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And the Land Lay Still

Page 46

by James Robertson

  Mary didn’t have time to argue about the situation. She wanted to do right by her dead sister and by her two nephews. She rushed home at dinner time to feed the three bairns, packed them off to school again, and told them to go to their granny’s afterwards till she was home from work. After a few months of this the twins decided to skip the interludes at Nana’s. They learned to manage without Mary, to make pieces for themselves and Ellen during the day, and to prepare the tea when they came in from school. They were a unit, almost inseparable, and knew not to expect to have things done for them – not to expect anything much in the way of special attention. Mary was as fair and kind as she could be, and appreciative of their willingness to help around the house, even though she hardly showed it. She persuaded herself that what she was giving them was the best thing they would ever possess – the ability to survive. As their mother never had done, they were coping.

  With Ellen it was different. She needed to engage with adults. For years Mary relied on her parents to keep Ellen out of harm’s way. Long after she started at the school, she still spent most of her evenings and weekends at her grandparents. Often she slept the night and went to school from there in the morning. This made her feel special and independent. It made her feel like herself.

  Nana and Dey were getting old and worn, and so was everything they possessed. Their street was somehow poorer than the others, a begrimed, crouching, sorry-looking row of cottages made sorrier by the bright, bold marigolds Nana grew in the thin beds beneath her windows every summer. The cottage was impregnated with the accumulated odours of years, a mixture of old soup and smoke and sweat and earth, powerful and cloying. Whenever Ellen went in, the smell hit her. It took a minute to get used to it again, then it was cosy and friendly like the house itself, a secret, safe den of a place. Nana was always bustling, never still. She made toast and spread raspberry jam on it for Ellen, and poured her tea from the same pot her Dey had his from, thick and swirling with bits of black twig floating in it. Strangers, Nana called them. She showed Ellen how to pick them out and thump them between her fists to see what day they were coming to visit. Sometimes the tea was that full of strangers her Dey would look around the room in horror and exclaim, ‘Guidsakes, whaur are we gaun tae pit them aw?’ He had his tea black with sugar, but Ellen had hers topped up with milk, for it was that strong it would turn your insides to leather and she was too young for that, her Dey said. He had leather insides himself, but that was because he was sixty years old, you didn’t want to get them too young or you’d start creaking. ‘Listen!’ he’d say and right enough she could hear him creaking away like the seats on buses, his lungs wheezing like air brakes. She always listened when her Dey or Nana said she should. If her Dey said, ‘Sharpen your lugs, lass, and I’ll tell ye something ye dinna ken,’ he nearly always did. Or when thunder rolled around the sky on a clammy August evening, and her Nana said, ‘Aye, there’s God getting his coals in for the winter,’ she could hear the din of him doing it.

  Coal, coal, coal, everything was coal: her Dey’s coal-black spits hissing as they hit the red coals shuffling in the grate; the scuttle full of coal waiting to be thrown on; the layer of dust on windows and shelves. And Nana’s jam was coal-dark and thick and luminous with seeds. ‘The jam ye get at the shops’ll never taste like that,’ she said. ‘It’s no real, the bought jam. They pit woodchips in it tae look like seeds, sae ye think it’s the real thing, but it’s no.’ Her Dey nodded solemnly over the rim of his mug. ‘She’s telling the truth, lass, and it’s no just the jam. The capitalists keep the best o everything for themsels, and the rest o us get crumbs.’ ‘If we were their dogs they would treat us better,’ her Nana said.

