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The Heart of Winter

Page 13

by Emma Hannigan

  The mood when he arrived at Huntersbrook made him forget all worries of Janet and her need for assistance. His parents were in the kitchen, chatting animatedly to Skye when he walked through the door.

  ‘Great news,’ Skye said, beaming at him.

  ‘We got our first booking, and it’s a biggie!’ Paddy said. ‘It’s from the boss’s daughter at Pippa’s work. She’s having her thirtieth birthday party here. There’ll be two hundred people all wanting food, drink and a place to dance.’

  ‘Wow,’ Joey said. ‘My God, that’s terrific news! I’d better get back onto my source about the marquee and make sure it’s arriving. When is this party happening?’

  ‘That’s the slight hitch,’ Paddy said. ‘We literally have three weeks to get the entire place organised.’

  ‘No bother,’ Joey said, pulling a stricken face. ‘I’ll get onto it pronto. At least Skye and I are here for the rest of the week. We’ll pull together and it’ll be the event of the season!’

  By eight o’clock that evening the celebrations at Huntersbrook were in full swing. Lainey, Matt, Jacob and Ely had come over to help plan the event in detail.

  ‘It’s incredible to have our first booking!’ Lainey said. ‘Good old Pippa. She’s a messer, but yet again she’s managed to come up smelling of roses.’

  ‘Why is she a messer?’ Matt asked with a grin. ‘What’s she done now? I thought she was keeping her head down of late.’

  ‘Ah, no reason. Don’t mind me,’ Lainey said with a wave of her hand.

  ‘Please don’t be so nasty about your sister,’ Holly scowled. ‘It’s not nice. Anyone would think you’re jealous of her.’

  ‘I’m not . . . I . . . Ah, forget it,’ Lainey said.

  ‘Let’s focus on the positive news,’ Paddy said hurriedly. ‘This is the break we needed. I’d reckon that Missy has a huge gang of potential customers on her party list. This couldn’t be better.’

  ‘I agree,’ Holly said. ‘This is the best advertising we could wish for.’

  ‘Which means we can hold off on blowing any unnecessary cash on advertising for the moment,’ Matt said sensibly.

  The wine was flowing and the crackling log fire made for perfect relaxation.

  ‘I love the summer, don’t get me wrong,’ Joey said. ‘But nothing beats sitting in this room with the fire blazing and a delicious glass of vino.’

  ‘Yes, Huntersbrook has always come into its own during winter,’ Holly agreed. ‘Before we know it, I’ll be planning this year’s decorations. Ooh I can’t wait! I wonder if we’ll have any Christmas parties booked in?’ She held out her glass for Joey to top it up.

  ‘Only a drizzle left. Will we all have another drop if I open a new bottle?’

  The nodding and thumbs up from around the room made him smile. This was what it was all about. Coming home to a great atmosphere and planning ahead.

  As they charged their glasses Joey decided to make his announcement.

  ‘So Clive and I had a serious discussion today . . .’ he began. ‘It seems my job is no longer available to me.’

  ‘What?’ Skye looked stricken.

  ‘Because they’re making me a partner! It’s official! I accepted and it’s all being drawn up.’

  ‘Good work, bro,’ Lainey said, going over to hug him. Matt clapped him on the back as did Jacob and Paddy pulled him into a bear hug.

  ‘You’re never too old to have a hug from your dad.’

  Holly dabbed at her eyes and told him she was bursting with pride. Skye looked pale and slightly down at the mouth.

  ‘Aren’t you happy for me?’ Joey asked, feeling stung by her muted reaction.

  ‘Of course I am,’ she said, flushing wildly as she glanced at the others. Holly swiftly struck up a casual conversation with the others while Joey and Skye talked quietly.

  ‘What’s up?’ he asked.

  ‘Nothing at all,’ she said. ‘I think the wine is literally burning the hell out of my ulcer. I should probably lay off the booze for a bit.’

  Joey felt as if Skye had popped his bubble. He couldn’t believe how furious he felt.

  ‘Lay off it? You never drink! It’s a special occasion for crying out loud. We’re on holiday.’

  ‘I know . . .’

