Mackenzie McKade

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Mackenzie McKade Page 24

by Black Widow (lit)

  Will it be enough?

  Warning, this title contains explicit sex, graphic language, ménage a trois, hot neck biting and werecougar stroking.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Sweeter Than Wine:

  Christina woke in slow increments, like a kitten just learning about the world around it. Sebastian watched her from the side of the large bed, waiting for the moment when she’d realize she wasn’t alone.

  “I bet you’re hungry.” He was enchanted by the sleepy look in her eyes as she met his gaze. Rubbing her tummy, she looked like she was considering his words.

  “I feel strange.”

  He nodded and moved closer, sitting on the edge of the bed. “That’s to be expected when you’re newly turned.”

  “Then it wasn’t a dream?”

  “No, my dear. It was most certainly real.” He dipped his head closer, smiling so she could see his fangs. He was hungry too, it seemed. “You’ve been deep in healing sleep for more than two days. That’s longer than most of the newly turned, but you were gravely injured, so I encouraged your sleep.” He tugged at the sheet that covered her, inching it away. “I’ve decided on a course of action some might consider reckless.” He paused. “Do you trust me?”

  She seemed to think that one over before answering. “I think so.”

  “What I’m going to ask of you will seem strange, but I need you to believe it is for your own welfare that I’ve even considered this.” He pulled the sheet a little lower.

  “Now you’re frightening me, Sebastian.”

  “That’s not my intent. But I need you to know that what comes next is necessary for your future. I want you to be strong enough to deal with Jeff Kinsey on your own. I believe standing up to him—and winning—is the only way to face the rest of your years, now that you are immortal. If you let him win, even the smallest confrontation, it will set a tone for your new life that could prove disastrous.”

  “Did I mention you’d already scared me enough?”

  Sebastian was glad to see a spark of humor in her wary eyes. It made him feel a little better about what he was about to do, though other aspects of his plan still made him uneasy. There was jealousy for one thing. It was likely to eat him alive before long. Good thing the task could be accomplished quickly. He knew he couldn’t take too much of this.

  “I’m sorry, Christina. What I propose will not hurt. On the contrary, it will bring you great pleasure, but it is somewhat…risqué. I know from your friends that you’ve never been very adventurous sexually. That will have to change.”

  She looked wary, but receptive. “What exactly are you talking about?”

  “Your body is fully healed now, and its chemistry forever altered. Now it’s time for your lessons to begin.”


  “I promised to teach you everything you need to know to survive in your changed state. Those lessons begin now, with our most basic needs¾blood and lust. You need to feed.” He dipped his head, kissing her savagely. He didn’t mean to do it, but her soft lips were so close, so inviting, he couldn’t resist.

  Sebastian reveled in the sweet taste of her, delving deep with his tongue as her petite fangs began to emerge. He ran his tongue over them, encouraging their arrival. He’d forgotten how it felt to kiss one of his own kind. It was beyond erotic. It was nearly orgasmic in itself.

  When she jumped, he pulled back, looking past her beautiful, bare body to see what had scared her. Sebastian understood her alarm when he saw Matt. He’d come in and prowled right up to the bed, taking a seat near the foot as if he belonged there, while Sebastian had been distracted. It was a shock to realize he’d been so lost in her kiss, he hadn’t even sensed Matt’s arrival. Matt’s knowing wink didn’t go a long way to soothe Sebastian’s self-recrimination, but it did make him smile. The lad was audacious, but Christina needed a little nudge to guide her on this path. Before the night was through, Sebastian knew she’d need to put all her inhibitions behind her and Matt Redstone was just the creature to help her do it.

  “I invited a mortal friend to help you learn how to feed both bodily and psychically.” He waved one hand toward Matt, releasing her slowly. “He is were. You might note the difference in his scent from ordinary mortals. He’ll make an excellent first feeding for you to grow strong and he’s agreed to let us use him as our guinea pig for this evening. It’s a rare honor. You should be thankful.”

  Christy looked at the gorgeous, muscular man who sat on the edge of her bed and began stroking her legs. “Um, thank you?”

  She didn’t know what to think. On the one hand, she’d never slept around. On the other, she’d never been this horny in her life. It had to do with whatever Sebastian had done to save her life. She felt different in startling ways. Liquid fire raced through her veins and straight to her womb, making her yearn in a way she never had before.

  Cunning topaz eyes smiled up at her. “You’re very welcome, sweet thing. It’s been a long time since I had vampire pussy.” He licked his lips, daring to smack them at her. She liked the sparkle in his gaze and could tell right away this handsome stranger was a bit of a tease. He drew her, but at the same time she was afraid of her own response. She didn’t know this man. Was Sebastian going to sit by and let him touch her—perhaps even take her¾just like that?

  “Sebastian?” Her voice rose along with her distress.

