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Sex, Secrets and Happily Ever Afters

Page 8

by Deb Julienne

  “This is going to be a special game in order for us to welcome Angel.” Kat dropped to the edge of the tan leather couch and removed the seal from the bottle.

  “Oh no! You will not ambush her the way you did me. Not gonna happen.” Sabrina shook her head. “This will be a regular game. Only a single round, which is more than enough since four of us are present. I promised Trent I’d be packed and ready by the time he and Travis get here.”

  “Look who’s calling the shots, Pollyanna.” Kat thumbed her finger at Sabrina. “She gets married and suddenly grows a set of chesticles.”

  “Be nice, Kat.” Chuckling, Jill flicked Kat’s arm. “Something tells me we’re in for trouble this time. I don’t like her confidence.”

  “Please. She sucks at this. She’ll be at our mercy before the end of the first question.” Kat uncorked the bottle.

  “What is this? A hazing?” Angel said.

  “We’ll call it an initiation.” Jill winked. Her eyes gleamed.

  “Why lie to the girl? We’re doing this to be nosy. To find out if you can hold your liquor, if you’re a mean or happy drunk, and if you can stand up to our pranks.” Kat filled all four glasses to the brim.

  “Who’s up first?” Kat challenged, looking at each of them.

  “I am.” Sabrina scooted to the edge of her seat, giving her friends a dismissive nod.

  “Angel, the truth. Are you sure you want to move into this crazy house, with nosy prying roommates who don’t know when to back off?” Sabrina pointed at Kat and Jill. “And your dare is to keep that date with Travis and give him a chance.” Sabrina reached for her purse. “By the way, I brought your book back. We need to talk.” Sabrina tossed the book in Angel’s direction, but Kat intercepted it.

  “Ah, come on Sabrina. Too tame,” Jill said.

  “Screw that. You missed a key issue here. You want to back out of a date with ‘Travis the Perfect’? Oh this is going to be juicy. Dish.” Kat flipped the book over and read the cover, whipped her head up, and gaped at Angel.

  Angel winked at Kat and suppressed an all-knowing grin as she peered into the faces of the three women. Despite the inquiring minds, these women were friends, out to protect each other. If she stayed and indeed moved in, however, she’d be forced to have contact with Travis through Kat. But more than that, it felt like home. They wouldn’t hurt her. They wouldn’t turn her out. Of that she was convinced.

  “Yes. I want to move in. Yes. I want to go out with Travis, even if he scares the daylights out of me.” Angel hugged herself, surprised at how freeing it was to admit the truth.

  “If you’re hot for him, why would you want to cancel? That’s silly.” Jill gave her a funny scowl.

  Were Jill’s sights on Travis for herself? She hoped not.

  “He makes me laugh, which is something I haven’t done much of over the last several years. I’ve missed it. At the same time, I enjoyed myself so much the night of the wedding, but I’m not sure I’m ready to be in a relationship with a man.” Angel tried to keep her explanation simple.

  “What, you’d rather be in a relationship with a snake? No thanks! Travis is tame. You won’t be disappointed. Come on, give the man a chance.” Kat pointed at the shot glass. “Down the hatch, Angel.”

  Angel inhaled the essence of the alcohol, gently turned the glass to look at the amber liquid then tossed the shot back. Tequila was nothing new to her. She relished the burn, loved the flavor, and appreciated the art of the distilled agave.

  The wide-eyed and slack-jawed looks Kat and Jill gave her were hilarious.

  She laughed so hard she choked.

  Sabrina whirled on Jill. “Your dare is first. I dare you to pick out one of Kat’s battery-operated boyfriends and use it. Your truth is to tell us which you prefer, battery or boy.”

  “She’s turning into a regular bitch, isn’t she?” Kat said. “By the way they’re in the bottom drawer of my bedside table. I recommend the Kong.”

  Jill huffed out of the room and into Kat’s bedroom.

  “Ohmygod Kat, do you own enough of these contraptions? This is disgusting.” Jill laughed so hard her snort echoed from the other room.

  Angel covered her mouth. She didn’t dare admit Kat had been in twice this week for vibrators.

  Kat winked at her.

  She bit back the urge to comment.

