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One More Chance: A Secret Baby Second Chance Romance

Page 6

by Amy Brent

  When I got her alone in my apartment, the want to have her took over.

  “So, where is this drink I was promised?” she asked.

  Her voice was the only thing keeping me from slipping into my carnality.

  “My best vintage for my best woman,” I said.

  Keep a lid on it, Tyler. You’re going to fuck it up.

  Her giggle was playful, so I took it for what it was. I headed to my kitchen and plucked a couple wine glasses from the cabinet, then opened a fresh bottle of red wine. I poured us each a steep glass before I walked them back over to her. Then I held up mine against hers and smiled.

  “To answers, mysteries, and new beginnings. It’s good to be home,” I said.

  “Here, here,” Ana said.

  She sipped on her wine as she walked toward the windows of my living room. Her body was illuminated by the setting sun of Los Angeles, and the last sliver of light painted her skin in a warmth that made me ache for her. I chugged the wine down, trying to distract myself with its harsh taste, its burn.

  All it did was lower my inhibitions.

  I set my glass down and walked up beside her. I was shocked when I saw she had almost drained her glass as well. Before I could catch myself, I plucked it from her fingers and set it off to the side. She looked at me as the last patch of sun set beyond the horizon and the stars came out to play in her eyes. She turned flushed toward me. I felt her heat beating against my body. My eyes danced around her face before falling to her lips, and I could no longer hold myself back.

  I bent my head to hers and captured the plump goodness of her lips. What I didn’t expect was for Ana to cave into my body.

  Her hands slid up my torso as her knees gave out from underneath her. I wrapped my arms around her body and held her upright, pulling her as close to me as I could get her. I felt her tits press into my chest. Her stomach blanketed my abdomen. Her legs quivered against mine as her tongue pressed its way between my lips, coating me in her lip gloss. I groaned into her wetness, tasted her dessert and wine on the tip of her tongue. My chest heaved as I fisted her mounds of excess. I grabbed her ass and hoisted her against me, picking her off her feet as her arms tightened around my neck.

  There was no going back, no taking anything back. Without another word spoken between us, I carried her voluptuous body into my bedroom.

  Not much was set up, but my bed was, and I was going to test out my new frame with her luxurious form.


  I didn’t need to be engaging in any of this, but a powerful part of myself had taken over. My rational mind had been buried underneath years of wanton dreams and whispered wonderings.

  As my back hit the mattress, my passion for Tyler outweighed the anger I felt toward him. Our clothes came off in the blink of an eye as his lips slid along my skin. He nipped at my shoulder and kissed my neck, nibbled on my earlobe as his chiseled form pressed into my excess. His body felt so different, but his countenance was so recognizable. His warmth felt like home, and as his hands traveled along the edges of my body, I felt myself come alive underneath him.

  “Oh Tyler,” I said, whispering.

  My hands slid into his hair as he kissed down my chest. He buried his face into it like he used to do in high school, seeking warmth and relief in my prominent tits. My legs spread for him, accommodating his fluid form. He slid his hands slid between my thighs and massaged my muscles, pulling moans from my lips as he grinned into my skin.

  “You feel like home, Ana.”

  His words punched me in the gut, and as he traveled farther down my body, tears rushed to my eyes. Electricity crackled against my skin and fire shot through my veins. He kissed down my legs as he knelt on the mattress, rising above my body. He kissed each of my toes, causing my pussy to pulse and drip for him. His eyes darkened as he scanned my body. His hand fell to his throbbing cock and grabbed the massive girth hanging between his legs.

  He was definitely not the teenage boy I had fallen in love with.

  He slid into me and our worlds collided. His hands fell beside my head as my knee came up to my cheek and he filled me to the brim with his thickness. I gasped, groaned, shifted underneath him. My pussy expanded as far as it could as his lips locked with mine. I threaded my hand through his hair as our hips connected, and then I felt him pull out.

  He slammed against me, jostling my body and bouncing my tits. My head fell back onto the bed and his lips fell to my neck, kissing me as I moaned into the room. The bed rocked with his movements. My hands raced down his back as the mattress creaked. I felt the frame scooting across the damn floor as he pounded into me, setting a furious pace that left me breathless.

  “Ana. Sweet, Ana. Holy shit.”

  “Tyler, don’t stop. You feel too good. So good.”

  He pulled out from between my legs and flipped me over. I raised my hips to the occasion. His cock slid up my ass crack as he painted my cheeks with our mixture. Then he slammed back into my body. He gripped my hair and goosebumps poured along my skin. I groaned out into the darkness of his empty bedroom as my ass jiggled for his viewing pleasure. His cock throbbed against my slickened walls and my juices dripped down his balls. They smacked against my clit, causing my legs to jolt with each thrust he delivered.

  “So soft for me. So tight, Ana. Holy fuck, I’ve missed this. Missed you.”

  “Holy hell, Tyler. Yes. Yes! Like that! Right there! Don’t stop, please!”

