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Sea Witch: Children of the Waves

Page 5

by Thompson, LaVerne

  “No, it is not necessary. I only require water and a mirror, but can we find a place to rest around here? A hotel perhaps? I can sense her presence in this area, so I think it best we stay here. It might make it easier for me to separate her from all the other energies bombarding me.”

  He opened up the car for her to sit in the passenger seat while he leaned against the open door and checked a hotel app to see what hotels were nearby. After he found one, he booked them a room for one night. “I found a place we can stay for the rest of the day and overnight, if necessary. It’s not too far, but best to drive, we should be able to park at the hotel. It’s still in walking distance, so we can cover this area on foot and hopefully, you can figure out exactly where she is.”

  “Thank you, Aaron.” She gazed at him and placed her hand over his.

  Turning his palm up, he squeezed her hand, bringing it up to his lips and pressing them to her palm. “You are my bride. I will do everything in my power to see that you’re happy.”

  “Soon, beloved. Soon.”

  Unable to help himself, he leaned down, but she was already leaning forward until their lips touched. She opened her mouth, and he didn’t hesitate when he placed his tongue to tease against her own. A moan escaped him and he pulled away from her, by sheer force of his resolve. “I will hold you to that promise.” Getting in the car, he followed the GPS and drove right to the hotel at the end of the pier overlooking the marina. The valet took the car, and Aaron held one shopping bag, containing their clothes.

  Sienna had a satchel-type cloth beach bag he’d gotten for her draped across her shoulder. She paused at the hotel entrance, turning around while holding onto the strap. “I can feel her so strongly. I know she’s near.”

  He took her free hand. “Come. It’s late and you haven’t eaten. Let’s sign in and get something to eat first, then you can rest and try for a viewing.”

  Aaron ordered room service, simply because he thought it would be easier for her.

  She adored him for being so considerate. They got a room with a balcony overlooking the bay and ate on the bistro table out there. Just being so near the water, the smell of the ocean helped to clear her senses. Even with the scent of man woven into its fabric. To her it was better than nothing.

  Sitting back, she stared at the empty plates in surprise. She tried dishes she had never had before, beef from a cow for one thing. Steak it was called. She loved it. There was much the land had to offer and she knew Aaron loved it. Could he give it up for her? Because her life belonged to the Children, which meant living in the water. Even if she lost her viewing powers, she still had plenty to offer their people, and she needed to be near Shawnah to help guide her.

  Someday, she would be able to stop being the Sea Witch of the Children, Shawnah was fated to be her heir. Then, if Aaron wanted to move to the land. Well, she would go wherever her mate wanted to be. He had sacrificed enough for her already, it would be her turn.

  “Did you like the steak?” Aaron asked. “I ordered it medium rare. I thought you’d enjoy the texture better.”

  “Yes, I love it. As well as the wasabi mashed potatoes. I like the spice.”

  “I thought you might, and I see you finished it all,” he said with a slight smile on his face.

  She picked up the glass of wine he had also ordered and took a sip of the red elixir. She’d actually had wine before from the land. A commodity the king enjoyed and he’d gifted her a few bottles he returned from land with. “Very nice,” she said. “May we take a bottle back with us when we return to the depths? Two. I would like to give one to the king.”

  He smiled. “Anything you want. But I think you might like this next thing even better.” He removed the covered dish he’d kept beside him.

  “Chocolate?” she asked.

  “Yes. Have you had it before?”

  “Once. One of our people had visited the land and she brought back an entire case of it. She gifted me some.”

  Aaron picked up the spoon and filled it with the dessert. “This is chocolate bread pudding soaked in brandy. Trust me. You’re going to love this.” He held his offering in front of her mouth.

  Leaning forward she parted her plump red lips, wide enough to enclose the spoon. “Mmmm…goddess.” When she sat back, the spoon was empty. “That is ambrosia.”

  He made a sound a cross between a groan and a chuckle. “You are so lovely. I’m glad you’re enjoying it.” He held out the spoon to her again.

  They finished dessert, and he put the tray out in front of their door. Placing the do not disturb sign on the knob, so they’d have no interruptions. He turned and saw her standing next to the king sized bed.

  He’d noticed it as soon as they’d entered the room. His dick had been straining against the shorts he wore. Good thing, they were on the baggy side, making it easier for him to hide his erection. Never, had it hurt so good, it’d had been all her doing.

  “I’d like to try to do a viewing,” she said.

  This proximity to her was making him harder by the hour.

  “Did you hear me?”

  He shook his head to try to clear it. His dick however, was still hard. “Yes, a viewing. You need water.”


  “How about a bath? There’s a soaking tub here.” He’d seen it when he checked the bathroom earlier. He pushed the door to the bathroom opened.

  Sienna came in behind him. Moving past him, she stood at the side of the tub and turned around to look at the mirror running along most of one of the walls. “Yes. This will do.”

  He stepped around her to turn on the faucets and plug the tub. “It will take a minute to fill. Would you like any bath gel in it?”

  “Bath gel?” She frowned.

  He grabbed one of the bottles on the shelf and opened it, holding it out to her. “It’s a fragrance. It’s used to scent the water. To wash and soften the skin.”

