Book Read Free

Crystal Bella

Page 14

by Marty Christopher

  The dream was also showing him his choices; he could have big or small, a big, full heart, or a half full heart. In the dream he saw a male figure who told Ethan he could only live in two places in the world, the inner city beach suburbs of San Francisco, or out in the country in one of his favorite spots, the only two he said. There were two women Ethan could choose.

  As Ethan stayed with Kali in the air, wrapped up in each other, he realized the woman in the dream at the highest point was Kali. She was the highest, emotionally and to Ethan’s soul, she was the highest one. Every human experience Ethan had gone through with a woman was to get him closer to Kali, and to teach him what he didn’t want. Every human experience Kali had gone through was to teach her the same thing and to get her to Ethan also.

  Kali raised Ethan further up and they were now in the sky. They started moving fast, moving through the air, flying, going at incredible speeds. It felt so good to fly, to be this free. Then their hands slipped and Ethan realized he was returning to his body, his mind couldn’t handle the impact of it all and he was about to wake up and was forced back to his body. Ethan returned back to his bed, half awake, half asleep. He kept dozing in that state until the light from his window woke him up completely.


  Ethan left his home and biked down to the mechanic. His car was ready and fixed. He saw Joe and he was looking happy as usual. His eyes were beaming, his grey hair shining. He seemed to have the simple life and somehow had arranged it in the big city.

  “There you go, Ethan all done and fixed.”

  “Sweet as man.”

  Jo paused and asked, “A kiwi term?”

  “Yeah I guess it is.”

  Ethan looked as his car, it looked good, perfect really. But he had this desire that just wanted the bullet holes in there, it just made it look edgy. Ethan didn’t like guns of course, but some light bullet holes, he liked the look.

  Ethan knew he couldn’t go around with a couple of gun shots in his car, it would just attract trouble, but he wanted them in there, maybe just for a week or so. Joe picked up on Ethan’s manner.

  “Missing the bullet holes are you son?”

  “You have done a great job, Joe it’s all good, it’s just...”

  Ethan put up his hands in a gesture like he was almost holding something. “I like the look, but I know I can’t have it.”

  “One moment son, I’ll just grab my gun from the workshop draw and I’ll put a couple of bullets in it for you.”

  He was serious, dead serious and Ethan felt nervous. Joe took a couple of steps then swung around.

  “No, I am joking, Ethan.”


  Jo suddenly looked more like an actor from Broadway.

  “But what I have done is replaced your front guard which had two bullet holes in it. I still have the old one and I can keep it here in storage for you and if one day you want a few shot gun holes we can put the old panel back on.”

  “Man that’s so cool. Perfect!”

  Ethan was happy, he had the perfect match. He grabbed his bike and lifted it up and put it into his car. He had to maneuver it to get it in, not so good for the seats but he didn’t really care. He drove off and waved at Joe. A convertible Porsche with a banana bike sticking out, life was perfect.

  Ethan drove to college, then he remembered it was Friday and it was the heaven, hell college party tonight. Life had been so frantic. He knew it was coming but it had just flown up on him. He had his costume all sorted so that was cool. Then he thought about Kali. If she was there then it would be perfect. She had to come, if she didn’t he would leave early and catch up with her somewhere. It felt for Ethan that the next step was coming with them. But he didn’t want to plan anything, he would be in the here and now. It was the mind that often planned things and Ethan was not with the mind anymore and he knew his soul would bring everything they needed together at the right time, in the perfect conditions and he just had to go with that unknown magic.

  Ethan arrived at Booker University, he only had one class today and it was English, with his favorite teacher.

  Ethan pulled his bike out of his car and locked it against the fence. Carl and Christian walked over.

  “You two are like ghosts,” Ethan said.

  “We knew you would rock up here,” Carl said, lighting up his rollie.

  “Yeah good timing man,” Ethan said.

  They all went together to their English class. They walked into the grounds, as they were walking along they decided to take a short cut along the steep hill that had grass and a back drop of a beautiful Goth looking building. They jumped up the front concrete wall that was there at the bottom, which led to the slopping bank. As they hopped over the wall, Ethan noticed Carl had his little backpack on and as he used to do as a teenager, he couldn’t resist and he pulled it. At the same time putting his knee into his back and pulled Carl towards him which made him fall over.

  “Sorry man I had to do it,” Ethan said.

  Then Christian jumped on Ethan, he was by far the strongest of them and all three were on the ground.