  Jill came into the room waving a brand-new huge latex Purple People Eater still in the package. “You already had one. What’d you do, wear it out?”

  Sabrina lost it and couldn’t stop laughing.

  Jill unleashed the new Kong, chased Sabrina around the room threatening to beat her with the apparatus then left the room. Exaggerated moans and groans echoed down the hall as if she were in the throes of a magnificent orgasm. When the noises stopped, Jill entered the room, smoothing her hair and pretending to smoke a cigarette. She twirled the toy in the air, dropped on the sofa, crossed her legs, and fanned herself. “That was wonderful.”

  “And?” Sabrina asked.

  “Are you nuts? I’ll wait for a man. I don’t need or want Kat’s hand-me-down toys. Ew. Just ew.” Jill sneered. “That thing should be considered a weapon of mass terbation.” Jill’s laughter at her own joke set them all off.

  “You know the rules. If you fail to tell the truth or take the dare, it means an extra shot for each, plus another for good measure.” Sabrina brought order back to the room.

  “Fine by me.” Jill tossed the purple toy to Kat, who dodged it.

  Jill tossed back her shot then poured another and tossed it, followed by a third.

  Sabrina turned to Kat. “Your turn, Little Miss Bombshell. I recognized the purple monster from Angel’s shop. The truth. How many are in your collection as of today? Your dare is to go cold turkey and find a real man instead of your toys.”

  Kat shifted toward Jill. “God, she’s a bitch. I totally underestimated her.”

  “Serves us right. She was bound to wise up and nail us one day,” Jill said.

  Kat tossed back her shot. “Twelve. Go cold turkey, no way.” She poured another shot, tossed it back, and dropped the subject.

  “I feel so much better. This was fun, for once.” Sabrina wiggled in her seat and spread her arms across the back of the couch with the grin of an Olympic medalist.

  “I’m next.” Kat sat forward and asked, “Angel your truth is, what’s the best item in your store? And your dare is to meet Travis at the door and before he can say hello you nail him with a lip-lock that leaves him shaking in his favorite Testoni’s.”

  Angel’s lips quivered. “There is a product on the shelves that, when added to the nipples and a man sucks on them, causes the nerve endings to go into overdrive. The fun part is that if he then goes down on the woman, the residue and heat from his mouth makes her orgasms multiply in strength and duration.”

  Kat, Jill, and Sabrina sat with their mouths opened wide enough to catch bats.

  “And I’ll take your dare as soon as Travis gets here.” She tossed back her drink, feeling the warmth spread through her body. If she was smart, she’d grab one of the croissants and drink the forgotten coffee before the game ended. The last thing she needed was to be drunk as a skunk from the start of her date with Travis.

  “I’ll be in later this week for a bottle.” Kat said.

  “Me, too.” Jill grabbed a magazine and fanned herself.

  Facing Sabrina, Kat asked, “Truth. Was Trent worth waiting for?”

  “Absolutely!” Sabrina glowed.

  “Your dare is to text him and tell him to hurry because you can’t wait to jump his bones.”

  Sabrina’s laughter spilled over in a blustering gust. She grabbed her phone out of her purse and sent her husband a brief message.

  “How do we know you wrote anything at all?” Kat asked.

  Sabrina showed Kat the phone.

  Kat hooted her response. “You surprise me. Didn’t think you had it in you.”

  “Wait, what’s it say?” asked Jill.<
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  “I’m commando, you cumin?” Kat burst out laughing.

  Angel covered her mouth.

  Sabrina winked at Angel.

  Kat shifted in her seat, ogling Jill. “What’s the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done with a man?”

  “Wow, you get right to the punch, don’t you?” Angel’s cheek grew warm. She was grateful her questions and dares had been more than tame.

  “I had sex with a guy in Golden Gate Park.” Jill preened.

  “Your dare is go to Angel’s store and find a B-O-B for yourself,” Kat said.

  “Fine, but I’d rather find a man and try the product Angel mentioned.” Jill’s response came out apathetic and wistful, the tail end of her comment barely more than a whisper.

  “Me too,” Kat added. “I might just have to find a boyfriend-for-a-night to give it try.”

  “TMI.” Sabrina stuck her fingers in her ears.

