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Love and War

Page 7

by Tricia Andersen

  He glared at her. “Which of us is the werewolf? Do you have any idea what being mated is?”

  “No, but I’m guessing it starts with not living in two separate states.”

  He growled as he pulled on his other boot and stood. “This is the trouble with women. Listen, sweetheart. I’m going home. I have no interest in playing house with you.”

  “I didn’t say…”

  He pulled her close and silenced her with a bruising kiss that stole her breath. She groaned against his mouth as she tried to return it just as viciously. He let her go then hurried down the stairs before she could find her voice to offer another protest. His departure was announced with the slam of the door.

  Athena glanced around her bedroom. She shook her head as she let the comforter pool at her feet. She was awake. Mack was gone. She might as well get ready for work. She had a war to tend to.

  * * * *

  The old tow truck shuddered as Mack raced down the highway. He growled as he glanced at his watch then floored it as hard as the old girl would let him.

  He had planned on sleeping in the truck halfway towards home. Instead he slept in Anna’s…

  He caught himself. Athena. Athena’s bed. His mate was a fucking goddess. He didn’t believe her at first. It was quite the load of crap she spun for him.

  Then she took him, with a snap of her fingers, to Olympus itself. Either she was telling him the truth or she was a being he didn’t want to fuck with. At this point he was opting for the truth.

  He thought of her in that white chiton with gold molded leaves wrapped around her waist and brow. The image made him want to drop a knee in reverence and fuck her senseless all at the same time. Beauty didn’t hold a candle to her. She took his breath away.

  As did their parting kiss. He didn’t want to leave her, but the full moon would rise tonight. As the beast he would rip her cute place to shreds. Not to mention he was already feeling the full effects of the mating curse. He had heard rumors that it was the only time he would be able to father a child.

  Athena had just lost her virginity. She was definitely not ready to be a mother. Unfortunately, she was right about the bond between them. It physically hurt when he was apart from her. He had no idea how he was going to survive this next week without her.

  He tilted the steering wheel for his exit and eased on the brake. He glanced once more at his watch then spat out a few choice curse words. He didn’t know which was more comfortable this morning, the mattress or the arms of the woman in bed with him. He had never woken up with a woman like that. The few one night stands he had usually ended with him getting thrown out. He had no idea what it was like to wake up wrapped tight around someone, to feel their breath warm on his skin as they slumbered. He hadn’t known what it was like to welcome the new day with someone he loved.

  He huffed. Not that he was in love with Athena. He couldn’t stop thinking about her, but it wasn’t love. Love was for suckers. Love ended you up in a pool of your own blood at the hands of the one you gave your heart to.

  Mack grinned to himself as the thick brush of the swamp blotted out the late afternoon sun. He should still be able to get things around the cabin secured and maybe catch a catnap before the fireworks started. He shifted his jeans around his thick, painful erection. He’d have to find a moment to take care of that too before all hell broke loose or it’d kill him.

  He slammed on his brakes as the flicker of flame in the trees caught his attention. His breath caught in his throat as he watched the darkness glow in a deep pumpkin orange. He threw open the door and hopped out to take a closer look. The stray branches that littered the two beaten down paths of dirt that served as a road cracked beneath his feet as he crept closer.

  The thud of something striking metal tore Mack’s attention from the fire back to his truck. He snarled as his new opponent perched on the hood of his tow truck. The grin on the man’s face made his blood flow like ice water.

  “Get the fuck off my truck,” Mack demanded.

  Namtar chuckled as he hopped, the truck bouncing in response. “Off your truck, dog?”

  Mack rushed the vehicle but seconds before he reached it the demon somersaulted over his head. He placed the landing a few feet behind Mack. Mack glanced up to see the branches above him blaze bright without being consumed.

  “What do you want?” Mack questioned.

  “Power. Control. Dominance. But you, mongrel, are in my way,” Namtar answered.

  “So you’re here to kill me.”

