Mackenzie McKade

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Mackenzie McKade Page 23

by Black Widow (lit)

  When Donne opened his eyes again, his lashes were moist. “I can’t bear not waking with you each evening. The last couple of nights without you have been miserable.” His lips hovered over hers.

  Dammit. The vampire was breaking Roark’s heart. Yet silently he shared the same fear.

  “I’ve missed you too,” Tammy whispered.

  Marcellus’s throat tightened as he released her. “So what?” He paused, before continuing, “I get you on weekends, every other holiday, and two weeks during the summer?” His words were jovial, but his tone lacked its usual spark. He had a feeling this arrangement was not to his benefit. Yet she was happy here—something he couldn’t give her right now at his home, with his people. There was still work to be done. “What about the children?” The tendons in his neck grew taut. They snaked across his shoulders as he braced himself. Every since he discovered Tamanen was pregnant, he prayed that he would be included. “Will they be able to join her? I want to be a part of their lives—” He tipped his head back struggling to hold onto his control and find the words that he had been wanting to speak for some time. His chest heaved as he leveled his sights on Lanier. “—a part of your life.” There he said it. His feelings for the wolf were known.

  Lanier’s eyes widened with surprise. Marcellus felt the beast inside the lycanthrope stir.

  Marcellus quickly added, “I won’t ask for more than you can give.” He walked a delicate path here. Yet he would take whatever Lanier would allow. In truth, Marcellus wanted a true ménage a trios. He wanted to touch and be touched by Lanier. He needed to feel like a partner in their relationship and not the odd-man out. Tamanen carried the wolf’s children. What did Marcellus have to offer her, but his love?

  Lanier appeared speechless. Marcellus held his breath until Lanier said, “We’ll work things out.”

  Air pushed from Marcellus’s lungs in a single gush. He felt emotion prick his eyelids. “Okay. She stays with you, but if one hair on her head is harmed—” He didn’t finished his sentence. Instead, he pulled Tamanen to him, ravishing her mouth before taking her down upon the bed.

  “God, I love you.” His voice was shaky.

  Lanier moved quietly off the bed and headed toward the door.

  “Don’t go.” Marcellus looked up and extended the lycanthrope his hand.

  Lanier’s back was to Marcellus, but he could see the man tense. His fingers curl into fists. When he turned around an array of emotions flicker across Lanier’s face, his first step toward the bed was hesitant. He flexed his fingers, and then crossed the room. The squeaking of the mattress as he climbed upon it was the sweetest sound Marcellus ever heard.

  Lanier pressed his body against Tamanen’s back and she wiggled against him. His gaze met Marcellus’s. There was a moment when time seemed to stand still, before he felt the pull between them—it was magnetic drawing him closer. Marcellus leaned inward and Lanier closed the distance, their lips meeting. It was everything he knew it would be. Strong and masculine and pure heaven.

  “Ummm… You guys didn’t forget about me?” Tamanen’s chest rose and fell rapidly, clearly affected by their kiss. Her incisors had dropped. He could see the passion in her eyes as she moved her body between them.

  “Never,” Lanier growled as he ground his hips against her ass. His hand smoothed along Marcellus’s thigh, sending his pulse racing. This was how it should be. Marcellus draped his arm over the two people that meant the most to him—his lifemates.


  One Year Later

  A steaming-mincemeat pie in each hand, Tammy pushed the kitchen door open with her hip and entered the spacious Town Hall. The meeting place had been converted into a wonderland of twinkling red, green, blue, and orange lights, a variety of glass bulbs hung from the ceiling, and pine garland align each door way. Evergreen mingled with nutmeg as she passed beneath the festoon. Along with several artificial trees spotted around the room, a beautifully decorated Blue Spruce stood off to the side. Numerous wrapped packages, big and small, draped in colorful ribbons and bows lay at its base. Already a host of the town’s children had arrived surrounding the tree. Busily they picked up one package and then another, shaking each one for hints of what lay within.

  Laughter caught her attention as Terry and Sue Ellen burst through the front door, their eyes brightened when they caught sight of the other children. A flurry of snow swooped in behind them, snowflakes dancing about the floor until Laura and Franc entered and pulled the door close. Tammy’s heart melted when Franc looked at Laura with love in his eyes. The two of them had finally admitted their feelings. Tammy wouldn’t be surprised if there was a wedding in store for the couple. She released a deep sigh.

  Life had certainly changed.

  As Tammy sat the pies upon the banquet table, leaving the potholders beneath them, a fussy infant’s cry touched her ears. Justin was giving his father the once over, while his brother Jeremy slept peacefully in Marcellus’s arms. Tammy’s breath hitched. Tears burned her eyes. She loved them so much.

