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James, The Crown Prince

Page 13

by Daniel B. Harris

  Ulia smiled sheepishly. “I don’t know about overcoming, but I’ll learn to deal with it. He’s been with four of you now, and I’ve heard nothing but good things. I don’t want to be the only girl missing out on what might be something good.”

  Ivy chimed in, “And we could jump him while he’s down and he couldn’t fight both of us off. Let’s get him, Ulia!” she giggled playfully.

  “I have a better idea,” I teased. “Have the headsman sharpen his axe. It would be less painful to have my head removed than to be bounced upon by two beautiful young ladies right now. And notice, I did say ‘right now’.”

  Dinner was served, complete with a bed tray for me. It seemed the kitchen staff here didn’t miss a trick. We ate in relative silence and I was careful to avoid my teeth with the silverware. Every sound still reverberated inside my skull. The girls rounded up the dishes and my tray and placed them on the table for the maids. Afterwards, they started drifting off to bed, stopping by for a goodnight kiss. I thanked Kemma, and she joked that she’d rescued me for selfish reasons, because she didn’t want to be without me. Star changed into her gown and crawled into bed on my right side, and then Ivy appeared, seemingly from thin air, on the left. She’d dressed in a gown and climbed under the covers. I asked Star if Ivy had found her new room. Star responded that she didn’t think I’d mind since our bed was so big and Ivy wouldn’t take up much room. I looked at Ivy, who batted her eyes and pulled a pleading look. I gave in, of course.

  Star realized that I wouldn’t be able to put out the lights the way I had in the past, so she got out of bed, doused the candles and dimmed the lamps. As she climbed back into bed, Ivy asked if it would help me if they made love to me. She said that she’d heard mention of the pixies saying that doing so would help recharge drained spirit magic. Star looked at me and I shrugged, replying that I wouldn’t promise a great performance and didn’t want to be bounced much. If they thought they still wanted to play, they had my blessing and as much cooperation as I could provide.

  Ivy looked at Star and was warned not to hurt herself, because I wouldn’t be able to heal her if she did. I didn’t argue the point, but I would heal her if necessary, even if I paid dearly for it. Ivy was out of her gown in an instant, and it amazed me to see a perfectly formed young woman’s body in miniature. She tentatively reached over and found my flaccid self, then leaned forward and kissed my chest. Star, whose gown had miraculously disappeared, gently turned my face to her and kissed me softly. She then lost herself in a passionate kiss, sliding down to nibble my ear and neck. My body quickly responded to her kisses and Ivy’s hand on me. As my erection grew, the confidence faded from Ivy’s face and was replaced by one that bordered on fear.

  Ivy confessed, “When I touched you when we were napping and then again just now, I wasn’t worried. I really wasn’t expecting this much of a change!”

  Star reminded her, “You don’t have to do this. We would love to have you in the family even if you didn’t share James’ bed.”

  “I know, Star, but my body is aching for him now and I’m going to try. The sad thing that comforts me is that he’s in no condition to rush me.” She giggled nervously.

  “Okay, but only do what you are comfortable doing and I’ll take him for the last bit. Even ill, he might buck some when his time comes.”

  She nodded and pulled the covers back, straddled my legs and examined my erection. Seeing her tiny, beautiful body beside my hard member made me catch Star’s attention and shake my head. Star shrugged and we watched to make sure my pretty Halfling didn’t injure herself.