  Reassuring hands stroked her back, helping her sit up. “Don’t fear anything that will happen here this night. A vampire’s first feeding is one of the most important of her existence. That Matt has agreed to let you feed from him tonight is no small thing. A portion of his inherent cunning, agility, and strength will forever be passed on to you. Like I said, it’s a great honor.”

  “But is he going to um…” she felt heat stain her cheeks, “…will he want to have sex with me?”

  Matt shifted to sit between her legs. “I’m going to fuck your brains out, sweetheart, and eat this pretty pussy ’til you come in my mouth.”

  “Sebastian!” The objection came out on a shocked gasp.

  To be honest, though, she had to admit the new hunger wasn’t only for the blood she could actually hear coursing through this strange, savage man’s veins. He was handsome and muscular in a way she’d never seen in person. His golden hair practically invited her fingers to run through it, and he had the most gorgeous, bright, inquisitive eyes.

  “It’s all right, Christina.” Sebastian’s hypnotic voice soothed her. “It’s only fair that Matt gain something from giving you his blood. By lapping your fluids, he will temporarily attain some of our healing and regenerative abilities to augment his own. It’s a fair exchange.”

  “Who is he?” She was upset both at Sebastian’s cavalier attitude and his assumptions about her willingness to sleep with a complete stranger. But even more upsetting was her body’s response. She wanted to know how that muscular body would feel over her—inside her—fucking her. The thought was deliciously forbidden and altogether shocking. She shook her head, but clarity refused to come. So she appealed to Sebastian—her lifeline in this world gone wild. “How do you expect me to be intimate with someone I don’t even know? That may be normal for you, but it’s not for me. Not by a long shot!”

  “Sorry, ma’am.” Matt grinned and held out one hand for her to shake, still sitting between her thighs. “I’m Matt Redstone. Like Sebastian said, I’m were, and the youngest brother of the leader of the cougar clan.”

  She shook his hand as if in a trance. This was probably the strangest situation she’d ever been in. Bar none.

  “What is were? What does that mean?”

  Matt Redstone shot an amused look up at Sebastian. “She doesn’t know anything yet, does she?”

  Overshadowed by the rising threat of the werewolf mafia, Ben and Tegan struggle to stand united.

  Wolf Unbound

  © 2008 Lauren Dane

  A Cascadia Wolves story

  Werewolf Enforcer Tegan Warden has been alone since the
death of her mate four years ago. Until she meets Ben Stoner at a local club and she feels something she thought died inside her. Things move very quickly and she finds herself mated to a human man who’s not altogether sure he wants a forever kind of love with a woman he’s just met.

  Ben realizes in short order Tegan is not only worth forever love, but a woman who’ll stand at his side without tolerating anything other than a full partnership.

  In the bedroom it’s another story, as Ben has finally found a sexual submissive with a spark, and Tegan a man worthy of her submission. Together they work toward building a permanent relationship even as the specter of danger from the Pellini Group grows in the world of wolves.

  All around them, the rising violence threatens the Packs and the only thing they know for certain is one another.

  Warning: Naughty language that might get your mouth washed out with soap, domineering alpha males knocked down a few pegs by their women, smoking hot bedroom action including always consensual BDSM type action, werewolf mafia and the violence that loves them.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Wolf Unbound:

  Ben had never seen a more beautiful sight as Tegan made walking toward him in that robe. Her breasts moved enticingly, her nipples pressed against the silk, daring his hands and mouth. As if he could ever get enough. Her legs were long and supple as she moved in those sexy heels.

  And on her knees before him, her hair spread about her shoulders, her lips wrapped around his cock—amazing. The mere sight of his woman caught his breath, made his heart stutter in his chest. The way she set aside how dominant she was in the rest of her life and yet truly submitted to him was such a gift.

  Breathing heavily after coming, he hauled her up to stand, wrapping his arms around her and bringing her body close to his.

  He kissed her slowly. Tasting himself layered over her sweetness. Loved that.

  “Thank you, Tegan. Dinner is ready. Shall we eat? Afterward, I have some gelato, I thought I might eat it off your nipples while you used the vibrator on your pussy.”

  Smiling, he watched the way her pupils widened, her breath sped, knowing she liked the suggestion as much as he did.

  He pulled out her chair and she sat, thanking him.

  “I thought some salmon would be nice. A guy from work just got back from Alaska and this is fresh.” He put some on her plate and the rest on his. “Nothing fancy on it, just some butter and garlic. Rice to go with and some spinach and cucumber and dill.”

  He realized, as he watched her eat, as they spoke and laughed, he’d finally found just exactly what he’d dreamed of. Tegan was his equal. She pushed back when he pushed too far. Sexy, intelligent, funny, tough and sweet, she was the woman he’d been afraid to hope existed and there she was, laughing at his jokes and stealing food off his plate.

  He kissed her knuckles and she leaned in, resting her head on his shoulder just a moment.

  “I love that soap. I feel like a gingerbread wolf.” Her smile was shy. He brushed his thumb down her jaw.

