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Promising You (The Jade Series #4)

Page 13

by Everhart, Allie

  “No, I didn’t.” I look at Frank again. “He seemed like a nice old man. That’s why I’m so confused. About all of this. Letting him pay for college. Meeting his wife. I feel like I shouldn’t even want to see him again, but he’s my grandfather and part of me kind of wants to get to know him.”

  “Then maybe you should. Maybe just have lunch with him and his wife and see how it goes.” Frank sighs and shakes his head side to side.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I just never thought I’d be encouraging you to get involved with the Sinclairs.”

  The back door opens and we hear Ryan in the kitchen, his keys jingling as he hangs them on the hook.

  He comes in the living room and sits down. “Jade, is your boyfriend on some reality show on cable?”

  Frank laughs like his son is kidding but Ryan looks serious.

  “The Prep School Girls’ Reunion,” I say.

  “You know about it?” Ryan asks.

  “Of course I know about it. How did you find out?”

  “When I dropped Chloe off I went in her apartment for a few minutes and was flipping through the channels and I heard Garret’s name. And then I saw him with some girl. At least I think it was him. I could only see the back of him.”

  “That’s not Garret. He’s not on the show.”

  I explain everything and when I’m done Frank and Ryan don’t seem to believe me. But they never watch those reality shows. They don’t get how much of those shows are fake.

  “That’s why Garret couldn’t come home with me,” I explain. “He’s hiding out from the photographers. They’ve been following him around and some of his fans are following him around, too. That’s why I didn’t tell you about the show. I didn’t want you getting all worried about me being around all that. But tonight was the second episode and next Thursday it ends. After that, people will forget about it and everything will go back to normal.”

  “Garret’s father should sue the production company and everyone else involved,” Frank says.

  “The lawyers told him it would be better to ignore it. Fighting it would just end up getting Garret even more unwanted press. I should talk to him quick and see if he watched tonight’s episode.”

  I go in my room and call Garret. “Hey, did you watch tonight?”

  “How about a greeting before you jump right in with the questions?”

  “I’m sorry. Hi, Garret. How was your day?”

  “Same as every other day this week. I’m so sick of hanging out here I’m actually looking forward to going to class again.”

  “So did you watch the show?”

  He laughs. “You don’t even care what I did today, do you? And no, I didn’t watch the show.”

  “Garret, you have to know what they’re saying about you. I don’t have cable here so I didn’t see it, but Ryan saw part of it when he was at Chloe’s so then I had to explain the whole story to them.”

  “They would’ve found out eventually. I don’t know why you were hiding it from them.”

  “Did you hear from anyone who saw it?”

  “Decker called right before you did. He watched it. He said I took Ava skiing up in Vermont. Apparently we had a great time.”

  “It works out well for the show. They could cover up their Garret look-alike with ski clothes and nobody would guess it wasn’t you.”

  “Jade, just forget about it. There’s one show left and then we can move on and pretend it never happened. What time are you leaving tomorrow?”

  “Ryan and I are leaving around 8, so we should be at Carson’s around noon.”

  “Will you call me this time?”

  “Yes. Will you be around?”

  “I’m a prisoner here. I’ll be around all day. I’m spending tomorrow night in the dorm so that I’ll be there when you get back on Saturday. We have a lot of catching up to do.”

  “I may need a few hours sleep before we start catching up.”

  “I don’t care what we do. I just need to see you. A week apart is way too long. Don’t make me do this again.”

  “Me? This is your fault! Or Ava’s!”

  “I’m just kidding. Oh, I almost forgot. I got that place reserved for the summer. It’s all ours. And Harper and Sean got the one right next to it.”

  A couple days ago, Garret and I picked out a beachfront condo to rent in a town a couple hours north of LA. It’s a condo that Harper found and once we checked it out online, Garret and I liked it, too. It’s a furnished condo and we even liked how it was decorated, clean and simple with comfy-looking furniture.

