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Boss Of Her Heart (Dirty Texas Love Book 1)

Page 4

by Shanna Handel

  I gulped. “Right down to what… exactly?”

  “The spanking?”

  “What spanking? The contract said if I broke rules. What rule could I have possibly broken already? I just got here?” I chattered nervously.

  “As you read, it also states that discipline sessions are at my discretion. Warranted or not. If I feel it would be to your benefit, then it will be so. But you already know that because you read the contract, as you said. Right?”

  Garrett stood from behind his desk. His full height was daunting from my position across the desk. His broad shoulders filled out his shirt, the curves of his biceps pulled at the fabric.

  “Shall we?” he asked, casually unbuttoning the tiny button at the wrist of the sleeve of his work shirt.

  “Shall we what?” I squeaked. Gulping I eyed the door that was past Garrett, trying to decide whether I could get around the huge cowboy.

  “Get your spanking out of the way,” he replied casually. His eyes never left mine as he slowly, neatly, deliberately, rolled up his sleeve to just above his elbow.

  “I’m having second thoughts,” I mumbled, preparing myself to spring from my seat and rush the door. I eyed the lock on the knob knowing I would have to turn it before I could break free of the office where another employee would surely come to my rescue. This was nuts. Why had I signed the damn thing? I did not need a job this badly.

  Garrett turned his head from me following my gaze and eyeing the door.

  This was my chance. Three, two, one…

  Anticipating my move, a huge, tree branch like arm shot out slamming into my ribcage as I was flying by the side of the desk.

  “Oomph!” The wind was knocked from me. A big wall of a chest was suddenly in front of me blocking my way. My torso was turned towards the side edge of the desk. A hand pushed down on my back until my chest and the side of my cheek was flat against the desk. The hard edge of the wood dug into my stomach. An arm locked around my waist, pinning me in place.

  “Get off me you brute!” I screamed, the air returning to my lungs.

  “After I spank your ass.”

  “Don’t you dare—”

  My words were cut off by the hardest slap I have ever felt landing on the center of my right butt cheek.


  “Just be glad I left your jeans on for this one.”

  My memory flashed back to that morning when in lieu of finding clean underwear, I had chosen to go without. Judging by his current hold on me this man was strong enough to keep me pinned in place while he tore my jeans off. To expose my bare-naked bottom to his gaze.

  I bit my lip, held my tongue, and willed my temper to cool it. I did not want to risk pushing his limits and having him pull down my pants. I could endure one spanking. Right? Then straight to the police office to turn in this scoundrel and his crazy operation.

  His huge hand came down again. This time on the center of my left cheek, leaving a matching burn where it landed.

  “Ow!” I cried.

  “Spankings hurt, don’t they, little girl? Tell me, have you ever been spanked before?”

  “No,” I hissed through clenched teeth.

  “Your daddy never took your naughty little behind over his knees and spanked you?”


  He laughed. “I’ll take that as a ‘no’. Shame. Now, I have to do the job for him.” My face pressed further into the desk and I squeezed my eyes shut tight as his hand came down again, once on each of those same spots he had just punished. My skin was burning, and my breath caught in my throat at the pain.

  “You don’t seem to mind too much,” I managed to mutter after the initial sting subsided.

  “Oh, I don’t mind at all. In fact,” his hand came down hard, five times in fast succession right on the center of my seat, “I think getting you in line will be my new life’s focus.”

  Groaning from the humiliation, I squirmed under his weight. My movement only caused his hold to tighten on my waist. “Are we having fun yet?”

  “Fun? No!”

  “Are you learning your lesson yet?”

  “Yes—I mean, what lesson? What did I even do?” I groaned.

  “You were late this morning. But I can let that pass. It’s the lying that really gets under my skin.” Spanking the tender spot where my bottom met the tops of my thighs, I tried to hold still. The spanks were coming harder and faster now. I could barely think straight from the stinging. But I was feeling something else, something that caused me shame.

