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Fallout Page 28

by Steve Sheinkin

  Dobrynin and

  on missing U-2 spy plane

  Kennedy, Caroline

  Kennedy, Jacqueline

  Kennedy, John F.. See also Bay of Pigs; Cuban missile crisis

  assassination of

  assessment of, by Khrushchev, Nikita

  back injury of

  Bay of Pigs and

  at Berlin Wall

  in Canada

  Castro on

  on cosmonaut success

  early political career of

  Eisenhower, Dwight, and

  election of

  Executive Committee of the National Security Council and

  The Guns of August

  inauguration of

  “knot of war” letter, response to

  knowledge of assassination plots against Castro, F.

  Limited Test Ban Treaty and

  Lincoln, E., and

  nuclear test ban treaty and

  political fears of

  on political showdown with USSR

  psychological analysis of, by KGB

  PT-109 experience of

  resumption of nuclear testing

  on Soviet resumption of nuclear testing

  on Soviet Union aggressiveness

  at Vienna Summit

  in World War II

  KGB (Soviet intelligence agency)

  Khrushchev, Nikita. See also Bay of Pigs

  assessment of Kennedy, John

  on Berlin, as geopolitical tool

  on Berlin Wall

  Brezhnev and

  on capture of U-2 spy plane

  Castro, Fidel, and

  Cold War and, approach to

  consolidation of power by

  on cosmonaut success

  Cuba-for-Turkey trade

  Cuba plan

  on Cuban missile crisis, public speech on

  death of

  early years of

  gift to Kennedy, Jacqueline

  global protests against

  as head of Soviet Union Communist Party

  Hungary freedom movement and

  “knot of war”

  Limited Test Ban Treaty and

  in New York City

  on 1960 presidential election

  at Novo-Ogaryovo retreat

  Presidium and

  psychological analysis of, by CIA

  resumption of nuclear testing

  Stalin and

  on U-2 spy plane operations

  Udall meeting

  at Vienna Summit

  Washington, D.C. visit by

  Khrushchev, Nina

  Khrushchev, Sergei

  Kimovsk (Soviet warship)

  Kisevalter, George

  “knot of war,” Cuban missile crisis and

  Korean War

  Korolev, Sergei

  Kroger, Helen

  Kruminsh, Zigurd

  Kuboyama, Aikichi

  Kukharchuk, Nina Petrovna. See Khrushchev, Nina

  Kumana, Eroni

  L pills (lethal pills)

  Lamphere, Robert

  LeMay, Curtis

  on Castro, Fidel

  on Cold War

  during Cuban missile crisis, full-scale invasion plans

  Strategic Air Command built under

  Lemnitzer, Lyman

  Lenin, Vladimir

  lethal pills. See L pills

  Levitan, Yuri

  Lewind, Carolyn

  Limited Test Ban Treaty, between U.S. and USSR

  Lincoln, Abe

  Lincoln, Evelyn

  Litfin, Günter

  Los Alamos

  Lucky Dragon (fishing boat)

  Lundahl, Arthur

  MAD. See mutually assured destruction

  Maheu, Robert

  Malenkov, Georgy

  Malinovsky, Rodion

  The Man Who Saved the World (film)

  Maultsby, Chuck

  McCone, John

  McMahon, Patrick

  McNamara, Robert

  on missing U-2 spy plane


  MI6 (British foreign intelligence)

  Monroe, Marilyn

  Moscow, USSR

  Kremlin Palace

  military parade in

  Presidium in

  Radio Moscow

  Mount Tambora

  Mount Weather

  Murphy, Joe

  mutually assured destruction (MAD)

  Nagasaki, Japan, atom bomb dropped on

  Naru Island

  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

  National Photographic Interpretation Center

  Nazi Germany, Teller escape from

  New York City, Khrushchev, Nikita, visit to

  New York Times

  1960 U.S. presidential election. See also Kennedy, John F.

  Nixon, Richard

  North Korea

  Novo-Ogaryovo (USSR government retreat)

  nuclear submarines


  Cuba and

  K-19 disaster

  off U.S. coast


  nuclear testing

  Kennedy, John, resumption of

  Khrushchev, Nikita, resumption of

  under Limited Test Ban Treaty

  Stalin response to

  in U.S. desert

  nuclear war

  as extinction level event

  in films and television

  “football” procedures for

  global effects of

  Operation Alert and

  projected death toll from

  nuclear weapons

  nuclear winter

  O’Brien, Larry

  O’Donnell, Ken

  Okimoto, Fred

  Oliva, Erneido

  one-time pads

  Operation Alert

  Oppenheimer, Robert


  nuclear weapons arsenal for

  Powers, Francis, in

  Paris Summit

  failure of

  international participation in

  Penkovsky, Oleg

  Chisholm, Janet, as spy contact for

  execution of

  in GRU

  KGB arrest of

  new identity created for

  as spy against Soviet Union

  trial for

  Wynne and

  Petrovna, Nadezhda

  Power, Thomas

  Powers, Barbara (Moore)

  at husband’s Soviet trial

  return to U.S.