  Joey didn’t know what to say as Skye looked like she’d been thumped. Tears welled in her eyes and he instinctively put his arm around her. ‘Why don’t you go on up to bed if you’re not well?’ He wanted her to protest and say she’d be fine and hold out her glass to join in the party. Instead, much to his dismay, she nodded and did as he’d suggested. Anger spiked and he shot off out of the room after her. She was at the bottom step of the stairs when he caught up with her.

  ‘What’s up with you?’ he asked accusingly.

  ‘I’m in bits with this ulcer of mine. I’ve been trying to clear it up using herbal teas, but I think I’ll have to admit defeat and go to the doctor tomorrow.’

  ‘I see.’

  ‘Why are you so cross?’

  ‘Why are you being so weird?’

  ‘Joey, if you really want to know, I’m pissed off with you for not telling me your news in private. I can tell you already told your father. He wasn’t a bit surprised. I’ve no problem with you talking to Paddy, but I’m meant to be your partner. You could’ve discussed it with me first. You already work non-stop. Where is this promotion going to lead to? Will we become one of those couples who see one another once a year at Christmas?’

  ‘Oh my God!’ he said throwing his hands in the air. ‘I didn’t tell you because I wanted to surprise you. I stupidly assumed you’d be happy for me. I’ll be on much better money and it’ll mean we can move out of your horrible flat and find somewhere nicer.’

  ‘My horrible flat as you so delicately put it, happens to suit me just fine. I like living there and I thought you did too.’

  ‘I did . . . I do . . . But it’s not exactly luxurious is it?’

  ‘Well I’m sorry that my standards are so low,’ she said as tears began to soak her face. ‘Maybe we’re not as compatible as we first thought, Joey? Maybe you need a girlfriend who likes staying up drinking all night with a penthouse apartment in a better postcode than ours. Hey, why don’t you start dating Pippa’s friend Missy Hassett? Her daddy owns a department store and she thinks life is one constant party.’

  Joey didn’t bother following her as she ran up the stairs. All he wanted was a fun night with a small celebration among his nearest and dearest. He was hardly suggesting a private jet to Vegas for the weekend. Skye was usually so sweet and calm. The girl he’d fallen in love with had his back and treated him like gold-dust. This new crabby anti-social version wasn’t easy to be around. He didn’t want to break up the party. The remainder of his family seemed really happy for him, so he’d go back into the living room and pretend this stupid spat hadn’t happened. With a bit of luck, Skye would wake up feeling differently in the morning. Bloody women.

  As soon as he went back into the room, Ely started howling.

  ‘I’d better get this little man to bed,’ Matt said. ‘I’ve to go to Galway early tomorrow to see a new client. So I’ll take him if you want to stay a while longer?’ he asked Lainey.

  ‘I won’t look a gift-horse in the mouth,’ she joked. Jacob accompanied Matt, leaving Joey, Lainey, Holly and Paddy.

  ‘When it’s like this, it feels as if we’ve never left,’ Holly said sadly. ‘It hits me from time to time that we’ve lost this old girl.’

  ‘We haven’t lost Huntersbrook,’ Joey said forcefully as he opened yet another bottle of wine. ‘Quite the opposite. We’re giving her the makeover of her life!’

  He topped up his own glass along with his parents’.

  ‘Lainey?’ he offered wagging the bottle in her direction.

  ‘No, you great big goon,’ she laughed. ‘You’re so inebriated you haven’t noticed I wasn’t drinking.’

  ‘Why not?’ he asked looking confused. ‘Jeez, nobody wants to celebrate my
promotion with me,’ he said.

  ‘I’m all about celebrating at the moment,’ Lainey said. ‘But there’s a good reason why it can’t be with alcohol . . . It’s not public knowledge yet,’ she said with a wicked grin. ‘But I’m expecting again. I won’t know until my scan in twelve weeks’ time, but I’ve a feeling it might be twins. I’m already getting a bump.’

  Joey stood to hug her.

  ‘Good on you, sis. I couldn’t think of a worse scenario right at this moment in time,’ he grinned. ‘But I know you’re looking to expand your brood, so congratulations.’

  ‘Well done, love,’ Paddy said and Holly joined in.

  ‘Any time you need a lie down, just call us. We’d love to mind Ely any time,’ Paddy added.

  ‘Thanks, Dad,’ Lainey said. ‘I might take you up on that.’

  ‘Actually, love,’ Holly said. ‘We’d love to have Ely for a sleepover some time. We’ve never had the little fellow come for a night at the gate lodge. What do you say?’

