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Ellora's Cavemen: Tales from the Temple II

Page 10

by Various

  She knew what he was asking, and had to be honest with him. The time for equivocation was past. “Jack, I do not know if I can submit in everything. But I do know I want to submit here. In the bedroom.”

  He nodded. “It’s a good place to start. I can see your arousal from here.”


  Writers Unblocked

  His reminder that nothing was hidden from him about her body caused a blush to color her cheeks. She smiled through her tears and bent her back to raise her pussy to him—her gift.

  “Eager little slut, aren’t you?” They both knew the power of words; what effect would that one have on his wife?

  Humiliation deepened the blush, but she forced herself to answer. “I am a slut, Jack.

  A selective one. I choose you.”

  In answer, Jack turned and walked out the door. Jessica writhed on the bed. Had she said something wrong? Where was he going? “Jack? Jack!”

  He heard her calling and grinned. There was more to domination than just taking a woman’s body. Jack wanted his wife’s mind as well. She wanted to submit to him in the bedroom? Very well, he would have nothing but total submission from her while she was in that room.

  Unlocking the bottom drawer on his desk, he slid open his past. Several items lay in neat order inside. He was a dominant long before he married Jessica, and these were the tools of his trade. Locking them away when he married, he thought he’d locked away the feelings as well. Apparently the lock held only so long. Reaching in, he chose one item then closed and relocked the drawer, quietly climbing the stairs once more. She wasn’t yelling anymore, but he could hear her twisting about on the bed, trying to get loose. He paused in the doorway, leaning his large frame against the doorjamb to admire the view.

  Jessica’s lean body glistened with beads of perspiration from her struggles.

  Convinced he was punishing her for her admission, she had decided to get loose. But Jack’s knots were well tied. Damn the man for having been a Boy Scout! Several strands of her dark hair had come loose from her ponytail and now clung to her face.

  Desperately she tried to use the pillow under her head to brush the wisps away, but she could not manage it without the use of her hands.

  With a start, she realized Jack had reentered the room. He stood over her with his hands clasped behind his back and an amused smile on his face. “Here, love. Let me get that hair for you.” He knew how she hated having hair in her face. Several times she had threatened to cut it all off, but he had protested. Now he leaned forward to smooth back the offending few strands, wiping her forehead dry with his hand as he did so.

  “Feeling a bit vulnerable, are we?”

  Jessica didn’t know what to say. This was too new. His hand trailed along her neck to brush the top of her naked breast. He could touch her any way he wanted. She could not stop him.

  His wife had ample breasts, now flattened a bit as she lay on her back. The nipples, however, betrayed her excitement. Dark and round, the little nubs were raised to the air and as Jack flicked his finger over the one closest to him, he felt it harden. His cock mirrored her nipple.


  Diana Hunter

  But prolonging her torment would only increase both their pleasure. Jessica’s eyes widened as he brought his other hand out of hiding. The lashes of a long leather flogger hung menacingly from a strong wooden handle. She whimpered as Jack brought the thongs up to lie on her naked skin. With slow, deliberate movements, he trailed the lashes along her breasts, over her darkened areolas and across those raised and sensitive nipples.

  Jessica strained to see the flogger and noticed the lashes were a darker shade at the ends than at the handle. This had been used before, Jessica realized, her breath catching in her throat. Jack was no novice! Elements of domination always entered his writings, but until this moment, Jessica had not realized they were elements based on real-life experiences. But what were those ends stained with—sweat or blood?

  Jack waited for Jessica to protest his introduction of the flogger. But she did not, her eyes only following the ends of the lash as he caressed her naked flesh with the soft leather thongs. Testing her further, he slapped it gently across her breasts.

  The suddenness made her gasp, but it did not hurt. It barely stung. Still her body flinched as he landed a second light blow in almost the same spot as the first. Closing her eyes, she raised her breasts to the flogger as it landed again.

  “How far do you want me to go, Jessica? What are you really willing to do?”

  Jessica opened her eyes and stared into the dark blue eyes of her husband. Passion shimmered in them, a passion she had not seen in a very long time. But there was something else…control. Control of himself, of the situation—of her. A gateway opened inside her and she showed him the animal that hid inside of her as well.

  “Let me feel its sting.”

  Drawing his hand back, he slapped the leather thongs against her skin. She cried out and arched her back as the sting across her breasts sent small daggers of pain to her brain. Before she could recover, he landed a second blow, and a third. Each time she cried out and writhed on the bed, tugging on her bindings and reveling in her helplessness.

  Jack paused to survey his wife. Her breasts were turning a nice shade of pink, but he had not hit her hard enough to raise welts. Nor had the flogger yet landed on one of those beautiful nipples. He set the flogger to the side for a moment, running a hand over her supersensitive breasts.

  “Oh, yes, Jack. Please.”

  “Please, what?” Today he would force her to ask for what she wanted.

  “More,” she whispered.

  “Your wish is my command.” But he did not comply right away. First he needed to get rid of these constricting clothes. Not making a show of it, he simply divested himself of his shirt and pants, underwear and socks, then picked up the flogger once more.