  Jill tossed her shots back then faced Sabrina. “Truth. Missionary or doggy style, what do you prefer?”

  Visions of her conversation the night she’d met Travis came flooding back to her. Angel had to cover her mouth or risk them all seeing her reaction.

  “I’ll get back to you shortly.” Jill pointed at Angel. “Sabrina?”

  “Neither. I like being on top. More control over my own orgasms.”

  Kat and Jill looked at each other, then at Sabrina, simultaneously dropping their jaws, eyes bugged.

  Angel let out a laugh.

  “I do believe I’ve finally said something to shut them up. It’s a first.” Sabrina threw her arms up, fists clenched. “Yes!”

  “Your dare, Miss Thang, is to tell Trent you want to give Kong a try.” Jill looked proud of her dare, as if she’d managed to get even.

  “Why would I want to go smaller?” Sabrina proclaimed with a cock-a-doodle-doo flourish, laughing outrageously.

  Kat covered her ears and Jill raised a single brow.

  “Now that’s TMI.” Angel giggled.

  “What are you complaining about? Since Trent and Travis are twins, you won’t need to imagine his package. Whew, it’s getting hot in here.” Jill picked up a magazine and fanned herself again.

  Angel’s cheek flamed. “Whew, you girls are twisted sisters of the heart, aren’t you?” She rolled her eyes, unable to keep the humor from her voice. She was a bit jealous of their close relationship and history.

  “You’re one of us now. So consider yourself officially inducted into the Twisted Sisters Club.” Kat’s eyes twinkled.

  Sabrina tossed back her shot and simply grinned. She nudged Angel. “This is the first time I’ve ever come out on top during this game.” Then Sabrina leaned back, arms spread across the back of the couch, and crossed her legs. The top leg bounced and bobbed. “I love it.”

  It took a few seconds for Jill to regain her composure before focusing on Angel. “What’s the worst thing that ever happened to you?”

  Silence filled the room.

  Angel went instantly numb. Her vision swam, blood pulsing in her ears. No matter what her answer, she felt safe with these women, but still, she wasn’t ready to admit the full truth. She rubbed her sweaty palms on her pants then gave the abridged version. “I was eighteen and I made a foolish mistake. My father kicked me out of the house. I haven’t seen my folks since.”

  “What? Oh God, you poor thing.” Jill jumped out of her seat and wrapped her arms around Angel. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.” Jill hugged her again. “You’re gonna be okay here. We look out for each other.”

  Angel didn’t know what to make of these women. She was a stranger, yet they treated her better than her own family did. Jill finally released her then wiped her cheek. Angel hadn’t realized tears had fallen.

  Jill kissed her cheek before she released her completely.

  Kat hovered from the other side. “That’s appalling. I never understood parents who did that. All kids screw up. It’s a parent’s place to help their children recover safely from those mistakes, not make them suffer more.”

  Sabrina sniffed and wiped her eyes.

  “Your dare is to be strong and become a part of our family. Can you do that?” Jill asked.

  Angel nodded, unable to speak. Jill’s dare could have been so much worse. It was apparent these women were the generous, loving, and caring souls in Travis’s description from the night of the wedding and so much more. They’d just proved it to her.

  Angel tossed back her third shot. Dizziness overwhelmed her as the heat radiated her stomach. She needed food and soon.

  “Kat,” Jill said. “Since you’re such a nosy bitch, where did you have the hottest monkey sex?”

  “In the bell tower of the university last week. Satisfied?” Kat brushed her nails on her shirt then blew on them.

  “I so did not expect that. Your dare is to describe your perfect man.”

  “He doesn’t exist. There is no such thing as a perfect man.” Scowling, Kat crossed her arms.

  Kat’s statement depressed Angel because as far as she was concerned, Kat was so right.

  “I’ll tell you about the perfect man for Kat,” Sabrina said. “He’d have to have the strength of Superman for endurance during sex, the webbing of Spiderman to keep her from running away, and the size of a pro basketball player to match Kat’s height in her hooker heels. And he’d also have to be hung like a horse to have enough to satisfy her into submission.”

  “I’ll take one,” Kat said facetiously then grinned. “If you find this wonderful hunk of flesh, with six-pack-abs, send him my way.” Kat tossed back her shot. “And I want a cherry on top, please.”

