my shoes off. Her fingers stroked my chest while I unzipped my pants, and scraped at my shoulder when I bent over to glide them down my legs. When they hit my ankles, I kicked them off.

  “Mmm, I like it when you go commando,” she murmured. “Makes it easier to do this.”

  Her hand wrapped around my length and stroked. “Get your bra and panties off,” I growled. “Want you naked for this, too.”

  Her eyes were full of feminine appreciation as her gaze swept down my chest and landed on where she was jacking my hard length. Her other hand went behind her back, and she flicked the clasp of her bra. Reaching out with one finger, I slid first one strap and then the other down her shoulder until the bra fell from her chest. “Help me with the panties?”

  “Lift up,” I ordered. Her knees tightened around my hips, and her free hand went to the counter. She shoved her body up, and I worked the lacy material down her hips. When I got them to her thighs, she settled back down on the counter and dropped her legs from my hips. I shoved her panties lower. As soon as they hit the floor, I hefted her knees up to wrap her legs around my waist again.

  She scooted closer, and her pussy pressed against my cock. “Fuck, beautiful. You’re so damn wet.” I slid my hand between our bodies, circled her clit, and thrust two fingers inside her wet heat. “And ready.”

  She wrapped her arms around me and flattened her body against mine. I groaned at the heated skin-to-skin contact, and my cock hardened more. “It feels like I’m not the only one who’s ready.”

  Fisting the base of my cock, I nudged against her entrance. We’d talked about birth control the last time we’d messed around, but I wanted to make sure she hadn’t changed her mind. “You still good with me going bare?”

  “Yes, please. I need to know what it feels like to have you hard and hot inside me.” I entered her in one smooth thrust, and she gasped. “Oh, wow. Even better than I imagined.”

  “Fucking incredible.” I powered into her, one arm pushing against the small of her back to keep her body as close to mine as I could get it. “Eleven years I’ve been thinking about this. Wondering what it’d be like to fuck you.”

  I didn’t take her with any of the finesse that I’d planned to use. I couldn’t because I didn’t have any in me. She felt so damn good that I couldn’t think straight. The sound of our bodies smacking together filled the air surrounding us, along with her cries.

  “More,” she urged me on.

  “I’ll give you as much as you can take.” Breathing harshly, I continued to surge into her wildly. My entire body was stretched taut, so close to an orgasm I could feel my balls draw close to my body.

  “I want all of you. Give it to me.”

  The pleasure was so intense; I barely held on. “Not without you.”

  “So close,” she whimpered, her nails digging into my shoulders.

  “Come, Charlotte,” I commanded. “Let me feel that sweet pussy spasm around my cock, milking my come from my body and filling you up.”

  “Chad,” she cried out as I felt it—exactly what I’d asked her to give me. Her pussy clenched tight around me, and the tension inside me broke. My cock jerked, and come spewed from the tip and drenched her walls.

  I continued to pump into her until her pussy stopped fluttering and my cock was completely drained.
When I finally pulled out of her, my legs were shaking and I was panting for breath. “We keep this up, and I won’t ever need to go workout at the gym again.”

  “Maybe we should add sex-cardio to our calendars for several times a week.”

  “More like every day,” I growled. “Now that I’ve had you, I’m addicted.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t want you to suffer from Charlotte withdrawals or anything,” she laughed.

  I didn’t plan to be far enough away from her for that to ever be a possibility. She was mine now—in every way that mattered.

  Charlotte was passed out next to me, but I couldn’t fall asleep. Even after a shift from hell, fucking her on her kitchen counter, eating dinner, and then taking her again on the same mattress she now slept on; I didn’t feel the least bit tired. Instead, my mind was focused on the messages she’d printed out and handed to me while I was reheating the dinner I’d brought over. I’d waited until after she’d fallen asleep to read them. I wasn’t sure how I’d react, and I didn’t want to scare her.

  It was a good thing that I’d waited because I was so pissed off, I could barely think straight. The messages weren’t blatantly threatening, but it was there covertly. Throwaway comments that made it clear that this guy would like nothing more than to get his hands on Charlotte. But the worst part were the little hints that made me think he knew exactly how to find her. If I was right, I couldn’t wait to act or else I’d be risking Charlotte. That was unacceptable to me.

  Rising off the mattress, I snagged my cell off the bedside table before padding into the living area. I left the door almost shut behind me and sat on the couch staring at it for a few minutes before I made a call to someone I hadn’t spoken to in more than a year.

  “Whoever the hell this is; it’d better be good.”

  “Ghost? It’s Chad Tomlinson. We met—”

  “I know where we met. There’s no need to spill secrets over an open line.”

  “Shit. Sorry,” I groaned. Even though my location at the time hadn’t been classified, Ghost was Delta Force. I knew that his mission details were kept secret for the safety of the team. “The only excuse I have is that I’m still trying to wrap my brain around the trouble my girlfriend is in, and I’m not thinking straight.”

  “What kind of trouble?”

  I explained to him about Cop Car Clash, the messages she’d been receiving, and what little help the police could provide her.

  “How far are you willing to go for this girl?” he asked.

  “As far as I have to go to keep her safe.”

  “You sure about that? You’re a cop. If you get caught crossing the line, it’ll mean losing your job.”

  I didn’t even have to think twice. “She’s mine, Ghost.”

  “I hear you there. If this shit were happening to my woman, I’d say the same thing. So, here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to give you the contact information for a guy named Tex. He’s a medically retired SEAL, but he knows people. And by people, I mean he still does work for the CIA, FBI, Delta Force, and the SEALs. He’s a fucking genius behind a computer, and I’ve never known anyone else who can dig up information the way he can. I’m sure that some of the shit he does isn’t legal but he gets results, and in a situation like this that’s all that matters.”