  “Help, Carl!” Ethan said.

  Carl decided to jump onto Christian to make it a more even match. Then Ethan said, “look there’s Amelia.”

  It was true sitting on the grass with her friend was Amelia looking like two swans on a clear lake. Ethan brushed the grass off himself.

  “Here’s your chance man, she may have seen you tackle me so she’ll be impressed with your strength and speed.”

  “Just don’t be afraid of her beauty,” Carl said.

  Ethan laughed.

  “What should I say?” Christian asked.

  “Just go up to her,” Carl said.

  “He has to say something. He can’t just turn up and stand there.”

  “This is making me more nervous now.....oh shit she is looking this way,” Christian said.

  “Okay we’ll sit down again,” Ethan said.

  They all sat down, facing slightly away from Amelia and her friend and Ethan continued talking.

  “Okay I’ll talk to her if you like and see if I can find out what she’s doing tonight, see if I can get an entrance in for you.”

  “Cool,” Christian said.

  “How old are we?” Carl asked.

  “Young!” Ethan said, all smiles, and walked up to Amelia.

  There were about four or five groups of people on the grass bank so Ethan, Carl and Christian were not too conspicuous, but she had noticed them, everyone always did, they were happy and fun looking and always did silly things and of course Christian traded drugs which a few people knew about.

  “Hey your name is Amelia eh?” Ethan asked.

  “Yes, hi,” she said.

  Ethan could see why Christian liked her, he could tell straight away she was special, her eyes had a shine in them, they were quite potent, pristine, a beautiful blue color and she had amazing, untouched skin. If Christian was afraid of beauty, this girl would do the trick. Maybe the universe should have brought in someone less striking to get him through his lesson, he joked to himself. She was understated with her beauty, it was calm and unassuming. Ethan had to keep talking and he did.

  “Anyway I thought I’d come over, climb the hill and introduce myself since I do see you around college a bit.” They started chatting and got on really well, she was sweet, smart and probably single.

  Amelia liked Ethan and was drawn to his softness, for a male he was sensitive, she didn’t really expect it from Ethan with the times she had seen him. He was easy to chat to, it was easy and he seemed to really see her and get her in the short time they had together. She found him masculine but he had a strong feminine side that she really liked, it was a mix she had rarely seen. Her friend chatted too and they were all getting on very well, then Ethan remembered he had class soon and he was meant to be here to help Christian out and if anything he was only improving his own chances, not that he was trying, or wanting that, but he knew the way things were going
, she might just take a shine towards him.

  Ethan was unsure what to do, if he put the big word in for Christian, after this performance it may not do him any justice. He decided to leave it for now and just asked if she was going to the party tonight. She said she was still undecided. Ethan told her he was going with Christian and Carl. Her friend might like Carl, Ethan thought. He said bye and returned down the hill to Christian and Carl.

  “How did it go?” Christian asked.

  “I didn’t really get the chance to say too much. She said she might go to the party tonight. At the end I was like, do I ask for her number for you? But it was too sudden. She is gorgeous and a sudden movement like that….well, it could just be no, and you would blow your chances. Truth is, Christian if you can be with her, that would be an amazing catch. But I’d say a lot of guys would like her.”

  “It’s cool, Ethan thanks for trying, maybe next time I’ll just go up and chat and see where it leads too.”

  “That’s all you can do man and who knows what will happen, a lesson learnt? A rejection? A beautiful friend? Or the ultimate romance?..Ahh life and the excitement of love.” Ethan looked at his watch, “we need to get to class.”

  Ethan jumped up, they followed suit and walked away. Amelia looked over as they walked away, she saw the spark in their group and was attracted to it.

  They arrived at their lecture and sat near the back. Kali arrived and it gave Ethan such a thrill to see her.

  She spoke and walked along the stage. She looked so elegant to Ethan. He found it funny to watch her, as he did from a distance, as she was professional and so untouchable in the way she walked and talked. She was delightful, too ethereal, no one could have her! She looked professional looking, eloquent with so much reassurance and charm. The man to have her would have to be special, he would have to have special powers. He would have to be a warrior! Ethan just glowed as all these thoughts ran through his head.

  Class ended and Ethan told Christian and Carl he had to see Kali. They had made arrangements for the party tonight and Carl and Christian would find their own way home and later in the evening Ethan would pick them up and take them to the heaven, hell party.