  My pussy was throbbing. The burning had somehow spread from my sore bottom to my sex. I could feel it burning and pulsing, the same as the punished skin on my bottom. My hand clutched the sides of the desk, my fingers gripping the edge.

  “You didn’t read page two, did you?” His hand hovered over my bottom, momentarily pausing the punishment.

  My fingers curled tighter around the edge of the desk. Somehow, I managed to squeak out, “There’s a page two?” It took so much for me just to sign the contract I hadn’t bothered to flip the page over.

  “It states very clearly that when you are being disciplined in my office, you are to refer to me as ‘sir’.”

  “That’s so messed up,” I crooned, hoping he wouldn’t detect the desire in my voice.

  Fingertips lightly brushed over the curve of my bottom. I shivered, my spine quivering under his hold. “Is it? Or is it exactly what you need? The discipline of a boss. Someone to set you straight, spank your ass. Take care of you.”

  The words slipped out before I could stop it. “Yes, sir,” I breathed.

  “Then it is how I thought. And page two states that you will refer to me as sir when you are being disciplined, so let’s start over.”

  “Start over! No! I can’t take anymore.” I stood on my tippy toes, shifting my weight from one side to the other.

  “You should have read the contract before you signed it. And you shouldn’t have lied about reading it. Correct?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Then let’s begin again and this time I think the lesson will be best learned on the bare.”

  I gasped. “No! Please, don’t!”

  Releasing his hold on me, Garrett took a step back from me.

  I sprang up from my squished position on the desk, turning to face him, my hand instinctively covering the button of my jeans.

  Dark eyes flashing at me, one brow raised in an expectant arch.

  “Take them down.”

  “But I’m not… I’m not wearing any panties.” Tears sprung in my eyes.

  “Do you know what ‘bare’ means?”

  “Yes. But… you’ll… see me.”

  “I can’t fully punish you unless you are bare. So, yes, technically I will ‘see’ you. But you should have thought more about your modesty before you chose to lie. Take them down.”

  The features of his face were set. His jaw twitched impatiently. Crossing his arms over his chest, his gaze burned into me as he looked down at me—waiting.

  Nervously, fingers trembling, I unbuttoned the waist of my jeans. Eyes on the floor, I unzipped the zipper. The office was so quiet I could hear the metal teeth separating as the fabric opened.

  Sneaking a glance at Garrett, there was a satisfied look but also one that said he would not wait much longer. Squeezing my eyes shut, I put my hands on the denim at my waist and with one quick motion, pushed them down around my mid thighs.

  I stood in my boss’ office, my bottom bare. My mound exposed, red curly hair and all. The smell of my own arousal reached me and made my face burn mournfully. I could not look up.

  I watched his denim clad legs as they walked around to the back of the desk to his armless office chair. Taking a seat, he spoke, his voice husky, “Come here, Bella.”

  Shuffling over with my pants restricting my movement, I went and stood by his side.

  “Over you go.” Guiding me with his firm hands, he bent me over his knees. My hands went to the ground to steady myself as
he moved my hips until my bottom was centered over his lap the way he wanted it.

  “Who’s in charge here, Bella?”

  “You are, sir.”

  “And what happens when you disobey me?”

  “You spank me, sir.”

  “And what is the penalty for lying, young lady?”

  “Spanking, sir.”

  “You seem to have developed a habit of that, haven’t you?”

  “Yes… sir.”

  “Then I think it’s high time we corrected that, don’t you?”


  The punishment started in earnest then. His hand came down over and over, spanking my skin with hard stinging slaps. I tried to reach behind me with one hand to block the blows, my other hand pushing harder into the ground to balance my weight, but my pathetic shield was quickly pinned to my lower back.

  “Naughty girl.”

  My hand out of his way, he began again. His hand coming down with hard stinging slaps. His open palm meeting the soft flesh of my now bared bottom. Every inch of my tender skin was being punished. My bottom was on fire, my legs kicking from the pain. He took care of that as well, swinging a long leg over mine and pinning my legs so they could not move. All I could do was lay there and take the punishment.

