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Forgiving Pain, Omega Born Book 3

Page 16

by CR Guiliano

  When Rovyn didn’t respond, Ashwin looked up to see the lead beta staring off to the side. He followed the male’s line of sight, to see Anrean standing just outside the clearing they had been working in, his hand caressing the bulge at his mid-section. Ashwin just managed to contain a shudder. He might adore pups, but he never, ever wanted to carry one within his body, and was eternally thankful he was a beta, and not an omega. Rovyn turned back to him, his face softer than it had been a minute ago.

  “Go home. Rest. I know you have a meeting with Arri this afternoon. Think about what I said Ashwin. Arri, and Dryden wouldn’t have picked you, if they didn’t have complete trust in your ability to handle Arrden, and protect him. You just need to have that same confidence in yourself, and…focus! I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Rovyn finished his comment with a smile, before walking off to join his mate. Ashwin watched Rovyn hug Anrean, giving him a long, and obviously scorching kiss, then rub the male’s stomach before they both turned, headed deeper into the woods surrounding the mansion. Ashwin wasn’t stupid, the males planned on getting hot, and heavy in the trees, the light scent of arousal brought to him by the gentle breeze. He turned quickly back towards the mansion, unwanted images of Drae invading his mind.

  When he got back to his suite, it was to find Aybur sleeping on the couch, an open text book resting on his chest. When he looked around, Jeshin was nowhere in sight, and he wondered where the older pup had gone.

  “He went to visit Kita, and her family.”

  Ah, Jeshin’s latest female obsession. He wondered how long this one would last. Most of his…companions…lasted only a month, or two. At the rate the young male was going, he’d be through all the eligible females in the pack within the year. Aybur had sat up, and was rubbing his eyes. “Did you get any sleep last night? Or were you up doing school work?” Aybur mumbled, too low for Ashwin to hear, so he dismissed it for now. He’d talk to the pup later about getting enough sleep. He squeezed Aybur’s shoulder on his way to the kitchen. “You hungry?”

  “I could eat.”

  Well, at least that answer was quick, and loud enough to hear. Ashwin set about making a light lunch, his mind wandering. Inevitably, it turned to Drae, the beta, and tracker from the former Border pack. The male was smaller than most betas, maybe around Ashwin’s height, if not a bit shorter, and was stunning to look at, which still confused Ashwin. He had copper colored hair, much darker than Rovyn’s red mane, and large, aqua colored eyes, a mesmerizing blend of blue, and green. Ashwin had never seen such a color before.

  He was a quiet male, never having much to say, which suited Ashwin just fine, since he was the same way. Ashwin never believed you had to fill the silence with inane chatter. Ashwin just couldn’t make sense of why he thought about the male at all. Ashwin’s last liaison was with a nice female, though her laugh grated on his nerves. She’d ended their relationship when she found her mate. Ashwin had been happy for her, and never looked back. He wasn’t even jealous she had mate. He wasn’t interested in a mate right now. He had way too much to worry about, without adding a mate to the mix. He looked up when Aybur entered the kitchen, the male with another book in his hand. He was followed by Jeshin, whose hair was damp, and he was wearing wrinkled clothing. Ashwin didn’t say a word. It wasn’t as if he could judge. He’d been as…unrestrained…at Jeshin’s age, as the pup was now.

  They sat down to eat, Ashwin listening to the brothers bicker while he pushed his food around on his plate. He perked up when Jeshin mentioned Truin. “Wait, what about Truin?” It had been months since there was any news about Truin, and Vann. Ashwin had struggled in the beginning, worried about his friend, and missing him terribly.

  “I heard, and mind you, it’s just gossip, that Arri may have felt Truin, that he might be nearby.”

  Ashwin’s heart beat harder hearing that, but he had caution himself not to get his hopes up. It had been months, and no one knew where Truin was, or Vann. They could be dead, as far as anyone knows. But, if Arri had felt Truin, maybe he was returning? Both Aybur, and Jeshin were looking at him with pity. He growled, standing up quickly, and grabbing his uneaten food. He dumped the contents, rinsed his plate, and deposited it in the dishwasher. He turned to look at the brothers. “I would think, both of you would be happy to hear such news. He’s your brother, for fuck’s sake.”