  “Not yet. Yours is not the blood I wish to spill. At least not until we’re trapped in that metal contraption. Then I will destroy you too.”

  “You mean the cage, asshole?”

  Namtar smirked. “Before we fight, blood will flow.”

  The fire above Mack extinguished when Namtar disappeared, leaving the dark shadows on the swamp to envelop him. A shiver ran through him. His heart and soul demanded he run back to Athena to tell her of Namtar’s warning.

  But it was a ten-hour drive. He wouldn’t get close before the change overtook him. He muttered curses under his breath as he climbed back into his truck and fired it on. He’d get through the night and figure the rest out in the morning.

  * * * *

  Athena rubbed her eyes as she tried to focus on the report in front of her. The letters shifted in and out of focus as they seemed to flow together. It didn’t help that she hadn’t gotten any sleep. The consuming need for Mack made commanding generals to collaborate into a full-fledged battle nearly impossible.

  “Can I get you a cup of coffee, boss?”

  Athena’s gaze snapped up to the door as she jolted in her chair. She was so utterly exhausted she’d missed Stella standing in the doorway.

  Stella leaned against the jamb, her starched white blouse a stark contrast to her mocha colored skin. Her tight, black, long curls were captured on the top of her head in a bun. Stella was an exceptional assistant at the Pentagon. She also was Athena’s devoted high priestess and closest confidant.

  Athena gave her a weak smile as she held up the paper cup beside her. “I’m good. Thanks.”

  “Buried in paperwork?” Stella questioned.

  “Sort of.” Athena glanced out to the office.

  Stella stepped into the office then nudged the door closed with her foot. “I can’t imagine you could have been busy with the other job. I mean, unless you were trying to stir up trouble.”

  “Believe it or not, I was. Ares got pissed. It fired him up to do something. I spent all night whispering in the ears of generals. I had to come straight here.”

  Stella cocked her head. “Is that it?”

  “What else could it be?”

  “I don’t know. You seem different.”

  Athena heaved a sigh. Of all people, it was best for her to come clean with Stella. It was hard for the poor girl to do her job in the temple if she didn’t know the truth. “I met a guy.”

  Stella crossed the office to the chair across from Athena’s desk and plopped down in it. She crossed one long leg over the other. “Met as in ideal to follow your cause or as someone who could put your maidenhood in jeopardy?”

  Athena groaned. “As in the sacred maidenhood is gone. We slept together.”

  Stella’s eyes opened wide as she stared at Athena. “Please tell me you’re joking.”

  “Wish I was.”

  “No. You’re one of the three maiden goddesses. That’s not possible.”

  “Well, now there’s two.”

  Stella rose, her feet naturally parting into a fight stance. Her uniform flickered back and forth to her chiton. “Who is he? He needs to die for desecrating you.”

  Athena stood and waved her to sit. “Sit down. He didn’t take it. I slept with him willingly. His name is Mack Bradshaw and he’s my mate. He found me when I wrecked the jet in the swamp.”

  Stella frowned, her nose scrunching as she scowled at Athena. “What do you mean he’s your mate?”

  “I mean he
’s a werewolf. Some power I am not familiar with destined us to be mated. It might be why I haven’t gotten laid for eternity. Literally.”

  “And you know this how?”

  “This.” Athena was glad Stella hadn’t followed her command. It made it easier for her to see. The goddess inched her skirt up then angled her leg into the light.

  “What the fuck?” Stella circled the desk then knelt to get a closer look.

  “It’s a mating mark. He has one too but in black.”

  Stella only hummed in response as she skimmed her fingers across it. “So, am I the first to know about this?”

  “Third. You got beat by Artemis and Ares.”

  If looks could kill, Athena might be dead. “That bastard knew before me?”

  “That bastard was supposed to fight Mack before some guy named Namtar stepped in and took Ares place. He’s a demon. That much I got from him. But I need more. I need to know what Mack is up against.”

  Stella’s eyes narrowed. “And you want me to research this Namtar so you can find out more about him.”

  “I wouldn’t ask if you weren’t the best.”

