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FLESH Erotic Short Stories

Page 4

by Ava Jean Hall

  She smiled at him. He blushed and tried to cover it over.

  —Don’t be shy. It is all right. It is not the first I have seen.

  But it was the huge head that intrigued her. She had never seen one so fat before, even if it was mostly concealed beneath his robe.

  —She stood up.

  The boy hesitated.

  —It is all right. I will walk in front of you until it subsides.

  Neferet walked in front of the boy for almost the entire journey. By the time she arrived at her benefactor’s, she was wet with desire. It was not for him, however. It was for the boy.

  The entire time she massaged her client, she thought of the hardness she had encouraged in the boy. Finally, having ended the session successfully, she wiped herself dry and collected her oils.

  —He will see you home now.

  The man waved in the boy’s direction.

  —What is your name?

  —I am called Neferet.

  —I am Khufukaef.

  She was unfamiliar with the name. She accepted the boy for what he was, a mere servant who delivered her to her client and then was instructed to bring her home.

  —Come. Sit here. I will massage your tired feet before you return.

  She waited anxiously for the tent to grow. It took little time.

  —You are very big for a boy.

  —I am not a boy. I am a man.

  —Very well. You are the biggest man I have seen.

  It was true. The man built a huge tent beneath her hands. She wished them to move to grasp it.

  —Go over there and lie down. I will relieve you of your tension if you wish it.

  Neferet lifted his tunic, exposing his erect member. The head was just as she thought. Moisture leaked out from it.

  She gripped him below the mushroom and squeezed. He moaned beneath her hand. A huge drop of moisture drained from him.

  —You must not tell anyone about this. Promise me.

  —I promise.

  Every fiber of her body ached at the sight of his hardness. She leaned over, allowed her robe to slip off, and the boy’s erection began to jump up and down over his stomach.

  She gripped him again and tried to pull him up to her mouth. Instead, she was forced to lower her head and rest it on his stomach. She managed to take him into her mouth just as he began to explode.

  —You are not satisfied yet.

  She climbed up on the table and allowed the tip of him to rise against her wet opening. She gasped. He lifted his hips and pushed himself in. Before she could move off, he had grabbed her and pulled her down on him.

  —No. You must not.

  It was too late. She allowed the full length of him to enter into her, just as she had witnessed Pa-neck’s servant do to the snake he had between his legs.

  —Oh. Khufukaef. We cannot. It is not permitted. I will be ruined.

  —I will not tell any one. I promise.

  She felt the boy explode in her. He stayed hard, just as Pa-neck had in the servant girl.

  She began rocking back and forth, feeling the hardness tighten in her for a second time. She reached back to soak her hands in the juices and rubbed them over the boy’s balls.

  —I am bleeding. You have taken me. I cannot continue to do my work like this. It is not permitted.

  Even so, Neferet found herself smiling. The boy had made her happy. She had not felt this way before.

  She stayed on him, letting him build to another explosion in her.

  —You are strong in me.

  —It is you who makes me strong.

  —It is time, Khufukaef. You must hurry back or they will notice your absence.

  Reluctantly, Neferet climbed off of the eager boy. He was still erect and strong. She took him in her mouth to finish him. By the time he rushed out the door, her nipples had become as relaxed as his cock.

  Neferet slept well. The dreams she had that night were unrecognizable to a girl from the country on the Egyptian Nile. She awoke confused and unsure of where she was, exactly.

  The clamor of the city silenced. Only a horse made noise outside her door. The boy stormed in.

  —You are coming with me. Get dressed.

  Panic set in. She knew she had done what was forbidden. She knew she could be executed for allowing the boy to penetrate her. She knew her future as a renowned masseuse was finished.

  Two men dragged her past the door and onto the wagon. The boy snapped his whip and the animals took off. Before long, she had been transported to the palace.

  —I cannot be here. Neither can you. Who are these men? What are you doing with a chariot? Something is not right here.

  She began to panic.

  —We will be executed. I have no doubt. Who did you tell?

  —I told no one. I am Khufukaef.

  —Khufukaef? I already know your name.

  —I am Khufukaef. Son of the King. I claim you as my own unto eternity.

  Khufukaef led the girl into the royal palace reserved for him alone. Servants hurried to greet him. They took the girl and led her to the baths. After she had been scrubbed and washed, she was led into the prince’s chambers.

  She sat at his feet. Fear caused her to tremble. She was unsure of what she should do next.

  —Rise up, woman. Come and sit by me.

  She did as she was told. The servants bowed.

  —I have decreed that for ever after, you will be known as Nefertari. You will be my good and beautiful companion forever more.

  The servants hurried from the room.

  —Tell me about yourself. I want to know all about you.

  In six months, Nefertari’s bulging belly told the tale. She was with child. She had conceived during the fertile summer flood of the Nile, also the hottest months. She gave birth to a son in April of the next year, during planting.