  My body locked up as his balls slapped my clit one last time. My pussy swallowed his cock, pulling him closer as he fell onto my back. He bit down on my shoulder as I came around him, holding him in a vice grip and massaging his dick. Juices dripped down my thighs. I felt my skin glistening with sweat. He rutted against me, riding out my orgasm before he pulled away and flipped me back over.

  This time, he folded both my legs to my chest.

  “Too good. Too good, Tyler. I can’t. I can’t do it,” I said.

  “Yes, you can, sweet girl. Try for me. Try like you always did in high school. Just once.”

  His cock inched into my swollen body, and I cried out for him. I gripped the sheets as he chuckled and fucked my body. My tits bounced in his face. He lapped at my nipples and growled into my neck. I ran my fingers through his hair and grabbed tightly to his forearms. Anything I could touch to ground myself. I felt like I was soaring, flying through the sky, high on a man I wasn’t sure I had ever stopped loving.

  The phrase was on the tip of my tongue as his hips began to stutter.

  “Come with me, Ana. Don’t hold back. Let your beautiful body come on my cock.”

  His words heated my core and dumped pleasure into the reservoir of my veins. I whimpered into the room as I slammed my fists against the bed, my toes curling so tightly my legs cramped. They shook against his shoulders as he slid into me one last time, releasing his cum deep into the well of my body.

  His release triggered my own, and soon his name was the only thing falling from my lips.

  He collapsed on top of me, my legs sliding off his shoulders. He blanketed me in his sweat while his cock stayed sheathed within me, and all I could do was run my hands up and down his back. I felt him trickling from between my thighs. I felt his throbbing muscles in my pliable body. I kissed his muscled shoulders and nuzzled his pulsing artery on his neck.

  I sighed when he captured my lips within the loving embrace of his.

  “Was it as good for you as it was for me?”

  I giggled and shook my head as I pushed him off my body.

  “I see you’re still terrible at the after-care. You used to always ask me that in high school. Why did you do that?”

  “To see the reaction on your face when I did. I knew it pissed you off, and I see it still does.”

  “Well, stop doing it. It’s not romantic.”

  “Then next time I won’t do it.”

  I looked over at him and gazed into his beautiful eyes. He rolled toward me and collected me in his arms. I laid my head on his glistening
chest, the heat of his strength bombarding my skin. I turned my head and pressed a kiss into his skin—a mindless motion I used to do in high school.

  “I see you still enjoy my chest,” he said.

  “I’ve always enjoyed your chest. It’s your best feature.”

  “Then that makes two of us.”

  I swatted at him playfully as a smooth chuckle fell from his lips.

  “What? I gave you a compliment.”

  “Stop talking about my tits,” I said.

  “Stop having wonderful tits.”

  “I’m going to get a reduction so I don’t have good tits.”

  “What a travesty that would be to this world. Why would you rob me of that?”

  I looked up at him and watched a cheeky grin crawl across his face.

  “Remember the football field?” I asked.

  “I remember the bleachers,” he said.

  “You don’t remember the field?”

  “Why don’t you remind me?”

  “You know, the football field.”

  “I know what a football field is, Ana. I want to hear you say it.”

  “You took me out to the middle of the field after the game you guys won and told me you loved me for the first time. You kissed me in front of the entire school, and the collective gasp made us both burst out laughing.”

  “All of those guys were just jealous I’d snatched up the most beautiful girl in school.”

  “They were shocked because the football captain and soccer extraordinaire was dating the fat girl in school.”

  “You stop using that word right now.”

  “I own it better in my later years,” I said, grinning.

  “You’re not fat, Ana.”

  “I am, but it isn’t a bad thing. I’m beautiful. Every plus-sized woman is. We just come in larger packages for those who can enjoy the ride.

  “And boy can I enjoy it.”

  Tyler rolled me over onto my back and peppered my neck with kisses. I laughed until tears sprang to my eyes, but then I looked over at the clock on the wall. It was almost half past eleven, and I had to get back to my parents’ house.

  I had to pick up Brody.

  “I had a really great time tonight,” I said as I sat up.

  “Now where do you think you’re going?” he asked as he pulled me back down.

  “Tyler, I have to get going. It’s almost midnight.”

  “You can stay here. My bed is more than big enough for the two of us.”

  “You’ll make me late for the business meeting I have in the morning.”

  “Ah, and work spoils it all,” he said.

  He flopped down onto the bed melodramatically as I got up to get dressed. I shook my head and giggled as he tossed his arm over his eyes. He had always been so outlandish. It seemed as if he hadn’t changed at all. And yet everything about him had changed.

  My eyes lingered on his sprawling naked form while I got dressed. Then I gathered my things and headed for the door.

  “Not so fast,” Tyler said.

  He twirled me around and wrapped me up in his arms before planting a kiss on my lips. I melted into his embrace as he massaged my lower back. Heat pooled between my legs. I could easily go another round with him. Or two. Or three. Or until the sun came up. I felt like shit for lying to him about a business meeting, but I couldn't stay. My father was playing poker and my mother had looked exhausted when I had dropped Brody off.

  When I had dropped our son off.

  “I really have to go,” I said as I pushed away from him.

  “Fine, fine. But I’m calling you later.”