  Writers Unblocked

  Jessica saw his cock swelling to his full eight inches now that it was free to do so.

  His size had alarmed her when they first married; now she squirmed in anticipation.

  She wanted that big, thickened cock to take her and take her hard.

  But it was not her choice. Nothing at the moment was her choice and the thought made the juices gush again between her legs. The bedroom air brushed her pussy and made her even more aware of her readiness. Jack’s arm rose again and she just had time to turn her head before the blow landed.

  This time the lashes struck hard and right across her nipples. Jessica’s scream was one of true pain, but Jack did not let up. Again he landed the lashes hard across her breasts, a different spot this time, but still getting her nipples with the ends of the thongs. Those hard, dark buds got the full effect of the sting.

  Was there anything better than watching a woman squirm under the blows of a flogger? As his wife’s cries filled the air, Jack’s cock grew harder still, the purple veins marbling the stretched skin. Several welts sprang up under his blows and after one more well-aimed strike, he threw the flogger to the side.

  Jessica had never felt such pain, nor such arousal. She could not explain it, and didn’t want to. Each blow drove her closer to a climax…a climax she could not achieve on her own. She knew she cried out, but the cries were not of protest. And when Jack shoved a pillow under her hips, she raised them of her own volition, wanting his cock inside her.

  With a single thrust, he plunged his cock deep, her cries music to him. Her hands grabbed onto the ties that bound her; she pumped herself onto his thickness as best as she could manage. But it was her very helplessness that fed his need…and hers.

  Savagely, he attacked her striped breasts with his mouth, sucking her nipple, pulling it up in his teeth.

  She couldn’t stand it anymore. Assaulted in so many ways, her body shouted for the release she needed. Mindless, she felt the tension in her pussy coil tightly as Jack slammed into her over and over, taking her body, possessing it with his own. Her b
ack arched, hung for a moment, then convulsed as she screamed wordless cries into the room. Over and over the pleasure/pain washed through her; she could not escape the onslaught. Jack’s teeth on her nipple bit down and she screamed again as fresh waves mounted and washed over her.

  Her muscles contracted around his cock and Jack knew he could not hold back much longer. His control was rapidly slipping away. Slamming into her again with his cock while biting her nipple at the same time, her pulses around his cock as she came again tore his control to shreds.

  And now it was his turn to pause, moans building in his throat. For a moment, he, too, hung motionless, prolonging the tension. Then, with a wordless oath of his own, he fell off the cliff and added his voice to hers. His come shot out in waves to match his thrusts as his wife’s pussy contracted to squeeze him dry. The intensity of the thrusts increased then slowed as he emptied his seed into her.


  Diana Hunter

  Later, neither of them could say how long they lay there, his body collapsed beside hers. But both agreed they had never been so fulfilled. Hunting down the last of the buttons that had gone flying when he’d ripped open his wife’s shirt, Jack grinned.

  Okay, maybe ripping a woman’s blouse off was an activity that best remained in the books. By his count, he was still shy one button…and it could remain lost as far as he was concerned. Putting them in a neat pile on the table, he stretched, contented with all his life had to offer. Whistling, he went off to reexamine just what else he had hidden away in that locked drawer.

  Upstairs, Jessica neatly hung the ties Jack had not used. Setting aside the ones he had bound her with to iron out later, she smiled. The reality of the flogging was so much more enjoyable than her imagination had ever been. Gently she rubbed her hand over her breasts, now hidden once again behind a blouse. Jack had informed her that the sensitivity would last for quite some time; her smile blossomed into a grin. Bending to retrieve the flogger from where he’d thrown it in his passion, she hung that in his closet as well, right beside his ties.


  About the author:

  For many years, Diana Hunter confined herself to mainstream writings. Her interest in the world of dominance and submission, dormant for years, bloomed when she met a man who was willing to let her explore the submissive side of her personality. In her academic approach to learning about the lifestyle, she discovered hundreds of short stories that existed on the topic, but none of them seemed to express her view of a D/s relationship. Challenged by a friend to write a better one, she wrote her first BDSM

  novel, Secret Submission, published by Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

  Diana welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1337 Commerce Drive, Suite 13, Stow OH 44224.

  Also by Diana Hunter:

  Irish Enchantment

  Learning Curve

  Secret Submission

  Table for Four


  Mary Wine

  Mary Wine

  Chapter One

  “Leah, we must go.”

  Brother Paul tried to sound elderly but his lack of years didn’t help. He reminded Leah of an adolescent boy wearing his father’s suit to Sunday Meeting. But he’d been elected into the role of elder and she truly ought to respect him.

  Leah pressed her lips together to hide her lack of enthusiasm for the task. It didn’t matter anyway. She turned and joined the rest of the women as Paul ordered their caravan forward before they lost any more precious sunlight.

  It shouldn’t be so simple to bury a husband. Leah turned her head to look back over her shoulder at the rough grave her husband’s body was resting in. They were three thousand feet up on the top of a pass, so no one bothered to mark the spot with a cross.

  The steady wind would have made quick work of knocking over anything standing in the recently turned soil.

  “Look ahead, sister.”