  She sniffed the bottle. “Oh, very nice. I like that. Yes, please. This scent will help me focus and has a nice calming effect. Can we get more to take back with us?”

  “Of course.” Something told him he would be carrying an even bigger backpack by the time they returned to the depths. He dumped the entire bottle of gel into the fast rising water from the four sprouts around the tub.

  “While the water rises, I will prepare.”

  Before he realized what she was doing, she raised her arms and pulled the t-shirt he’d gotten for her off. She’d kept her bikini top on, it served as a bra, but this she pulled off too, until she stood before him naked from the waist up.

  Their people did not have the same reaction to nudity as landwalkers. The only exception was with a mate. He groaned at the sight of her full breasts and the berry-colored nipples hardening under his stare.

  “Are you all right?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he managed to croak out. “I—I’ll leave you to your bath and—viewing.” He took a step back, either that or step forward and take her into his arms, put her nipple into his mouth and he wouldn’t stop there. Spinning on his heels, he got out of the bathroom and closed the door. He walked past the bed and back out to the balcony.

  Inhaling, he allowed the smell of the nearby sea to infuse his senses. It wasn’t the pure scent he was used to in the depths, but it would suffice. He stood at the railing and watched the water, allowing its presence to calm his ragging libido coming to life. Only his bride could bring him to orgasm. He felt hard as fuck. How was he supposed to be around her like this and not claim her?

  Chapter Seven

  Sienna lay back in the diluted water and immersed herself until it covered her face. It was not ideal, but she should be able to view enough to find Shawnah. Time ceased to have meaning for her as she allowed her powers to surge and guide her. When she was ready, she rose. The water glistened off her skin, running down her body and dampened the tiles beneath her feet. She stood dripping wet before the mirror and allowed the viewing to reveal itself to her.

  Staring a
t herself, what took shape and appeared before her looked shadowed, surrounded by gray clouds. Sometimes, this happened when things were not quite set and certain events needed to happen to get a clearer picture. She suspected, in this instance, it might also be because of the impurities in the water she used to call forth the viewing. The vision was not quite clear, but enough for her to recognize they were in the right area.

  Shawnah was nearby, in one of the buildings.

  After her viewing, she returned to the tub of water for a while, she needed the calming influence. Even if muted, the experience had drained her. Being in the water helped, but she still felt tired. She needed to rest.

  Drying off with a towel, she put on the thick robe she found behind the door. When she stepped out of the bathroom, her gaze immediately roamed the room for Aaron. At first, she did not see him, but she felt him near. Moving past the bed, she went to the balcony and saw him standing before the railing. She smiled. Her mate. So very beautiful. This could not be easy on him. She knew that. What he did not understand, the connection they shared, the need to be claimed ran just as strong on her part as his. It would take both of their strengths to see this through.

  He swung around. “How are you feeling?”

  “Better. But I need to rest a bit.”

  “Did you see anything?”

  “Yes. We are close. I saw a building, the viewing was not a very clear one, but I feel the building might hold some significance for her. Like she spends much time there.”

  He frowned. “Perhaps, where she lives or works. This is more an area for office buildings than residences.”

  “I cannot tell. But maybe later, if we can walk around, I will be able to recognize what I have seen.”

  He took a step toward her and touched her face, as though he couldn’t help himself. Running his palm down her neck and then taking her hand, he squeezed it. “Yes, I can see you’re tired. Then come. I’ll put you to bed.” He led her back into the room and pulled back the covers. “Go on and get in.”

  She did as he instructed, the robe still on, but it gaped open a bit, and she heard his indrawn breath at the sight of her bared skin. His needs reached out to her, because they reflected her own. She lay back on the bedding.

  “Comfortable?” he asked, as he pulled the cover up over her.

  “Yes, thank you. I am fine.”

  He straightened up to move away from her, but she raised her hand and grabbed his wrist. “Where are you going?”

  “I thought I’d just go downstairs to the bar and let you rest for a while.”

  She shook her head. “No. Stay with me.” She relaxed back down on the pillow.

  “Sienna, I’m not so sure that’s a good idea. I want to, believe me. Too much.”

  “Then do so. I trust you, beloved.”

  He sighed. “You place much faith in me.”

  “Yes, above all else.”

  He stood up and toed off the sneakers he’d bought. She moved over to make room for him, but instead of him getting under the covers like she thought he would, he lay down above them. Resting his head on the pillow beside hers, they stared at each other.

  She moved closer to him and wrapped her arm around his waist.

  Aaron placed his legs over hers, and they snuggled against each other.

  Sienna put her head near his heart and could feel the rhythm of it. The way it increased with each inhale. She smiled, feeling safe. Her eyes closed to the sound of his life force coursing through his body. Her mate.

  Shawnah didn’t know what made her glance up. It was late. She’s stayed later tonight at the office than she’d planned. Long after everyone had already gone for the evening. Donny would have locked the front entrance and the elevator when he left. So, no one would be able to come up to this floor without a key card.