  “The babies are growing leaps and bounds.” Betty stepped beside Tammy. The older woman smiled sitting a dish of yams covered in melted marshmallows on the table. “It won’t be long before they’re sitting front row in my classroom.”

  “I can’t believe how time flies.” The last year had been a cyclone of events. Including a wedding in which she had taken not one, but two husbands. Their life together hadn’t been a bed of roses. During one of her visits to be with Marcellus, Darta had made an attempt on her life. Her husband would not go into details but he had eliminated any further threat.

  It hadn’t been much easier here at home. Layton was a constant thorn in her paw. The man refused to accept her, though many of the wolves and vampires had done just that. It was a testament to have them together this holiday.

  “This is your doings,” Betty said with awe as she scanned the room, harmony lingered about. “You have made it possible that on this night we come together. It is a worthy celebration. You should be proud.”

  Several lycanthropes and undead chatted as if they had participated in the holiday together a million times throughout the years. They had truly made strides toward peace and unity. Yet Tammy wasn’t fooling herself. There were those that fought them. Those who believed their race was superior. Still it was a start—she couldn’t ask for anything more.

  Not only was Tammy proud of their people, but Roark and Marcellus who appeared at ease sitting side by side on the small love seat, their thighs touching. Damn. They were gorgeous. Her heart stuttered. Life had definitely been a trial, but she wouldn’t change it for anything in the world. She had two men who loved her, a family, and a future ahead of her.

  Plus Tammy was constantly amazed with her growing power and abilities. The beast and temptress were under her control now. Occasionally, she found herself at odds with her hunger, especially during sex. With Marcellus it wasn’t a problem, but she had to be careful with Roark. It took time for him to replenish his supply. Stephen had stepped in during emergencies, but that didn’t go well with Roark or Marcellus. The fix was to ensure fresh blood was delivered to her weekly from the city when she couldn’t make the trip.

  From across the room her eldest son by two minutes hit a new time high with a piercing cry. Roark lunged to his feet, frantically bouncing Justin in his arms as he flashed Tammy a panicked look.

  Betty chuckled. “You better save your husband. Looks like the little guy needs his mommy.”

  Before Tammy could reach them, Martin took the baby from Roark’s arms and pressed him to his shoulder. He patted Justin several times on the back. A burp was the result. The baby released a shuddering sigh and spoke not a peep more.

  Roark’s eyes widened with surprise. “That was it? He needed burping?”

  “Colic.” Martin pressed his lips to Justin’s forehead. “Grady had it for the first year of his life.”

  Tammy extended her arms. “Do you want me to take him?”

e tenderness in Martin’s eyes touched Tammy. “Nah. It’s Grandpa’s turn to hold the rascal.” She swallowed the emotion knotting her throat. Martin had never lost faith in her. He had been beside her from the beginning, her biggest supporter. It was because of him and Roark that many of the lycanthropes had embraced her.

  Although at times, Tammy saw Martin’s sadness, the pain of losing his son. Roark had sent several of their people in search of what had happened to Grady. It remained a quandary. Of course, there was the other mystery of how she came to be. The lycanthrope law of not turning humans was still in effect, but Tammy couldn’t help wondering if she was the only Lamia, the only half werewolf and vampire who roamed this earth.

  A sudden outburst from all the children made her turn around. Jolly Ol’ St. Nicholas had arrived—or should she say Stephen, who didn’t look all that jolly. The man had fought to the bitter end not to be the one donning the red suit, but she had won. As numerous children surrounded him, he pierced her with a look that said, “Paybacks are a bitch.”

  Roark’s arms snaked around Tammy, pulling her back against his chest. “I’ll save you from his retribution.” He nibbled on her neck making her breasts ache with need. “You know you deserve it.”

  Tammy shot a glance over her shoulder and tried to feign innocence. “Me? I just thought he’d be the best Santa.”

  “You just wanted to see him squirm,” Roark corrected, but she heard laughter creep into his voice. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with the two of you.” He hugged her closer. “I love you.”

  “I’d like a little bit of that.” Marcellus had given Jeremy to Betty. She sat beside Martin on the love seat, each one of them the picture of contentment. Marcellus stood before Tammy. Roark released her and she went into his arms. He kissed her soundly. “I’ve missed you.” His eyes were dark with desire, but that would have to wait.

  “I’ve missed you too.” The arrangement hadn’t been ideal. The three of them stole what time they could, but the problem remained. As leaders of the lycanthropes and vampires, Roark and Marcellus had duties which required them to live individual lives. The funny thing was that it made their time together even sweeter. Every minute cherished, like this evening. Tonight they were hers and she planned to make the most of it. Even now her body tightened in anticipation. Moisture dampened her thighs.