  “Are you serious?” I’m so excited I want to jump up and down but I can’t or I’ll hurt my knee again. “So this is really going to happen?”

  “Well, yeah. Did you think it wouldn’t?”

  “Kind of. You know me. I never trust that things will work out.”

  “Stop thinking that way. I’ve told you that a hundred times. I’m good luck. Stick with me and things will always work out.” I can feel his famous cocky smile through the phone. “The guy who owns the place even gave us a deal because we’re staying all summer.”

  “This is so great! I have to call Harper.”

  “I talked to Sean earlier and he said they’d be out all night with her sisters, so you might want to wait.”

  “I’ll just text her. So tell me again. Are we really living on the beach in California all summer? With Harper and Sean right next door?”

  “Yes, Jade. And you’re freaking adorable when you get this excited. Even over the phone. Damn, I love you.”

  “I love you, too. I need to go spend some more time with Frank before I go to bed but I’ll call you tomorrow. And hey, don’t get used to sleeping alone because when I get back we’re having sleepovers every night for at least a week.”

  “A week? Try the rest of the semester.” I smile because that’s really what I want, too. “Have a safe trip and make sure to call me from the road.”

  “I will. Bye, Garret.” I hang up and go back to the living room where Frank and Ryan are watching the news. “Guess what? Garret reserved that place on the beach so we’re definitely going there this summer. Isn’t that great?”

  “Yeah, great.” Ryan pretends to be annoyed but I know he’s happy for me. “And I’ll be stuck here in summer classes. Can I at least come visit?”

  “Of course you can visit. That’s a great idea. Bring Chloe if you want. You should come, too, Frank.”

  “I think my traveling days are over. But you should go, Ryan.”

  Ryan yawns as he gets up. “I’m really tired. I’m going to bed. I want to leave on time tomorrow, Jade, so set your alarm clock.”

  “I should probably go to sleep, too,” Frank says. “I’ll see you in the morning, Jade.”

  I wasn’t expecting them to go to bed at 11. I thought since this was my last night here we’d all stay up late.

  I go to my room but I’m not ready to sleep. I’m too excited about my summer. A whole three months living with Garret on the beach with my best friend right next door. It’s like a movie, but it’s actually my life. How did this happen? A year ago I was here in this house thinking I’d go to college, get a boring job, and live alone in an apartment the rest of my life. Now everything’s changed in ways I never could’ve imagined.

  Since I can’t sleep, I make a pros and cons lists to fill the time. I’ve never been much of a list person, but now that I have decisions to make I find it a useful exercise. First I make one for being a doctor. The result? Almost all pros. Then I make one for meeting Arlin and his wife for lunch. There are quite a few cons, but the pros still win out. Lastly, I make a list for marrying Garret, just in case he asks me someday. The list is all pros except for one con. His family. But that only applies to Katherine so I scratch out family and put Katherine’s name down. There’s no way I’d let Katherine be a reason for not marrying Garret.

  So as of tonight, it looks like I’ll be going to med school, having lunch with my grandparents, and
marrying Garret. Yeah, things have definitely changed the past year.


  Friday morning I get up at 7 and find Ryan in the kitchen making breakfast. He’s already showered, dressed, and ready to go. He’s a morning person, which I don’t understand. I barely function before 8 and that’s even after having a large dose of caffeine.

  “You got donuts?” I grab one from the box and take a seat at the kitchen table with my mug of coffee.

  “I went to the gas station to fill up and they’d just delivered these so I thought I’d get some as a going-away gift.”

  “Thanks. I love donuts.”

  “I know you do, but drink some orange juice so you at least get some nutrients.” He sets a glass of it in front of me. “I made scrambled eggs. You want any?”

  “Yeah, I’ll have some.”

  “Morning, everyone.” Frank comes into the kitchen. His hair is still wet from his shower and he has on jeans and an old green sweater. “You ready to go back to school?”

  “I guess.” I pass him the donuts.

