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Page 6

by Molly Ann Wishlade

  “This is just beautiful!” she gasped.

  The clearing was bathed in moonlight. The surrounding trees were so thick that no one would be able to see or hear them unless they came the way that Clayton had just brought them. But that was hidden by the cabin. They were completely alone.

  “It’s my quiet spot.” He stroked her hair and it sent delightful shivers down her spine. “I come here if I need to think. I built the cabin so that the entrance was concealed.”

  “And now you’re sharing it with me.” Ellen smiled.

  “Only with you. I’ve been waiting for the right time to bring you here.”

  Her heart swelled as the enormity of what he’d just said hit her.

  They fell upon one another and kissed as if they’d never kissed before. They tore the clothes from their bodies until they stood naked, their flesh glowing silver in the moonlight. Clayton’s chest rose and fell quickly and Ellen felt like she would never again feel so needy, so wanton.

  Clayton kissed her then turned her around and pushed her towards a large, old fallen tree. The trunk was so wide that even though it lay sideways on the ground, it was waist high. He pressed Ellen against it so that she leant forwards, her body curving with the trunk. The bark dug into her front from just below her breasts to her cunny. When he pushed her legs apart with his foot, the ridges in the wood rubbed against her. She moaned.

  “Now I’m going to show you what I want,” he growled into her ear.

  Ellen felt him prodding her lower lips with his large member and she trembled as he found her opening. He slid into her with one hard push that made her cry out in ecstasy.

  With each vigorous thrust, she was rammed against the tree. Her heavy breasts swayed as she moved forwards. Her pussy lips swelled with anticipation and the stimulation of being pushed into the rough bark. Her inner muscles clenched around the erection that filled her and she came suddenly, fracturing under Clayton’s powerful loving.

  Before her orgasm had even faded away, Clayton pulled his cock from her body and turned her around.

  He kissed her hard then ran his mouth down her neck and over her breasts. He circled each hard nipple with his tongue then sucked before moving his attentions to her pussy.

  His slow and tender movements quickly rekindled Ellen’s desire and she gasped as he brought her to the edge again and again.

  “No more!” she begged. “Your turn.”

  He scooped her up then lay her on the ground beside the tree. As she looked at him, kneeling next to her, she wanted to preserve the image forever in her heart. In the silvery moonlight, with his chiselled body, he looked like he could have been carved from stone. He was male perfection. Only his dark eyes so full of life and…could that be love…confirmed that he was real. Hot. Masculine. The owner of her heart.

  He moved over her and covered her body with his own then slid into her once more, filling her core, making her whole. Ellen wrapped her legs and arms around him, wanting to bind him to her, to keep him with her forever. They became one, lost in each other, lost in pleasure, lost souls holding onto each other to avoid the black abyss of loneliness that existed just outside their union.

  As he moved to spill his seed outside of her body, she turned her head so that the tears rolled from her eyes onto the ground.

  She was in deep.

  Deeper than the roots of the surrounding trees.

  Deeper than she’d ever imagined she could get.

  Ellen knew now, for certain, that she had fallen in love.

  But did Clayton feel the same? And how ever would they make this work?


  “Clayton?” Ellen nudged him.

  “Huh?” He sat up suddenly, his hair sticking out on one side.

  “We fell asleep.” Ellen reluctantly moved away from his body heat and began dressing. “It’s late.”

  “So it is.” He frowned then reached for their clothes and handed Ellen hers.

  “We should go check on Stella Rose.” Ellen hoped that the young woman wasn’t worried.

  “Stella will be fine.” Clayton stood to pull on his trousers. “She’ll just think we’ve stayed on in town to continue enjoying the evening.”

  Ellen nodded. He was right.

  “Well, let’s get back anyway.” She turned for him to lace her corset then stepped into her skirt.

  “To put your mind at rest you mean.” Clayton smiled. “You’re taking good care of my sister and she’ll miss you when you go.”

  Ellen’s heart plummeted.

  She chewed the inside of her cheek as she buttoned her jacket.

  “Ellen?” Clayton stroked her face. “When are you thinking of leaving?”

