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Sex, Secrets and Happily Ever Afters

Page 25

by Deb Julienne

  “So you stowed away on the plane?” Angel jerked her head back then squinted at Marianne, who covered her mouth to hide her laughter.

  “No, not exactly.” Travis looked down, and when his head came up he was blushing profusely.

  “What did you do?”

  “I offered them an all-expenses-paid wedding and honeymoon if they’d include me in the festivities. I’m standing up for Scott.”

  Angel eyes bugged out and she began to laugh. “I should be mad at you for manipulating my sister, but I’m not. I’m glad to see you. I’ve missed you. In fact, I just sent you a text. See?” She showed her phone for him to see her message.

  “I’m glad to hear you say that.” Travis leaned in and kissed her.

  “I’m still not convinced we’re right for each other, but these past few weeks I’ve had time to think and I’ve come to the realization it’s only fair that I give you a chance to do your best.” Blood pulsed in her ears. She was happy to see him and it felt good to admit she was ready to let go of the past.

  “Thank you. What made you change your mind?” Travis’s touch melted what was left of her frozen heart.

  “Kat and Jill showed me that I wasn’t being fair to you or myself.” She was embarrassed to admit how stubborn she’d been and how stupid she felt for wasting precious time.

  “Remind me to bring them each something special.” Travis squeezed her hand.

  “I was thinking the same thing.”

  “I’m afraid to ask, but what did they say that opened your eyes?”

  “After the fiasco with Delaney and your parents, I told them everything that happened to me. Other than you and Marianne, I’ve never told anyone the entire truth. Once they calmed down, they helped me see that I closed myself off from everything after that happened. I shut down. I stopped feeling anything except hatred for myself. If I felt anything, the guilt would eat me alive. I didn’t want to think about any of it. I didn’t want to ever put myself there again.”


  “And then I met you.” She shook her head. “A stubborn, pig-headed, sexy man who refused to let me be my own worst enemy.”

  “What?” He feigned a clueless expression crossed with a hint of devilishness.

  She chuckled. “I stupidly believed I was perfectly happy in my controlled little world. I was merely surviving until I met a desperate man with an insatiable chocolate fetish.”

  “Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re the one with the chocolate fetish.” Travis licked his lips then winked at her.

  “Okay, so I’m the one with the chocolate addiction, but in my defense, I’ve never done anything like it before. There was something about you that begged me to do it.”

  “I’ll beg every night of my life if it means you’ll cut me some slack.”

  “Be careful what you say because I might just believe you.”

  “Just wait and see.” He leaned over and kissed her. There was so much promise in his words and on his lips. Travis wasn’t asking about forever and she was fine with that. She was more than happy to go along for whatever ride the future would give them.

  * * * *

  “Dearly beloved,” the minister began.

  Angel was at peace. The sunset was magical, with mesmerizing reds and oranges painting the night sky. A golden sun hovered just above the horizon. Stars twinkled against a cobalt blue backdrop. Her gauzy white halter dress gently waved around her legs.

  “We are gathered here in this company to join these lives in holy matrimony…”

  Beside Scott, Travis stood proud, shoulders back. Twin dimples, a magnetic smile, and his shimmering eyes she’d grown to love. How did she ever get so lucky?

  Travis wore a light blue shirt casually unbuttoned, no tie in sight, and white slacks. Amid light breezes and swaying palm trees, steel drums playing a calypso version of “I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You” as Marianne and Scott recited their vows.

  Tears pooled in Angel’s eyes. She took a deep breath, savoring the moment, content at last.

  The entire time her sister and Scott said their vows Travis stared at her. She could almost hear him repeat those same words to her. She felt them to the core of her being. She was too stunned to admit she’d gone and fallen in love. Who’d believe the girl who’d sworn off men forever would find love she wasn’t looking for?