  Her Dey had worked for years down the Borlanslogie pit, which had been sunk when Queen Victoria was a lassie, he said, and would likely go on giving coal till this new queen, Elizabeth, was in her grave. A long while, in other words, barring accidents or revolution. Even the accident that killed Uncle Harry and closed off one of the main galleries hadn’t stopped production, though it had caused a lot of problems quite apart from the loss of seven lives. But her Dey’s back and lungs couldn’t take being underground any more, they’d brought him up on to the surface, where they paid him less to work on the tables, sorting the coal as it came up. That was where he’d worked as a boy, fourteen years old. ‘Ye start on the tables and ye finish there,’ he said, spitting black spits as if his insides were not only made of leather but lined with coal like the sides of the tunnels he used to crawl through. When she started school, she finished half an hour before her Dey was lowsed and she’d go up to the end of 7th Street and wait for him there. He’d come down the road from the colliery with some of the other older men, the ones with injuries or illnesses or who were just worn out and worked above ground like him, and although he wasn’t as black as he used to be his clothes were still full of dust, and he’d to go through the house to the back and stand there in all weathers, take off his overalls and beat them, just standing in his drawers whacking the stour out of his clothes and hawking and spitting tar on the ground. He wasn’t always in the mood to chat to her, he was sometimes tired and crabbit. But a few months later he started to come home cleaner and more cheerful, for they’d finally built a bathhouse for the men up at the pit. Of all the dozen collieries in the area, Borlanslogie was the last to get its baths after nationalisation. ‘Noo washed by the National Coal Board on behalf o the people,’ her Dey said, pulling his breeks up to display his pure white shins. Some days he didn’t need a bath, as if he’d not been at his work at all. But they paid him for the hours he was there, even if there was little to do. That was a change since the coming of the Coal Board. In the old days the Logie Coal Company would never have paid him to be half-idle.

  So things were better than they had been. Before the war, there had been weeks, months sometimes, when there’d been no work. The olden days, her Dey called them. He’d go from pithead to pithead, he’d walk for miles looking for any kind of labour, and always where he walked there were other men walking beside him, or returning along the road he was going. The empty-handed days. ‘I used tae come hame tae your Nana,’ he told Ellen, ‘Janet, I’d say, there’s naething again. Ye’ll need tae tighten oor belts. That was your Nana’s job, tae tighten the belts on baith o us sae your mither and your aunties could eat. Ye live in blessed times, lass, compared wi then, but it’s nae thanks tae the capitalists that ye dae.’ And she looked around at how little they had, the very negation of plenty, and wondered how they could have had less, but in that dark crouched cottage somehow things never seemed to get a lot worse, just as they never got much better.

  Next door on the right were the MacLeays. They had three sons who had all emigrated, gone to Australia on £10 tickets. The MacLeays looked permanently sad to Ellen, especially the old woman, whose eyes filled with tears whenever she spoke of her sons on the other side of the world. They had a dog, a fat, waddling thing, a cross between a Jack Russell and a pig, that Mr MacLeay was forever walking round and round the streets. If he stopped walking he would have to sit down and then he would die, that was what Ellen thought.

  On the left were the Hoggs, a cluttered household that seemed to change its personnel week by week, though there were usually four or five men – a father, some sons or cousins – going to or from the pit in a dirty, loud crush along the street. Mrs Hogg was a fixture, sweating and clattering around her kitchen preparing meals for this army of Hoggs, and so too was her mother-in-law, Auld Mrs Hogg, an ancient moustached crone with yellowish, wolf-like eyes, long yellow teeth, yellow skin and long grey hair tied back from her ears with a greasy bit of string. Most days she lay in a narrow bed in the front room, talking to herself or anybody who came in and delivering loud, poisonous and frequent farts, so that the room stank of rotten cabbage. Occasionally, if the weather was fair, Mrs Hogg would haul her out on to the street and sit her in a wee armchair while she turned out the bed, washed the sheets and aired the room. And then there was Den
ny, who was ages with Ellen and – according to Nana – had come along years after the other Hogg bairns because Mrs Hogg forgot herself one night, although how you could forget yourself was something Ellen didn’t understand. Denny was unpredictable: he could be funny and friendly one day and the next he’d take the first opportunity to pinch or bite you. He himself seemed to have no sense at all that his moods varied. The only thing you could be sure of about Denny was that he smelled of pee and had a permanent dreep on his nose. Periodically he removed this with an upward sweep of his forearm, naked or sleeved it made no difference, in a snottery salute to the sky. Ellen was both repulsed and fascinated by the Hoggs. She imagined they might be distant relatives of Sawney Bean the cannibal and his extended family, who had lived in Scotland in the olden days and turned passing travellers into stews and pies. She took good care not to get too close to Mrs Hogg when she was cooking, or to Auld Mrs Hogg’s claw-like hands, and although she quite enjoyed Denny’s company she guarded herself well when she thought a biting mood was on him.