  ‘Eh . . .’ Lainey hesitated. ‘I’ll think about it. But thanks.’

  Joey couldn’t believe his ears.

  ‘Are you insane?’ he shouted, draining his glass. ‘If I were you, I’d take all the opportunities for chilling out. What about Matt? Wouldn’t he like a night out some time?’

  ‘I guess,’ Lainey said looking thoughtful. ‘I haven’t told him my news yet, by the way . . .’

  ‘What, that you’re preggers?’

  ‘Yeah, I wanted to be sure first.’

  ‘And you’ve taken a test?’ Holly said.

  ‘No, but I don’t need to, Mum. My trousers are tighter already and all my weight is right here,’ she said lifting her jumper.

  ‘Yup, that’s pretty unmistakable for sure,’ Holly agreed.

  Everyone bar Lainey continued drinking the wine and by the time the last bottle was empty, Joey feared his parents might end up head-first in a ditch.

  ‘Why don’t you crash here?’ he slurred.

  ‘We’re not teenagers. We’re going home,’ Holly said as she weaved her way toward the front door. Lainey disappeared across the garden and Joey locked up. Feeling quite muzzy, he crept up the stairs to Skye. Hoping to nudge her awake, he changed his mind when he saw her. She was curled into a ball, wearing those God-awful purple flowery pyjamas he detested. He’d told her a million times that she had the sex appeal of a leper wearing them, yet here she was again . . . He made quite a few thumping noises in the hope of rousing her. He didn’t want to go to sleep without resolving the row. But she was either genuinely out cold, or she wanted to ignore him. Sighing heavily, he climbed into bed and lay awake.

  It had been a very productive day. Clive was treating him like a confidant and now Huntersbrook was about to be put on the map. It was all fabulous, apart from Skye’s black moods and the stupid argument. The bed was spinning a little so he realised he was far too drunk to even attempt a conversation, so he sank under the covers and fell into an open-mouthed slumber.


  LAINEY WAS CLATTERING ABOUT IN THE KITCHEN, looking for ingredients to make scones, when Matt appeared looking bleary-eyed and grouchy.

  ‘I take it you’re hungover to hell?’ she smirked. ‘You snored like a walrus last night.’

  ‘I wasn’t that drunk,’ he said. ‘But I feel like I was drinking petrol. Red wine isn’t my friend. How come you’re so chirpy?’

  ‘I wasn’t drinking,’ she said smugly.

  ‘Weren’t you?’ he asked in confusion as he scratched his head. ‘I thought we were all pretty much laying into it. What’s made you so sensible all of a sudden?’

  ‘I’m pregnant!’ she said triumphantly.

  ‘You are?’ Matt blinked slowly, looking totally bewildered now. ‘But I thought we were only at the discussion stages with all that.’

  Lainey’s heart sank.

  ‘We had a chat, yes, but I didn’t realise when we were chatting that I was already expecting.’ A rush of emotion washed over her like a tsunami and she dropped the metal baking bowl on the counter and fled the kitchen, sobbing.

  Knowing she was behaving like a total lunatic, she dived onto the bed and buried her hotly embarrassed face in the duvet. She hadn’t planned on delivering their wonderful news in such an explosive manner. She’d wanted Matt to light up with delight and take her tenderly in his arms, telling her she was the most clever and precious being on earth.

  With Ely in his arms, he appeared moments later.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ he said sighing. ‘I’m a dreadful idiot. I shouldn’t have said any of that stuff to you. I always suffer when I drink red wine. You know I do. I should’ve had beer last night . . .’

  ‘It’s OK,’ she said sniffling. Not sure of what else to do, Lainey crawled off the bed and scurried to their bathroom to fetch the home pregnancy test she’d carried out that morning.

  ‘Look,’ she said holding it up for him to see. He recoiled as she shoved it close to his face.

  ‘Thanks, hon, but I’ll pass on sniffing or indeed licking it if that’s OK with you?’

  They both burst out laughing and he hugged her with Ely still in his arms.

  ‘You’re going to be a big brother, Ely,’ she crooned as she took him and planted a big kiss on his soft doughy cheek.

  ‘I’ve a feeling it’s twins, too,’ Lainey said. ‘I’m huge already,’ she pointed to her belly. ‘And I’ve been feeling dreadful.’