  She shook her head. Just a fortnight ago it had all seemed so clear. So easy.

  But now…

  “I…I’m not sure. I guess…as soon as Stella is up and about.”

  That wouldn’t be long though. With mother and child, Clayton and Ellen, the cabin would be far too crowded. She’d have to get going. Besides, though she had fallen for him in spite of her best intentions, she still wasn’t really clear about his feelings. He cared for her, desired her, but…he’d be mad if he had any thoughts of taking a soiled dove as a wife. How would that even work?

  “I wish you’d stay.”

  Ellen’s mouth fell open.


  “Stay with me.”

  Ellen opened her mouth to reply but was prevented by a blood-curdling scream that pierced the night and echoed around the clearing.

  Chapter Six

  Ellen ran behind Clayton, through the trees and towards the small cabin. The scream had come from Stella Rose. That much she was certain of. But bile rose in her throat as reasons for the girl’s distress raced through her mind.

  Had Stella fallen?

  Had something happened to the baby?

  Had Stella started to bleed heavily as sometimes happened when there was a maternal complication post-childbirth?

  They reached the cabin and Clayton stopped her with a powerful hand. He pulled on his boots which he had not had time to don before racing back.

  “Stay here.”

  “No, Clayton…” She would not wait outside like a coward when she might be able to help. Her chest rose and fell rapidly with the exertion of running.

  “There could be someone in there.” His eyes carried a wariness.

  “But who?” Ellen couldn’t understand why anyone would have come to the cabin. Unless Al had decided to visit but why on earth would he?

  “I’m not sure…but it’s a man.” Clayton pointed at the ground before the cabin and sure enough, Ellen could see large footprints.

  “I will not stay out here when you…or Stella or…” Ellen’s voice caught before she could name the baby.

  “You will do as you’re told, woman!” Clayton growled.

  Something inside Ellen snapped and she pushed past him.

  “I will not be pushed around by any man, Clayton Kile! Do ya hear me?” She stormed into the cabin and looked around.


  But from the bedroom came the sound of weeping.

  “Ellen.” Clayton arrived at her side and placed a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll go together then, you stubborn wench.”

  She took his hand and they walked into the bedroom. Her heart was thudding so loudly, she feared she wouldn’t be able to hear anything else.

  But she knew that she couldn’t hear the baby. No crying. No suckling. No cooing.

  What was wrong?

  “Stella?” Clayton approached the bed and reached out to his sister who lay face down on the mattress. “What is it? What’s wrong? Where’s little Ellen?”

  Stella Rose turned around and Ellen gasped. The girl was distraught. Her pale face was illuminated by the moonlight that shone through the window and over the bed. She looked ghostly. Haunted. Ethereal.

  “Clayton…” Stella grasped at his shirtfront, her breathing was fast and laboured. “It was…Mitch.
He was here.”

  Ellen saw Clayton stiffen, his hands close into fists.

  “Where is he now?” His voice was low, soft, dangerous.

  “He…he said he wanted to see the baby. Then he…” Stella burst into fresh sobs.

  Ellen moved towards the bed and sat in front of Stella. She took her hands. They were icy.

  “Stella honey?” Ellen squeezed the girl’s fingers. “Where has Mitch gone? Where did he take the baby?”

  Stella stopped crying and looked at Ellen as if realising that she was there. “He was drunk!” she spat. “He went to the Gem and someone there told him that you’d come up here to help with a girl in labour two weeks ago. He said he…he took a chance, hoping it was me. He said he loves me and he’s…he’s sorry for abandoning me. But then he asked to see the baby and I refused. I was so mad at him for leaving me before. He hurt me so bad. He broke my heart, Ellen. So I wanted to keep the baby from him. I wanted to hurt him back. So he…he snatched her from me and ran off!” Stella Rose began to sob again.

  Clayton knelt next to the bed and reached under it then he pulled out a rifle.

  When he stood up, he looked at Ellen.

  “I’m goin’ into town.”

