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Mastered by His Touch-Complete Box Set

Page 1

by Skylar Cross

  Mastered by His Touch Box Set


  Skylar Cross

  Copyright 2014 D2Rev Publishing / Skylar Cross

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  All characters depicted in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Mastered by His Touch

  Chapter 1

  My life changed the day Caden Storm walked into the bank where I worked.

  Although I wouldn't find out he is billionaire entrepreneur Caden Storm until later. He opened up his safe deposit box that day under a fake name.

  It was a gorgeous April day, one of those Boston pre-summer warmup days that gets the cafes and restaurants on Boylston Street to put out tables and umbrellas. In fact, my co-worker Troy and I were about to take lunch and sneak a glass or two of Pinot Grigio.

  But in walks Caden Storm, fucking it all up.

  And everything changed.


  He walked in like he owned the entire goddamned world, like there was a billion dollars in the black leather briefcase he carried. Dark sunglasses, a shiny light gray suit with thin lapels that perfectly fit his tight solid body, a crisp white shirt with a blue-and-gold tie, a blue handkerchief, and expensive shoes. Black hair slicked back in an expensive cut with little wavy endings. Some black stubble. I immediately felt a tingling between my legs.

  "Oh... my... god," said Troy. "I think I'm in love."

  That made two of us. Well, maybe not love. But I sure as fuck was in lust. The most amazing part of him was all the lines. Sharp lines. A jaw cut from stone. Straight full eyebrows. A strong straight nose. A sharp slash of a mouth with lips just full enough to suck on.

  But no... come to think of it, that wasn't the most amazing thing about him. It was actually... hmmm... something else.

  Couldn't put my finger on what it was. An energy? A presence? All I know is that he cut an electrified swath of space all around him with feral masculine power.

  "Yours or mine?" I said.

  "I hate to say it, girlie, but yours," said Troy. "He's straight."

  "How do you always know?"

  Troy just looked at me and lowered his wide-rimmed glasses a little. Always cracks me up when he does that.

  "Okay," I said as I got up from the circular glass table at which Troy and I sat while planning our misdeeds. "Cover me, I'm going in."

  "Lock and load," said Troy with a little arch of his eyebrows and a fake rifle click.

  With each step toward the tall dark god who just calmly watched me as I approached, my pussy filled with throbbing pulses.

  Or maybe he wasn't watching me. Hard to tell through the sunglasses.

  "Hello," I said.

  Although it came out as Huggh-oh.

  I cleared my throat and put my hand on my chest. I felt a flush spreading upward.

  "Excuse me," I said. "Hello. My name is Kiri. Welcome to QV Bank. Is there anything I can help you with today?"

  "Yes, Kiri," he said as he removed his sunglasses.

  I've never been punched in the face before so I don't have any reference with which to compare, but when his eyes met mine...


  That's what it felt like.

  I'm not usually like this. Sure, I see hot guys and get a little excited every once in a while. But this was different.

  Standing there looking into the blue-green eyes of this magnificent slab of man, I lost it.

  I mean, I lost it.

  I don't even ever remember my panties becoming that soaked that fast. It took all my effort to keep my composure as we stood there.

  "I'd like to open up a safe deposit box," he said.

  His voice was deep and commanding, with the calm relaxed confidence of a man who always gets what he wants.

  "A safe deposit box," I said. I repeated it because I needed a second to remember what that was. Not to mention my name and where we were.

  "Yes, a safe deposit box," he said. "You do have those here, don't you?"

  Oh, right. My name is Kiri and I work at a bank.

  "Oh. Yes. My goodness. Of course... a safe deposit box. Yes... I do... well, we do... I mean, yes we definitely have them... here... at this bank."

  My God, I sound like a fucking idiot. I pride myself on being poised and in control at all times, but I've suddenly lost the ability to form complete sentences.

  I tried to say "this way" but I couldn't think of the words, so I just motioned toward the circular round table that sits between the office areas and the main floor.

  Troy was still there, his mouth open a little. When he saw us coming, he shot up, smiled at me and the stranger, and scooted to his cubicle. I think I heard him trip along the way.

  "Just have a seat right here, Mister..."

  "Willoughby," he said, putting out his hand. "Horace Willoughby."

  I’m only 23 years old, but I’ve lived long enough to know that this man is no Horace Willoughby. Something’s off here.