  The case she was working on was interesting, but nowhere near as compelling as the Oceanus case. Still, it held her attention, but this didn’t explain why after dinner she’d returned to the office. Some sense kept telling her she needed to be there. Now, at ten at night, she remained doing research she could have done at home.

  The same feeling she’d been having recently, she believed drove her dreams, also told her change headed her way and this was where it would find her. None of which, however, explained this sudden sense of danger flashing in her head.

  Quietly, she closed her laptop screen. The lights in her office were already off, she never turned on the overhead light, preferring natural light as much as possible. Which is why her desk was situated beside the wall of windows. It looked full on dark out; her view overlooked the harbor so not much outside light. Although, the hallways in the office remained lighted.

  Her door stood open, but she knew she was no longer alone on the floor—and she should have been. She wasn’t sure about the other floors in the ten-story office building, but a guard remained stationed down in the lobby after four. She gently eased open the desk drawer and removed the gun in her purse, along with her keys. As a private investigator, she held a license to carry a gun and she knew how to use it. Although, in her five years in the field, she’d never had to fire it at a person, just its presence was usually enough to get her out of any problems.

  Gripping the barrel of the gun, she held it up and slightly away from her chest as she moved to the edge of her opened door. She strained to listen for any more sounds out of the ordinary. What had gotten her attention earlier, she realized, was the elevator door out in the central area opening. Her office sat around a corner and down the hall from there, so she couldn’t see the area from her location.

  Peeking around the doorframe, she neither saw nor heard anyone. Silently, she moved into the hall and headed in the opposite direction of the elevators, toward the small kitchen area. Another exit there, led out into the hall and the bank of elevators. She’d just made it to the kitchen when she heard the soft footfalls, anyone else would have missed it, but all of her senses were highly sensitive. More so than others.

  Someone had entered her office.

  Shawnah turned around to go back and confront the intruder when she heard more movement in the front room.

  Two, there were two people in here.


  “Anything?” Someone whispered, but not whoever was in the front part of the office, near the reception area. So, this meant maybe more than two people were in her office. The sound of footsteps headed away from the receptionist area toward the whispered word.

  One person she could handle, but two, maybe three—she wouldn’t take the chance. Opening the outer door, she made her way to the reception area and eased through the door, which was unlocked. She knew damn well, Donny had locked it on his way out, since he knew she was still there working late.

  She started to push the button for the elevator, but she couldn’t chance it making a sound and alerting the intruders in her office of her presence. Besides, she wasn’t sure if the elevator was still on this floor. There were three elevator banks, two would be locked down this time of night and the panel showed they were still in the lobby. The third would be the only one still working and would require the key card, but she couldn’t tell where it was. She heard voices and decided not to chance it. She headed for the stairwell.

  Going as fast as she dared without making much noise, she headed down toward the lobby. Using the key fob attached to her key ring, she opened the exit to the lobby, and rushed past the elevators toward the desk podium where the evening guard was stationed. She slowed her steps when at first, she didn’t see anyone there, but as she got closer, she saw a body slumped down.

  Walking right up to him, she called out, “Are you all right?” When she didn’t get a response, she moved around to the side of the desk, it was then she saw the blood on his temple. She raised her hand to feel his neck just as she heard the sound of the elevator ding before the door would open.

  “Shit.” Turning, she ran for the main entrance, sorry now she hadn’t thought to grab her cell pho
ne too, in fact, she should have just grabbed her purse. Too late now. She made it to the front door and tugged the handle. In her haste, forgetting it would be locked and she’d need to press the button on the side to unlock it. Wasting precious seconds.

  “You! Fucking stop right there.”

  The shout came from behind her, but she didn’t turn around. When she heard the lock click, she grabbed the door handle and yanked it open. Rushing out into the night, she raced down the sidewalk. The streets were practically empty. She heard more shouts and people chasing her, she ran on. She saw the lights of a car turning the corner, she ran out into the street to force the driver to stop.

  He did and got out of the car.

  “Help me, call the…” That’s as far as she got.

  The man grabbed her hand trying to take away her gun while shoving her in the car, just as she heard the men who’d been chasing her yelling for him to hold onto her. “Fuck.” Then she began to fight, but it was too late. The cold press of metal dug into her side.

  “Get the fuck in the car.”

  She didn’t have a choice, she was shoved into the car, before she could scoot over and try to make a run out of the other side, someone opened the door and pointed a gun at her. Indicating with the wave of his hand to give over her gun. She did and he sat down beside her, another man got in the back and they kept her in the middle.

  The guy who’d been driving climbed back into the driver’s seat, a fourth man got into the passenger seat and they took off.

  She noticed he carried her laptop with him. “What do you want?” she asked.

  “Just a moment or two of your time,” the man in front said.

  “All you had to do was call and set up an appointment.”

  He turned to glance at her and smiled. “Are you Shawnah Linch?”

  “Who wants to know?”

  “I’m the one asking the question.”

  The man to the right of her pulled out from beside him what looked like her purse. Her efforts to grab it were futile; he merely turned aside and moved it out of her reach, then tossed it to the guy in front. He pulled out her wallet and glanced at it, then back at her. “Yeah, you’re Shawnah.”


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