  Stella smirked at her as she straightened back to standing. “You flatter me. Okay, I’ll get your information. When do I get to meet this Mack Bradshaw?”

  “I don’t know. He isn’t much of a people person.”

  “Wow. What a great addition to your family. I’ll get started on my research project. You should go home and sleep.”

  Athena shook her head. “I’ve got too much to do.”

  “Suit yourself.” Stella offered a slight bow before she spun on her heel and headed for the door. She tugged it open then disappeared around the corner. Athena sighed and fell back in her chair. Stella was right. She definitely needed a nap. Unfortunately, duty called. She picked up the report again and skimmed to find her place.

  Chapter Seven

  Athena strode down the sidewalk, her dress flats clicking on the pavement. She glanced up to the sky to watch the pure white light pierce through the white fluffy clouds. She was surprised she’d gotten out of the Pentagon before the sun set. She’d expected to be there well after dark.

  But at the first break in the paperwork she grabbed her purse and headed out with the rest of the office. Some strange pull, deep in her core, begged her to go home. It was an urge she just couldn’t fight.

  She pulled her cell from her bag and tapped on the news app. The war was proceeding as planned. She’d kick up her feet and have a glass of wine as soon as she got home. Then she’d figure out how to quench the need she had for Mack out of her system before it drove her insane.

  She crossed the street with those around her then picked up her pace. It was just a couple more blocks. Her breaths escaped in ragged gasps. It wasn’t from exhaustion. Whatever lust held her in its grasp was growing not dying. She wasn’t going to make it home.

  She stopped short of her door with a gasp. Mack sat on the stoop watching traffic pass. His head swiveled in her direction like a predator eyeing its prey. A voice in her head demanded to know why he was there. He’d taken off without a word, leaving her behind.

  Instead she sprinted the last few steps until she was in his arms, his mouth hot and wet on hers. She clung to him as his hand palmed her ass to press her tighter to him. Right there on the sidewalk in front of her neighbors and who knows who else.

  She barely noticed him lead her up the steps until he spun her around and pinned her against the door. The hard sensation of the wood only made her draw him closer. The noise of the street behind them faded away as she was lost in his kisses. She couldn’t get enough of him.

  Athena fumbled to get the keys from her purse. She gasped against Mack’s mouth as he snatched them from her hand. Without breaking from her he slipped the key into the lock as he ran the index finger of his opposite hand up the back of her skirt outlining the crack of her ass. She couldn’t help comparing his action with the keys to his cock sliding inside her.

  Mack twisted the doorknob and shoved the door open. They stumbled inside intertwined, landing in a heap on the floor. Mack slid both powerful hands up Athena’s thighs until her skirt bunched around her hips. He then tore her panties from her like they were paper.

  She watched, breathless, as he gripped her knees and pulled them apart exposing her to him. She noticed the gold flecks in his eyes as he stared down at her. His chest heaved in ragged pants.

  “Don’t stop,” she begged.

  “We...can’t,” he stammered. He pushed away from her and stood. He paced the short length of the foyer. Even clad in a T-shirt and jeans, she could see every muscle tense.

  She propped herself up on her elbows as she felt a cold wave of rejection wash over her. She still lay splayed before him on the floor. “Why not?”

  His voice was a low, feral grow. “The full moon. I am only fertile during the full moon. Fuck, Athena. I want to fuck you senseless right now. So much. I don’t want to stop until the moon is rising and I beast out again. But if I do, I risk getting you pregnant. That’s not why I came. I’m here to talk to you. But fuck, I want you.”

  Athena reached for him, clasping his hand with hers. She caught his gaze as he took her in, the desire burning in his eyes. “Then take me, Mack. I want you, too.”

  “But a baby.”

  She shrugged with a grin. “I can think of worse men to father my child.”

  “Not by much.”