  I took his hand. My knees wobbled a little. Shit, I have to pick up a new pair of panties on my lunch break. I instinctively backed up a little in case he can smell my lust.

  "I'll go get the paperwork," I said. "Just have a seat right here."

  "Actually," he said, "do you have anywhere more private?"

  My apartment.

  "Oh, yes. Certainly. Um... let me just get us a place... an office, I mean... and… I'll be right back."

  "Very good."

  The floor felt like it was moving back-and-forth as I navigated the cubicles to the back of the bank. Along the way, I passed Troy who mouthed Oh my god! and put both hands on his cheeks.

  I just smiled the most professional smile I could muster and walked into the Manager's office.

  Barbara was at her computer. When she saw me, she hurriedly clicked off whatever screen she had been viewing.

  "Barbara?" I said.

  "Yes, Kiri," she said.

  "Can I use your office for a minute? I have a customer here opening a safe deposit box but he wants some privacy."

  "He doesn't need privacy. He's just filling out paperwork. He'll get privacy when you go to the privacy room."

  Barbara had a little trouble with the concept of customer service. I often wondered how she became Branch Manager.

  "He just requested it, that's all."

  "Why don't you use Ken or Sandy's office?"

  "They both have customers."

  Barbara's eyes narrowed, throwing invisible daggers at me. She started to get up, which was a project for her. She put both hands on the desktop, easing her 250+ pounds onto her feet. I thought I heard the desk groan.

  "You could just take him into the privacy room and have him fill out the paperwork there, you know," she said.

  "Isn't it against company policy to let someone into the secure area without doing an ID check first?" I said.

  If looks could kill I’d be a dead woman walking. Ever since the day I transferred here from the Brighton branch, Barbara and I have had one of those hate-hate relationships.

  "Well, I'll just go to lunch," she said as she wobbled out. I followed her until I got to my cubicle where I grabbed the forms I needed.

  I tried not to laugh as I passed Troy who had his cheeks puffed out as he imitated Barbara's walk while sitting in his chair.

sp; "Stop it!" I whispered. "We're on camera."

  "Like anyone ever checks that," he said.

  Caden Storm... well, Horace Willoughby at the time... still stood near the round table. Holding his briefcase in front of him with both hands. Shoulders back. Gazing steadily at me. I motioned him to follow me, which he did.

  I was acutely aware of my backside as we walked to Barbara's office. I'm so glad I had been doing the Stairmaster lately. My heritage blessed me with dainty bones, black hair, thick lips, dark-toned skin, and nice curves. I don't think I'm that much of anything but everyone tells me I'm attractive and I do get a lot of attention from men.

  "Have a seat," I said after I closed the door.

  "How long have you lived in Boston?" he said.

  "Six years," I said. "I went to BU and ended up staying. But I grew up in New York."

  "Queens," he said.

  How the fuck did he know that?

  "Lucky guess?" he said, noticing my surprised expression.

  "Yes," I said as I motioned toward the customer chair. "What gave it away?"

  "Many Pacific Islanders live in Queens. I had a 66% chance of being correct."

  Fuck, he's good.

  "Wow... yes," I said. "Although my family are all Thai. I was adopted when I was a baby."

  He sat down. A flash of puzzlement flashed across his face, then vanished.

  As I passed him, I caught a whiff of something like pine and sea salt. My clit throbbed.

  Damn, I should have nabbed a spritz from the perfume I keep at my cubicle when I picked up the paperwork. I sat down in Barbara's chair.

  "So, Mr. Willoughby," I said, "we have three different sizes of safe deposit boxes as indicated here."

  "The small will be fine, Kiri," he said.

  I loved the way he used my name so freely and easily.

  "And please call me H," he said.

  "H?" I said.

  "Yes, it sounds better than Horace, don't you think? Plus, I'm quite addictive so it fits."

  Oh my god, did he really just say that? He knows what he's doing to me, doesn't he? Breathe, Kiri, breathe!

  He smiled at me. His perfect white teeth gleamed. I squeezed my legs together hoping to stem an overflow.

  "Okay... H," I said with a little smile. "All I need is for you to fill out this form. The rates are here. And I'll need two forms of identification."

  He handed me a United States Passport and a Massachusetts Driver's License.

  "I'll be right back," I said. "I just need to photocopy these."

  At the copier, I sneaked a peek at his date of birth. 8-12-77.

  Hm, thirty-six. A little old for me, but fuck, that wouldn't stop me from impaling myself on his cock.