  “We don’t know if it’s real. I told you, its gossip, and rumors. And I don’t want to get all excited my big brother is coming home, only to find out it was nothing.”

  Jeshin had a point, and Aybur was nodding in agreement. Well, maybe Ashwin could find out. After all, he had a meeting this afternoon with Arri. He’d ask, set the record straight, if nothing else, for the brothers’ peace of mind. He knew they missed their older brother as much, if not more than he did. Truin was all the boys had left, with their mother gone for years, and their father now dead. “We’ll see. Aybur, why don’t you get some sleep? I know you were up all night again. Jeshin, you’re still sparing with Talus this afternoon?” At Jeshin’s nod, Ashwin left the kitchen, headed to his room to shower, and change. Perhaps Arri might know enough to settle Ashwin’s worries, and he planned on asking the omega about Kasp’s mate too. Hopefully, the alpha-mate would be willing to share.


  Two months in the Zenith pack, and still Vann wasn’t any closer to decided what to do. The betas had left over a month ago, to let their alphas know what happened. Vann hadn’t heard from them since. Several of the pack members had left as well, headed back to their home packs, something Hixon had forbidden. That left Vann with the one mated female, her mate and pup, a male with a young son, whose mate had died in birth, three other unattached males, including Taron, and the six pups related to Truin.

  “Vann, Taron wants to talk to you.”

  Vann looked up from the desk in Hixon’s old office, to see his mate standing in the doorway. Truin was pale, and had been sick for weeks now. He’d lost weight, and Vann was worried. The only thing Truin seemed to be able to keep down was chicken broth, and dry toast. Certainly not enough for a full grown shifter, and none of the protein meat contained for his wolf metabolism. He had gotten too weak to shift in the last week, and Vann desperately needed to get Truin to a healer. He’d prefer Breccan, but he wasn’t sure Truin was up for the long trip to Woodlynn, and he still had the rest of the wolves to think about. Not to mention what kind of greeting he might expect from Dryden, and more importantly, Arri. But he’d weather whatever came his way, if that’s what would help Truin. Already, he was failing his mate, and his insecurities resurfaced. Truin tried to reassure him, but his mate was sick, and there was nothing Vann could do about it.

  Vann was about to tell Truin he’d see Taron, when his mate swayed, sweat breaking out over his white face. Vann was up, and over the desk in a matter of seconds, grabbing Truin before he could collapse, and pulling him up into his arms. “That’s it, my mate. We’re going home. You need to see a healer.”

  “I’m fine. Put me down.”

  Truin’s words were breathy, and his body shook in Vann’s arms. “Not happening. TARON!” Vann yelled for the male, and strode over to sit on the couch under the window to the side of the desk, settling Truin in his lap. When the other wolf entered, he looked apprehensive. “What did you want to see me about?” Vann would get that out of the way before he told Taron they were leaving, and the tiny pack was welcome to come with them, or stay here. Their choice. Vann wasn’t going to wait any longer. At this point, he’d settle for Saran, even if he didn’t much like the pack healer.

  “We’ve heard grumblings from the pack northeast of us. They want more land, and are planning on attacking, and taking ours.”

  “Do you wish to stay here, and defend your territory?” Fuck it all, he didn’t need this right now. If they wanted to stay, he would have to be here to help defend them. Taron snorted, and shook his head.

  ‘There aren’t enough of us left who care about this territory. It was Hi
xon’s pack lands. There is no connection. And, honestly, I myself would be glad to get away from the place where I was subjugated, and abused. Nothing but bad memories here. I can bet the others feel the same.”

  Vann nodded. “Very well. Let the rest know, we’re leaving. Have Paric take what is left of the gold, and gems into town, and trade them for cash, and a vehicle big enough to carry us all, and dependable enough to go several hundred miles.” Taron nodded silently, not even questioning Vann’s decision. Vann looked down at his mate. Truin had fallen asleep in his arms, something he did often, as if it was the only place he felt safe. Vann’s heart skipped a beat, knowing in a few days, he was going to be seeing Dryden—and Arri.

