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Brand (The Donovan Dynasty)

Page 23

by Sierra Cartwright

  “I’ll have to get her groomed after this,” he said.

  “Let me guess, she only does that every time you’re at the river.”

  “Something like that. I have a few towels in case something like this happens.”

  She adored the patience he had with the mutt. It, too, revealed more about his character than she suspected he realized.

  “You could build a bridge here,” she said.

  “Do you ever stop?” he asked.

  “When I’m sleeping.”

  “A bridge would be great until after a rain and it washes out. Or when we’re in a drought and there’s no water flowing at all.”

  “Stop being a pessimist. It’s just a few pieces of wood, a hammer, some nails. How difficult can it be?”

  “Could you be tied to it so I could fuck you?”

  She sucked in a breath and turned to him, unsure whether or not he was serious. “Let me see your eyes.”

  Dutifully he pushed back the brim. There were no smile crinkles next to his brooding gray eyes, which meant he was serious. She lifted her phone and took a couple more pictures of the river, just to distract herself from the image suddenly occupying every single one of her brain cells.

  “So, still up for the bridge?” This time, he grinned.

  Her tummy slowly completed a turnover.

  “You can follow the river back farther,” he said. “More private.” This time when he whistled, Loopy ran from the river.

  He grabbed a towel, but before he could use it, the dog gave several massive shakes, sending water spewing all over her and Cade. Sofia could have sworn the animal smiled as she got back into the ATV.

  “Sorry,” he said.

  “Are you?”

  “It made her happy,” he said by way of explanation.

  He drove them back into the more heavily wooded area, through dense mesquite trees. “If I had it cleared, it would be easier. But it would be less private.”

  She saw why he liked it. There was a small clearing, along with a few rocks. There was a dam of sorts, causing the river to pool, creating an inviting watering hole. A few wildflowers covered the ground, and she heard a twig snap as a critter, maybe an armadillo, scurried away.

  Loopy was the first out of the ATV and she took the plunge, sticking her head under the clear water in search of a darting fish. Sofia gave in to the temptation to slip out of her boots and socks. Then she sat on the bank long enough to roll up the hem of her jeans until her calves were exposed before she finally waded in.

  The water had been heated by the sun, so it wasn’t quite as refreshing as she’d expected. But it was still several degrees below the outdoor air temperature, and that made it feel wonderful. She curled her toes, enjoying being barefoot.

  Cade sat on a rock, stuck a blade of grass in his mouth and watched them.

  “This really is perfect,” she said. “There are so many possibilities for you to keep your privacy, but also let others enjoy it.”

  “I’m enjoying plenty right now,” he said.

  She waded for a while and Loopy splashed over to say hello. Sofia’s pants, as well as her shirt, got wet.

  “You might as well take your clothes off.”


  Not for the first time, he’d totally scandalized her. With a frown, she looked at him.

  He was stretched out, legs crossed at the ankle, relaxed and grinning devilishly.

  “Out here?” She glanced around. “Skinny dip?”

  “Why not? As you pointed out, it’s quiet. None of the ranch hands are on this section of land this evening. It’s just us.”


  “I have towels.”

  “You were hoping this would happen,” she accused.

  “I considered the possibility.”

  “You really are a shameless voyeur.”

  “Guilty. Feed my addiction?”

  That husk, that timbre in his voice toppled her resistance. Whether he was being demanding or entreating, she was unable to deny him anything. But still, the idea appealed to her. Not necessarily because it meant she was naked, but because getting wet in this heat had definite appeal.

  She went back on shore near Cade and pulled off her tank top. He reached up a hand for it and she gave the material to him. Her nipples beaded and she felt sexy, a feeling that was new for her.

  Since they were already damp, the jeans were a bit more of a challenge to get out of. He offered no assistance as she wiggled and slithered the denim over her hips and past her thighs.

  He captured the jeans that she tossed and folded them nicely. Sofia was reminded that he believed in taking care of things. She appreciated that it extended to her belongings as well.

  She peeled off her panties, and said, “My undies don’t go in your pocket.”

  “I’d hate for them to get lost,” he replied, ignoring her words and her scowl.

  Once she was naked, she stretched. It was more liberating than she ever would have guessed.

  Loopy was in a shallow part of the watering hole and Sofia joined her, aware of Cade’s heated gaze.

  She picked up a twig and threw it in the water and Loopy plunged after it. She snatched it up and returned it, dropping it in front of Sofia. Sofia tossed it at least half a dozen times, even as the dog’s tongue hung out of her mouth.

  Finally tired, Loopy tromped to the sloping bank then shook before finding a patch of shade where she could cool off.

  Sofia wandered in deeper, up to her thighs, before succumbing to temptation and holding her nose before plunging beneath the surface. She came up quickly and pushed hair back from her face.

  “Didn’t know if you were brave enough.”

  “I could become a convert,” she said. “This skinny dipping is pretty invigorating.” She rolled to her back and floated, feeling the sun’s rays and gentle breeze. Since she kept so busy in her professional life, this total relaxation was a treat she treasured.

