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Love and War

Page 5

by Tricia Andersen

  * * * *

  Artemis was perched on the front steps of Athena’s townhouse when she pulled into the drive. The goddess of the hunt was dressed in a black T-shirt and a pair of torn blue jeans, her long, brown hair tied up in a ponytail. Her black leather jacket lay beside her.

  Artemis was the biggest badass Athena knew. She had to be since she was known to intercept the assholes who wanted to take advantage of her priestesses. Purity was a big thing to Artemis and she tore apart anyone who dared threatened those she held dear.

  Athena stopped dead in her tracks as a lump lodged in her throat. Okay, so maybe Artemis wasn’t the best person to talk to about this. She was liable to chase Mack down and kill him or at least devise some sort of torture that would make him wish he were dead.

  Artemis looked up at her and smiled. “About fucking time you got here.”

  Athena shrugged as she continued on to the door. “Sorry about that. There was traffic between here and Demeter’s place.”

  “Precisely why we should have met at my house.”

  Athena climbed up the steps and slipped her key in the lock. “You live out in the middle of nowhere.” Kind of like Mack.

  Artemis rose to her feet and followed her inside the condo. “Exactly. Where there is peace and quiet and no traffic jams.”

  Athena set her purse and keys on the end table next to the couch then turned to face her half-sister. Artemis stood in the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest. Shit, she was intimidating.

  “So, what is it you wanted to show me?” Artemis demanded.

  Athena pointed to the overstuffed chair in the living room. “Have a seat.”

  Artemis followed Athena into the living room and settled into the chair. Athena went to each window and raised the blinds until the room was bathed in sunlight. She strode back to Artemis and hiked up her skirt, angling her leg just like she had with Demeter.

  “What the fuck? You didn’t say you were going to strip…” Artemis’s voice trailed off as she sat forward, staring at Athena’s thigh. “What is that?”

  “I was hoping you could tell me,” Athena answered.

  “Dad told us all that you crashed a jet. Where did you end up?”

  “The Okefenokee swamp in Georgia. Way off the beaten path. Could it be caused by a bug bite or a poisonous plant?”

  “Something like that wouldn’t make such an intricate pattern. It’d be full of puss and swollen. It wouldn’t look like the most incredible tattoo I’ve ever seen. If this were blacked out, I’d have to be jealous that you have it and not me.”

  “Do you have any idea what it is?”

  Artemis straightened herself then sighed. “What it looks like is a mating mark.”

  Athena frowned as she let her skirt slip from her fingers. “A mating mark? What the hell is that?”

  “It’s legend is what it is. A mating mark forms when someone mates with a werewolf. They share the mark, but it means they are mated for life.”

  Athena’s eyes grew wide as her heart seized in her chest. “Like werewolves are real.”

  “Coming from the woman who turned a vampire into a nymph. Yes, Athena, they’re real. But I only know of a concentration in Maine and a small one in Minnesota. The last I knew there aren’t any in Virginia, Maryland or the DC area. And besides, you’d have to have sex to get one and it’s you. You’re a maiden goddess.”

  Athena bit her lip as she fought to suck in a breath. There was no way. It was one night. There was no way Mack could be a…

  “Athena, you’re white as a sheet. What’s wrong?” Artemis asked.

  Athena couldn’t choke out the words. Artemis’s face darkened as she rose from the chair to stare her sister down. “Athena, tell me you’re still a virgin. Tell me you haven’t been with anyone.”

  “I…” was all that Athena could sputter out.

  Artemis snarled as she clenched her hands into fists at her side. “What’s his name? Did he rape you? Was this in the swamp?”

  “His name is Mack. No, he didn’t rape me. It was a mutual arrangement. There was something about him that attracted me.”

  “Yeah. He’s your mate. Fuck, Athena. What were you thinking having sex with some freak in the swamp?” She stormed towards the door. She looked like she was about to spit fire.

  Athena raced after her and threw herself against the door before Artemis could tug it open. It was time to pacify her half-sister. “He hunts. It seems he has a respect for the wildlife in the swamp, but he hates people.”