  “Trust me, I expected as much.”

  “Well don’t sound so disappointed.”

  “Trust me, I’m not,” I said, grinning.

  And the reality of it was that I wasn’t disappointed. As I left Tyler’s apartment and made my way down to my car, I hoped he would call me. I hoped we would run into one another again, even though I was toeing a dangerous line with him.

  I slid into the seat of my car and drew in a few more breaths, sobering up before I cranked my car. It was time for me to go get my son.

  To go get our son.


  Even though I’d tried calling Ana twice since we had hooked up, I hadn’t been able to get her on the phone. That bothered me. I didn’t want to drop by her work again and seem like a stalker, but I had told her I was going to call her. Did she not want to speak with me?

  I kept replaying our encounter in my mind, how hot her words had been in the beginning but how she had warmed up to me eventually. How her laughter had poured from her lips and how easy it had been to slip into a routine we were both familiar with after exploring one another’s bodies.

  The chemistry was undeniable, and the only thing I could think was that it frightened her.

  As I sat in my car outside my office, I dialed her number. The phone rang out in my car as I sat back, allowing the air conditioning to blast me in the face. The phone rang and it rang, and I felt my heart rate kicked up. I just knew I was going to have to hang up and call her back again.

  Then she picked up.

  “This is Ana.”

  “Hey there,” I said.

  “Hi, Tyler.”

  “I’ve been trying to call you.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I’ve just been so busy with the store. We set up our summertime rush really well and we’re reaping both the positives and the negatives from that.”

  “Anything I can help with?”

  “Can you come stock shelves?”

  “Is that an offer?” I asked.

  “Not really,” she said, giggling.

  “Come on, Ana. I know it’s been a while, but I know when you’re hiding something from me.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “I know you’re keeping something from me. I believe you’re busy with the store, but I also know you’re not always at the store.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Come on, Ana. Don’t do this. If you didn’t enjoy our date, just say so. That was one of the things I adored about you. You were always honest with me.”

  There was a longer beat of a pause than I was comfortable with.

  “Look, I run my own business. You’re about to know what that’s like if you don’t already. Just because I’m not at the store doesn’t mean I’m at home chilling in my underwear. I’ve got research and business meetings, store runs and keeping my own home clean. I’ve got my parents I’m looking after and future planning for the space I want to open up in San Diego and—”

  She promptly cut off her statement, and I clenched my jaw.

  “And what, Ana?”

  “Why am I rattling this off to you? It’s not even your business. We sleep together once and you suddenly think you’re back in high school, breathing down my neck and owning my every move. I have a life I life, Tyler. I’m sorry if I couldn’t answer your incessant phone calls.”

  “I called twice,” I said flatly.

  “And some people consider that incessant.”

  I drew in a deep breath and sighed. This wasn’t how I had thought this phone conversation would go. Then again, I hadn’t planned on backing her into a corner to tell me the truth.

  I didn’t buy this story of her being too busy to pick up the phone. I knew what we shared was raw and vulnerable and beautiful. But I could tell I was already pushing her away. Even if she was hiding something from me, I wasn’t going to figure out what it was if she wouldn’t talk to me or be around me.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come off as abrasive. I just thought what we shared Monday night was nice.”

  “Then say that,” Ana said.

  “I just did. Did you enjoy Monday night?”

  I heard a small giggle in the background and furrowed my brow.

  “What was that?” I asked.

  “Just at the store. There’s a kid running through the hanging clothes.”

  “Mom! Come on!”<
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  “Sounds like a little boy.”

  “I think it is,” Ana said.

  “Mom! You promised.”

  I heard the phone go dead silent and I looked down at my car’s dash. The phone call hadn’t ended. Was there a dead spot in her store? Something didn’t add up. Something about all of this didn’t sit right with me. I cranked my car and pulled out of the parking space in the garage of my office building when Ana’s voice sounded again.

  “Sorry. Had to tell the mother to kindly keep her child on a leash.”

  “Yikes. How did that go down?” I asked.

  “Not as well as I had hoped. I had to mute the phone call.”

  “Probably for the best.”

  But I still wasn’t buying what she was feeding me. I pulled back into the parking space and turned off my car. The last thing I needed to be doing was waltzing into her store to fact-check her damn story. That would only piss her off more. But I knew she was lying to me, and that made me just as angry. Ana had never been a liar. We had always been open with one another.

  Had she become one? Was this a new trait of hers?

  “What are you doing this weekend?” I asked.

  “I’ve got to pop by the store Sunday afternoon, but other than that I don’t…think I have…hold on.”

  The phone call muted again, and I clenched my jaw. I needed to see her again. I needed to get her in front of me and look her in her eyes. I’d fished through dozens of sob stories and fake alibis to come up with the truth in the middle of a courtroom. I could figure out why the woman I still adored was hiding something from me and what that something was.

  “I really have to go, Tyler. I’m sorry.”

  “Saturday night. Seven o’clock. You and me, wherever you want to eat.”

  “Tyler, I have to go.”

  “Say yes and I won’t incessantly call you back,” I said, grinning.


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