  Ethan went to the door where he knew Kali would be. It was for staff only so he waited outside. While he waited he started to get inpatient and decided to enter. He opened the door and walked in. It was all quite different in there. It was calm and it was quite intriguing to walk through these unknown chambers. He walked around wondering where these chambers would take him. Another house he was entering again, then he heard some footsteps from around the corner. Should I hide or pretend to be a teacher and play it serious? He was wondering what to do, he could hear the heels hitting the wooden floor coming towards him. The noise sounded sexual almost, somehow it did, being in this new chamber, the unknown and the footsteps of a woman in heels in the academics of San Francisco. Then Ethan saw the woman, it was Kali. Everything she did felt sensual to Ethan now.

  “You aren’t meant to be here,” she said.

  “I thought I might be able to pass as a professor.”

  “If you wore glasses and sewed those ripped jeans maybe,” she put her hands on Ethan, “but don’t, never, you are perfect the way you are.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I could feel you staring at me before...during the lecture. I could just feel it.”

  “You were very professional.” You look so delicious was what he wanted to say. He was finding it hard to think straight, he just wanted to stare at her, for hours. “Is this the hidden chambers?” he asked.

  “It’s my get away, it’s often quite empty and quiet, until today where I’ve found you here.”

  Kali was becoming more at one with her beauty. Since meeting Ethan she had really started to spark. Men had started looking at her more and her confidence was going through the roof. She didn’t mind the attention from the young men, but she didn’t care either, there was only one man she desired.

  They walked towards the main corridor. The corridor in the chamber came to a narrow path and their bodies came together, she purposely bumped Ethan into the wall and gave him no room and he went into Kali. Their hips briefly joined and he felt the side of her bum touch his, and her arm gently entangled into his own. Ethan wanted to feel her skin on his legs but he was not wearing shorts, he rarely did, but today he wished he was 10 again wearing his school uniform shorts. All of this happened in a two second collision which sent sparks through Ethan’s body. She was becoming so assertive. She was sweet, delicate and a goddess warrior and with all this beauty unfolding and rippling out into Ethan he knew he could match her, he had to. They were becoming two playful, spiritual creatures, they were getting to know one another and their beauty and power was bringing the best out of them both.

  They came out of the chamber, into the main corridor and headed towards their cars. Ethan wanted to hold her hand, it felt nearly unnatural not too. They both wanted too, but knew they had to wait. The more they both got to know each other, the more they wanted to touch. It was beginning to feel too difficult not too, just the pull, the attraction. It was starting to feel like gravity and it was pulling him in, she was pulling him in. It was like her body had its own magnetic field and was bringing him in closer.

  Ethan asked Kali if she was going tonight.

  “Of course,” she said, “I hope you are?”

  “Yes I am. It just seemed to slip and I hadn’t brought it up, but yes.”

  “That’s good. I might not have turned up if you weren’t there.”

  “I was going to leave early if you weren’t there,” Ethan said, matching her.

  They kept walking and Kali looked at Ethan, she looked at him right in the eyes. If it was another time Ethan would have had to look away. She looked at him with so much power, just shining and he knew her beauty was being enhanced by him and every time she went higher so did he. Every time he saw her essence, her gorgeous self, he had to see it in himself. It was like he could only love her as much as he loved himself and it was all building up.

  They kept walking saying hi to the odd acquaintance that passed by. Everyone seemed to look, they could notice something different about them and they stood out. She was the beautiful, young professor, and Ethan the rebellious, free spirited student but there was something else that they noticed. There was something in them that made others look, pulled in by the mystery that was painted on them. What is it with those two? They all seemed to say. It was the twin flame infused between two souls that made others look. They were soul mates and that energy gave out an unknown quality of depth that their minds couldn’t read.

  They came to Ethan’s car first and he quickly unlocked his bike and placed it into his car.

  “I’ll walk you to your car,” he said.

  I want to be with you in your car and bike. Kali’s car was parked just a few parks down.

  “This is me,” she said.

  “I’ll see you there around seven.”


  It became an interesting moment dropping off Kali. That moment before they departed, it was getting bigger and bigger every time, like how long before I truly hold you was the feeling, and that undercurrent played with them both. She looked at Ethan with that look again, but this time it was more girly. A girly smile and all Ethan could do was smile and then he quietly giggled. He had to try and not allow his eyes to water but they were. Her beauty, her soul, was making him cry almost. Kali giggled back, they were like two children now. Then Ethan remembered, at the back of the class, he had noticed something and it was confirmed when he saw her in the staff room chamber.


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