Book Read Free

Crystal Bella

Page 10

by Marty Christopher

  “Yeah I know…I am married, Ethan. It’s a big subject to just pull out…I know it’s significant so I will tell you.”

  Just then Lenard walked past.

  “This is the girl I was drawing,” Ethan said to Lenard.

  “Okay..nice,” Lenard replied and kept walking.

  “Sorry please keep going,” Ethan said to Kali.

  “You were drawing me?”

  “Just a sketch on my exam paper. Fully clothed. He was next to me.”

  “Oh okay. Lucky it was fully clothed,” she said looking at him right in the eye. She said it in a bossy way, quite assertive. She wasn’t serious but she sounded like she was. She continued talking, “so yes I am married though because this job came up and I wanted to shift states and my husband didn’t, it was seen as a trial basis, get it out of my system, a partial separation? I don’t know, how do you define it? It’s ambiguous as when I left it was interpreted as a two or three month holiday apart to sort things out with the idea to return…things can change though.”

  Ethan liked what he heard. She wasn’t happily married. He was trying to be unconditional but a part of himself wanted to scream with joy, thank god you are almost single! The intensity of what he felt when he was around her was extreme. It was light but there was also the unknown and the potential for anguish with what possibly could happen. She was married and just hearing her talk about that gave him chills. He was already highly sensitive and her situation seemed to put him into overdrive.

  “I know,” he said, “like how things change. Sometimes something can enter your life which just makes change inevitable.” Then Ethan laughed. “I feel like a teenager up against this locker.”

  “That’s what I’ve missed, youth, fun.....”

  They stared at each other, like teenagers against the lockers, finally Ethan said, “I could stay here for hours, though I’ve got to meet my mom.”

  “Okay.” She didn’t want him to go and looked for an excuse to make him say just a little longer. “Show me the picture. I want proof.”

  “Proof of what?”

  “That it is fully clothed.”

  “What if it isn’t?”

  “Then you will be in trouble.”

  She looked at Ethan in a way that made her look light and adorable to him. She could make him do anything when she looked at him in that way.

  Ethan showed Kali the picture. It was in pencil. She looked perfect in the sketch. Her eyes were a little bigger than normal and so were her lips and mouth. She looked big and happy, like a magical creature. It was romantic and she loved it.

  “I love it,” she said almost childishly.

  Ethan just looked at her and smiled, then laughed. It felt perfect to be around her. Her energy felt so calm.

  It was time for Ethan to leave and meet up with his mom but he knew he had to see Kali again really soon, so he asked her, “are you free tomorrow?”

  “I am. I have the day off.”

  “Oh cool, maybe we can meet up late morning and we’ll do something.”


  Kali broke into a big smile and Ethan stepped in closely and kissed her on the cheek and then hugged her for the first time. He did it gently, not for too long. He felt her soft skin and light frame in his arms, the softness of her skin on her face when his lips touched her cheek. Then he stepped back almost like he had been mildly shocked. He wanted to tell her how beautiful she was. He wanted to scream it, but he knew he couldn’t, not now, but one day he would tell her.


  Ethan caught up with his mom at her shop and helped with a few jobs around the store. He spent an hour there before heading off to see Christian and Carl. On the way out Elisabeth asked him.

  “Something’s happened to you. Did you meet a girl?” Ethan turned around trying not to glow too much.

  “You don’t miss a beat, mom I have. We’ve only just met but I will tell you all about her.”

  “I bet she is lovely and adorable.”

  “She is adorable, truly lovely, you will like her a lot. We haven’t kissed or anything yet though.”

  And with that Ethan left, jumped into his car and headed towards Edgeoholic café.

  Ethan weaved through the traffic. So much was going on for him really, but he didn’t feel inundated with stuff but fulfilled and excited by his humming life. Ethan always wanted to be free of the heavy, busy, boring life, but be imbued with adventures. Right now he had it. He was up to date with his study, his mom cooked most nights, did his washing too, he had money, he was falling in love with his professor and was about to catch up with his two best friends. Not a care in the world really, all was sweet in this pumped up life of his. Just as he jumped out of the car he remembered Christian and the copper and it gave him a feeling he didn’t like. Nearly care free. He walked into the cafe and there was Carl and Christian waiting for him. They were in a side booth and it gave Ethan the opportunity to slide in. In doing so it nearly spilt Christian’s coffee.

  “Watch out man,” Christian said. Carl tried not to laugh. They shared their normal chit chat about life, the coffee and the lovely spring day, then Christian brought it up.