  At first all I could think about was what Garrett Love could see from his vantage point above me. With my pants down and my legs flailing at one point, my face burned imagining what he saw. As the spanks rained down, my mind stilled as I focused on the pain. Finally, I gave over the tension that held my body taut.

  Going limp, I hung defeated over his lap. Thoroughly punished, more embarrassed than I had ever been, and shamefully turned on, I felt tears stinging my eyes. Two more spanks landed, and I released the sobs that had been held captive by my sheer determination not to cry.

  I was crying—hard. Not a cute cry. It was an ugly cry. And with the tears I released the frustration I had felt over the past forty-eight hours. The feelings of failure and desire to get my life together. After a moment of introspective sobbing, I realized the spanking had stopped. Garrett carefully helped me up. Gathering me in his arms he guided me to sit on his lap.

  “Ouch!” I cried as my tender bottom hit his denim covered lap. He held me in place, his arms wrapping around me. My pain gave way to pleasure as he cradled me in his arms.

  Beside myself with emotion, I leaned my head on his chest, sobbing into his shirt.

  “Shh, it’s okay. We are all done, now.”

  Sniffling, I stuttered, “B—but you spanked me. And it hurt!” I wailed.

  “Yes, it will hurt when I spank you. But tell me, Bella, how else do you feel?”

  I filed through the different emotions I was feeling. I felt—a calmness that I hadn’t before. Like a kind of euphoria, though my ass literally felt like it was on fire. And I somehow felt safe and cared for. At the very hand of the man who had just absolutely blistered my behind.

  “I don’t know. My ass is on fire… but good… I guess—which is weird.”

  The tip of his finger slowly began to trace circles on the exposed skin of my upper thigh. His voice low, he whispered, “Tell me how else you feel.”

  My sex was pulsing, aching in a way that I hadn’t felt before. It longed to be touched, stroked, filled. I squirmed a little on his lap. His delicate touch was making me wet enough I was sure there would be a damp spot beneath me should I stand up.

  “Turned on,” I admitted shyly.

  His fingertips crept further up my thigh, one after the other. Index finger, middle finger, index finger, middle finger, gaining purchase on my creamy skin, heading up to the place where I was aching so badly. Watching wide eyed, his fingers reached the damp curls of my mound, then disappeared within.

  I was shocked. My boss had just laid me across his desk, laid me over his lap, and spanked my ass until it was on fire. Now, he had his fingers in places they didn’t belong. It was wrong, taboo, had to be some kind of illegal—and felt absolutely amazing.

  “Oh,” I moaned, my head flying back and my eyes snapping shut. “Oh!”

  The tip of his finger slipped along my slick sex, lightly running up and down my slit. To my mortification my hips began to gyrate, my burning bottom digging further into his denim clad lap.

  “Good girl.” His breath was hot on my cheek as he whispered into my ear, “There’s a good girl. Taking your spanking like that. Getting all wet from my hand punishing your naughty ass.”

  My breaths came hard and fast as he added another finger and the two, pressed against one another, began to roughly move up and down within my wetness. They reached my swollen clit and what I thought was heavenly became absolute euphoria. I squirmed and moved with his hand as his fingertips pressed and rubbed harder causing a thrilling friction against my most sensitive spot.

  “Oh my, oh my,” I blathered as my mind left my body. I felt the inside of my pussy tightening. My eyes squeezed shut as my body tensed, reaching the brink of release. His fingers worked faster, harder, my hips moving in time with the motion of his hand.

  I reached the climax my body had been aching for ever since I had laid eyes on Garrett Love. I cried out as my entire body constricted. I embraced the sweet explosion that he created with just two of his fingers. Then my body went limp, my head against his chest.

  My mind felt hazy and my vision blurry as I came to, eyeing Garrett shyly. Nuzzling my head back down on his chest, I whispered, “Was that in the contract?”

  Laughing, he kissed me gently on my forehead. “That was a little employee bonus.”