  Artemis scowled but deflated a bit. “Okay, that might make me like him.”

  “You two would get along well, I think.”

  Artemis’s eyes narrowed as she glared at her. “Are you in love with him?”

  “I...I don’t know. I wish I could see him again soon. I think about him all the time.”

  Artemis’s shoulders sagged as she blew out a long breath. “What are you going to tell dad?”

  “Nothing. Dad doesn’t need to know.” She stared into Artemis’s gaze. “Right? Please. I need you to keep this between you and me.”

  “He’s going to find out. It’s Zeus. He’s the King of the Gods. And if he doesn’t, Hera will. And you sure as hell don’t want Hera to find out. She hates you and she would be ecstatic to tell him how bad his little girl fucked up.”

  “Hera hates all of us. Just let me figure this all out first. Then I’ll tell him. I’ll make him see that everything is okay.”

  “Because he loved the idea of Ares and Juliet. There’s no way you can spin it to make Zeus love this werewolf. But your secret is safe with me.”

  Athena let go a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

  Artemis motioned to the door. “I do need to go, though. The sun is about to set, and you know how testy Apollo is when I’m late.”

  Athena cracked a grin at her. “Because you always are.”

  Artemis laughed as she wrapped Athena in a hug. “Take care and get this fixed before I have to do it for you. Okay?”

  Athena squeezed her back. “Got it. Thanks.”

  “No problem.”

  Athena watched as Artemis strolled to her motorcycle. She didn’t shut the door until the goddess was speeding down the road. She shuffled to the couch and sunk into it as her thoughts immediately fled to Mack. She should be infuriated, and she was in a sense. But her need to see him again, to feel his lips against hers, to touch him, overwhelmed any anger she held towards him. She remembered the contract she saw laying on his end table.

  She slipped her cell out of her purse and swiped it open. She chose Ares from her contacts then quickly tapped out a text. When is your next fight?

  She waited for a few moments. For all she knew he was in bed with Juliet. He sure as hell wasn’t working. There was a skirmish in the Middle East he was supposed to flame up so she could take over. That was four days ago before he reconciled with Juliet. Sometimes her brother was just useless.

  She jumped up, startled, as the cell vibrated out a reply. When the hell have you cared about my fighting career? It’s not my debut, sis.

  Her fingers flew across the screen. Can’t I support my brother?

  Ares’s answer came quicker this time. You haven’t before. I fight in seven weeks.

  Athena sighed as her heart weighed heavy in her chest. She couldn’t wait that long to be with Mack. She could try to drive to Georgia to find him, but it would be a needle in the haystack kind of situation. Hell, she could just ghost there but it would be the same effect.

  She glanced down at the phone as it shuddered again. But I have faceoff with the son-of-a-bitch I have to fight tomorrow night at one of the bars downtown.

  She smiled even though she wanted to punch him for calling Mack a son-of-a-bitch. You do?

  The answer popped up almost immediately. The promoter wants photos for marketing and I guess making us pose in front of a crowd will get a rise enough for him to sell tickets.

  Athena’s fingertips struck the cell. Can I com

  Sure. You can keep Juliet company. Starts at 7. We’ll pick you up.

  Okay. Athena set her phone in her lap as she grinned. She only had one more night of agony while she craved her mystery man in the swamp. Tomorrow night at the bar she wasn’t going to let him go.

  Chapter Five

  Athena was seriously overdressed for this place.

  She glanced around at the half naked women prowling the dance floor around her as she followed Ares and Juliet towards the makeshift stage. She tugged her navy blue blazer tighter around her white T-shirt as she watched her half-brother in the neon light. His jaw was set like granite as he led them through the crowd. She wasn’t sure if it was his game face or if he hated walking through this chaos as much as she did.

  She gasped as a hand grabbed her arm and yanked her back. She watched the couple fade into the crowd.

  She spun on her toe and raised her hand. Someone was going to get slapped for that. Whoever it was caught her hand in midflight then pulled her to them. She didn’t know whose lips claimed hers until she realized the familiar taste on her tongue.