  Sabrina, Kat, and Jill all leaned back and stared at her.

  Kat pointed her shot glass at Angel. “Your turn.”

  She didn’t know them well enough to offer much in the way of challenges, but she knew people. She’d read these ladies like the city map.

  “Sabrina, truth. Are you happy with Trent?”

  Sabrina wore a dreamy expression. “Yes. I got my fairy tale and I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

  Could she have that same thing with Travis? “Your dare is to make sure every single day is a honeymoon. Never ever forget what you went through for each other and never forget the passion you feel this minute. No matter how mad he makes you, always remember to love him.”

  Sabrina got misty-eyed and nodded then drank her shot. “Thanks to your book, that’s exactly what I plan to do. I’m glad we’re almost done. I need food.”

  “Me, too.” Angel faced Jill. “Truth. What do you want to be when you grow up?”

  Kat snorted.

  Sabrina giggled.

  Jill frowned. “I’m not sure, to tell you the truth. When I visited my mom over the holidays and the doctors confirmed her cancer, I’ve never been so scared. My mom is the last of my family.” Jill’s chest heaved. “I can’t lose her. She’s the only important thing to me right now. I always dreamed of being a real journalist and I thought I was on my way. I’m sick of all the fluff stories I’ve been given. It’s just not enough. I want to matter.” Jill grabbed the pillow next to her and hugged it. “I want to do something that truly makes a difference, not just in my life, but in the lives of others as well. Does that sound too sappy?” Jill’s hand shook, dribbling the expensive liqueur onto her pants.

  “Not at all.” Angel reached over and put her hand on Jill’s knee. “I have a double dare for you then. I’ll hire you to help me run my shop while I concentrate on revamping the inside and get back to the design aspect. And I’ll challenge you to spend some time at the Time of Your Life retirement home. Some of the ladies come in every week. You’ll make a difference to them.” Angel was filled with excitement. The thought of Jill working with Mitzi and Vera made her want to squeal with delight.

  “I’m game on the job. It’ll be a nice switch from the paper. The only thing is when mom starts chemo I need to be with her, okay?” Tears welled in Jill’s eyes.

  “Absolutely, no prob

  “About the other, I’ll keep an open mind. You can introduce me to the Blue-Haired Brigade Sabrina told me about. I already love their sizzling sass, but I’m not sure how thin I can spread myself.”

  “I understand,” Angel said. “I’ll be glad to have you.”

  “I love it. The Blue-Haired Brigade,” Sabrina said. “It fits them.”

  “Your turn, Kat. Truth. If you’re so negative about men—”

  Kat put a hand up. “Let me clarify before you continue. Monday, I was called into the dean’s office and accused of cheating on a final. I had to prove I hadn’t. They didn’t want to believe a woman could receive a perfect score. And not just in one class. My advisor had the balls to tell me to stop cheating and suggested I quit school and find a man to take care of me. I was so pissed I filed a sexual harassment report against him. I like men as much as the next woman, but in my current situation, I have absolutely no patience for antiquated male minds. Why can’t a beautiful woman also be smart?”

  “You’re right. How deep is your vanity?” Angel asked.

  “Excuse me?” Kat’s forehead furrowed.

  “Hear me out. If you have enough self-confidence, why not challenge yourself in a different way? Your next semester will start soon, right?”


  Unsure how Kat would take her suggestion, Angel got up and paced. “Change your appearance, for school only. Tone down the style of your clothes, less breast. Although I’m thoroughly jealous. Impressive ladies you have there. Wear a wig or unflattering hairstyle, maybe pull your hair into a ponytail. Get some retro glasses to cover your gorgeous eyes. Remake yourself into an image they can’t help but take seriously. Give it one semester. See what happens. The rest of the time you can dress normally. It might even be fun to have a dual personality. Be a total wallflower by day and a red-hot-honey by night.”

  “Oh, nice.” Kat wiggled in her seat. “I’ll take your dare.” Kat tossed back her drink and ran off to her room. “Back in a minute.”

  Jill sat on the couch silent, lost in her own thoughts. Angel sympathized with Jill’s anguish, the worry for her mother.


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