  “Mack, I wouldn’t want anyone else. Only you. Think how long I’ve been in existence. Think of the men I’ve associated myself with. Aristotle. Socrates. Some of the greatest scholars and commanders of all time. I want you. I need you. Please. I’m begging you. Fuck me, please. And if you get me pregnant, then that little demigod will be the most loved child in the universe.”

  He stared at her for a silent moment. The buckle of his belt fell open in a blur. She caught the sound of his zippers sliding feet moments before he dropped to his knees between her spread legs. A second later his cock was driving inside her until he was balls deep.

  Mack hooked a finger in the gaps of her blouse to tug the buttons free. A few slid open and a few popped across the room. He spread the fabric apart then nudged her bra aside to free her breasts.

  Athena moaned as he latched his teeth around a nipple and sucked it into his mouth. She dug her heels into the polished wood floor to attempt to meet his thrusts. His erection seemed larger and thicker than the last time they’d had sex. It felt like he was going to split her in two with every stroke. She clung to the arms braced on either side of her for a moment then she buried her fingers in his hair to cradle his head to her.

  He stretched her even further as his hips sped up. His mouth left a hot wet trail across her skin as he lavished attention on her other breast. He grunted a couple of times before he nipped at the pink nub.

  The scrape of his teeth on her skin sent an electric jolt through her. “Oh fuck, Mack. Please.”

  “You need to come,” he demanded. “I’m so close.”

  Mack drove deeper and harder into her, his whole body straining above her. Athena arched her back to press her body tighter to his. She needed to feel him against her. She needed something from him that she couldn’t quite figure out, but she knew she needed to be closer to him to get it.

  He dropped to his elbows as he scooped his hands beneath her. He molded her body to his until there wasn’t a crevice left between them. His nose brushed hers as he gazed into her eyes. His hot breath was replaced by his mouth on hers. His body ground into hers. He slid in and out of her, but his body barely left hers.

  She locked her ankles around his hips moments before the explosion tore through her. She cried out against his kiss as she clawed at his T-shirt. She clung to his weight as the waves rolled through her leaving her breathless.

  Athena brought herself back to her senses enough to brush her lips against Mack’s in a teasing kiss. She could feel his panting as he clenched his eyes closed. Her legs gripped him tig
hter as she felt him throb inside her filling her with his heat. She kissed each shut eye as he groaned in response. She didn’t release him until his body had stilled.

  Mack braced himself with his elbows on either side of her head as he gazed down at her. She could still see the lust in his eyes but she sensed something warring with it. He studied her like she was the most precious jewel on the planet.

  He combed his fingers through her hair fanning it along the floor. She whimpered as he rolled his hips into her, driving his still hard erection deeper. She clenched her thighs wrapped around his waist to lock him to her.

  “You said you didn’t come here for this,” she murmured as she moaned. “Why are you here?”

  Mack ran his thumb across her brow then brushed a lock off her forehead. “Namtar came to the swamp. He cornered me and told me he was going to kill someone.”

  Her eyes widened as she flinched at his words. It made her very aware of how much she needed to feel that rush again. “He’s going to kill you.”

  He parted her lips, but the kiss was tender. “Not yet. Not until the cage. Someone else.” He then buried his face in the curve of her neck as his palms slid down her arms to search for hers. He interlaced their fingers together then pinned her hands to the floor. “I fucked up royally. This, and now the sun is setting. I’ll have to hold back the change. It feels like my bowels are being ripped out. But I don’t want to leave you.”

  Athena let her feet fall to the floor. She arched her hips over and over to take his impossible length. Despite the haze filling her mind an idea struck her. “What if I can take you somewhere nearby? Somewhere remote?”

  He lifted his head to look into her eyes. He thrust into her to meet her strokes. His hands clenched hers to the point of pain. “In DC?”

  “No. Do we have three hours?”

  “I think so.”

  “Then we’ll make it...oh!” Her voice pitched as her body trembled. She sped up the roll of her hips as she teetered on the precipice. She felt Mack stop.

  “Baby, go. Take what you need from me,” he encouraged as he laid a trail of kisses along her jugular.


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