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ADS 01 - The Accidental Demon Slayer ds-1

Page 14

by Angie Fox

  The lines around his eyes crinkled as he grinned. “Hot stuff?”

  Oh no. We did not want to explore that right now.

  I planted my hands on my hips. “How are you helping me?”

  He flashed a crooked smile. “I tossed you in with Ant Eater.”

  I gaped at him. He left me alone with that psycho on purpose? I couldn’t believe it. “Then as protectors go, you stink.” Damn the man. “And stop grinning at me.”

  “You looked outside yourself,” he pointed out.

  At the risk of life, limb and dog.

  He took me by the shoulders and I felt everything, down to the night breeze on my cheeks and his warm fingers through my lumpy dress sleeves. The raw, almost exposed part of me wanted to cover up and run for the hills. The part of me that wanted to jump his bones turned a few cartwheels. So much for my iron control.

  He drew me closer. “I’m willing to bet you reached for the death spell only when you looked to the outside. You stopped worrying about yourself and focused on the problem.”

  Easy for him to say. “I almost killed Pirate and Ant Eater.”

  “You wouldn’t let that happen,” he said, his lips inches from mine.

  Oh lordy. Why was I getting turned on during a discussion of my particularly horrible afternoon?

  “You accepted the universe.” He brushed his lips against my forehead until my toes curled like the traitors they were. “You did,” he insisted heartily. “Nothing happens by chance. The tools and the people to aid you will appear. You found what you needed this afternoon. And I am the person you need. You found me on the road,” he said, eyes twinkling.

  That was a nice way of putting it.

  “Accept help, Lizzie,” he said, too earnest to resist. “You need to be open to the universe if you expect to rescue your grandma. And you’ll definitely need it if you want to defeat Vald.”

  Fear tickled my stomach. “I don’t know if I can do it.”

  His eyes searched mine. “You have to kill him, Lizzie.” It felt like he was on the verge of saying more when he abruptly let me go.

  Dimitri shoved a hand through his thick, dark hair. “You can do it when you sacrifice yourself. Look beyond what you think you know,” he said earnestly. “I’ve seen you, Lizzie. You’ve spent your whole life burying your instincts. Step back from that. Search for who you really are. Trust yourself.”

  “Okay,” I nodded. Trust myself. I bent over and stretched my hands to my toes, wrapping my fingers around the ends of my second-hand cleats. He might as well have told me to fly.

  “Take this,” he said.

  I straightened and found him holding a blue Gap bag out for me. “This is from the universe.”

  Inside, I found khaki pants and a white button-down shirt. “Dimitri!” I couldn’t believe it. “This is perfect.”

  It truly was. I pulled the pants and shirt from the bag, holding them up one at a time. They were just like the ones I’d ruined. And he even got the sizes right. It didn’t surprise me that Dimitri had taken in every detail of my former self. It was uncanny at times how precise he could be. But never in a million years would I have expected this.

  “Thanks,” I whispered.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, clearly unsure what to make of my reaction.

  I nodded, afraid I’d tear up if I said more. I didn’t know what to say. No one had ever done anything like that for me before. Growing up, when Cliff and Hilary had bought me gifts, they gave me what they liked, not what I liked.

  Even for my thirtieth birthday, I planned the dinner, maybe a little afraid someone wouldn’t. And I specified no gifts. I didn’t want to expect them.

  “I’m almost afraid to tell you, but there are shoes in there too.” He eyed me uncomfortably. “Those oxfords you like. Size eight.” It had to be the closest Dimitri would ever come to rambling.

  My head stopped up and my giggle came out more like a snarf.

  “Are you okay?” Dimitri frowned. The man would run headlong into a demon-infested biker bar, but he seemed terrified I’d break down in tears. So much for wanting me to get in touch with my feelings.

  Screw it.

  I pulled him down and kissed him thoroughly. Yeah, it was probably a mistake. That was the last rational thought I had for awhile as he devoured my mouth, to my complete and utter delight. His fingers traced my shoulders, trailed down my spine, up my sides, all the way…oh my.

  Embarrassed, I pulled away. I could feel my face burning. It grew even redder when I saw the intense, exuberant expression on his face. “This doesn’t mean anything,” I told him.

  “Of course not,” he replied blithely.

  So much for my iron control.

  He pulled me into the crook of his arm and gave a squeeze. “Anything to make you happy.”

  “You did,” I said, enjoying the feel of him. Let him have his fun. No one had ever done anything like this for me.

  I knew whatever was going on with Dimitri and I couldn’t be permanent. Once I learned to control my powers and rescued Grandma, I’d go back to teaching at Happy Hands. He’d race off to live his exotic Greek demon slayer trainer life. I snuggled closer, taking in his rich sandalwood scent, knowing I didn’t need to tease myself with any possibilities. But I could wish.

  Back at the trailer, I grabbed a quick shower and changed into my new clothes. They felt right. I wondered if Dimitri knew how much he’d given me.

