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Love and War

Page 10

by Tricia Andersen

  He heard her sigh. “Mack, I got to go.”

  “Athena, wait. You have to listen to me.”

  “Bye, Mack.”

  There was a click then a dial tone. Mack growled as he threw the handset on the floor. He hurried to his bedroom and grabbed the first few clean pieces of clothing he could find. He didn’t have time to lose. He needed to get to Washington DC as soon as he could.

  * * * *

  The old warehouse was thick with the smell of sweat and dirt. Mack took in the cage in the middle of the room and the punching bags that ran along the wall. The whole place was dim, lit only with the sunlight that struggled through the dirty windows.

  He didn’t believe the promoter when the guy said Romeo Lynch frequently trained in the place. For being the god of war, Mack would have thought Ares would pick a higher class facility. But then again, he spent most of his time at fight club in London. Chances were Ares wasn’t even there.

  The thud of a glove hitting canvas caught Mack’s attention. He strode towards the bags, breaking into a grin when he saw the deity he was searching for.

  Ares looked up at him and snarled. “What the fuck do you want?”

  “Are we alone?” Mack countered.

  “Get the fuck out of my gym.” Ares spun on his heel and stormed off towards a hallway in the back of the building.

  “Namtar is going to kill Athena,” Mack shouted after him.

  Ares froze in midstep. He glanced over his shoulder at Mack. “Excuse me?”

  “So we are alone.” Mack jammed his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “Namtar has been torturing me. Finally, I caught the little bastard. It was then that he confessed that he wants to kill your dad. And he’s going through Athena to do it.”

  Ares turned back to face him. “I’m sorry. You forget what we are. We’re immortal, asshole. Goodbye.”

  “And you forget that Namtar is a Sumerian death demon who kills gods. He has already. And now he has his sights on the Pantheon. Starting with the woman I love.”

  Ares cocked his head at him. Mack noticed in the limited light that the god of war was paler. “Woman you love?”

  Mack huffed. He couldn’t believe he’d said it either. But it was stupid to deny how he felt any longer. He just hoped it didn’t come back to bite him in the ass. “I need your help. Please.”

  “With what?”

  “Help me get ready. Whatever it takes. Help me get rid of this guy once and for all and protect Athena.”

  Ares tore the fastener off his glove then tugged the glove free. Then he nodded. “I got screwed out of that promotion entirely. So I’ll coach you. There might be some more supernatural tricks we can pull on this son-of-a-bitch. But you have to be here. I’m not galivanting off into some swamp to do this.”

  Mack nodded. “Absolutely.”

  Ares sighed. “She’s my sister. With everything that happened with Juliet, she was the only one who gave a shit to help. I know what it’s like to be in love. And I love my sister. So you better get this done and end this guy. Got it?”

  “I do. Consider it done.”

  Ares crossed the gym to Mack and offered his hand. Mack gripped it in his and shook it firmly. Ares cocked his head towards the door. “Have you seen her yet?”

  “Not yet. I drove like a bat out of hell to get here. I’m surprised I didn’t get a speeding ticket.”

  “Then go and find her. And keep her safe please.”

  “Will do.” Mack bowed slightly to the god of war then hurried from the building. His heart thundered in his chest. His already strange life took a twist more towards the bizarre. He knew his nerves wouldn’t settle until he had Athena safe in his arms.

  He wove through the Washington DC traffic in his old tow truck until he reached a familiar row of townhouses. Pulling to a stop in front of Athena’s, he killed the engine and hopped out. He took the steps to the front door two at a time. Panic struck his heart when he found it unlocked. Slowly turning the knob, he pushed it open.

  He heard the soft melody of someone singing somewhere in the house. He checked each room until he reached the kitchen.

  Athena stood with her back to him dressed in a simple creme colored sundress with tiny cornflower blooms. Her long blonde hair flowed free down her back. Although her back was to him, he could angle enough to see the vegetables she was cooking. The round curve of a roaster chicken peeled over the edge of the pan next to her.