  Her Dey had his own chair that he alone sat in and nobody else. Nana had her own chair too but she was seldom in it and other people could use it when she wasn’t. There was a table beside Dey’s chair for his library books and papers and tea. For all that they were hard up they always had newspapers in the house: in the morning it was the Scottish Daily Express and in the evening it was the Daily Worker, delivered by Polish Patrick who liked to sit and dissect the day’s stories with her Dey over yet another mug of tea. Sometimes Nana used to join in too. She was as sharp as any man when it came to politics. When she was wee Ellen couldn’t understand how human beings could spend so long looking at all the tiny print in the papers without exploding with the amount of information they took in. For a long time the only bit she liked to read was the Rupert Bear strip in the Express. But her grandparents’ habits laid down a pattern for her. In later years she recognised that it was from them, at least in part, that she had inherited her voracious appetite for facts and explanations. From them, too, her ability not to let a political principle obstruct her appreciation of the wider world: so long as capitalism lasted, her Dey would say, there was no harm in the pleasures afforded by Beaverbrook’s Express; you just had to understand it was all propaganda, even Rupert Bear.

  By the time she was eight she never went anywhere without a pencil and notebook, in which she recorded anything of interest or importance. She had several pages devoted to Polish Patrick, who had fought the Nazis when they invaded Poland in 1939, escaped to Denmark, then, when Denmark was occupied, slipped away to Norway where he’d rejoined the Polish forces fighting alongside the Norwegians. Eventually, when the Allies withdrew from Norway, he’d come to Aberdeen on a listing ship packed with angry, dismayed Poles, Danes and Norwegians, and had spent the next two years building coastal defences and preparing to fight the Nazis when they invaded Scotland. And all this, Ellen learned over many hours in Patrick’s company, he had done with no expectation of success or reward, but simply as a small detail in the great saga of human history. With Patrick’s help she drew a map of his adventures, and a picture of him, improbably Herculean, straddling a cluster of concrete tank traps on a beach in Fife. He worked for the roads department now, in a depot full of great mounds of gravel and sand, a neat, sombre, sober man with a shiny bald head. He had a voice that came from deep in his chest, that was both purer and yet more guttural than the way everybody else spoke in Borlanslogie, and he said very little but what he did say seemed always to be of grave import. There was never the leg-pulling, the deadly earnest that turned out to be a joke at your expense, the daftness or downright deceit that other grown-ups dealt out: Patrick was kindly and attentive and he took Ellen as seriously as she took herself. Patrick had married a Scots girl but she had died soon after the war and he had not married again. Of his family in Poland, if he still had one, he never spoke. He appeared to have no close friends and yet everybody liked him. At social gatherings he would sit quietly on the edge of things, making the odd dry comment, and in the corner of his mouth would be a cigarette, which occasionally he’d light and take two or three short puffs from, then pinch out till the urge came on him again. He could make three cigarettes last a whole evening like that. He was unfailingly polite and well turned out, the smoking his one concession to self-indulgence. Yet the control he exercised over his appearance and manners seemed not to come from within himself but from somewhere else, as if he polished his shoes and shaved his chin and stood up in the presence of women because he could not help it. He lived his life as if it were in the hand of some great invisible force that he, as an individual, could neither influence nor escape. And maybe this was true, and maybe this was how he’d ended up a Communist, delivering the Daily Worker to the proletariat of Borlanslogie.