  Powers, Dave

  Powers, Francis Gary (Frank)

  Baikonur Cosmodome and

  CIA investigation of

  curare poison and

  imprisonment of

  interrogation of

  judgment and sentencing of

  “L pills” and

  in Pakistan

  as political pawn

  in prisoner trade, for Abel

  recruitment of

  release of

  Soviet trial of

  U-2 spy plane and

  Powers, Oliver

  Pravda (Soviet newspaper)

  presidents, U.S., nuclear war procedures for, “football” and

  Presidium, in Moscow

  Project X (U.S. government nuclear bunker)


  R-7 rockets (USSR)

  R-12 rockets (USSR)

  Radio Moscow

  Red Scare

  Reston, James

  Revolución (newspaper)

  Rivera, Jim

  Roosevelt, Teddy

  Ross, Barney

  Rosselli, Johnny

  Rossokho, Anatoly

  Rusk, Dean

  Russell, Richard

  Russia, Communist takeover of

  Rybalko, Leonid

  Sakharov, Andrei

  Salinger, Pierre

  San Román, José Peréz (Pepe)

  Savitsky, Vitali

  Schirra, Walter

r, Arthur

  secret police, under Stalin

  Seidel, Andre

  Seidel, Harry

  ambush of

  arrest of, in East Berlin

  Berlin Wall and

  Bodies for Butter program

  escape missions, for East Berliners

  escape to West Berlin

  trial for

  Seidel, Rotraut

  Semyonov, Anatoly

  Seven Days in May

  Shepard, Alan

  Shoup, David

  Shoup, Harry

  Shumalkov, Nikolai

  Siekmann, Ida

  Silverman, Burt

  Sokolov, Yuri

  South Korea

  Soviet spies, in U.S.


  atom bomb secrets stolen by

  codebooks used by

  Cohen, L.

  fission bombs and, stolen information on

  in Great Britain, arrests of


  Lamphere and

  network of

  one-time pads

  Soviet Union. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

  Space Age

  space race, between U.S. and Soviet Union

  Cold War and

  geopolitical ramifications of

  moon landing

  National Aeronautic Space Agency

  Sputnik and

  spies, spying and. See Soviet spies; U-2 spy plane; U.S. spies; specific persons

  Sputnik (USSR satellite)

  Baikonur Cosmodome and

  Korolev and

  as public triumph for Soviet Union

  space race and, between U.S. and Soviet Union


  Abel and, creation of

  Bozart and

  in currency

  Federal Bureau of Investigation and, from Soviet Union


  Stalin, Joseph

  dictatorial control of Soviet Union by

  expansionist plans of

  illness and death of

  Khrushchev, Nikita, and

  secret police

  U.S. nuclear tests and, response to

  Strategic Air Command, U.S.

  submarines. See nuclear submarines

  Super (hydrogen bomb)

  superbomb. See hydrogen bomb

  Tal, Mikhail

  Taylor, Maxwell

  Teller, Edward

  escape from Nazi Germany

  hydrogen bomb design by

  Ulam, S., and

  Tereskova, Valentina

  test house

  Thompson, Llewellyn

  Titov, Gherman

  Troyanovsky, Oleg

  Truman, Bess

  Truman, Harry

  Truman Doctrine

  Tuchman, Barbara


  Incirlik Air Base, U.S.

  U.S. nuclear missile base in

  U.S. withdrawal from, as part of Cuban missile crisis agreement

  U-2 spy plane (U.S.)

  Anderson and

  cover story for

  during Cuban missile crisis

  development of

  Eisenhower, D., and

  flights over Soviet Union

  Heyser and

  Kennedy, Bobby, on

  Khrushchev, Nikita, and, response to

  “L pills” for pilots of

  Maultsby and

  McNamara on

  missions over Cuba

  Powers, Francis, and

  purpose of

  Soviet detection of, through radar

  Soviet strike on

  wreckage of

  Udall, Stewart

  Ulam, Françoise

  Ulam, Stanislaw

  Ulbricht, Walter

  UN. See United Nations

  Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) (Soviet Union). See also Cold War; Cuba; Khrushchev, Nikita; Soviet spies; specific topics

  atom bomb development by

  B-59 nuclear submarine

  Beria in

  Bulik in, as secret operations chief officer

  causalities from World War II

  cosmonauts in

  freedom movements within

  German attacks on, during World War II


  Hayhanen return to

  hydrogen bomb development by

  hydrogen bombs dropped by

  as iron curtain

  Kennedy, John, on

  Kennedy, John F., political showdown with

  KGB and

  Limited Test Ban Treaty

  missiles in Cuba

  mutually assured destruction philosophy

  Novo-Ogaryovo retreat

  nuclear submarines

  nuclear submarines and

  nuclear test ban treaty for

  at Paris Summit

  Penkovsky as spy against

  postwar expansion of


  preparation for U.S. missile attacks

  R-12 rockets

  space race with U.S.