  For a moment he took in the comfort of her standing there singing as she worked. She was unharmed. Namtar hadn’t fulfilled his threat yet.

  Mack strode across the kitchen and wrapped his arms around her. He half expected her to wrench from his grip and slap him. Instead she sank into his embrace with a content sigh.

  “You need to be more careful,” Mack chided as he buried his face in her hair right above her ear. “I could have been a stranger wanting to hurt you.”

  Athena laid the knife on the cutting board then caressed the arms that held her. “I knew it was you. I sensed you. When you parked out front, I unlocked the door. I’m surprised you haven’t thrown me over your shoulder yet and hauled me upstairs. Should I put dinner in the fridge?”

  Mack clenched his eyes tight. As fantastic as taking her to bed sounded, he needed something more. His fingers splayed over her belly. “Right now I just want to hold you.”

  She twisted in his arms until she faced him. He laid his brow against hers as she rested her hands against his chest. “Is something wrong?

  Mack huffed. “Ares is coaching me now.”

  She frowned. “When did that come about? How’d you even find him?”

  Mack turned his gaze away without answering. Athena caressed his cheeks. He caught her palm with his lips, pressing a kiss against the cupped center.

  “Mack, what happened?” she demanded.

  “Namtar showed up at my place. He’s been fucking with me all week sending little flames to freak me out. The morning of the final full moon I came back to everything on fire but not burning. Not all of it was fake.” He pulled his arm free to show her his now blistering skin on his arm.

  Athena gasped as she handled the wound tenderly. “Fuck, Mack. He did this to you?”

  “Athena, he told me who he plans to kill. He’s going after your dad.”

  She looked up at him. “My father is the King. He’s omnipotent.”

  Mack swallowed hard as he brushed a stray lock along her shoulder. “Not if Namtar destroys his only weakness first. Unfortunately, it’s mine too.” He let go of her hair and pulled her tight against him. “Baby, he wants to kill you to get to Zeus.”

  “He can’t kill me.”

  “I’m not about to take that chance. I’m not losing you.”


  He silenced her with a kiss, parting her lips with his. Her tongue tasted sweet like wine. As they parted he noticed the half empty glass next to the sink.

  His voice was rough as he spoke. “Maybe you should put dinner in the refrigerator. I’m in the mood for something else right now.”

  She laughed as she pulled free from his arms. She held onto the pan with one hand as she brushed the vegetables into it with her other. Once the chicken was put away, she laced her fingers with his and led him upstairs.

  She dropped to her knees the moment they stepped inside the threshold of the bedroom. Before he could protest, she undid his jeans and pulled his cock free from his briefs.

  Her big blue eyes gazed at him as she took the length of him in her mouth and sucked. He shuddered at the sensation. Watching a goddess on her knees at his feet pleasuring him was a phenomenal boost to his ego. The way her tongue caressed his flesh as she bobbed up and down was enough to put him on the edge. He couldn’t stop his hips from bucking but she took it in stride. He felt lust overwhelm him as he snaked his fingers in her hair to guide her.

  He pulled free from her as he felt the knot in his groin start to unwind. He grimaced as he held her from him. He needed to come. His whole b
ody shook with the tension.

  “Did I do something wrong?” she questioned, her lower lip popping out in a pout.

  He caressed her face as he looked down at her, hands in her lap on her knees in complete supplication. “No, beautiful. It was incredible. But I want another way.”

  Mack reached for her, tugging her to her feet when she took his hand. He swept her sundress over her head and tossed it to the floor. Then he molded her curves to him, hissing as her warm skin brushed his swollen cock.

  “How did I get so lucky to find you? Maybe it was fate,” he murmured as their lips met.

  She laughed as they broke apart. “I need to remember to thank them.”


  “The Fates. For the first time ever they didn’t try to screw me over.” She ran her fingertips through his beard. “What do you want?”

  She had no idea what that simple movement did to him. He bit down on the inside of his cheek. The sudden jolt of pain stopped him from coming just at her touch. “I want to make love to you. But that little trick you did put me on the edge, so I need to bring you there with me.”