  She rose up on her knees and slid forward to straddle me, then took me in her hand and slid the head of my member back and forth through her tiny, wet slit. I let my head fall back to my pillow and inhaled deeply. I adjusted my pillow so I could watch the effort and made myself lie still. She settled the head in her opening and slowly lowered herself and began taking me in, a half inch at a time. She would pause briefly at every gain and then continue. At a third of the way down my member, she stopped and looked concerned. I asked if that was far enough. She wouldn’t say a word, and for Ivy not to talk was reason for concern. I said that she had made an incredible effort and no one would fault her for stopping. She took a deep breath, blew it out and dropped another inch down my shaft. She cringed and panted, rose up off of me and then slid back down. When she was fully impaled and resting her buttocks on my legs, she glanced up and grinned. She said that she’d known she could, and after the virgin’s veil had been removed, everything started feeling very nice. Star and I grinned at each other and then Star moved down to sit behind Ivy. With Star’s hands on Ivy’s hips, she guided her up and down, while making circles. At the bottom of the stroke, she had her thrust her pelvis back and forth against me. I reached down and began massaging the firm little button just above my member, and Ivy began to shiver. Spasms were traveling the length of her velvety tunnel and my erection at the same time. After feeling her experience a couple orgasms, and knowing my time was close, I signaled Star. She lifted Ivy off of me and plunged me into her soaking, hungry womanhood. I felt her climax as I drew close, grabbed her hips and thrust powerfully and repeatedly into her until I climaxed deep inside her. I felt like it was never going to end, but I finally fell back into my pillow.

  Star gasped, “James, what was different about that? That was unbelievable, and I have to use Ivy’s towel before I can even walk to the wash basin!”

  I smiled contentedly. “Well, it could be that Ivy had me worked up, which she did, or it could be that I couldn’t use my birth control spell. It could be one, the other, or both of you. Who knows, but the odds of you becoming with child after only one time without the protection spell are slim.”

  “You do know that I want to be a mother someday, and I believe that all the consorts do. I hope that Ivy can, too, if it would be safe for her to carry a human child.”

  “It’s been done; the baby is just Halfling size, is all.”

  “I know, Star, but we haven’t been married two months yet. I want you to myself for now and will share you with a baby later, all right?” I expressed.

  “All right; I just wanted to make sure that you knew,” said Star. “Now we need to clean you up, then ourselves, and go to sleep.”

  Over the next few days as I recuperated in bed, I heard sounds of construction. On the evening of the second day, my father and Aunt Alice invaded my room with a crew, and attacked the closets on the south end of the keep. A maid closed the curtain surrounding my bed to allow for some privacy. I was glad, because I didn’t want everyone in my province seeing me bedridden.

  I could hear the sounds of workmen coming and going, and the splintering of wood as the closets were completely remodeled. I decided that my aunt and father had missed the labor involved in plumbing a keep. It had been many years since the keep and dorm at Wizard’s Castle had been plumbed. I didn’t know how far they would get, but I hoped they would have the three smiths stop working on pipe when they had all they needed. I’d remembered seeing quite a large stack of pipe outside the wall when I was a child and thought that it would go a long way towards completing the project.

  Aunt Alba had taken it upon herself to abduct my girls and take them off to who knew where. They were usually gone when I woke and since I dozed off and on, construction allowing, they were back when I woke. The friendly maid staff brought my meals and served me or left it on the nightstand, depending on my state of wakefulness.

  Near noon on my third day, while I was trapped in bed, my father passed my robe through the curtain and declared it was time for me to get up. I slipped into my robe and came out of my prison. He waved me over to the closet, where all the noise had been coming from, and revealed a very nice toilet and shower built where the old drop toilet had been. He warned that the temperature of the water was higher than it was at Wizard’s. Alice had found a rather hot spot to run the hot water drop pipes through. Ecstatic, I turned on the water and adjusted the tem
p. He handed me a towel and told me to enjoy it, and that he would see me next time he was free. I thanked him, and he closed the door as he left. I stepped into the hot water and was thrilled. Now there were two castles with hot and cold running water in the kingdom. I savored the hot, soapy shower, climbed out and toweled off. After dressing, I moved downstairs to have lunch with the kitchen staff. They were happy to see me up and around, and I learned there had been rumors that I was on my deathbed. It was suggested that I make myself as visible to the locals as soon as possible to put their fears to rest. It seemed that I’d become quite popular with the people in a very short time. The work on the castle plumbing, which the kitchen staff thanked me for, had boosted the local economy significantly. A stable or thriving economy always makes the leader of a province or country popular.