  Khufukaef saw to it that she had everything she needed as his wife. The fact that she produced a son for him made certain of it. He conferred upon his wife and Queen the name Neferet-Ipy - beautiful companion and true favorite of the King.

  Neferet-Ipy produced two more sons for her husband, and finally, a daughter. She was named Dany-Et by her mother.

  Nefertari lived long enough to see her beautiful daughter, Dany-Et, become a renowned and famous high priestess under her father’s rule.

  Dania awoke with a start. Panic rose in her. She had no understanding of what she had been dreaming. She hadn’t even read any books or seen any movies of ancient Egypt.

  The details of the dream remained stuck in her mind. It seemed to her almost as though she had actually lived in those times.

  She went back to sleep and slept the sleep of the dead until the alarm sounded.


  Flesh and Bone

  Dania ministers to her workmates in the stable where she is keen to allow a man with an erection to need many cures. When her new overseer begins spying on her, she forgoes all attempts at satisfying her coworkers in an attempt to ensure that she does the best job possible - until one night when she is overheard pleasuring herself.

  HIGH PRIESTESS DANY-ET slipped into the back of the chamber in an attempt to avoid capture by the barbarians invading from the sea. Her success lasted only as long as it took their leader to catch a glimpse of the golden robe surrounding her in the subdued light.

  The barbarian grabbed her, flung her over his shoulder as he would a prized animal he had just rescued, and hauled her kicking and flailing body to his boat. He dumped her in his chambers, tied her hands and legs to be certain that she would not escape, and prepared his ship for departure.

  The horn sounded, his crewmen and swordsmen began to circle back, and the ship raised anchor and unfurled sail.

  A turncoat translated from Egyptian to Sicilian.

  —I am known as Diego. By what do I call you?

  Dany-Et wasn’t sure if she should cooperate with the barbarian. She knew the ship had only just gotten underway. Perhaps there was still a chance that she w
ould be rescued.

  Instead of keeping quiet, she decided to talk, since talking was all she ever did as a priestess.

  —I am called Dany-Et. I am high priestess to our ruler, king, and Pharaoh. By what authority do you invade our land?

  —I have no authority. I and my men do it for treasure and women. By the look of it, I have a very important woman on board my ship, would you not say?

  There was no sense in her denying it. It was obvious to her that he already knew of her importance. Her dress, her imperious manner, her location in the temple when he caught her, all meant that she could not hide her exalted position.

  Most of all, the golden necklaces and baubles she wore gave it away. She was, in fact, an important prisoner.

  —Perhaps. But do not think I will be an easy victory for you or your men.

  Diego snapped his fingers and waved. A man approached with a platter of fruits and raw vegetables.

  —I have not eaten since daylight. Perhaps you will join me? May I be permitted to cut your bonds?

  He withdrew a thin-bladed knife from his waistband and sliced through her ankle ropes. He helped her to stand on unsteady feet. She wavered and leaned against the man for support.

  While she waited for her hands to be freed, he ran his hands over her body beneath her dress.

  —I am sorry. I must investigate you for weapons before I can allow myself to trust you fully.

  Strangely, she found the invasion of her body’s spaces somehow satisfying. She blushed a bright red and recoiled not so much. She found that his hands over her body stirred a desire she had not felt ever before as a priestess.

  —I understand.

  —Good. Now let us eat. Join me here, Dany-Et.

  He patted the seat beside him. At the same time, he signaled his guards and the translator to leave them alone.

  It surprised her that he could communicate on his own by speaking Latin to her.

  —Are you Roman?

  —My mother was. It is she who taught me. And you? What is your background?

  His eyes burned into her. She wasn’t sure whether it was lust or thirst for knowledge.

  —My mother began her quest in a small town south of the great pyramid. She was able to progress as a masseuse and eventually came to inhabit the house of the great Khufukaef. I am the product of their union.

  —How were you educated to become a priestess?

  —I was educated by my mother. She taught me what she knew from when she was a little girl up until I was chosen to become a priestess.

  —So then, you are educated.

  —As are you.

  Diego stood up. He offered his hand to her. She took it and he pulled her up.

  —You are very light. Come with me.

  He led her to the stern.

  —Look out at the lights of your city. It has rebuffed us yet again. Had I and my men been successful, you would see great fires destroying it by now.

  She was very glad that hadn’t happened.

  —If you have been unsuccessful in your desire to conquer, why have you taken me? Why have you not let me return to my people?

  —I think I will need someone such as you to enter into negotiations with Egypt. You are educated. We speak a common language. And you have the ear of the Pharaoh. There is nothing else I need to begin talks, is there?

  —I’m sure I wouldn’t know. I am tired. May I rest for a while?

  —You will rest in my quarters. It will not be safe for you anywhere else on my ship. You will find clothes to change into if you so desire. There is another small room off to the side. It is yours if you want it.

  He led her below deck to the cabin. It was sparsely furnished but functional. A desk, a chair, a bed and a closet were plainly visible. A small opening led her to the room he spoke of. There was no door.