  Mack scooped her into his arms then laid her gently on the bed. He parted her knees and slid her panties down her legs. He felt her tremble as he trailed his tongue across her sensitive flesh. He hooked his arms around her legs to keep her to him, watching her as she thrashed against the sheets.

  Athena reached down to him to bury her fingers in his hair. “Mack. Oh, Mack. Please.”

  The taste of her on his lips was his signal to stop. She whimpered as he pulled from her. He kicked off his shorts and briefs and tore his shirt over his head as quickly as he could before he descended into her.

  She arched her body hard against his to drive him deeper. Her mews turned to cries as he thrust harder and faster. He framed her head with his arms to keep it still and her gaze locked to his. He needed to be bound to her physically and spiritually.

  He noticed the galaxies that shimmered in her eyes a moment before her eyes fluttered shut, her mouth open in a silent benediction as she came. She tightened hard around his cock as her legs wound around his hips.

  He claimed her gaze once again then pumped a couple of hard strokes more. He swelled then throbbed, the rush burning through him leaving him light headed.

  Athena freed her hand from his grip then brushed a damp lock or two from his forehead. She never broke their stare as his cock twitched one last time inside her. He didn’t soften at all. If anything, he was ready for round two.

  “Wow,” was all she said before she drew him down to her.

  He parted her mouth with his in a devouring kiss as he gathered her to him. He couldn’t deny it. He did indeed love this woman more than his own life. And he would lay his life down on the line for her before he would allow himself or anyone else to harm her.

  * * * *

  Athena pressed the button down on the coffee grinder, cringing at the loud mechanical noise that came from it as it pulverized the beans. She sighed happily to herself. The night before was like any of the others she’d spent with Mack. His touch was tender as he thrust inside of her. He kissed every naked ounce of flesh he could find. He breathed over and over how beautiful she was like a prayer on his lips.

  She had no idea what had come over him. Maybe it was this crazy idea that Namtar could end her existence. For having so many books on the Greek gods, he didn’t seem to understand the idea of the eternity she had already lived. That night she would crack open a bottle of wine and explain it to him. Or get drunk in the process.

  Granted, she couldn’t dismiss the nagging feeling Mack might be right. Even she knew that Namtar had ended the existence of deities before. But they were his gods. He was about to go toe to toe with the Greek Pantheon. There was no way he could win.

  She was more terrified for Mack. Namtar had already burned him. His life was short, fleeting. The demon could snuff it out in an instant. She tried to bite back the sudden sting of tears. She couldn’t let that happen. She needed to do everything in her power to keep him safe in her arms.

  She pulled the cup full of coffee grounds free from the grinder, being careful not to get any on her uniform. She filled the machine with cool, clear water then adjusted the carafe beneath the basket.

  Athena smiled to herself when she heard heavy footsteps on the stairs.

  “Is that coffee I smell?” Mack asked, his voice gruff.

  Athena poured some of the brew into a mug then turned to face him. His thick dark hair was an unruly mess as he shuffled across the tile. He had managed to get his clothes back on despite the fact he didn’t look awake.

  He took the mug from her hands and dipped. His brow creased as he studied her from head to toe. “Where are you going?”

  She laughed as she leaned against the counter. “Work. I have things to do and that doesn’t include my goddess duties. I have wars to incite and an earth-shaking dissertation to inspire. My plate is full.”

  He set his mug on the counter then braced his hands against it on either side of her, boxing her in. “Like hell you do. You’re staying with me.”

  She scowled at him. “You forget who I am.”

  Mack huffed. “You remind me constantly.”

  “Then you understand that you have no command over me and what I do.”

  “Namtar is out there. He kills gods, Athena.”

  “His gods.”

  “You don’t know that. You don’t know if it’s just his gods. It could be any gods.”

  “Mack, I’ll be fine.”

  “Didn’t you hear a word I said?”

  “I did. I’ll take it under advisement.”