  “Okay about Chuck the suppose copper.”

  “It’s a problem really, at least you know though,” Ethan said.

  “How did you become friends with him, Carl?” Christian asked.

  “I met him through a friend at college and he just kept sitting next to me in class. Now that I look back, yes, not that natural. Kinda wanted something in a subtle way.”

  “So what do I do?” Christian asked.

  “Don’t hang out with him is a start,” Ethan said, “but it’s not like a normal friend, his objectives are different so he might be hard to bump off. You know, he has his target and he wants you.”

  “Stop it…but really what do I do?” Christian asked.

  “I don’t have the answer, Christian. Maybe try and avoid him and be diplomatic, and if nothing works then stop dealing drugs perhaps.”

  “I’m not doing that, I like it, connects me. It’s not really about the money, you wiz through school, this is my niche.”

  “I know, you wiz through school too, you just juggle more things.”

  “He’s a juggling act with a copper in tow,” Carl said.

  “At least we know who he is, imagine if we didn’t?” Ethan said.

  “Yes indeed…nice to have a psychic friend. You are right?” Christian asked.

  “Yes, I know I am. Just look at the patterns from here on in. If he is a cop and he is, he will behave accordingly, he will be nearly impossible to bump off, that will be your proof right there. The other reality is when he busts you and we don’t want that.”

  They all sat there contemplating and listening to Ethan. They all paused, sipped their coffee and then Ethan continued talking.

  “It’s not just my feelings that made me realize this, it’s also his behavior, he’s just shades off with a lot of things. He just doesn’t seem to fit authentically. Something’s not right.”



  As Ethan left the cafe with Carl and Christian one particular man looked intensely at Ethan. It was just eerie in the way he looked. Not the man doing it, but more the wider feel of it all. It just made Ethan feel uneasy. He kept walking then two girls looked at him. Not as intense as the man but just another look that didn’t feel positive at all. One of them had a print on her T shirt, it had the number 911. Ethan kept walking out to his car and decided to ignore the feeling of unease it gave him. He was in a good space and didn’t really want to know.

  Ethan turned the ignition and away they went.

  “In love I hear,” Carl said from the back seat.

  “You’ve seen the new English professor?” Ethan replied.

  “Yes, quite the enigma she is,” Carl said.

  “She’s cute, quite hot and a little different for you. You both make a match, the unexpected match,” Christia
n said.

  “Thanks man.”

  “Oh take the left here, I really need to make this drop off,” Christian said.

  “Sure,” Ethan said and turned. A little later he pulled up outside the house of 113. Christian jumped out and jogged across the road and knocked on the door. He heard the same sound as always, the old ladies voice.

  “One moment dear.”

  A few seconds later she was at the door. She asked Christian to come in like she always did and he entered.

  She was more on edge today, more wired. She usually had the facade of a sweet, old woman. But today she looked edgy. An edgy, 75 year old woman who was grinding her teeth. Christian had placed the drugs on her kitchen bench like always and she was going through her hand bag to locate her cash. But the way she had positioned herself, Christian found himself near the window, with the old lady blocking his path to the front door. Usually he wouldn’t care, but he had the worst feeling that said something wasn’t right. She stood there looking at Christian.

  “Are you okay?” Christian asked.

  “Fine dear.”

  She was in her nightie and while that may be common for some old lady’s, she usually came to the door fully dressed. The feeling was getting more intense for Christian and he started to wonder if he should just bail. Then she looked at Christian and started pulling up her nightie to reveal her legs. All Christian could think now was, what the hell are you doing? She looked at Christian while she did it. She looked so intense that he just looked at her wondering what to do. Then he saw her knickers, from what he could see it was a lace thong. Then his heart missed a beat. Inside the thong was a gun.

  Ethan was waiting in the car. It was silent with some music playing lightly. The song came to the end of its track and all was silent. It was an eerie silence.

  When Christian saw the gun, he noticed the quickness in the old lady’s actions. She was doped up and that was making her do things faster than normal. When she saw that Christian had seen the gun she went to grab it fast. It was her moment to get him. She reached for it with quick motion and Christian had no choice but to make a departure through the window next to him.

  Ethan sat in the car with eerie silence. He knew something was up. The next thing Christian came crashing through the window of the house at 113. He came flying through it, at the same time there was a gun shot blast, a huge bang. As Christian hit the front lawn he got up just as quickly and ran to the car. The old lady had ran quickly to her front door and fired another four shots towards Christian and the car.