  When a massive cloud gobbled the sun, she went under for one last soak before emerging.

  At some point, Cade must have gone to the ATV. Her clothes had vanished, but a stack of towels sat next to him, and the long-sleeved shirt that she’d borrowed was draped across his lap.

  She grabbed a towel and rubbed her hair while water dripped down her body and dried naturally. “I don’t blame you for never wanting to leave this place. It’s as if life moves at a different pace here.”

  “If you let it,” he agreed. “Still a hell of a business operation. I was up at four to get it all done to enjoy the afternoon with you.”

  “I know you work hard, really hard, and the insomnia doesn’t help. But there’s such beauty here. It restores you.”

  He nodded. “You have to let it, though.”

  She’d been rubbing her face with a towel, and she lowered her hand to look at him. Was that pain in his tone, or maybe recrimination? “And have you?”

  A shadow, maybe from the movement of clouds, maybe from his internal thoughts, ghosted his eyes. “Maybe not enough. Ready? I want to get to the clearing so you can see the sunset.”

  He’d been close to letting her in, she knew. Closer than ever before. She tried not to wallow in the disappointment of him shutting her out.

  He offered another towel and she dried off her body.

  Interested in the goings-on, Loopy pushed herself up and made a huge show of stretching her back legs one at a time before trotting over. How she managed to be a tripod without tipping over, Sofia had no idea.

  Cade stood and offered his long-sleeved shirt to her.

  “I take it that you’re not giving me my jeans back,” she said as she stuffed her arms into the overly big shirt.

  “You’ll be more comfortable like that.”

  “I will?”

  He adjusted his hat, smiled and didn’t respond.

  Sofia rolled up the sleeves and fastened the middle few buttons.

  “I may replace your entire wardrobe with men’s shirts,”
he said.

  It barely covered her buttocks, but then she realized it was probably as long as her shorts. Except the shorts and panties had kept her crotch covered.

  He relented and gave her the jeans back, and she gratefully pulled them on.

  She took a step then winced when she stepped on a tiny rock.

  Cade scooped her from the ground and tossed her over his shoulder.

  He’d caught her off guard and knocked the wind from her.

  When he started forward, she suddenly felt dizzy. “Damn it!” She grabbed his waistband for stability. “Put me down.”

  In response, he smacked her ass.

  “Cade Donovan!”

  He took another stride and she yelped, reaching to hang on with her other hand. Joining the fun, Loopy ran around them, barking.

  At the ATV, Cade jostled her, holding her in his arms for a moment before putting her on the seat. “Thank you. I think.”

  “You can show me your gratitude later.”


  “Better than hurting yourself.”

  That was hard to argue with.

  He returned to the clearing for the damp towels and ensured everything was secure before taking off.

  A few minutes later, he stopped the ATV again, almost in the exact spot he had earlier. This time, maybe because she was exhausted, Loopy merely lifted her head then dropped it back on her paws, content to have a snooze.

  Cade went to the rear of the vehicle, opened a box then returned with the unfinished bottle of wine and a couple of plastic cups.

  “Very thoughtful,” she said as he poured.

  They touched the rims together.

  The sun set in slow measures and the moment seemed frozen. A fraction of a second at a time the massive orb descended, as if being swallowed by a giant chasm in the earth.

  “I’m not sure the last time I did something like this,” she admitted. “Do you do it a lot?”

  “Not nearly often enough. A lot of times, I’m still working. I’ll notice it, but mostly because I’m trying to figure out how much work I can get done before I’ve burned through all the daylight. I’ve often wondered, if the sun set only once a year, would we gather around and watch it? Because it’s every day, do we take it for granted?”

  “I’m guilty,” she admitted.

  She gathered their trash into a plastic bag and shoved it beneath a seat before climbing in beside him.

  He turned on the headlights and headed back. The sky darkened to an inky-velvet color, and the first star appeared. She’d never been one to make fanciful wishes, but tonight, she did. Instead of asking for something specific, she decided she wanted to hold on to the feeling she had right now.

  “You’re quiet,” he observed.

  She glanced over at him. Because of the hat and the dim light, he appeared slightly dangerous. In the distance a coyote howled and another answered, making her wrap her arms around herself. “Sometimes you scare me a little.”

  “Yeah?” He stopped the vehicle in front of a bump gate and faced her. “You scare me a little, too.”

  The admission stunned her and she wasn’t quite sure what to say.

  He accelerated forward to hit the metal with the ATV’s brush guard.

  When they reached the main gate, he keyed in a code. “It’s nine-zero-nine-nine,” he informed her. “In case you arrive and I’m not around to let you in.”

  Which meant that he hoped she would come back again, something she wasn’t sure was a good idea. She was already starting to care for Cade Donovan. Perhaps a little too much. That self-preservation urge gnawed at her again. If she spent a lot of time here, she’d get even more attached to him, the land and the oversized happy mutt.

  The thought of being back in her apartment, all alone, instead of snuggled in bed with him disheartened her. He’d been quite clear that he had a barrier between himself and any relationship. After what she’d learned about him, she couldn’t blame him. But where did that leave her?