  She shook her head. “No, Clayton. Not like this. He can’t have gotten far. Don’t take the rifle. If he’s drunk, like Stella said, then you’ll likely end up shooting him and…the child could get injured. Let me go instead.” She placed a hand on the rifle and stared into his eyes.

  “I have to do this, Ellen.” His eyes carried an intensity so different from that of arousal and desire. He needed to prove that he could protect his family. Ellen saw it and she was consumed by a wave of emotion. Clayton carried the pain of loss deep within and the fear that he had failed as a man. If he didn’t have the chance to try to redeem himself here, he might never return from the edge.

  “Well, I’m coming with you.”

  He nodded.

  Ellen tucked Stella back into bed. “Now you rest, sweetheart. We’ll get your baby back. I promise.”

  Stella sagged against the pillows. She looked defeated and worn out. Ellen had seen that look upon her own face. After losing another baby. But hers hadn’t even made it past the three-month mark.

  As Ellen turned to leave the room, she heard Stella whisper, “I really loved him you know. I really did.”

  Ellen’s heart flipped at the pain in the girl’s voice. She knew that she had to help to put this right. Stella, little Ellen and Clayton had become her own family. They were everything to her now and she would protect them with everything that she had.


  Ellen clung onto Clayton’s hand as they hurried down the crudely carved steps and into the town. He still carried the rifle and that worried her but she would do her utmost to ensure that he didn’t need to use it. Guns led to trouble and trouble led to death. She didn’t want Clayton landing himself in a situation that could blow up and result in him shooting another man. And she couldn’t, wouldn’t, allow him to get himself shot.

  The thought seared through her like a knife.

  If Clayton were to get hurt…how would she cope? She’d only just found him and she needed him like she needed air and water. To lose him now, after believing that she’d never ever love, would be just unbearable.

  “Ellen,” he said softly as they walked along the main street. “You understand why I have to do this?”

  She nodded. “Because you feel that you didn’t protect Stella Rose from this…Mitch in the first place.”

  He stopped and stared deep into her eyes. “Yes, there’s that…” He grimaced. “And something else.”

  “What is it, Clayton?” Her stomach churned. She wished that she could reach out and snatch away his frown, the darkness that now rested like a thundercloud upon his furrowed brow.

  “I…I’ll try to explain…later,” he replied. “But first I gotta find my niece.”

  “Of course.” Ellen grabbed his hand and they hurried onwards.

  When they reached the Gem, Ellen spotted Kacey pacing up and down the front porch. The kerosene lanterns hung from their pegs swinging in the wind that had picked up, their circles of light roaming around the wooden porch, casting their glow on first one area then another as if searching for something.

  “Ellen!” Kacey rushed to her friend.

  “Kacey, we’re looking for…”

  Kacey pressed a finger over Ellen’s lips. “It’s okay. I know. He’s inside. Al’s trying to talk him round.”

  “The baby?” Clayton asked. Tears sprang into Ellen’s eyes at the pain she could see in Clayton’s face.

  “He has the child,” Kacey nodded. “You’d best keep that out here though.” She gestured at the rifle. “Don’t want no guns going off inside.”

  Clayton placed the rifle on the porch. He stared at it for a moment as if reluctant to leave it there.

  “I need to see him.”

  “Well, I’m not sure that’s the best…”

  “It’s okay.” Ellen stared at Kacey. “Clayton don’t want no trouble either. He just wants to take the baby back to her mother.”

  Kacey nodded. “Okay. Come on then.”

  They walked through the swing doors. There, with his back resting against the bar, stood Al Swearengen. He had his thumbs hooked in the armpits of his waistcoat and he was looking down at something that was obscured from their view.

  As they approached him, he turned his head towards them.

  “Ah…Well if it ain’t the high and mighty Miss Ellen Finch come to pay our humble establishment a visit.” He slapped his thigh. “To what do we owe the…”

  Ellen scowled at him. He raised his eyebrows. “Of course.”

  Ellen took Clayton’s hand and approached the bar.

  “Al. We don’t want no trouble. Clayton just wants to talk to Mitch.”