  Christian jumped into the car and Ethan slammed on the accelerator. He was half bent down to duck away from any shots. He could hardly see when he took off. He just had to half guess the curve of the road as he zoomed away. He had felt a couple of shots hit his car.

  “She is usually so sweet. She was weird today, high as... I knew something was not right.... I had no time but to jump through the window, sorry Ethan.” Christian said, still puffing from his quick exit as they drove away.

  “It’s okay, I’m all good, no shot wounds.” Ethan gave a nervous laugh at the words he had just said. “You may need that arm stitched up man.”

  Christian had a gash in his arm from going through the window.

  “I’m going to have to park this car somewhere. Not ideal driving this around while there are gun shots in it, and my mom will just know. We really need to get this off the road. I’ll take it to my mechanic and just park it there for now,” Ethan said, pondering his options.

  They drove to Ethan’s mechanic just looking at each other thinking what the hell just happened. Ethan knew he had to stay calm and get through this. If they could get through this bump it would be okay and everything could work out. They pulled into the garage.

  The owners name was Joe. He was in his overalls and had long grey hair. He knew Ethan quite well and liked him. He could relate to Ethan and liked him for his quirky nature.

  “Joe, Joe can I park my car here for a week or so? It’s had a ding and I just need it off the road for a bit, and can you check it out for any internal damage?” Ethan said while looking at his car and noticing at least three bullet holes in it.

  “Yeah mate... ahh bullet holes,” Joe said.

  “I kinda like the look actually, might keep them there, maybe just two.”

  “It’s an interesting look.”

  “I’m sure all the mechanics are okay but do check it out please.”

  “I’ll do that, done.”

  “Thanks Joe you’re amazing. We just found ourselves in a rough part of town. We’re squeaky clean, you know that?” Ethan said it half joking, half serious. He really did appreciate Joe for his understanding and helping them with no judgment.

  Ethan gave Joe the keys and they chatted for a little while. Joe had piercing eyes. He was that intuitive, cool, older guy who was understanding. Ethan almost felt obliged to tell him what had happened to give him some reassurance that they were cool, but he had a glint in his eye that he knew and didn’t care. He was going to help Ethan and so it was. Ethan had known Joe for a while because he had been his and his mother’s local mechanic for so long. Ethan thanked him again and went back to Carl and Christian who were waiting for him.

  “We have no car,” Ethan said to Carl and Christian.

  “It’s okay, my doctors just two miles down the road. I will get this stitched up,” Christian said.

  “I’ll just walk home.” Ethan said. “What are you doing, Carl?”

  “I dunno, Walk I guess.”

  Christian looked at Ethan, “I’m really sorry,” then he looked at Carl, “and you too man.”

  Ethan gave them both a short Namaste gesture with his hands. He was cool under the pressure. They were his best friends and they had always stuck together.

  They said bye I’m going this way, etc. and Ethan headed off on his own. As he walked off he saw the long road ahead. It was long and empty. It seemed like a metaphor to him, the path that he had just walked. This path was empty and he didn’t really need to go down it. Ethan thought about the song that played a week or so ago when he was in the car outside the house of 113. He was sure a girl at college the same day had hummed the same song. The man at the cafe giving him the stare. The girl with the 911 Tee shirt.

  The reality started to hit Ethan. He knew he had not listened and started to feel guilty. He didn’t want to listen earlier. He was feeling so good and just didn’t want to know about anything negative and had shrugged it off.

  Ethan’s thoughts started going through his head in a negative way. Blaming, feeling guilty and just being tough on himself. He felt like crying and he did. He was brave before but now it seemed to impact him when he thought about it. The tears released his emotions and he felt better. Ethan just wanted to say sorry to his soul for not listening. Then he remembered what his mom had said a long time ago. He was 11 but he remembered it so clearly. Ethan wandered back to that time.

  “You know, beautiful boy your soul will only tell you twice, though if you choose to not listen the soul will let you go through the experience…but listen!” Elisabeth had said.

  So true here, Ethan thought to himself, listen. Thinking about his mom cheered him up and Ethan knew he had to rise above his negative thoughts. He had not listened to his soul and now he had to give something back and that would be positive thoughts, not negative ones, and Ethan told his mind to hush. I love you he said to himself, then he relaxed, nothing too bad had happened. He couldn’t wait to see his mom. He would tell her one day about this, but not right now.


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