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The Medici Conspiracy

Page 50

by Peter Watson

  the Getty, skepticism regarding in

  Monticelli, trial and conviction of

  the Morgantina silver, desire to have returned

  recommendations for

  tactics against looters of antiquities post-receipt of Medici’s materials

  White, return of artifacts requested from


  J. Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles)

  antiquities owned by that appear in the photos from Medici’s warehouse

  Asteas lekythos at

  the Bürkis interview, discussed in

  Conforti’s efforts to have objects returned from

  controversies associated with

  the Euphronios-Onesimos kylix

  Ferri’s investigation, request for information supporting

  Fleischman, resignation as trustee of Barbara

  the Fleischman Collection

  fragments, puzzle of the acquisition of

  the Getty kouros

  Greek golden wreath, acquisition and return of

  Hecht interrogation, discussed in

  leaked documents revealing the situation at

  letterheads from found in Medici’s warehouse

  the Levy-White Euphronios krater, examination of

  Medici, relations with

  origins of

  prosecutorial interrogations, mentioned in

  recent developments at

  return of objects by

  Roman funerary relief, publication of

  stolen bronzes acquired by

  Symes, transactions with

  Tempelsman collection, acquisition of objects from

  See also True, Marion

  Jacques, Henri Albert


  Jay, John

  Jervis, Simon

  John Paul II,

  Johnston, Alan W.


  Kagias, Georgios

  Karlsruhe Museum

  Keats, John

  Kennedy Galleries

  Kimball Museum


  Klejman, J. J.


  Kleophrades Painter

  Koch, Guntram

  Kotlidas, Christos

  Kotsarides, Michael

  Kouragios, Yannis

  Kouros statue at the Getty, controversy regarding

  Koutoulakis, Nikolas

  Berlin, sale of objects in

  Gospel of Judas manuscript

  Greece antiquities, smuggling of

  Medici, association with

  name of in the organigram

  Ortiz, sale of objects to

  Symes, transactions with

  Symes interview, discussed in

  True interrogation, discussed in

  Kovasevic, L. J.

  Koyama, Mihoko

  Kozlov, Arielle

  Kreitman, Neil

  Kurtz, Donna

  Lambert, Wilfred

  Lane and Partners

  Laundering of antiquities

  discovery of

  impact of uncovering

  objects seized in Corridor 17 laundered through Sotheby’s, list of

  reasons for

  Layard, Austen Henry

  League of Nations

  Lee, Sherman E.

  Leinster, Anne

  Leon, Christoph

  letters rogatory

  Levy, Leon. See also Levy-White collection

  Levy-White Collection

  display of

  Euphronios krater earlier belonging to the Hunts

  fakes asserted to be in

  Fleischman Collection and, frescoes matching in

  objects originating with Medici in

  questionable provenance of objects in

  return of objects from, Italian request for

  Tchacos interview, discussed in

  Liberatore, Francesco

  Loos, Adolf

  Lo Porto, Felice

  Louvre, the (Paris)


  Luers, William

  Lunden, Staffan

  Luzzi, Franco

  Lydian Hoard, the


  Lysippides Painter

  Machado, Rodolfo


  Manetti, Pierluigi

  Mantegna, Andrea

  Marrow, Deborah

  Martin, Richard

  Mascara, Giuseppe

  Maschito, Luigi

  Mat Securitas

  McNall, Bruce

  Mead, Walter C.

  Medici, Giacomo

  the Aboutaams, links to

  beauty pays, understanding that

  Becchina, comparison to

  Becchina, rivalry with

  collectors, supplying of

  conviction and sentencing of

  Corridor 17, presence at the second visit to

  Cottier-Angeli, authentication of objects by

  deal offered to the prosecutor by

  description of

  the Euphronios krater, photos of himself with

  formal proceedings initiated against

  fragments, refusal to sell

  fragments of the Euphronios-Onesimos kylix, surrender of

  fronts for

  the Getty, relations with

  Hecht’s memoir, discussed in

  Hydra Gallery, dispute over ownership of

  intellectual and artistic damage by looters, role in

  interrogations/interviews of others, discussed in

  inventory at Corridor 17, report on

  inventory of as illustration of the losses due to trade in unprovenanced antiquities

  laundering of antiquities (see Laundering of antiquities)

  looting involved in, scale of

  the Metropolitan Museum, relations with

  museums outside the U.S., relations with

  name of in the organigram

  network of trade in unprovenanced antiquities (see Network of trade in unprovenanced antiquities)

  pride of documented in photos

  raid on the home of

  Sotheby’s, selling of antiquities at

  stolen objects, involvement with

  Symes, transactions with

  trial of (see Trial of Medici)