  Sputnik as public triumph for

  spyware for

  Stalin control of, early establishment of

  U-2 spy plane and, radar detection of

  U.S. atom bomb secrets stolen by

  as U.S. ally, during World War II

  United Kingdom. See Great Britain

  United Nations (UN)

  United States (U.S.). See also Air Force; Central Intelligence Agency; Cold War; Cuban missile crisis; Soviet spies; U-2 spy plane; specific topics

  anti-aircraft missiles in

  Area 51

  atom bomb secrets stolen by Soviet Union

  Bay of Pigs invasion by, failure of

  blockade of Cuba

  Civil Defense department

  criticisms of

  Cuba invasion by, planning for

  during Cuban missile crisis, public response to

  economic exploitation of Cuba by

  Executive Committee of the National Security Council

  fear of Soviet bombing in

  Federal Bureau of Investigation

  fission bomb development in

  hydrogen bomb development in

  Incirlik Air Base, in Turkey

  Limited Test Ban Treaty

  mutually assured destruction philosophy

  National Aeronautics Space Administration

  nuclear missile targets of

  nuclear test ban treaty for

  nuclear testing in

  Operation Alert

  at Paris Summit

  postwar plans of

  Red Scare in

  Soviet nuclear submarines near

  Soviet Union as ally, during World War II

  space race with Soviet Union

  Strategic Air Command

  in Turkey, nuclear missile base for

  withdrawal of offensive weapons from Turkey, as Cuban missile crisis agreement

  U.S. Congress, underground nuclear bunker for

  U.S. spies, against USSR. See also U-2 spy plane

  Chisholm, Janet


  USSR. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

  USSR space program. See cosmonauts; Sputnik

  Vienna Summit

  Vostok (USSR space capsule)

  War Games (film)

  Washington, D.C., Khrushchev, Nikita, visit to

  Weisner, Jerome

  West, J. B.

  West Berlin, Germany

  Berlin Wall

  border crossings to, from East Berlin

  Seidel, H., escape to

  West Germany. See also Berlin

  border crossings to, from East Germany

  as free country

  White, Lincoln

  White House, renovation of

  World War II. See also Cold War; Nazi Germany

  atom bombs dropped in Japan

  German military aggression during, against Soviet Union

  Kennedy, John, during

nbsp; U.S.-Soviet Union alliance during

  USSR causalities during

  World War III

  Operation Alert and

  possibilities of

  Wynne, Greville

  Yuri Gagarin (Soviet warship)

  Zeldovich, Yakov

  zugzwang (compulsion to move)



  The First Women’s Air Race Across America


  Jim Thorpe and the Carlisle Indian School Football Team


  Daniel Ellsberg and the Secret History of the Vietnam War


  The Race to Build—and Steal—the World’s Most Dangerous Weapon


  Disaster, Mutiny, and the Fight for Civil Rights


  A True Story of Adventure, Heroism & Treachery


  Everything Your Schoolbooks Didn’t Tell You About Westward Expansion


  Everything Your Schoolbooks Didn’t Tell You About the Civil War


  Everything Your Schoolbooks Didn’t Tell You About the American Revolution

  About the Author

  Steve Sheinkin is the acclaimed author of fast-paced, cinematic nonfiction histories for young readers, including Born to Fly, Undefeated, Most Dangerous, The Port Chicago 50, Bomb, and The Notorious Benedict Arnold. His accolades include a Newbery Honor, three Boston Globe–Horn Book Awards, a Sibert Medal, and three National Book Award finalist honors. Sheinkin lives in Saratoga Springs, New York, with his wife and two children.

  Visit him online at stevesheinkin.com, or sign up for email updates here.

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  Title Page

  Copyright Notice



  PROLOGUE: The Paperboy

  PART 1: Two Hollow Coins

  Cold Warrior

  Hollow Coin #1

  The Super

  The Long Game

  The Worst Spy

  The Turtle and the Dragon

  Early Warning

  Secret World

  We Will Bury You

  Man or Monster?

  Hollow Coin #2


  Alive and Kicking

  Center Stage

  Little Boy Blue

  PART 2: The Hedgehog and the Pants

  Origin Story

  First Pitch

  The Countdown

  Over America

  The Bay of Pigs

  The Headless Spy

  Light the Candle



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