  She was breathless as they parted. She didn’t have any idea when she’d wrapped her leg around his hip.

  “Don’t worry,” Mack assured with a deep chuckle. “I’ll make sure you get up there.”

  Athena scowled at him. “You have some explaining to do.”

  He cocked his head at her. It didn’t stop her from kissing him like her existence depended on it. “What do I have to own up to?”

  She nuzzled her nose against his as she teased a kiss. She heard his breath hitch at the contact. “This thing on my thigh.”

  His eyes widened at her words. His mouth opened to answer but clamped shut as a voice echoed over the speakers. “It’s time to get started ladies and gentlemen. Let’s get our fighters up here.”

  Mack took her hand captive in his and tugged her along behind him. It took until the steps to the stage for him to hear her over the crowd.

  “What are you doing?” she questioned between deep breaths.

  He glanced back at her. “This should piss your brother off, don’t you think? Have his own sister at my side instead of his?”

  He hopped up the steps with her in tow then strode across the stage to face Ares. The god of war glared at her from around Mack. Juliet stared at Mack, her face skewed up like she was tasting something bitter and wanted to spit it out.

  “What the fuck, Anna?” Ares demanded.

  Athena couldn’t respond. She knew she should have shaken free of Mack’s grasp and joined her sibling. Instead she squeezed his hand tighter.

  “I can’t wait to see this match-up. Can you?” The announcer bellowed into the microphone. He frowned as the promoter waved him over to the side of the stage.

  Athena closed her eyes in defeat. As livid as Ares looked, he was going to start a war right here and now. At least he’d be getting back to work.

  She missed the being joining them until a silky, devious voice broke through her senses. “What do we have here?”

  Her eyes fluttered open. A man the height and build of Mack and Ares now stood between them. He was dressed in a pair of black denim jeans and a blood red T-shirt that molded around his sculpted muscles. His dirty blond hair was spiked along his skull. She could have sworn his eyes were as red as his shirt.

  “Get lost, asshole,” Ares warned. “This is between him and me. I’ll fight you next time.”

  The man slithered himself, his body weaving like a serpent, to look into Ares’s eyes. “Oh, I don’t want to fight you. You can’t lose, can you, o holy one? How often do you use your divine power on your opponents?”

  Ares’s eyes widened as did Athena’s. Who the hell was this that he insinuated who Ares really was? She did what she could to sense the guy out. All she got in return was darkness and fire.

  The mystery man spun at Mack until they were nose to nose. “I want you, mutt. I want to beat you to the ground like the mongrel you are. Can you howl for me?”

  She felt Mack tremble as he put up a strong front. “Fuck yourself. I’d like to see you try to beat me.”

  Ares grabbed the guy and yanked him back from Mack. In that same moment, Mack tucked her behind him away from the lunatic.

  “I’m done with this shit.” Ares waved over to security. “Get this asshole off the stage.”

  “Not so fast.”

  They all turned to see the announcer return with the well-dressed man he was talking with. The guy looked about as out of place as Athena did wearing slacks and a tie in this club.

  He looked at Ares. “Romeo, you’re out.”

  “What the fuck do you mean, Rob? You contacted me for this fight, remember?” Ares demanded.

  “I did. And you haven’t sent in your signed contract and blood work to me yet. I’ve got both from Mack and,” Rob scanned the papers in his hand then waved aimlessly at the newcomer standing between Mack and Ares. “Namtar. There’s no last name.”

  Namtar gave the men a smug grin. “There’s no need for a last name.”

  Athena frowned as she stared at Namtar. She knew that name from somewhere but with her infinite knowledge as the goddess of wisdom it would take a bit to figure it out. When it hit her, she squeezed Mack’s hand.

  “You can’t fight him. Romeo shouldn’t either,” she pleaded.

  Mack scowled at her from over his shoulder. Ares didn’t look pleased as he glared at her.

  “Who is that?” Rob questioned. Even over the deafening chatter of the crowd he sounded irritated.