  I noticed his passport and license had no scratches nor any wear-and-tear. Both looked brand new even though the passport had been stamped around the world. Very odd.

  At the time, I filed that thought away. Later, when I found out that indeed they were fake, I congratulated my gut instinct for picking up on this detail.

  Back in Barbara's office, I sat back down at the desk and placed his IDs between us.

  I logged into the system and began to enter his information. As I did so, I felt him looking at me. I turned to him and there were the aquamarine eyes, just calmly piercing my soul with laser-like intensity. My heart beat a little faster.

  Damn, he knows! He must do this to girls everywhere. Bastard! He fucking knows how hot he is and he's playing with me!

  I felt a droplet of sweat on my upper lip. I stuck my tongue up to lick it off. I stole a glance to see if he noticed, but he had returned to filling out the papers.

  Once the bank's internal background check system signaled Clear, I turned to him.

  "Well," I said, "it looks like everything is okay."

  "I concur," he said with a smile. "Everything seems amazing from here."

  Stop it! Just STOP! Either that or throw me on this desk and fuck me!

  Then, I noticed a sudden change in his facial expression. Like a thought reminded him of something. His shoulders tensed up and his expression went serious, almost painful. I felt his presence withdraw itself a little.

  "So when do I get my box?" he said.

  Right now, right here, however you want it.

  "Your box?" I said. "Oh, yes. Of course. Your safe deposit box."

  Now I was in a full-on sweat.

  That's it, Kiri! Pull yourself together! Just get him out of here before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.

  I rose, took the paperwork, and said, "Come with me."

  Shit, did I really have to phrase it that way?

  Shut up, Kiri. Stay focused.

  He followed me past the low gate into the narrow passageway that led into the vault. I keyed in my security code and the big metal door clicked open. We walked inside.

  God, it's hot in here!

  I selected an empty box, inserting my master key into the keyhole on the left. Another one dangled in the right hole, indicating that the box was empty. With the same hand, I removed the right one and held it up.

  "We have two levels of security here in the vault," I said. "The first is this key which I will give to you. When accompanied in here by a bank employee, the employee will put their master key in on the left while your key goes in on the right."

  "Can I practice putting it in now?" he said.

  Oh my god, you're killing me here.

  Shut up, Kiri.

  "Sure," I said, handing him the key.

  He took it and put it in the hole on the right. I heard myself inhale as he did so.

  "So you, as a bank employee, need to turn the one on the left at the same time, right?" he said.

  "Correct," I said. "Although you can turn both."

  "I'd prefer it if you turned yours while I turn mine."

  I continued to disintegrate into a puddle. Shit, I’m pretty sure I can smell my own pussy juice now.

  Great. Just fucking great.

  I reached up to the key on the left. I couldn't help but touch his hand. As the back of my hand grazed the heat of his fingers, I swear I almost leaned in and kissed him.

  I mean, I seriously thought about doing it.

  I would have been fired, for sure.

  But I kept myself under control and just turned my key the same time as his.

  "Now," I said, my voice trembling, "the second level of security is the keypad. You saw that red light come on. That means that both keys have been accepted but the box door still won't open. It needs a five-digit security code. I'm going to turn around so I won't see it. You can pick any code you choose. Don't tell it to anyone."

  "Are there cameras in this room?" he said.

  "Yes, one. Up there." I pointed to it.

  "Won't the camera record my secret code?"

  Oooh, nobody had ever asked me that before. This guy is smart.

  "Not if you stand directly in front of your box."

  He moved so he was directly in front of his box. He flashed a knowing smile at me. I turned away. Then I heard five digits being tapped in.

  "Now press the pound key," I said.

  One more tap and I heard a click.

  "Good," I said as I turned around and opened the tiny door in the big wall of tiny doors. I reached inside and pulled out a ten-inch by ten-inch metal box, handing it to him. We exited the vault and went into the privacy room.

  Once inside the windowless room, the door automatically locked behind us.

  "I'll wait outside while you put your belongings in the box," I said.

  "No," he said. "Stay."

  It was a command, not a request. The way he said it sent a shiver up my spine.

  "Sit," he commanded again, motioning the chair on the other side of the table.

  I did as I was told.


  But his expression became deadly serious. It was like I was no longer there. He put his face in his hands, then folded them and stared at the wall. The silence of t
he room wrapped around us like an airtight seal.


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