  Medici family of Florence

  Meier, Richard

  Melfi Museum, robbery at

  Melfi vases


  Merrin Gallery

  Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)

  antiquities, dismal record regarding

  Asian art, returns of

  Becchina, relations with

  the Bury St. Edmunds Cross

  the Euphronios krater (see Euphronios krater)

  ”good faith,” claim of acting in when acquiring unprovenanced antiquities

  the Levy-White Collection (see Levy-White Collection)

  looted wall relief offered to

  the Lydian Hoard

  Medici, acquisition of objects originating from

  the Morgantina silver

  Muscarella and

  origin and history of

  personnel associated with Medici, paperwork indicating

  questionable provenance of objects in

  return of objects by

  vase collection at

  White, contribution from


  Michaelides, Alexander Votsi

  Michaelides, Christo

  Casasanta, purchase of objects from

  death of

  Hecht memoir, discussed in

  interviews of others, discussed in

  Nicholson, house purchased for

  photo archive of objects handled by

  Schinoussa, raid of family compound on

  Schinoussa in the life and operations of

  Symes, relationship with

  True, loan for vacation home for

  Miho Museum

  Milken, Michael R.

  Mitten, David G.

  Monreal, Luis

  Monticelli, Raffaele

  Morelli, Giovanni

  Morelli, Giovanni

  Moretti, Anna Maria

  Morgan, J. P.

  Morgantina silver

  Moroni, Mauro

  Morrelli, Giovanni

  Moussif, Shlomo

  Munich Glyptotek

  Munitz, Barry

  Muntoni, Guglielmo

  Muscarella, Oscar White

  Museum for Classical Antiquities (Berlin)

  Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)

  Museums, conclusions regarding and recommendations for

  Museums Association

  National Association of Dealers in Ancient, Oriental and Primitive Art



  Neer, Richard

  Nefer Gallery


  Network of trade in unprovenanced antiquities

  continued activities of

  delay in investigation and prosecution as serving the interests of

  exposure of the extent of by investigations and prosecutions

  the Getty Museum and (see J. Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles))

  the Metropolitan Museum of Art and (see Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York))

  Network of trade in unprovenanced antiquities (continued)

  organization chart (the “organigram”) of

  organization of, significance of

  paperwork, revealed in

  rivalry of two groups (“cordata”) discovered

  sale of orphans

  strategic organization of

  tombaroli (see Tombaroli (tomb robbers))

  triangulation (see Triangulation)

  Neuendorf Gallery

  New York Times

  Nicholson, Felicity


  Nolane vases

  Nonna Investments

  Nørskov, Vinne

  Nussberger, Werner

  Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Copenhagen)

  Observer (London)

  Okada, Mokichi

  Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy

  Onesimos. See also Euphronios-Onesimos kylix

  Operation Aeolos

  Operation Blackhole

  Operation Eclipse and subsequent Greek investigations

  the bronze statue of a boy

  Ferri notified of the raid on Paros

  the golden wreath, case of

  Greek antiquities, routes for smuggling

  the Papadimitriou family compound, photographs found in

  the Papadimitriou family compound, raid of

  True’s house on Paros, raid of

  Operation Geryon

  Operation Juno

  Organigram of the clandestine antiquities network


  puzzle of the Getty’s acquisition of

  sale of

  Ortiz, George

  collecting, defense of

  collection of

  Greece antiquities, smuggling of

  Hecht memoir, discussed in

  illicit objects in the collection of

  Medici, association with

  name of in the organigram

  public standing of

  Tchacos interview, discussed in

  True interrogation, discussed in

  Osborne, Robin

  Painter of the Cranes

  Painter of the Hunt


  Palermo Painter

  Papadimitriou, Alexis

  Papadimitriou, Angeliki

  Papadimitriou, Despina

  Papadimitriou, Dimitri

  Papadimitriou, Irini

  Papadimitriou, Nicolas

  Pappalardo, Vincenzo

  Patry, Alain

  Paul VI,

  Pedley, John G.

  Pei, I. M.

  Pellegrini, Maurizio

  Becchina, investigation of

  collectors and articles associated with Medici, linking of (see Collectors)

  Cottier-Angeli, association with Medici of

  documentation from Sotheby’s, acquisition and examination of

  the Euphronios-Onesimos kylix, value of

  Evangelisti’s excavations, calculations regarding

  examination of documents and photos from Corridor

  extent of the network in

  extent of the network in unprovenanced antiquities, discovery of

  fragments, puzzle of the acquisition of

  the Getty’s relationship with Medici, report on

  laundering by Medici through Sotheby’s, discovery of (see also Laundering of antiquities)

  Medici’s trial, discussed in

  the Metropolitan Museum’s relationship with Medici, report on

  museums outside the U.S., Medici’s relations with

  nationalism in the interviews, sensing of

  the organigram, dating of production of

  paper trail, limitations of as legal evidence

  photos of fakes of Eupronios krater, observation of

  strategic organization of the network in unprovenanced antiquities, discovery of

  tombs excavated by the cordata, estimate of

  True, interrogation of



  Petrie, Flinders




  Phoenix Ancient Art, S.A. (Geneva)

  Piazza Sant’Ignacio

  Pitikakis, Dimitri



  Podany, Jerry

  Polak, Vasek

  Pollitt, Jerome J.