  She concealed a giggle as poor Matt looked a little green.

  ‘I’d better go, love. Sorry to dash off while you’re busy trying to frighten the living daylights out of me and all that . . .’

  She kissed him and tried to flatten some of his matted hair.

  ‘You might want to brush your hair before you go near any customers. You look like you’ve crawled out from behind a rock.’

  Matt managed to find his briefcase and laptop and the overnight bag he’d packed the night before. Lainey and Ely waved as he pulled away from the house.

  ‘Daddy’s gone until tomorrow night,’ she said to Ely. ‘So we’ll have to manage together, won’t we?’

  She’d made porridge earlier on, but it looked and tasted too much like frogspawn, hence the idea to make scones. Now even the scones seemed like far too much trouble. Not sure what she wanted to do, Lainey returned to the kitchen. All the ingredients were weighed up so she reluctantly mixed the dough, giving some to Ely to play with.

  ‘Don’t eat it like that, pet,’ she said. ‘That’s yuck. We’ll bake it first.’ She showed him how she was shaping the dough. Ely watched in awe and proceeded to squish his piece through his fingers animatedly. Grinning, she put her finished product in the oven and began to wipe the surfaces clean.

  By the time she’d made tea and taken the scones from the oven, Lainey felt wrecked again.

  Matt called on the phone to check in and sounded much happier.

  ‘Great news, I’ve just spoken to a guy who owns several mobile phone shops and he needs a new accounts package for his computer. I’m going to set him up.’

  ‘Great,’ said Lainey. ‘Will he take you on as his accountant going forward?’

  ‘Yeah, looks like it,’ Matt said. ‘It’s a family company and he’s just taken the reins from his parents. Seems the previous accountant was reliable but very old-fashioned. He wants to move with the times and that’s where I come in.’

  ‘Super,’ said Lainey.

  ‘And what’s even better is that he wants me to link all his branches so the tills are all synched. So it’ll be a nice bit of work. I’m having a bite to eat with him this evening and fingers crossed I’ll check out his shops first thing in the morning.’

  ‘That’s great, love,’ she said.

  ‘Listen, I’m sorry I was such a dim-wit this morning. I’m a bit shocked by the news, but I didn’t want you to think I’m not happy. Ely is amazing and I’m sure the next baby will be too.’

  ‘Or babies,’ she said with a giggle.

ings were really starting to look up for her and Matt. They were a great team. Life was good, but they could certainly do with some extra cash. They’d ploughed almost everything they owned into saving Huntersbrook. Lainey still had a small ‘rainy day’ fund and they could certainly use that now.

  ‘Did my dad turn up?’ Matt asked.

  ‘He went off in the jeep with my dad and Joey early this morning. They took an empty horsebox and they’re picking up the marquee and the tables and chairs Joey bought from his mate, remember? You were all talking about it last night?’

  ‘Are you certain you’ll get the money back from that kind of an outlay this early in the proceedings?’ he said sounding worried.

  ‘Yes, Mr Accountant, I’m sure,’ Lainey grinned. ‘Thanks for your concern, but we can’t do this party for Missy without the equipment. Besides, we could easily add a zero to her bill and she wouldn’t even notice.’

  ‘We’re hardly going to have many future clients if we behave that way. But aside from Missy, will we have a lot of people wanting to use such a huge marquee in the future?’ Matt worried.

  ‘Maybe not all the time, but Joey reckons it’ll all pay for itself fairly quickly. We’d only need a couple of large bookings a year to make the marquee worth buying. Besides, Missy keeps saying all the “It” guys and girls are going to want their parties and weddings here once she does it.’

  ‘Let’s hope she’s right,’ Matt said ‘Right, I’ve to fly. I’ll be back late afternoon tomorrow.’

  ‘OK, bye love,’ she said.

  It was a dull day and for the first time that year Lainey really appreciated the central heating. Knowing Matt probably wouldn’t approve, she turned on the television and found Ely’s favourite cartoon.

  With him entertained, she sat at the table with a mug of tea and a fresh scone and proceeded with the party plans for Missy.

  She made great progress, but the biggest problem she was facing, as it turned out, was finding a reasonably priced caterer. Missy hadn’t yet specified what type of food she wanted, but it was becoming apparent to Lainey after several phone calls that buffet style was the best option to suit the kitchen facilities they had to work with.


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