  Ryan sets a plate of eggs in front of each of us, then joins us at the table. “Come on, Jade. We know you can’t wait to get back. You miss Garret. You’ve been moping around all week, counting the hours until you could see him again.”

  “That’s not true! I’ve hardly thought about him all week.”

  Frank and Ryan both give me an eye roll.

  “Fine. Maybe I miss him a little, but it’s not like I have to spend every minute with him. I can date him and still be independent. And for the record, I was not moping around all week.”

  “You were totally moping,” Ryan says as he eats his eggs. “Even Dad noticed.”

  I look at Frank to deny it but he doesn’t.

  “It’s okay to miss him,” Frank says. “You love him. It’s normal to want to be with him.”

  “I don’t love—” I stop because I can’t even say it. I love Garret so much that I can’t even pretend not to.

  Ryan laughs. “Jade’s in love.” He sings it like an annoying little kid.

  “Shut up.” I punch his arm and he keeps laughing. “You’re in love, too.”

  “Yeah, but at least I admit it. You’re over there trying to hide it, like it’s some big secret.”

  Frank sighs. “You two will both be married off by the age of 25. I guess I’ll be a young grandpa.”

  Ryan chokes on his eggs. “Grandpa? I may be married when I’m 25, but there aren’t going to be any kids for a long time. Chloe and I have to get through med school, then a residency before we even think about having kids.”

  I take another donut. “And I’m not having kids, so don’t look at me to help you out with the grandpa thing.”

  “Oh, please. You’ll have kids,” Ryan says. “Maybe not by the age of 25, but you’ll have them.”

  “Why does everyone keep saying that? Do I seem like a kid person? I don’t even like kids. They’re loud. They think they know everything. They don’t listen.”

  “Yeah. Just like you.” Ryan laughs. “You’ll get along great with kids.”

  I punch him again. “You better stop this right now or I’ll kill you before we make it to Illinois.”

  “All right, you two. No fighting at the table.” Frank’s face breaks into a smile as he says it. “Someday you’ll both have kids and you’ll both come back to visit and your kids will be here fighting at the table instead of you two.”

  I sling my arm over Ryan’s shoulder. “We’ll still be fighting. We’ll just fight in a different room.”

  Frank looks at Ryan and me. “Even with your fighting, I’m so proud of you two, and I love you both.” His eyes get watery.

  I get up and give him a hug. “Frank, don’t make me sad before I leave. Saying goodbye is hard enough.”

  He wipes his eyes. “I just wanted to say it.”

  “We love you, too, Dad,” Ryan says, biting into a donut. “But you’re still not getting grandkids anytime soon.”

  His comment makes us all laugh and lightens the mood.

  “So, Jade, are we going to see you at all this summer?” Frank asks.

  “I hope so. Garret and I haven’t figured out our itinerary yet. I was thinking maybe we could stop here on the drive out and again on the way back.”

  “You’re driving to California?” Ryan asks. “I figured Garret would hire someone to drive the car out there and you two would fly. Isn’t that what rich people do?”

  “I don’t know. I’ll talk to Garret about it. But I’ll come home at least once this summer.”

  Frank pushes away from the table. “Well, I suppose you two need to hit the road.”

  “Yeah, hurry up, Jade,” Ryan says. “We have to leave soon.”

  I quickly shower, dress, and finish packing and a half hour later I’m ready to go.

  “I’ll see you later, Frank.” This is my new way of saying goodbye. I find it easier to tell him I’ll see him later than to tell him goodbye, which seems so final.

  “Bye, honey. Have a safe trip.” He hugs me, then stays close and lowers his voice. “I know you don’t always tell me everything, but if you need to, I’m here. It can be hard to keep secrets to yourself.”

  What does he mean? Does he know something? If not, what secrets is he referring to? Maybe it’s just the reporter in him. He’s always thinking there’s more to the story. And he’s right, but I can’t let him know that.