  I heaved a sigh of relief as I jotted down Tex’s phone number and email before thanking Ghost for his help. Since it was the middle of the night, I shot an email off to Tex and headed back to the bedroom to climb into bed with Charlotte. This time around, I didn’t have trouble falling asleep because I knew I’d have help keeping her safe.



  I stared down at the black jewelry box that Chad had just handed to me. My heart leapt when I first saw it, thinking maybe there was an engagement ring inside. We’d only been together for a few weeks, which was way too early for a proposal—even if we had known each other for forever. But I’d still felt a smidgen of disappointment when he thumbed it open to show me the watch inside. I set those feelings aside to think about later, when I was alone, and asked, “Is this an early Christmas present?”

  “Yes and no.”

  “Well, gee. Thanks for clearing that up for me,” I grumbled.

  He pulled the watch out of the box. “I wasn’t planning to give you the watch as a present. I have something else for you for Christmas.”

  “Then why give it to me at all?”

  “It’s a necessity.”

  I shook my head. “Wha—”

  “I still picked it out specifically for you,” he hurried to explain as he turned it over. “But I needed somewhere to put a tracker.”

  I bent over the watch and peered at the tiny black chip affixed to the back of it. “Is that an RFID tag?”

  “I’m not entirely sure what it is.” He shrugged. “All I know is that if something happens to you, the guy on the other end of this thing will be able to track you down so I can find you.”

  Whatever I’d been expecting him to say, that wasn’t it. “Is that even legal?”

  “Probably not.”

  “Chad,” I sighed. “You’re a cop. You can’t go around doing illegal stuff just because you’re worried about me. If you get caught, you won’t be stuck at the mall on Black Friday. You’ll lose your job.”

  “You’re more important than my job, Charlotte.”

  My heart melted at his response. “And who’s the guy on the other end?”

  “Tex.” He fastened the watch onto my wrist. “He’s a former Navy SEAL who’s helped save the lives of pretty much every single woman his friends have fallen in love with. Hopefully, it won’t come down to him having to save the woman I love, but I want to be prepared just in case.”

  That smidgen of disappointment that I’d been feeling earlier? It disappeared as butterflies swirled in my stomach. “Love?” I echoed.

  “Of course, I love you, Charlie-bean.” He shifted in his seat and pressed me against the back cushion of the couch. “You were my first love back when we were too young to know what it meant. You’re going to be my last love, too, as we grow old together. Hell, beautiful. You’re the only woman I’ve ever loved.”

  His declaration of love was so beautiful; tears cascaded down my cheeks. I blinked up at him and sniffled. “I love you, too.”

  “You’d better, ‘cause you’re stuck with me now. I can track you down to the ends of the earth if I had to.” He tapped the watch on my wrist. “And don’t think I didn’t notice that look of disappointment when you saw this inside of the jewelry box.”

  My cheeks heated with embarrassment. “I wouldn’t say disappointment, exactly.” That wasn’t really a lie—I’d think it, just not say it.

  “Too bad...” he trailed off.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because you should be prepared to open another jewelry box someday soon and see sparkly inside it.”

  He had an RFID tracker on my wrist, he’d told me he loved me, and now he was hinting at popping the question soon. It was more than this girl could take without wanting to rip his clothes off, so I didn’t bother trying to resist the temptation. Instead, I yanked his head down to kiss him and tore at the buttons on his shirt while our lips were locked together.

  It only took him a split second to join in on the action, tearing at my clothes. Once we were both naked, he lifted one of my legs over the back of the couch and pulled my hips up to his waiting mouth. I moaned as his dark head bent towards me, his lips heading straight for my clit.

  “Oh, my God. Yes,” I chanted as his lips wrapped around my clit and he sucked it into his mouth. He worked me over with an expert touch, having learned exactly what turned me on the most. When he thrust a finger inside me and twisted his wrist to reach just the right place, I flew apart. But he kept at me until it was almost too much.

  “Chad,” I panted. “I can’t handle much more.”

  “Tell me again, beautiful,” he growled against my drenched flesh. “I
need to hear it”—his tongue flicked at my clit and then swept down to dip inside me—“While your taste fills my mouth and your body is under mine.”

  “Tell you what?”

  His green eyes burned with intensity as he lifted his head and looked up at me. “Those three little words that soften my heart and make my cock as hard as steel, all at the same time.”

  “Oh,” I gasped. I reached a hand out to run it through his wavy hair. “I love you.”

  “Mine,” he grunted, standing up and lifting my legs to wrap them around his hips. My back was arched all the way off the couch, with only my shoulders and head touching the cushions.

  “Mine to keep safe.”

  His cock nudged at my entrance.

  “To love.”

  He slid an inch inside my tight channel.

  “And to fuck.”

  He drove deep with a powerful thrust, making me grunt when he bumped against my cervix. But then he pulled back and circled his hips slowly until I was writhing beneath him. When he pulled out of me, I whimpered in need. “Chad, please.”

  With his fingers digging into my hips, he drove back in. Tightening my legs around his hips, I held on for the ride while he pumped in and out of me.

  “Nobody’s ever taking this away from me,” he growled.

  “From either of us.”

  “Damn fucking straight, beautiful. Show me you’re mine. Clench that pussy so hard that it strangles my cock and come for me.”

  He let go of one hip and slid his hand between my thighs to circle my clit with his thumb. Then he hammered deep again, swiveling his hips to hit my G-spot and I flew apart screaming his name. He kept going, hard and fast until he sunk deep and held still while he came. When the aftershocks were over, he gently pulled out of my body and lifted me up in his arms to carry me to the bedroom.

  “One of these days, I’ll manage to take you on a bed the first time around instead of the couch or the kitchen counter.”


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