  “Go ahead and take a shower,” he told her when he parked the ATV behind the house. “I’ll be in after I give Loopy a bath.”

  “That could take a while,” she sympathized.

  “Help yourself to another shirt.”

  “Am I supposed to be grateful you let me wear anything at all?”

  “Rope would be fine.”



  Time stopped. How did he manage to keep doing that to her? She should have been accustomed to his outrageous comments, but each one had the ability to unnerve her.

  “You might want to show your gratitude for the fact I allow you to wear anything when we’re in the house.”

  The reminder that he was all Dom made blood race through her. Though she never entirely forgot it, there were times he seemed almost tender, then he would say something that would tip her world again.

  “Say it,” he said, raising his eyebrows.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He took off his hat. “I didn’t hear you clearly.”

  This man never allowed her to hide. She cleared her throat. “Thank you, Cade.”

  “Thank you, Sir, for letting me wear clothes.”

  Her heart thudded as she repeated his words. “Thank you, Sir, for letting me wear clothes.”

  Though he hadn’t moved, she felt as if he had. His power was a lethal thing and it claimed her as surely as if he’d dug his fingers into her shoulders.

  “Yeah,” he said, the word laden with appreciation.

  The more he had her under his spell, the more she wanted to be there.

  He opened the back compartment and she removed her clothes and the damp towels.

  “I’ll throw these in the washer,” she said.


  She was aware that he continued to watch her as she entered the house. It wasn’t until she was in the mudroom that she was able to get her heartbeat back to normal. She sorted through the laundry basket for things she could include in the load. Doing the washing in someone else’s house was more intimate than cooking, she realized, as she pulled out a pair of his tight boxer briefs.

  After the machine started its cycle, she headed upstairs.

  She dropped his shirt and selected another from his closet, this time a short-sleeved navy-blue one.

  Since she’d been in the river, she washed her hair, and was rinsing out the suds when he entered the bathroom. It amazed her how easy it was to be together, how natural. Maybe it was the dominance, the way his confidence affected her. He knew what he wanted, and he was clear in verbalizing it. “Are all BDSM relationships like this?” She slid the frosted-glass door open a bit and steam billowed into the room.

  He was in front of the sink with a single-blade razor, keeping the outline of his goatee crisp. In the mirror, he met her gaze. “Like what?”

  He looked so fucking handsome with the white towel wrapped around his waist and the blade a mere inch from his skin that she almost forgot her question.

  He continued to wait and she mentally shook her head.

  “I was thinking about expectations.” She closed the door.

  “Go on,” he said, loud enough for her to hear.

  “It’s easy to be around you.” She lathered the soap, considering what she wanted to say. “I wondered if it was because of the BDSM.”

  “As I’ve said, a hundred different couples will have a hundred different relationships. That said, there’s a level of trust required in this type of arrangement. Things are purposefully discussed that may never come up for other people.”

  “Anal sex, for example,” she said wryly. She could attest to the fact no boyfriend had ever mentioned it to her. Or spanking. Or hog-tying her, for that matter.

  “That,” he agreed. “But also negotiations. Safe words. Even the aftercare. There’s a lot demanded from the sub, but at times greater demands from the Dom.”

  “How so?”

  “He has to be in control
of himself and able to help the sub traverse whatever terrain she’s on.”

  “It wasn’t your ass being stuffed full,” she protested.

  “Nor will it be.”

  She turned off the faucet. When she exited the stall, he was standing there holding a towel for her.

  No man had ever done that, either. She accepted it with a soft, “Thank you.”

  She dried off then moved to the vanity and took her hairbrush from the drawer she’d put it in when she’d arrived.

  “May I?” He held out a hand.


  He nodded.

  “It’s not an easy task.”

  “I’ll endure to the bitter end,” he promised.

  “Start at the bottom,” she said. In the mirror, their gazes locked. She saw a smile teasing his face, making him look years younger, more accessible.

  “Always good advice when it comes to you,” he said.

  She gave him a ferocious frown. “I was talking about my hair.”

  “I wasn’t.”

  He used patience that surprised her, working his way up, easing each tangle, never pulling.

  A full five minutes later, when he was done, he put down the brush and turned her to face him.

  Her yes was silent and covered by the sweetness of his kiss.

  She felt his erection against her, insistent, as if they hadn’t fucked hard in the barn earlier this afternoon. But the need in her was real, too. No matter how much she got, she craved more.

  He deepened the kiss, and she tasted mint, freshness. She lifted her heels off the ground and leaned into him, wrapping her arms around him.

  When she was breathless, he ended the kiss, and she succumbed to impish temptation to pull the towel from around his waist then reached for his dick.

  He captured her hand.


  “Remind me to have that bratting conversation with you,” he said, his jaw set with purposeful intent.

  Cade put his palms on her shoulders and forced her to her knees. She knew what he wanted. All of a sudden, she did too, yearned to draw on the heat he’d stoked.

  Hungrily, she reached for him.

  He curled a hand around his cock. “Ask.”

  “I’m sorry?” Leaning back on her calves, confused, she looked up at him.


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