  I walked to the audience chamber to see how things had been going with Jorin. He was very happy to see me, but hit me with a problem right away. “Your Highness, we have an interesting situation. I didn’t feel that it was important enough to bother you while you were ill, but now that you’re here, I’ll explain. Two days ago, a young girl of fifteen or sixteen arrived for an audience. I allowed her in because I know that you are quite fond of the ladies and might have sent for her. When she came, in she took one look at me and said, “You aren’t James Stephenson! I came to be his consort, the only one he needs. The others will have to go.” I told her that you were ill, and she said that she would wait. My Lord, she has been standing by the door to the receiving room for two days without moving. She hasn’t eaten or slept, she just stands there.”

  “That is very odd indeed! I haven’t asked for any girls to come here, and am quite happy with the ones I have. Have her shown in, but keep the guards on their toes. Something about this just doesn’t feel right.”

  Jorin signaled the guard and I shielded, just in case. Trusting your gut when it says something is wrong is usually a good idea, I’ve found. The girl was escorted into the room and I instantly felt sorry for her. Her hair was matted, her clothes were torn and filthy and she wore no shoes. She produced a hollow-eyed smile when she saw me and approached. She uttered, “I’ve come to be with you, James. You can dismiss your other consorts now. We’ll discuss whether or not we keep your wife later.”

  I was shocked by everything she said. First, she spoke to me in the familiar, which wasn’t done without permission, and then she said I could get rid of my family? That was unheard of and wasn’t about to happen. “Miss, I’m terribly sorry you went through all this trouble for nothing, but I’m not looking to take on more consorts at this time. I’ve just moved here and have been recovering from illness. If you would leave your information of residence, perhaps we could revisit this at a later date. Until then, I’ll bid you good day.”

  She cocked her head sideways and grinned evilly. “So you won’t take me to your bed? Then I’ll take you to mine!” She screamed, pulling a dagger from a fold in her dress and lunging for me.

  I zapped her with a low power stun spell, just to knock her out until the guard could remove her. She crumpled in pieces. Literally in pieces, with her arms, legs, and head falling from her torso.

  Jorin looked at me, shocked. “My Lord! What kind of spell was that? I’ve never even heard of such a thing!”

  “Me either! That was just a stun spell, and a weak one, at that. There is something going on here that I don’t understand. Have her boxed up, and I’ll get the key to my vault. Just to be safe, we’ll lock her in there until I can get an aunt of mine who has had more experience with odd undertakings than I have.”

  I left Jorin to take care of the dirty work and I ran upstairs to get the key. I was avoiding unnecessary magic until I was sure I’d recovered, but some things had to be done. Upstairs, I grabbed the key and scribbled a quick note to Aunt Della, with a basic explanation and where to find me. I focused, found her and sent the letter. I ran to the vault, opened it and let the poor guard who had been chosen for the grisly duty set the box inside. We waited outside the vault until a little girl, dressed in a pale blue dress, rounded the corner. The guard blocked her path until I informed him that she was my aunt, and to allow her through. He bowed and apologized. Jorin looked confused and expressed, “You said you were getting someone who knew magic and odd things, and this little girl shows up? That’s odd in itself.”

  “Suffice it to say that she’s over sixteen and has a fifteen year old son. Aunt Della, I’d like you to meet Jorin.”

  Jorin whispered, “Della the Naiad.” He bowed. ”A pleasure to meet you, My Lady. Forgive my ignorance.”

  Della smiled and in her little girl voice pronounced, “The only true ignorance is the kind not admitted. Now, what did you want me to see, James?”

  I opened the door to the vault, and there was a young girl standing there. She moved to attack Della, who put her against the back wall with a wave of her hand. Holding her against the wall, Della stated, “It would appear, my nephew, that you’ve made a powerful enemy. This creature is a revenant, and can only be created by a very evil and very powerful being, like a necromancer or lich. If the revenant asked for you by name, then you were specifically targeted. You must be on your toes and extra careful from now on. The only way to destroy these creatures is by fire. Have you recovered enough, or would you like for me to do this for you?”