  A week after Truin’s heat had finished, along with Arri’s, there had been a marked increase of joy coming from Dryden, and Vann assumed his alpha was having another pup. It made sense, anyway. Where, here he was with a very sick mate. Hardly seemed fair, but maybe it was the fates way of punishing him for fleeing Woodlynn, abandoning his alpha, denying Truin for so long, and now failing his mate miserably. He only hoped he didn’t lose Truin. Because, if he did, Vann’s life would be over. He’d go feral, and to keep himself from hurting anyone, he’d take his own life.

  It took another few days to get everything ready, and a lot of negotiating on Vann’s part to keep the wolves from wanting to bring their entire lives with them, in a vehicle that wasn’t designed to hold so much. “Briala, I understand the books were your great-grandmothers, and have been in your family for generations, but there simply isn’t room enough for them.” They were putting the last of the pack’s possessions in the large van, and getting ready to head out. The sun had just broken the horizon, and all the pups were still fast asleep.

  Vann already had Truin wrapped up in a blanket, and belted into the passenger seat, his little brothers, and sisters ensconced in small, sturdy bassinets, or seats out of other cars, with seatbelts for the older pups, since there wasn’t any room for car seats. Vann himself would be driving the first leg, and last leg of their journey, especially since he hadn’t, as yet, informed them of where they were going. Taron had asked once, and when Vann failed to answer, hadn’t asked again. All of them seemed content to follow Vann wherever he was leading them. It was a heady, and mostly unwelcome feeling, to have the complete trust of these wolves. And he was sure he’d never want to hear the words, ‘Yes, Alpha’ directed at him again.

  An hour later, the van was completely packed, and everyone was seated within. Vann looked around the lands one last time, noting, once again, the rundown, desolate nature of the territory. He wouldn’t be sad leaving here, especially since it wasn’t his pack, and by the smiles on the wolves in the van, they wouldn’t either.

  He jumped up, and settled into the driver’s seat, looked over at Truin, his mate giving him a wane, if sincere smile, took a deep breath, and started the vehicle. He was going home. After months of pain, and hate, and despair—Vann was going home.


  Truin settled into the seat next to Vann, his mind wide open to his mate’s emotions. Vann was feeling inadequate, and his irrational doubts on mating Truin were reasserting themselves. Truin couldn’t have that, not when Vann had changed after claiming him. He’d seemed stronger, more sure of himself, like he’d been when he was lead beta, and alpha guardian, at home. He was still overcome with insecurities, but they were fewer, and further apart.

  Truin had done his best to reassure his mate, letting him see his forgiveness for denying him for so long, and his happiness Vann had succumbed to the mating pull, and claimed him. Of course, Truin’s heat might have had something to do with that. Biology between mates could not be ignored, or disregarded. If Vann had not claimed Truin, they both would have been in excruciating pain, an agony that would have been maddening. Neither had a choice, but Truin couldn’t be happier they were together now.

  He only wished he knew what was wrong with him. His stomach hated him, clenching every time he even thought of food. Even water was hard to keep down sometimes. And having Vann watch him suffer only made things worse. He’d already started having issues when he’d found Vann in Rainier’s territory, the big male fucking others, and despair filling him, and making it hard for him to eat, knowing the big male didn’t want him. Now, even after being claimed, it was getting worse. Truin didn’t understand it. He was happy, he should be healthy, and content, knowing Vann was finally his. Truin’s wolf was silent, though the beast didn’t seem overly concerned, even when Truin got too weak to shift.

  Truin stared out the window, watching the scenery go by, his mind sluggish, and sleepy. He listened to the low hum of voices behind him, and could feel their excitement. They didn’t even know where they were going, but seemed happy to be leaving Zenith behind them. Truin, despite how he felt, was ecstatic they were going home, and Vann was with him. He didn’t know what was going to happen when Vann met Dryden again, but he’d be there for his mate. He’d be there for Vann no matter what.

  Chapter 21

  Arri was sitting in the kitchen, the sun barely up, sipping chamomile tea. He’d had to give up his coffee now that he was pregnant, the harsh drink too much for his sensitive stomach. Arrden was in human form, sitting on his lap, and playing with his cereal. “Are you going to eat that, or wear it?” Arrden giggled, slapping the spoon in the milk, and getting it all over the table.

  “He’s very vibrant, isn’t he?”