  “Yes, I will.” Leah snapped her eyes forward and never looked back. She didn’t have the strength to worry about it anymore. Howard had been a sturdy man but the truth was, Leah couldn’t think of another word to describe her departed husband.

  And she had been his faithful, sturdy wife.

  Now she was stuck on Tailarmar with a group of homesteaders and she was a widow. Well, maybe it would be better. Leah almost winced at her harshness. She hadn’t wished Howard dead. But the truth was, she wasn’t going to miss him very much.

  Howard had yearned for the biblical version of life that he’d heard was available on the outer planets. His views on marriage were rather plain. So the result was she’d buried a man she only barely knew.

  Leah truly couldn’t grieve over his loss.

  Instead she raised her head and enjoyed the slap of the wind against her cheeks.

  Tailarmar was a planet very similar to Earth but with one important difference.

  Land. There was land here for those willing to brave the pioneering conditions to own it. Not a single inch of planet Earth had been sold in the last two hundred years. If you were not fortunate enough to inherit land from your family, you would never know the joy of owning a home.

  So Howard had secured them a spot with the Sacred Heart Fellowship. The church held the precious permission from the Tailarmarian officials to homestead a parcel of land. But the pilgrims had to cultivate that land or it would never become their property.


  Looking Forward

  Who could have guessed that Earth’s past might also become her future. The farms these pilgrims would cultivate would feed the ever-growing population of the planet.

  Life wouldn’t be so different here. Leah smelled the air and felt her shoulders lift.

  Earth was overpopulated and stank of pollution. At least the areas of it that someone like her could afford to live in did. She would get Howard’s portion of land and somehow make it meet production standards.

  The other members of the Sacred Heart Fellowship were strict and sober. That too could be endured. There was nothing better back on Earth, so she would look forward.

  * * * * *

  Elder Samuel puffed his chest out as Elder Paul stuck his finger into his chest. The younger Elder couldn’t stand up to the years of age that glared out of Samuel’s black eyes.

  “Then what do you propose we do?”

  “Patience. God will provide for his faithful children.” The remaining eight Elders all muttered agreements to Samuel’s words and Paul shank back as he was clearly put into his place by the senior man.

  “The Tailarmarians will demand payment for the land as soon as we set foot on it.

  We have nothing to pay them with!”

  “Your lack of faith is disturbing, Paul.”

  Paul felt his stomach drop in response. He had almost everything he’d ever wanted.

  Now that he was an Elder, his position in the community was a high one. His pride could cost him that if he wasn’t wise enough to temper his words. Elder Samuel couldn’t live forever.

  “Forgive me, I am only thinking of our flock and their futures. The Tailarmarians will leave us in peace once they receive their land price. They are a violent race that will give poor example to our community if they linger in our midst.”

  Another round of mutters went through the tent, restoring Paul’s pride. The remaining Elders agreed with him. Samuel began stroking his beard as his eyes considered their dilemma.

  “We will have to trade some of the horses to the Tailarmarians.”

  This time the mutters that went around the tent were horrified. They needed the horses in the primitive environment. There wasn’t even a power source. Their larger animals were worth far more than the money they’d bought them for.

  “Unless they will trade for cloth. I have heard they sometimes trade for cloth.”

  That was valuable too. Everything they had became more valuable as civilization dropped further and further behind them. There was only one single seaso
n in front of 85

  Mary Wine

  them and whatever they produced would have to sustain the community until the next year.

  Without the horses, the soil couldn’t be turned for seed. Without their seed, they could not plant. The cloth would keep them warm in the coming winter. Every last thing they gave up could make their chance of surviving the winter slimmer.

  Paying for the land could cost them lives when the snow began to fall.

  * * * * *

  “I like it not.”

  “Nor do I, Lucian.” Aaron surveyed the group of pilgrims with sharp eyes. Their wagons were pulled together to shield them from the wind but not positioned correctly to defend against attack. Such lack of forethought made Aaron shake his head.

  Ignorance was often paid for with death.

  Leah stared at their visitors and didn’t try to hide her response. No one else was.

  The men were huge. The horses they sat on even bigger. Twenty of the large brutes had ridden straight into camp at first light and they sat there inspecting the pilgrims like sheep. There was a deep arrogance reflected from their faces as their dark eyes moved over each and every one of the Fellowship members.

  Solid muscle-bound legs gripped the sides of those horses as the animals pawed and snorted in the morning air. The men moved in almost perfect harmony with their mounts. They clearly spent a great deal of time riding the animals.

  They wore their hair long. The dark strands were being caught by the morning wind. A few of them had it tied back away from their rough faces. Leah felt a moment of jealousy. Her own hair was braided and pinned to her head with a linen cap over it.

  It must be nice to feel the breeze against your scalp.

  The Tailarmarian warriors all wore pants that clung to their legs and let her see the sharply defined muscles. A good many also wore only vests that left their arms bare.

  Leah let her eyes slip over the darker one in the center. His arms fascinated her. She’d never seen such sculpting of the male flesh except in pictures. A blush crept up into her face as she considered how it must feel to run your fingers over such strength.


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