  The wedding at sunset was an inspiration, every bit as romantic as Sabrina and Trent’s, yet totally opposite of theirs. Who’d have believed she’d been at a winter wedding a mere six weeks ago and now one in the tropics? She’d use them as inspiration for future wedding dresses.

  “You may now kiss the bride,” the minister said.

  As they kissed, the sun slid beyond the horizon.

  After the congratulations were said and done, the happy couple turned to leave for the restaurant where their celebration would continue.

  Travis cleared his throat. “If you’ll indulge me for a moment.”

  He stood before Angel, took her hands, and pulled her over to the archway where Marianne and Scott had just spoken their vows. He nodded to the newlyweds then to her. “Before we go to dinner, I’d like to ask Angel a very important question.” He brushed a strand of hair away from her face. His thumb caressed her cheek.

  She leaned into his hand. The warmth of it on her face infused passion through her.

  “Yes?” she asked.

  “Angel.” His lips parted, he blinked, and then he placed a hand over his heart. He seemed unable to find the words to finish.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No.” He chuckled. “Something is incredibly right. It’s no secret that I was miserable before I met you. And while my extended stay in Palm Springs enlightened me about many aspects of it, it wasn’t until I met you that everything fell into place.”

  “Why, thank you.” Angel couldn’t believe how lucky she was.

  “Let me finish.”


  He stroked her cheek. “There’s nothing for you to be sorry about. If anything, I’m the one who should be apologizing to you. I’m sorry I’ve been a bit pushy, but I love how I feel when I’m with you. I don’t want to lose what we have.”

  “I understand. I think I felt it as well and that’s why I tried my damnedest to push you away.”

  “In that case, I hope you won’t mind me asking you here, now, in front of your family. Angel, will you marry me?” Travis reached into his pocket and pulled out a box. He opened it and withdrew a heart-shaped diamond solitaire ring. “It was my grandmother’s. I want you to wear it.”

  She gasped. Her skin tingled. Her heart raced. Angel stood rooted in place, breathless and speechless, with Travis holding the ring, poised to slip it onto her finger. She could swear he was holding his breath.

  “I’d be honored to wear it. Are you sure?”

  Travis nodded and slid the ring in place.

  “In fact, I even have this to prove it to you.” He reached into his inside jacket pocket, pulled out an envelope, and handed it to her.

  “What’s this?”

  “Read it.” He smiled wickedly, rocking back on his heels, nearly toppling over in the sand. His cheeks turned a deep shade of pink.

  Skeptically, she pulled out a sheet of paper and quickly read it. “You were pretty confident.”

  “What is it?” Marianne asked.

  “A prenup.”

  “Read it again.” Travis snickered.

  She did and started laughing. “Only you could come up with such a lame document and totally screw yourself.”

  “What’s it say?” Scott leaned forward, trying to read it for himself.

  “It says, what’s hers is hers and what’s mine is hers.” She looked up and smiled. “That’s his way of telling me he won’t try to change me or interfere in my business.”

  “And your answer would be?” Travis asked.

  “In that case, the answer is yes. I’d love to marry you. I love you. I think I always have
.” She jumped into his arms and kissed him.

  “You should have told us you planned this,” Marianne said. “We could have made it a double ceremony.”

  “No. This is your day. Angel and I will have our own. She’ll let me know when she’s ready.”

  “Thank you for being patient and understanding what I need,” Angel said.

  “My pleasure and I only have one request. Instead of a wedding cake, can we have hot fudge sundaes?”

  She burst out laughing. “I’ll take it into consideration.”

  “And I want to come back here for our honeymoon.”


  “Are you two ready for dinner? I’m getting hungry,” Scott said.

  Marianne nudged him in the ribs. “Behave. Can’t you see my sister is finally getting her happy ending?”

  “Yes, we are,” Travis said. “Why don’t you two head over to the restaurant? We’ll be along in a minute.

  Travis kissed her and twirled her as the newlyweds walked away.

  “You’ve made me the happiest man alive,” Travis said.