  Dany-Et stripped off her clothes and donned the singlet and a short skirt that revealed her legs in their glory. It would be the first time that she would permit a man to see her thus.

  She didn’t know why she sought out the man’s approval. She was glad she did when she saw him looking at her and nodding his head.

  —That is much better than that rag you were wearing.

  She returned his grin with a weak smile. She was unsure of what he was speaking. It was her body. There was nothing new with her there, as far as she knew, for she had seen it often enough in a mirror.

  Perhaps it was the garments she had removed. They were her court clothing, which she wore on a daily basis as befitted a woman of her stature in the court of the Pharaoh.

  She felt someone shaking her.


  She had been roused from a dream of her homeland. She kept her eyes closed, afraid of what she would see.

  The man shook her again.


  It was the man’s voice. Diego.

  She opened her eyes. His face was so close she could count the hairs.

  —Yes? What is it?

  She stretched and looked down at the covering someone had put over here.

  —What’s this?

  —Your short skirt was becoming a distraction for my men. They kept coming in to look at you. I covered you with the blanket.

  —Thank you, Diego. I am grateful.

  —Don’t worry. They will not bother you. I informed them all that you belong to me.

  She hesitated before sitting up.

  —Belong? Why must I belong to anyone?

  She swung her legs over the edge of the bed, revealing her thighs barely covered by the short skirt she had chosen. Fortunately, she had kept her underpants on, for everything would have been revealed to this man.

  He offered his hand and she took it. She felt his strength as he pulled her to her feet.

  —Come. We will eat now. Some of my men will join me. Keep your legs together or the heat of their passions might visit you later in the night.

  —And your heat? What of it?

  —My heat will be yours, but only if you wish it bestowed upon you.

  Dany-Et enjoyed the man’s company and the food he allowed her to share at his table. They conversed freely, uninhibited by having some of his men present.

  —I must admit, I was uneasy at first when you mentioned your men. Now that I have seen them, they are not the barbarians I thought that they might be.

  —Do not fool yourself. Were it not for me, you would have been passed around below decks for each of them to sample. You are a prisoner of war, after all. Fortunately for you, you are my prisoner.

  —As you say. And will I be forced to share your bed, then?

  He smiled at her.

  —You may, if you wish it.

  —Might I invite you into mine, then, also?

  She smiled back.

  —If you will, I would most certainly be pleased.

  Dany-Et considered the possibilities of both. She would rather have it her way than his. She went about thinking how she might accomplish such a thing on board Diego’s ship.

  * * *

  DANY-ET CONSIDERED her options. It didn’t take long, for there weren’t many. For some strange reason, this foreign invader intrigued her. She could continue to enjoy the man’s company.

  Or, she could fight him every step of the way.

  She saw no future in that. If he decided she was not worthy, he might turn her over to the crew for their pleasure. She did not think that she would be capable of surviving that.

  She had witnessed men enjoying the pleasures of prostitutes. She herself, as a high priestess, was forbidden from joining with a man. She had seen how they teased the men. How they had dressed. How they had behaved to get them between their legs.

  She wasn’t certain that she was capable of being with a man that way. She had no experience. She decided she would make it obvious to the man that she wanted him in her bed.

  Dany-Et waited nervously until she heard the door creak on its hinges. She listened for Diego to light the lamps that illuminated h
is quarters. When the shadow of light penetrated her bedroom and illuminated her body, she began.

  The light struck her full on as she turned to face Diego. She cleared her throat.

  —Oh. You are still awake. I am sorry to disturb you.

  She pulled the singlet he had given her over her head.

  —It is all right. I don’t mind.

  Her nipples tingled in the cool air and tightened. She covered her breasts with her hand and forearm. Her other hand pushed down her skirt. She had revealed herself to him before she even knew it was happening.

  —I am here for you.

  —I see that.

  He hesitated at the doorway, taking in everything about her that she allowed him to see.

  —Turn for me. Please.

  Dany-Et did as she was asked. When she faced him again, her arm dropped, revealing her very firm breasts.

  —Do I please you?

  —You do. Very much.

  She sat on the bed and curled her legs beneath her. She patted the bed beside her.

  —Come. Sit here with me. I want you in my bed, Diego.

  —And if I wanted you in mine?

  —That too could be arranged.

  She stood up.

  —No. Sit back. I will come to you.

  Dany-Et knew then that she had won.

  —Help me with this.

  She unfastened his breastplate.

  —I did not realize that it was so heavy for a soldier to bear.

  He tossed his leather skirt aside, exposing himself in the dim light filtering through the doorway.

  —Shall I bring a light?

  —Most certainly.

  She stared at him as he crossed the room, illuminated by the lantern he carried.

  —What is it?

  —I have never been with a man.

  —You’re a virgin?

  —Yes. As a priestess I was not permitted to lay with a man. Although, some do anyway.

  —And you have not?

  —No. I have not. But I will. Tonight I will lie with you, Diego.

  The blood on the white sheet underneath the woman confirmed to him that she had spoken the truth.


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