  Pontormo, Jacopo

  Pope-Hennessy, Sir John

  Potter, Paulus

  Pozzo, Andrea


  Princeton Art Museum

  Proietti, Giuseppe

  Raguzzini, Filippo

  Rand, Harry

  Renfrew, Colin

  Richardson, E. P.

  Rizzo, Daniela

  the Bürkis, investigation of

  Corridor 17, presence at the second visit to

  the Euphronios-Onesimos kylix, value of

  on Evangelisti’s records

  forensic archaeologist, duties as

  fragments, puzzle of the acquisition of

  laundering activities, uncovering of

  Pellegrini, office shared with

  Symes/Michaelides photographs, quality of

  team of senior specialist archaeologists, selection of

  tomb robbers, damage done by

  tombs excavated by the cordata, estimate of

  True, interrogation of

  Zicchi, pressure to authenticate objects for

  Robertson, Martin

  Roberty, Mario

  Robinson, Richard E.

  Robin Symes Limited (London)

  Rockefeller, John D., III

  Rockefeller Collection

  Rogers, Malcolm

  Rosen, Jonathan

  Rosenham, Alan

  Rousseau, Theodore

  Royal Academy (London)

  Royal Museum of Scotland (Edinburgh)

  Russell, John

  Rutelli, Francesco

  Rycroft Collection

  Rycroft Painter

  S. Schweitzer Collection

  Sakellarakis, Giannis

  San Antonio Museum

  Sanders, Peggy

  Sarrafian, Dikran A.

  Saunders, Stephen

  Savoca, Antonio “Nino”

  Frida’s purchase from

  Hecht’s interrogation, discussed in

  interrogations of others, mentioned in

  ivory head, purchase of

  judge’s comments regarding in Medici trial

  raid on the Munich home of

  Symes, transactions with

  Schick, Jürgen

  Schultz, Frederick H., Jr.

  Seebacher, Doris

  Seitel, Fraser P.

  Sekhmet Ancient Art

sp; Seliachas, Athanassios “Celia,”

  Sevso treasure

  Shirey, David

  Silberstein, Muriel

  Silver, Vernon

  Silvetti, Jorge

  Simon, Norton


  Smith, Peter

  Sobolewski, Richard



  conclusions regarding

  discontinuation of antiquities sales in London

  dishonest/unethical behavior at

  fakes asserted to be at

  Hecht’s memoir, discussed in

  Hodges and

  Hunt collection, sale of

  Indian smuggled antiquities, sale of

  laundering of antiquities through

  Medici, awareness of activities of

  Medici’s trial, discussed in

  Pellegrini’s examination of records from

  price-fixing scandal participated in

  stolen sarcophagus in the catalog of

  unprovenanced antiquities sold through

  Xoilan, Symes’ trading under

  Zbinden Collection as frequent seller at

  See also Auction houses


  Spinello, Anna

  Srivastava, Anand

  Steinhardt, Michael

  Stolen Art Alert

  Strocka, Michael

  Suckow, Jeffrey

  Sulzberger, Punch

  Summa Gallery

  Swallows Painter

  Swing painter

  Swiss Bank Corporation


  accounts belonging to Holocaust victims held by banks in

  changed attitude in

  conclusions regarding

  cooperation of, concerns regarding

  Geneva Freeport (see Geneva Freeport)

  new laws governing trade in antiquities adopted by

  prosecution of Medici and

  role in the clandestine trade indicated by the organigram

  Symes, Robin

  average price of antiquities sold by

  bankruptcy, litigation, conviction, and imprisonment

  Berlin, sale of objects in

  Christo, relationship with

  fragments sold by

  funding of proposed fellowship

  the Getty, transactions with

  Hecht memoir, discussed in

  Inland Revenue, interview with

  interrogations of others, discussed in

  inventory and transactions, records regarding

  investigation of by Greek authorities

  investigation of by Italian authorities

  ivory head recovered from

  judge’s comments regarding

  looting involved in, scale of

  Medici, association with

  Nicholson’s house, assistance provided in paying for

  objects acquired by collectors, association with

  the Papadimitrious, conflict with

  the Papadimitrious, financial relationship with

  photo archive of objects handled by


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