  “And I finally believe you.”


  “Sabrina told me never say never. Otherwise karma would bite me.”

  “About what?”

  “Love at first sight. I told her I didn’t believe in it.”

  “And you do now?”

  “Yes, I do. I think I fell in love with you the second you whistled at Sabrina and Trent’s wedding.”

  “I fell in love with you when you mumbled that crappy Happy New Year. But I knew for sure we were meant to be when I found these.” He reached in his pocket.

  “What?” she asked.

  He pulled her thong out of his pocket. “I’ve kept these in my pocket since I found them. They’re my good luck charm.”

  “That’s disgusting.” Angel curled up her nose at the thought.

  “What? I washed them. Besides, they were all the promise I needed, a reminder of the most perfect night of my life and the reason I had to convince you we belonged together.”

  “I can’t wait to tell our children how you fell in love with their mother’s underwear.”

  “How could I not? Did you ever look at the tag?”

  “No. Why? Those are the first pair of underwear I sold of my designs. They send me complimentary samples every season.”

  He showed her the tag. “Cupid’s Promise.”

  “How in the world did I miss that?”

  “I don’t know, but I took it as a sign. I’ve been hanging onto them ever since.”

  Meet the Author

  While some say truth is stranger than fiction, Deb Julienne’s experience runs more along the lines of a slap-stick comedy. She believes when life tosses you lemons the only thing to do is to turn it into Limoncello.

  Her life, like her comedies, has been one big fat romantic comedy…or errors. It’s not a matter of “if” it can go wrong, but how bad when it does happen, and make no mistake…it will. Survival with a sense of humor is the goal.

  Joking aside, Deb’s dream of publication came true with the release of her first book, SEX, LIES, AND BEAUTY AIDS, released March 2014.

  As a long time member of both Romance Writers of America (RWA) and her local RWA Chapter, the Sacramento Valley Roses, she fills the hours she’s not writing romantic comedy and romantic suspense with her day job at a Silicon Valley Corporation and playing in the kitchen concocting her award-winning jams, jellies, preserves, and sauces (with alcohol of course).

  Deb resides in the Tahoe National Forest Basin--her own little bit of heaven on Earth.

  Be sure not to miss the first book in Deb Julienne’s Twisted Sisters series

  Sex, Lies and Beauty Aids

  Sex, lies, and beauty aids finally earn the girl next door a little respect.

  Sabrina Thompson, editor of Skin Deep Magazine’s successful Natural Beauty Secrets column, is handed the challenge of her life. Take over the Love and Sex column or lose her job. What does a twenty-four year old virgin know about love or sex when she's never been on a third date? To complicate matters, there’s a new guy at the helm. Her only crush’s clone is issuing orders. While his pompous and ambitious twin dries out, playboy and ne’er-do-well Trent Wellington must assume his identity and save his family’s flailing magazine. The bright spot amid staff cuts and content restructuring is the plucky editor he once made a fool of himself in front of at a family gathering. Fooling everyone isn’t easy, especially when Sabrina inspires his true self to be more than he ever has.

  Years of hearing she’s too nice to date have left Sabrina’s frustration simmering. It boils over when she discovers Trent’s deceit and she vows to make him pay. Getting even has never been so much fun.

  A Lyrical Press Romantic Comedy on sale now!

  Learn more about Deb Julienne at

  Chapter 1

  “Oh for the love of God.” Bent over the tiny sink in the office restroom, Sabrina Thompson cupped cold water in her hands and splashed her lips.

  Shocked, she stared into the mirror. Her reflection didn’t lie. Who’d have thought her skin could burn so badly without actually being on fire?

  Of all the dumb-assed idiotic gimmicks. Why had paraffin wax, petroleum jelly, and jalapeno extract sounded harmless? Hindsight. Redder, plumper lips without lipstick seemed like a reasonable goal. She’d never expected this. If there were a Mick Jagger look-a-like contest, she’d count on a rejection. Even he wouldn’t want these lips.