  “I believe I have it in me, my sweet aunt. If Jorin will cover his eyes, we’ll complete this dirty business.” When Jorin had his eyes protected, I called for an intense flamestrike, disintegrating the thing to ashes with a bright flash. Della instructed me to port the ash over the ocean, which I happily did.

  After the ugliness was done, I advised Della that she should be in uniform so she didn’t confuse my guards. She informed me that that this was her day off and she felt like wearing something nice. Besides, it would keep my father from watching her move everywhere she went. She was convinced the female backside was a magnet for males’ eyes. I agreed, and said that’s why she should have worn her uniform to see me. I was warned that, sixteen or not, she could still turn me over her knee. The visual of the childlike Della spanking me started me cracking up, but I told her I’d be nice and respect her authority. She laughed, swatted my behind and vanished.

  Jorin, still trying to figure out the banter between Della and me, suggested that if I was going out, I should cross the road and look at the Halfling land. I figured the fresh air would do me good, so I exited the keep, crossed the courtyard and went through the main gate. The guard asked if I’d require an escort and I declined, since I wasn’t going far.

  I crossed the road and looked out over the land that, just a few days ago, had been covered with untended grass. The entire area, nearly to the cave in the valley, was covered with plowed land and small hill-like mounds. Smoke was coming from chimneys on the tops of some of the mounds. Halfling farmers were working the soil, happy as you please. I strolled down a path in their makeshift village, looking around, quite impressed.

  A Halfling man called to me and bowed. “Your Highness, I know someone has thanked you on our behalf, but I want to add my thanks, also. Being back here after all these years is a homecoming I’d only dreamed of.”

  “I’m glad to have been able to help your people regain some independence. I earned a kiss from my consort as a bonus, too.”

  “We usually frown upon our girls joining with humans, but because you’re such a good man, we’ve given our blessing. May the young lady be fertile soil for your seed.”

  I gave a nod and smiled at the blessing I wasn’t sure I wanted. I assumed it was a common gesture in the blessing of a union, so I didn’t raise a fuss. Children would come when they came, and not a moment sooner. I bid the man a good day and continued my wandering. Halflings everywhere were bowing or saluting as I wandered through their community. I could tell that the evil attack had nothing to do with these people. In fact, couldn’t think of a single person on this continent, other than Calla, who would have any reason to hate me

  I walked out of the Halfling community and toward the village. On the beach, I saw a new structure that had been built while my father, Alice and whoever else had been drafted for construction, was here. It was a large dock with several large boathouses attached. The ships that had been involved in the attack on Kethos had been converted to fishing vessels. Racks for drying and smoking fish were lined up in an orderly fashion between the docks and the village. Kethos Village had become a supplier of fish for the kingdom. I knew the economy would thrive now. If the amount of gold the smiths and tinker had received changed things as I’d heard, a steady supply flow would make it boom. I was excited to watch the changes take place over time.

  The people of the village weren’t as reserved as the Halflings had been. There were cheers and clapping when I was observed up and around. I suppose it had been a good idea to be seen by the people. I hadn’t been on my deathbed as rumor had implied, but being out of sight for so long gave them cause to worry. I made a short walk through the edge of the village, and then turned back to the castle. Just this short jaunt was starting to wear on me a bit. My magic, or spirit, had almost returned to its normal level, but I was still a bit physically drained by the ordeal. I passed through the gate and back to my room, where I sat on a couch and relaxed for a bit.

  Several months passed and all my girls were mine. Even the reluctant Ulia had giving herself to me, with a few surprises. It seemed that her mother had worked at an inn, and she’d picked up quite a few pointers from the girls who worked there. When my shy consort had straddled my head and taken me into her mouth I was pleasantly surprised, and had later asked her to teach her technique to the other girls. She was happy to comply, but always blushed when she talked to them about it.

  The Halfling fields were green and beautiful, and the fishing business had taken off. Money was flowing into the treasury like never before, even though the tax rate had been lowered. Everything in Kethos was going well, and my father was pleased with the progress we’d made. There was one issue that nagged at me.


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