  He shook his head as he clenched his fists to his hips. “You don’t get it. You have no idea what it would do to me to lose you. I stayed in the swamp to get away from the world after my mother’s death. It would be a thousand times worse to lose you. I can’t let this son-of-a-bitch hurt the woman I love. I can’t.”

  “Mack, it’ll be okay. I promise.”

  He shoved away from the counter and stepped away from her. “Fuck it. I should have stayed in Georgia. I wish your fucking jet hadn’t crashed there. I can’t deal with this bullshit. I’m going home. I’m out.”

  He stormed out of the kitchen. A moment later Athena heard the front door slam shut. She stared at the wall as tears stung her eyes. A moment ago he told her he loved her then ended everything between them.

  She sniffled as the thought struck her like one of her dad’s bolts of lightning. He didn’t straight out say it, but Mack told her that he loved her. And she just let him go.

  She swiped the tears off her cheeks then turned back to the sink to dump the contents of the mugs into the sink. Fuck Mack. She had work to do. She couldn’t let his paranoia stop her now.

  Chapter Ten

  The day dragged on slower than any Athena had ever experienced. She didn’t get anything accomplished in the office or on the battlefield. The dissertation was half assed at best. By two o’clock, Stella called her a cab and sent her home with a mug of warm tea and a sandwich baggie of ambrosia. It just set off a new wave of tears. She couldn’t be more grateful that her high priestess asked no questions. When Athena pieced her heart back together she would tell Stella everything.

  When she walked into her empty townhouse, she knew she had to talk to someone. She slipped her phone out of her purse then swiped across the screen to unlock it. She tapped a contact and let it ring.

  “What’s going on, Sis?” Artemis’s voice came across the line.

  “Mack left,” Athena replied with a sniffle. “He stormed out saying he wished we’d never met. Right after he told me he loved me.”

  “Fuck.” Artemis huffed so loud it came through the phone loud and clear. “Let me call Apollo and I’m on the way. Okay?”

  “Thanks. I’ll see you soon.” Athena ended the call then set the phone on the coffee table. She slumped on the sofa. The emptiness smothered her again. It was the first time in thous
ands of years she didn’t want to be alone.

  “Where the fuck is your boyfriend?”

  Athena shrieked as she scrambled up the back of the sofa. She sucked in a breath to try to get her stampeding heart back under control. Maybe she really did take stock in Mack’s fears.

  Ares stared at her as he stood in the foyer arms crossed over his broad chest. “Did I startle you?”

  “Can’t you use a door? Ever?” Athena demanded, her voice still a high-pitched squeak.

  “What’s up with you? Where’s Bradshaw?”

  “Why do you care?”

  “I’m his coach. He should be training not running off to fuck you.”

  Athena slid down from her perch on the back of the sofa to the cushioned seat. “He’s gone. He left.”

  “What the fuck? Why?”

  “Because he thinks Namtar is going to kill me to get to Dad.” She wiped a tear from her cheek. “Which is insane, but I can’t convince him it won’t happen. Oh, and he said he loves me. So there’s that.”

  Ares stared at her for a long moment before striding into the kitchen.

  Athena buried her face in her hands as she slipped off the sofa onto the floor. Why did she expect Ares to understand? He was such an ass. He probably ghosted off and abandoned her.

  She didn’t realize she wasn’t alone until someone nudged her shoulder. Ares smiled at her as he offered her a silver spoon. In his other hand he held a pint of expensive ice cream. He angled the tub to her silently to offer a bite.

  Athena scooped a little on her spoon and popped it into her mouth. A tear slipped down her cheek as she watched Ares dig into the container. The hint of a piece of chocolate covered caramel spurred on his excavation.

  She bit back the caustic remark lying on her tongue. He was the god of war, one of the most terrifying beings ever to exist. He was violence and chaos incarnate. She had seen him in his most horrific glory, blood dripping down his flesh and staining his chiton, destruction and fire snapping from his fingers.

  For him to be sitting on her living room floor dressed in a 90’s grunge band t-shirt and a pair of torn jeans sharing a pint of ice cream with her was so out of his element. She could spare him a piece of candy in their treat.


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