  Roark’s hugged her back so that she was sandwiched between them. “Mmmm…your musk is driving me crazy.”

  Uneasy laughter slipped from her mouth. “Uh, fellows. This isn’t the place—room full of children.”

  “When?” Marcellus breath whispered across her ear as he released her.

  “Yeah. When?” Roark nibbled her neck, again sending chills up her back, before he moved away.

  Tammy’s legs felt like jelly. “You’re killing me here.” She wanted nothing more than to haul both of them out the door and home. Of course, there were the boys and the party. It was times like this that she was thankful for her newly found control. She beckoned the temptress back into the shadows. “The gifts haven’t been distributed.” Justin yawned, making a soft sound as his eyelids drifted close. “Besides, I have to get the babies to bed.”

  “Dear, we’ll take care of the little ones,” Betty offered.

  “I’d say there was no time like the present to escape. Your rough and tough bodyguard has everyone preoccupied.” Two children sat on Stephen’s lap, one jerking on his bread. When Tammy looked back at Martin, he winked. “You’ve got an hour and then we’ll bring the boys home.”

  An hour? That sounded heavenly to Tammy.

  “Baby, you haven’t had anything to eat.” Roark pampered her something terrible during her pregnancy and now that the children were born it was getting worse. Too cold? Too hot? He kept checking on her comfort, even though she could easily regulate her temperature. Not to mention, if she ate every time he offered her something she’d be as big as a house. He brushed his palm up her arm—love shimmered in his eyes. You’d thought she’d given him the world. She gazed down upon her two boys sleeping peacefully. Maybe she had given him the world. Roark and Marcellus had certainly given her a life beyond her wildest dreams.

  “I’m not hungry.” Tammy wagged her brows. “Let’s go.”

  In a blink of an eye they made it to the door, grabbing their coats as they slipped outside. Snow fell lightly. She tipped her face up and let the icy flakes land on her face.

  “Happy?” Marcellus asked as he slipped his hand in hers. Roark took her other one.

  “More than you can imagine.” When she looked at each of them, her chest swelled with love.

  “Race you to the house.” In a flash Marcellus was gone. Not to be outdone, Roark used preternatural speed to follow him.

  Tammy paused for only a moment to breathe in the air and surrounding beauty, and then disappeared, materializing on the porch of the cabin. She stomped her feet and wiped her boots on a rug lying before the door, before she pushed it open and entered. A fire crackled in the hearth. The Christmas tree was aglow in the corner. Tomorrow was Christmas Day and they would wait until the evening when Marcellus could join them to open their gifts.

  Tammy padded up the stairs. When she opened the door Marcellus and Roark were naked, sprawled across the bed like Adonises. She couldn’t help the grin that slid across her face. Handsome and sexy, they looked good enough to eat—and they were all hers.

  The door creaked as she shut it. With just a thought she shed her clothing, eagerly approaching until Marcellus folded his fingers around Roark’s semi-hard cock. He didn’t flinch, just sucked in a shuddering breath before he did the same to Marcellus. Strong hands stroked from base to tip and back again.

  The image was so hot, Tammy’s pulse sped. She loved it when they touched each other. There was something about their two men pressed close together that sent her desire soaring. The proof was in her rapid pulse and release of moisture between her thighs.

  Roark bent a knee giving Marcellus access to his scrotum. Marcellus fondled the sac gently, before he said, “Join us, my pet.”

  When she climbed upon the bed and slipped between the two of them Tammy knew this was going to be the best Christmas Eve. Releasing a sigh, she closed her eyes and let Roark and Marcellus carry her to heaven.

  About the Author

  A taste of the erotic, a measure of daring and a hint of laughter describe Mackenzie McKade’s novels. She sizzles the pages with scorching sex, fantasy and deep emotion that will touch you and keep you immersed until the end. Whether her stories are contemporaries, futuristics or fantasies, this Arizona native thrives on giving you the ultimate erotic adventure.

  When not traveling through her vivid imagination, she’s spending time with three beautiful daughters, two devilishly handsome grandsons, and the man of her dreams. She loves to write, enjoys reading, and can't wait ’til summer. Boating and jet skiing are top on her list of activities. Add to that laughter and if mischief is in order—Mackenzie’s your gal!

  To learn more about Mackenzie, please visit Send an email to Mackenzie at [email protected] or sign onto her Yahoo! group to join in the fun with other readers and authors as well as Mackenzie!

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