  Arri looked up to see his mother standing in the entryway to the kitchen from the dining room. She was as lovely as ever, her black hair cascading down her back, her slim figure encased in a long, brilliantly colored robe, her gray eyes riveted on Arrden. The moment Arrden realized there was someone else in the room, he shifted, giving a puppy growl. He’d been doing that a lot lately, as if protecting Arri was his job. Arri found it endearing, Dryden found it funny. The rest of the pack wasn’t sure what to think, since wolf shifters weren’t supposed to be able to shift until, at least, puberty, or around their 20th birthday. Unfortunately, it made Arrden a bit of an outcast with all the other pups. That, along with being the alpha-heir, a position that made the rest of the pack cautious.

  Arri ruffled his son’s fur. “Yes, he is.” He really didn’t know how to talk to his mother, the female a stranger to him. After the first week, Arri hadn’t bothered to keep Arrden away from his new found family, but he never left them alone with his son. He didn’t trust them enough yet.

  “He takes after Kayal.”

  A small spike of annoyance filled Arri. “Really? But then, I wouldn’t know that, would I? Since I thought Etham was my father my whole life.” Arri took a deep breath, and apologized. “I’m sorry. It’s just, you, and Kayal are a mystery to me, and I don’t like the unknown. I had enough of that when I was banished from Border.” Allisia looked surprised, but then Arri hadn’t told her what happened to him after she, and Etham left. He didn’t plan on telling her either. It was none of her business, and it was in the past. Something Arri would just as soon forget. “So, tell me, why does Arrden take after Kayal?”

  Arri watched his mother finally enter the kitchen, and make herself a cup of tea, before sitting opposite him, ignoring Arrden when he growled again. Arri pulled Arrden against his chest, running his fingers through his son’s soft fur, calming him, while he waited for his mother to answer him.

  “Kayal is a shape shifter.”

  “Well, I figured that much since I’m an omega wolf. But he doesn’t scent like wolf.” Arri had tried, but there was no scent on any of the three, nor the small ones who had accompanied them.

  “No, he’s not a wolf shifter, but a shape shifter. They are very rare, and thought to be extinct, just as male omega wolf shifters once were. He’s also omega, which is why you are omega as well.”

  “I don’t understand. What’s a shape shifter, if not wolf? Or some other animal.” It didn’t make sense to Arri. Every shifter was some kind of animal as far as he knew. Wolf shifters like himself, and his
pack, Osric, who was a lion shifter, and probably others Arri had never met before.

  “Shape shifters are a different species, just as Fae are different from shifters, and vampires are different from humans. There are many different species around, though most do not reveal themselves, and are low in number. It is why we know Noth will not try to attack Woodlynn pack, and take us. He can’t afford to lose any Fae. His clan is very small, no more than twenty of us.”

  “Wait, vampires exist?” Arri had no idea. He only knew of wolf shifters, and humans, and now lion shifters, and Fae.

  “Yes, though none have seen any in several centuries. It’s possible they have died out.”

  Arri contained a shudder, and kind of hoped they had vanished. Drinking a small amount of blood during a claiming didn’t compare to a species who relied on drinking blood to survive. Arri pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind, and stood to grab a towel to clean up Arrden’s mess. His son shifted in his arms, and wiggled to be let down. Arri placed him on the floor, and watched as he toddled over to Allisia. He didn’t touch her, just stared up at her, babbling in his pup speak, as if she understood him. He’d grown so much, almost reaching Arri’s waist, his black hair now touching his shoulders, and his green eyes bright, and curious, and the exact same pale shade as Dryden’s. Arri was so proud of him, and loved him more than life.

  “He’s a beautiful alpha.”

  Arri just nodded, watching his son converse with his mother, Arrden’s grandmother. He placed his hand on his still flat stomach. He could hear the fast heartbeat of the pup growing within him, and kind of hoped it was a female. He would love to have one of each, though he doubted he’d be done with just the two. Dryden was too virile, and too dominant to leave Arri with only two pups. Soon enough, Arrden got bored, and shifted, running from the room. Arri saw Talus follow the pup, since Rovyn had informed him, and Dryden, Ashwin wasn’t quite ready to take over as alpha guardian for their son.


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