  Stuffed away on a shelf under her Dey’s table was a tartan travelling rug. ‘I dinna ken why it’s cried a travelling rug,’ he said, ‘it never gangs onywhaur.’ Ellen was an Imlach and he was a Murray; the rug was a Murray tartan, which was red with dark bits, it was hard to tell in the poor light what colours they were. He’d unfold it in the cold winter and wrap it round his knees, which ached with the rheumatics, or he’d let Ellen hap herself up in it till just her nose was poking out, being tickled by the fat woollen tassels of the rug’s fringe. ‘Ye look like a spaewife,’ he said. ‘Will ye tell me my fortune?’ She said one day he would find a pot of gold under a tree and be richer and happier than a king, and he said that would be fine, he could do with the gold but he was already better off than any king could ever be, because he didn’t have the blood of working people on his hands. She loved chatting away to him and listening to his stories, and scribbling down things that he said. ‘Ellen Imlach, Ace Reporter’, her Dey called her, and she liked that and wrote it on the inside cover of her notebook while he told her of John Reed, an American journalist who had written Ten Days That Shook the World about the Russian Revolution. Maybe one day, he suggested, she would write a book like that herself. She blew at the tassels and said she probably would. That travelling rug may not have gone anywhere, but she did when she was happed up in it.

  Pinned to the wall behind her Dey’s chair was a bright yellow tea towel on which a fierce red lion stood on its hind legs with its paws up like a boxer, only there was nobody for it to box. ‘That’s the flag o Scotland,’ he told her, ‘it’s cried a lion rampant,’ and she thought a ‘rampant’ must be a special kind of flag till he explained that that was the proper word for the way the lion was standing. She wrote LION RAMPANT down in her notebook. ‘But is the Scottish flag no blue,’ she said, ‘wi a white cross on it?’ ‘That’s the ither Scottish flag,’ he said. ‘It’s cried a saltire. We’ve twa because we’re a special country. We should be independent but the English made us join in wi them and slaughtered us if we objected, so we hae twa flags tae mind us no tae forget we’re Scottish.’ The blue flag had come about in the olden days when the Scottish tribes were at war with the tribes from England, and just before one particular battle the clouds in the blue sky had come together in the shape of the cross of Saint Andrew, and the Scots had taken this as a sign that they were going to win a great victory, which they did. And ever after Saint Andrew was the patron saint of Scotland, which was fine because he was also the patron saint of Russia, which was the only decent, free and fair country in the world for poor folk. And Ellen wrote down SALTIRE and SAINT ANDREW and RUSSIA very carefully in her notebook, with her Dey spelling the letters out for her in his big, broad voice.

  At school the next day she put her hand up and asked her teacher if she could tell the class something interesting and important. Miss Pearson was suspicious of volunteers since they usually had ideas above their station, but she also knew Ellen to be her most precocious pupil and that it was better to lift the lid off her occasionally than have her bouncing like a steamy pudding at her desk, so she granted Ellen her request, and Ellen stood up and repeated the story of the miracle in the sky. When she’
d finished, Miss Pearson said Ellen had told the story well, and gave them another, about when the Vikings came to conquer Scotland in their longboats. They came ashore one night very quietly and took off their shoes and crept up on the Scots in order to massacre them where they slept. And they would have done it too, only one of them stood on a jaggy purple thistle. He let out a scream and the Scots woke up and drove the Vikings back into the sea, and ever since then the thistle had been the emblem of Scotland.

  Ellen asked about the lion rampant and wasn’t it the emblem of Scotland? Yes, it was another one, Miss Pearson said, you saw it on flags in places like Edinburgh Castle. It was a royal emblem, though, it belonged to the Queen and you could only fly the lion rampant if you had permission from a very important person called the Lord Lyon, who was spelled with a Y not an I. The Lord Lyon, Ellen imagined, was a grand old man who stayed in a castle, not Edinburgh but one out in the country surrounded by a huge forest full of deer and squirrels. He had a tawny beard like a big ruff around his face and neck, and long flowing hair, and yellow checked trousers and a red jumper like Rupert Bear on the cover of the annual, the same colours as the flag, and he was usually quite kindly but he could also be fierce, especially if he found out you had a lion rampant when you shouldn’t.

  Back to her Dey she went, to ask if he had permission to have the lion rampant on his wall. He was breaking the law if he didn’t, she explained, and the Lord Lyon would come and arrest him.

  ‘Haivers. Wha tellt ye that, lass?’

  ‘Miss Pearson. She’s my teacher.’


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