  “I like taking care of you. I have others for different days. You do smell good enough to eat. But you always do.”

  She blushed. “I…it feels good to be cherished like this.”

  “I love you, Tegan.” He said it and meant it. No fear, no hesitation.

  “I love you too. I’m sorry the bond was sprung on you, but I’m not sorry I found you. This feels meant to be.”

  “Well, after the initial shock, I agree with you. You were meant to be with me. I’m meant to be yours. You need me to keep you from getting yourself shot.” He winked and she rolled her eyes.

  They cleared up the dishes and he turned back to her. “I’ll bring the gelato. Go and wait for me in the bedroom. Take the robe off and lay on the bed.”

  She swallowed hard and nodded. He watched her sway out of the room on those fuck-me-heels with a smile.

  “Oh and leave the shoes on.”

  He heard her laugh as she walked down the hall.

  She heard him coming, the clink of spoons on the glass of the bowl, the brush of denim from his jeans. Scented the pistachio gelato and his elemental being as he approached.

  It was hard to lay still as he stood in the doorway and looked at her with a small smile. His eyes took in every detail from the pointed toe of the heels to the top of her head. She felt his gaze like a physical caress.

  She waited while he put the bowls of gelato down and rustled around the room. She knew how he worked so she wasn’t surprised when all the things he’d need where waiting in the drawer next to the bed.

  Patience, hard won, settled in as she began to fall away from herself.

  “Arms above your head. Let’s see how sturdy this bed is. I’d planned on making you fuck yourself with the vibe but I’ve changed my mind. Good thing I’m the Dom and I get to make the decisions.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh. “Good thing.”

  He cuffed her wrists to the bed, making sure the leather wasn’t too tight but had a nice hold. Confining with wide straps that pressed into her skin but not in a painful way. As a reminder.

  Each movement he made eased her deeper into subspace. She’d never gone into it as deeply and quickly as she had with him. He connected with everything she needed on a subconscious level as well as a physical one. Like a key in a lock.

  Her breathing slowed and deepened as he put the blindfold on. Suddenly, with the loss of her vision, her skin surged to life, feeling everything tenfold.

  “Open your mouth.”

  She did, trusting him totally.

  Cold and sweet, the pistachio gelato played against her tongue as he gave her a small taste. She licked the spoon, loving the way he hummed appreciatively at the gesture.

  He straddled her, his jeans still on, feeding her small bites of chocolate and pistachio. When he scooted down her body and closed his lips over one of her nipples she squealed at the cold touch of his tongue.

  Not nearly as cold as the back of the spoon and then the drizzle of melting gelato. She writhed against the erotic delight of the sensation of his tongue contrasted by the liquid and the metal of the spoon.

  Need built up in her muscles as they trembled. She arched into his mouth, against his teeth as she squeezed her thighs together to get some relief from that want but it wasn’t enough.

  Only he would be enough and she knew he’d give her what she needed when he decided she needed it.

  A cold, wet trail dripped down her stomach and she only barely held back a sigh of relief. Yes, down, keep going!

  He left her panties on, snapping the thong against her hip bone with his teeth. Warmth a brief moment as he breathed over her pussy through the material and then dribble and lick, dribble and lick as he moved down her leg and then back up the other one.

  “What should I do next?” he murmured.

  “Make me come?” she asked hopefully.

  “Well that could be an idea, yes.”

  He found her handcuffed to his bed. Can they unchain her memories in time to save her life?

  Lost But Not Forgotten

  © 2007 Mackenzie McKade

  When pharmaceutical researcher Alexis Knight returns home from the Amazon jungle in a quest to reclaim the year of her life lost to amnesia, she discovers a host of changes have taken place in her absence. Not only has the shy, geeky boy she knew years ago transformed into a virile, confident hunk, he’s bought her family home and is in the process of turning her late mother’s bedroom into a den of iniquity.

  When Jake O’Malley finds spitfire Allie handcuffed to his bed, accused of breaking and entering, his first thought is that his dreams have been served up to him on a platter. Then he realizes she’s not acting when she says she doesn’t remember the past year, nor her own mother’s death.

  As Jake eases Allie past her grief, her journey to reclaim her memories entwines with an exploration into the world of BDSM. Just as their psychological duel to dominate heats up, they make another, more chilling discovery.

  There’s a reason Allie lost her memory—someone wants her dead.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Lost But Not Forgotten:

  Crap. Allie hightailed it toward her bedroom, shutting the door just before Jake burst from the bathroom.

  The pounding on her bedroom door startled her, but she didn’t move.

  “You little witch. Open this door.” Jake didn’t sound too happy.

  “Serves you right,” she shouted at the closed door. The pipes in the house had always been a little finicky. She had learned that much as a child. Too many times, she had begun to bathe just as her mother started the dishes. The result was hot or cold water—never anything in between.


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