  Frank lets me go just as Ryan comes into the living room. Ryan doesn’t know about the incident with Sinclair or the story about my mother or any of that, and Frank and I have decided it’s better if he doesn’t know.

  “You ready?” Ryan has his coat on, his car keys in his hand.

  “Yeah, let’s go.”

  Frank follows us out and watches as we drive away.

  As we’re leaving Des Moines, I get a text from Garret saying he had to go somewhere with his dad and won’t be back until late afternoon. I text him back asking where he’s going, but he doesn’t respond.

  The drive to Carson’s house goes by fast this time because Ryan and I are talking instead of giving each other the silent treatment. Every hour, I call Garret to check in but his phone goes straight to voicemail. I’m guessing he has it turned off, which doesn’t make sense given how insistent he was that I call him during the trip. But maybe he’s someplace where they make you turn your phone off.

  When we get to Carson’s house, Howard’s at work but Judy is there, preparing more food. She packs a lunch for Ryan to eat on his way back to Iowa and fills a foam cooler with food and drinks for Carson and me.

  After Ryan leaves, Carson and I head out. As we’re pulling out of the garage his mom yells, “No speeding, Carson. And don’t text and drive. Love you!”

  He waves at her as we drive off. “She sees all these kids come into the ER because they were texting while driving so she always says that.”

  “Your mom is funny. She really likes to feed people.”

  “I know. I’m surprised I don’t weigh 400 pounds.” He turns the heat up when he sees me put my gloves back on. “So did you have fun at home?”

  “We got snowed in for a couple days, but we found stuff to do. How about you? Did you get back together with Madison?”

  “No. After we talked about it, I decided I didn’t want to. I used to be okay with the long distance thing, but now I think I’d rather date someone I can see every day.”

  “But you made this big deal about how people should have their space and how it’s not healthy to spend your time with one person.”

  “I know, but then I thought about it some more and I changed my mind. I don’t want to date someone I can only see during the summer and once or twice during the year.”

  “I guess I better start looking then.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Your mom told me to find you a nice girl to date in Connecticut.”

  “Did she really?” He shakes his head. “God, that’s embarrassing.”

>   “I thought it was sweet. She just wants you to be happy.”

  “She shouldn’t have asked you that. I can find my own girls.” He picks up his soda from the center console and takes a drink. “So what’s Garret been up to all week?”

  “The rule still applies for the trip home. No talking about Garret. But to answer your question, he’s been playing with his little sister, watching movies, and swimming. He has a movie theater in his house. And an indoor pool.”

  “I saw his show last night. Did you watch?”

  “It’s not his show, but no, I didn’t see it.”

  “He—or the fake Garret—took Ava skiing in Vermont. They rented a suite at a lodge. They mostly showed Ava talking to the camera, so Garret wasn’t on that long.”

  “He wasn’t on the show at all! It wasn’t him!”

  “Yeah, but you know what I mean.”

  “I’ll be so glad when this is over.” I check my phone and still have no messages from Garret. I send him another text.

  “Do you have to check in with him every hour again?” Carson asks.

  “I don’t have to, but I was going to. He went somewhere with his dad and his phone is off. I’ll have to try later.”

  We drive for six hours and I don’t hear anything from Garret. No phone calls, no texts. Nothing. I’m getting really worried. I’ve been calling him and texting him and I can’t get any response. I even called his dad, but the phone went straight to voicemail.

  At 8 Carson and I stop to eat dinner. There’s plenty of food in the cooler but we need to get out of the car.

  We’re back on the road at 8:30 to begin the overnight drive that I’ve been dreading. Another night of no sleep as I try to keep Carson awake with loads of caffeine and nonstop conversation. My mind is a mess worrying about Garret and why I haven’t heard from him. Every time we stop for gas or bathroom breaks, I tell Carson I’m calling Garret so he won’t pick up on the fact that something’s wrong. The last thing I need is Carson coming up with reasons for why Garret isn’t returning my calls.


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