  “This is what I get for trusting the Internet.” Her lips vibrated like a kazoo when she spoke. The recipe probably had a tag for great April Fools pranks and some fifteen-year-old boy wrote it while he laughed his ass off. It crossed her mind to take a picture of the results to show what not to do.

  Why today, of all days, to have an early morning meeting in the boss’s office? Thank God her boss was also her best friend. Sure, Kat would have questions about her lips. And yes, there’d be laughter at her expense, like that was something new.

  Sabrina gently blotted her lips with a moist paper towel, and prayed she’d removed it all. She checked the makeup covering the scar on her right cheek, peeked out the bathroom door to be certain the coast was clear, and headed to Kat’s office. At least since she’d come in early, nobody was around to witness her humiliation.

  Kat had been out of town, on the East Coast, something to do with her family. Other than a quick email to schedule this meeting, she hadn’t heard from her in over a week.

  She stopped by the water cooler. Ice water in hand, she dropped into one of the ultra-modern leather chairs opposite Kat’s desk. Dunking her sore lips in the water, she made a mental note to run by her favorite consignment shop during her lunch to check out the Manolo’s that had just come in. Tina said they were her size. A perfect gift to herself for her promotion to Senior Editor. She admired the framed covers of past magazine issues lining the office. Kat made the magazine what it was today. She was proud of the periodical.

  “Sabrina, right on time, as us—” Kat stopped mid-stride. “What the hell is wrong with your mouth? You look like a fish.”

  Startled, she sloshed water on her skirt and tried to act casual as she wiped herself off. “The recipe didn’t mention possible swelling, only increased blood supply to the lips.” Better than what you do with yours, caught in her throat at Kat’s colorless expression. So much for hoping it wasn’t that bad.

  Kat turned away, took boxes from the closet and began transferring files to them.

  “What’s wrong?” Sabrina asked.

  Kat didn’t respond.

  “A bit early for spring cleaning, aren’t you?”

  “In case I haven’t told you, I really appreciate your punctuality. Especially today.”

  “What’s so special about today?” Something in Kat’s tone set her on edge, making her cautious of Kat’s behavior.

  Wishing she were anywhere but here, Sabrina slid
her tongue over her plump, burning lips. Mid-lick, her worst nightmare and hottest fantasy walked in, past her chair, and behind Kat’s desk. No. First her lips, then her job, now him. The man she’d dreamt of for years.

  Trent Wellington.

  Maybe if she pretended to be calm, cool, and collected, and ignored the fact she felt like a circus clown, he wouldn’t notice her or her enormous lips.

  He winked and grinned at Kat, who merely nodded and went back to her files.

  Struggling to set the cup on Kat’s desk, her vision swam, the desk weaving in and out of her reach. Her hands shook so badly she was sure to dump the rest of the water on herself. She folded her hands in her lap, knuckles white, and smiled as if it was any other day. She could do this. And maybe, she’d even pull this meeting off without thoroughly humiliating herself in front of him, again.

  When he glanced her way, his brows shot up and his grin only added to her paranoid misery.

  She wished someone would hurry up and say something because her jangled nerves had re-ignited the jalapeno oil.

  Trent—not Kat—took the seat behind the desk.

  Kat studied the carpet, blinking watery eyes.

  * * * *

  Mimicking Travis, his twin, Trent Wellington squared his shoulders, held his tie to his chest, sat and pulled the chair up to the desk. He withdrew a pair of heavy rimmed glasses from his inner suit pocket and pushed them into place. “Good morning, Sabrina. I’m Travis Wellington. It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you from Kat.”

  Sabrina’s jaw dropped.

  He’d managed to pull off this con, made her believe he was his identical twin, Travis. “Is something wrong?”

  She frantically shook her head, auburn curls bouncing off her cheeks. She took a deep breath, sighed, and gave him a dazzling smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Travis.”


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