  Al nodded. “”Why don’t we all sit at a table then?” He pointed at a sandy-haired young man who sat hunched over next to the bar. In his arms he held a small bundle which Ellen realised was the baby. Her stomach knotted instantly and she gasped for breath. Was the little one safe and well?

  Al pulled the young man to his feet and Ellen had to battle the urge to rush to him and snatch the baby away. If he’d hurt little Ellen…she would kill him. Anger pooled in her gut and her heart seemed to swell beneath her breast. She felt such love for the child and so protective of her. The emotion threatened to choke her with its intensity.

  Clayton pulled out a chair for her and she sat. He was a gentleman even now. Ellen was filled with admiration at his self-control.

  Kacey stood behind her and squeezed her shoulders, letting her know that she had her back. Like always.

  Mitch took a seat at the table but he kept his head down and he gripped the bundle to his chest. Ellen could see that there was no way that anyone would get the child from him without a struggle.

  “Mitch?” Clayton broke the silence. “I need you to tell me what you want. The baby…little Ellen…has to go back to her mother. She’s too small and too young to be away from her for long.”

  Mitch glanced sideways at the saloon door but didn’t move.

  “Mitch. I’m not gonna hurt you. Ya hear me?” Clayton’s tone was calm but Ellen could sense the tension emanating from his body in waves. He was like a wildcat, poised to spring if Mitch so much as moved a muscle. She feared what might happen if he did lurch at Mitch and she didn’t fancy the younger man’s chances.

  “I hear ya.” The young man spoke softly then raised red-rimmed eyes to Clayton. “I didn’t mean to cause no fuss. I just wanted to see Stella and the baby. I came here looking for ya both and when I heard that the babe had been born…” He looked down at the bundle in his arms and seemed to realise how tightly he’d been holding it. He lifted the corner of the material gently and Ellen sighed with relief as she saw little Ellen’s rosy cheeks. “I just wanted to see my child.” Mitch’s eyes filled with tears. “I’m a father.”

sp; Clayton shifted in his seat.

  What was he thinking? Did he have any sympathy for the man who’d broken his trust? Could he see past the red mist of his anger to a solution to the problem that lay before him?

  Ellen watched him closely. She knew that this must be incredibly difficult for him. He felt that he should protect Stella Rose and little Ellen too, but as a man, he must understand that people made mistakes. Maybe Mitch now realised that he had been mistaken when he abandoned Stella.

  “Mitch.” Clayton looked at the young man. “Can you just let Ellen here take the baby? Check that she’s okay. I can’t concentrate properly til I know she’s well.”

  Mitch bit his lip. He looked at the baby then at Ellen. He nodded.

  Ellen stood and held out her arms. She almost collapsed with relief as Mitch placed the baby gently into them. She looked the baby over from head to toe and her eyes filled with tears. “She’s fine.” She kissed the downy head then met Clayton’s eyes. “She’s fine.”

  “You didn’t think I’d hurt my own child, surely?” Mitch looked at them all. “I’d never hurt her. She’s just so…so beautiful. Like Stella Rose.”

  Ellen glanced at Clayton. He was still frowning but not with anger, more like concentration.

  “You walked out on her, Mitch. You were a family friend and you made Stella fall in love with you then broke her heart.”

  “I didn’t mean to…” Mitch placed his hands on the table top. “I just got scared. I thought…” His cheeks filled with colour. “I thought you’d whip me black and blue when you found out we’d been…well you know…” He hung his head.

  “What would be the decent thing to do here, Mitch?” Clayton pushed his hat back on his head.

  Al chuckled but Clayton silenced him with a glare.

  “My apologies!” Al held up his hands. “If anyone needs me, I’ll be behind the bar. Coming, Kacey?”

  Kacey kissed the top of Ellen’s head then followed Al. They knew that this was family business now. But Ellen also knew that Al had clearly done his best to keep Mitch calm when he’d appeared with the child. For all his faults, the saloon owner could always pull a trump card when he needed to. And what was with Kacey and him? Had her friend taken her place at the Gem? She smiled inwardly. So she should do. Kacey had a good heart and a rough and ready exterior. She’d do well as Al’s number one. Hopefully keep him out of trouble while she was at it.


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