  “Then I think I’m going to like working here, very much,” I mumbled, clutching his shirt tightly.


  What had I gotten myself into? Not only had I just spanked my first female employee, but I’d fingered her afterwards. The way her pink mouth moved into that little ‘o’ as she came, her fingertips digging into my shoulder as her body tensed, releasing the orgasm that I had built up within her.

  I sat at the same desk, looking over my monthly bills, and unable to focus on anything other than that little wet spot she had left on the front of my jeans. Reaching down I shifted my hardened cock in my pants. That spot was damp as well as another one on the top of my throbbing dick. I almost came just listening to the little noises she made as I moved my fingers in her wetness.

  But what was I supposed to do? I could smell the sweet scent of intimate desire the second she pulled down her pants and exposed that curly red patch. I couldn’t just leave her hanging, all hot and bothered.

  Putting my head in my hands, I heaved a sigh. I had to get my head out of what lay beneath Bella Buchanan’s jeans and get it back to where it belonged—crunching these numbers.

  My phone rang just as I was getting the last bill paid. Stretching, I sat up straight in my chair, loosening my spine that had tightened with each check I wrote.


  “You coming to lunch? It’s Bella’s first day.”

  “Yeah, Carrie, on the way.”

  “Well git—you’re late and nobody likes a cold tamale.”

  I laughed at the tenacity of my brother’s wife and hung up the phone. It wouldn’t do for the boss to be absent from his employee’s first day of work, would it? Or would I be better off holed up in this office working? My stomach growled, making the obvious choice for me.

  The big ranch house was bustling with ranch hands, Hope Reigns employees, family, and Bella.

  I took my seat at the head of the table, giving the group a stiff nod as I spread my napkin over my lap. I avoided Bella’s eyes as I didn’t want anyone to notice me paying special attention to her—that wouldn’t be conducive to a decent work environment, which I prided myself on providing.

  I couldn’t help but notice that when Bella sat down to lunch, it was gingerly and with a wince on her lovely face. Her bottom was still sore after the punishing spanking I had given her in my office.

  Wes came in giving Carrie a quick kiss and seat
ing himself at the other end of the long table. Carrie passed out platters of homemade tamales that she picked up at the Poke Town market every Saturday. A dish of guacamole and chips made its way around the table as well.

  Sliding my gaze over to Bella’s plate I noticed it remained empty. Without a second thought I instantly demanded, “Why isn’t there food on your plate, young lady?”

  The pleasant quiet chatter that always filled our lunchtime routine went dead silent. I felt Carrie’s questioning eyes resting on me.

  Bella’s cheeks flushed as they tended to do in my presence.

  “What?” I asked, directing my question at Carrie. “She thinks she’s going to work all day, mucking out stalls and riding and not eat? I don’t think so.” Timidly, Bella took a tamale and settled it onto her bare plate.

  “That’s good,” I said, taking a bite of my own food.

  The chatter picked back up where it had left off. I watched as Bella pushed the food around on her plate, pretending to eat. Did she think I was born yesterday?

  “Eat the food, Bella.”

  Her blue eyes went wide as she looked up at me. Glancing over her shoulder to be sure Carrie was out of ear shot, she looked back at me, hissing, “But I don’t like Mexican food.”

  I didn’t always agree with my mama when she was raising us but, on this point, she was one hundred percent right. When someone goes through the trouble of preparing and cooking a meal for you, you eat the food. You don’t have to love it—heck you don’t even have to like it. But you must eat it.

  “Doesn’t matter. You aren’t going to waste it, and you aren’t going to not eat. Your contract states you will eat one meal on this ranch and I intend that you are going to digest that one meal. Now, take a bite or we will resume this conversation in my office.”

  Fuming, I put my knife and fork down and waited.

  Considering my face for a moment, she must not have liked what she saw there because the little pink mouth she had opened to argue with me snapped shut. Delicately, she pierced a corner of the soft cornmeal with the prongs of her fork. She brought the small bite to her lips and popped it in, her eyes opening wide as she did.


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