  “She’s my...” Ares began.

  “She’s with me,” Mack interrupted.

  “Nevertheless,” Rob continued. “The fight will go on. Romeo, I will get you an opponent once you get your paperwork in to me. But in the meantime, step back so Namtar and Mack can face off.”

  Athena let go of Mack and hurried to Ares as he stomped off to the edge of the stage with Juliet on his heels. She caught his arm before he descended the stairs.

  “Please, you have to help him,” she begged.

  “I am not fucking helping him,” Ares replied with a violent growl. “You turned on me, Athena. You walked away from me. Do you even know that guy?”

  She paused for a moment then nodded. “Yes.”

  “Bullshit. He’s from Georgia.”

  “Where I crashed my jet, Ares. I’m sure you got Dad’s memo. He was none too happy about it. I’ll explain everything to you later, but you need to help me. Him. Us.”

  “Why? What are you so freaked out about?”

  “Namtar is Sumerian for demon. One that is so powerful it kills gods. When I tried to sense him all I got was evil. He’s not going to beat Mack. He’s going to kill him.”

  Ares glanced over to the two men squaring off on the stage. He looked at Athena with a huff then stormed off into the crowd. Athena caught Juliet’s wrist before she followed.

  Juliet nodded before Athena could say a word. “I’ll talk to him.”

  Athena smiled. “Thank you.”

  She watched the nymph disappear into the crowd before she wandered across the stage back to Mack’s side. The posturing was over and those involved had dispersed to gather their things. Her breath stuck in her throat as Namtar almost collided with her.

  His blood-red gaze sent ice through her veins. “So, you know who I am. I know who you are too, goddess.”

  “Understand this,” she warned. “I will use all the power within me and the Pantheon to stop you.”

  His smile was terrifying. “You know what I am capable of. You and your family do not scare me. I have slaughtered gods more powerful than you.”

  She didn’t get a chance to tell him off before she was tugged away from him. She felt herself pressed tight to a warm, muscular body before she could regain her focus.

  “What the hell was all that about?” Mack questioned.

  She pulled him down to her for a kiss. When they broke apart she met his gaze with hers. “We need to
talk. Now.”

  * * * *

  Athena sighed as she tossed her keys on the end table and flicked the lamp on. Without looking back, she could sense Mack’s presence filling the doorway. He had barely stepped into the townhouse. It took all the persuasion in her to get him this far.

  “Maybe you should come inside and close the door,” she suggested. “I don’t know if I have any beer, but I could get you a glass of wine.”

  “Maybe you should tell me what is so fucking important that you made me drive you here?” he asked, a low rumble in his voice. It was the same one that echoed in her ears right before he filled her that night in his bed. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt that low, deep ache that had filled her ever since.

  She swallowed hard. “It seems to me that there is quite a bit of truth missing between us. Confession is good for the soul.”

  “I have nothing to confess.”

  “Then what is this thing on my leg, Mack? If I stripped you naked, would you have one too?”

  He glared at her for a moment then looked away out the large bay window, the sheer creme colored curtains pulled back to give a clear view of the street outside. He bit at his lower lip as he shuffled his feet. But he said nothing to her.

  “I know what you are,” she continued.

  He laughed. “Okay. What am I?”

  “A werewolf. That was why Namtar kept alluding to dogs when he spoke to you. He knows, too.”

  He turned back to her, his scowl tinged with a bit of hatred. “Right. The psychopath. Why the fuck did he say things like that?”

  “Because he’s something we shouldn’t be messing with. Are you denying it? Are we mated?”

  He stormed across the living room until he hovered over her. “How do you know anything about that?”

  Athena sucked in a breath. “I saw books on Greek mythology back in your place.”

  “So? I like to read. There isn’t much to do back where I live. How does that answer my question?”

  “Who is your favorite god?”

  “Seriously, Anna. I am getting royally pissed off. Answer me.”

  She ran her fingertip along his jawline. For being a man of solid, furious stone he shivered at her touch. “Indulge me.”


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