  Pirate padded into the front room where I sat on the edge of the brown couch, tying my shoes. He’d been sleeping. “You coming to bed?” he asked, ending the question with a humongous doggy yawn.

  I tugged on the laces. “Too much on my mind.”

  Pirate nudged my leg with his nose. “You want to talk about it? You know how I like talking about things with you.”

  I sighed. “Sorry, guy.” I needed to learn how to sacrifice myself and while I had no idea where to start, I knew it wasn’t here. Pirate was the least introspective creature on the planet.

  “Oh, I see. It’s important enough to keep you out all night with Dimitri, but as soon as I want to talk, it’s ‘never mind.’”

  I sunk back into the couch, trying to ignore him.

  Dog tags jingled at my feet. “You know what your problem is? You never let anybody help you.”

  “You’re a dog!”

  “Now that hurt. Fine. If you want to think about your problems all by yourself, then you do that. I know when I’m not wanted.” He turned to walk back into the bedroom.

  “Pirate…” I said, looking away, trying to think of a way to reason with a twelve-pound terrier.

  He spun back around. “What? You want to talk? Let’s talk.”

  “No.” I caught a faint glow outside. I heaved myself off the couch and pressed my nose to the window. “Stay right here.”

  Light poured from the Dumpster. Scarlet must be channeling something big. I banged out through the screened door and jogged across the field. The hulking remains of refrigerators, washing machines and cars cast dark shadows over the ground.

  Grandma staggered out from behind the Dumpster and my heart stopped. Whole sections of her long gray hair hung in shreds. Blood clotted her head. Her arms twisted at painful and unnatural angles.

  Was it really her?

  I approached slowly. The scent of garbage and—was that a tang of ozone?—grew stronger. Sidecar Bob had said it himself—a demon can take on many forms.

  The figure perked up when she saw me. Grandma?

  “Shit, Lizzie. This isn’t the goddamned Easter parade. Get over here!”

  I wanted to skip. It was her! My mind reeled. “Oh my word. Grandma!” Her back hunched at an odd angle and she looked ready to collapse at any moment. “You look terrible!”

  “Thanks for reminding me,” she huffed. “No. Don’t touch me,” she said as I came close. “I’m on borrowed power. It’d be like jamming your finger in a light switch.” She struggled to stand as straight as she could. “Now, when are you
going to stop throwing switch stars at the dirt and get me the hell out of here?”

  My throat had all but closed up. I swallowed. “I’m trying, but I’m not there yet.” My excuse sounded lame, even to me. “I’m so close. I know I have the power. I just can’t seem to find it.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You know what your problem is?” She threw her arms out like an Italian grandmother. “You’re so busy worrying, you’re not doing. You’re going through the motions. And frightening a lot of people from the sounds of it.” So she’d heard about Ant Eater. “Your mind is too crowded. ‘I didn’t take the potion. I don’t want to feel all exposed and girly in front of Dimitri. Ant Eater is a big bully.’”

  “What?” I couldn’t believe it. “How did you know about the potion?”

  “You told me.”

  No, I didn’t. I never had a chance to tell her.

  “Shut your mouth, Lizzie. You’re catching flies.” She eyed me, hands on her hips. “Did you come to the Cave of Visions to keep a secret? Honestly, Lizzie, sometimes I don’t understand you at all.”

  She’d heard me in the Dumpster. She’d actually heard me!

  “And what the hell is with that emerald skullcap? You look like a rapper.”

  My hand flew to my head. “It’s Dimitri’s. I gave him power over me. I had to do it.”

  “I don’t like the sound of that. You have enough going on in your life right now, and you don’t need to be wasting time with a man who doesn’t know how to stay in one place.”

  I blinked once, twice. “Are you lecturing me?” At a time like this?

  “What? You don’t think you need it?” She huffed and tossed the remnants of her long gray hair over her shoulders. “It’s like when Frieda gave herself seven fingers on each hand. The whole time Ant Eater brewed the Erasure herbs, I made Frieda talk to me about that man of hers. Kept her mind off it. I told her she’d better take the chance and yap away because that was the one and only time I wanted to hear about Eddie’s smelly socks.”

  I’d bet anything Dimitri had his socks dry cleaned. But, okay, if she wanted to know, “We started off bumpy, but I really like Dimitri.” More than I wanted to admit. “He’s driven and determined,” I told her. That sounded better than mysterious and studly. “He wants to help me.” And take care of me. It was a new feeling for me and I didn’t quite know what to make of it.

  Grandma’s image flickered. “I never thought I’d say this, but I’m glad we have him on our side. Just be careful. And watch the werewolves too. The mean one’s about to make a power play and our coven is a perfect excuse to cause trouble. Even if you get out of here before it all goes down, those wolves will get their pound of flesh. They don’t do anything without getting double back.”

  Yikes. Maybe she could tell me what to do. “Ant Eater wants me to get rid of black souls for them. What are they?”

  “Suicide for most of us. Training for you. If you decide to do it, bring Dimitri. You might just learn something.” Her image flickered again. This time she yelped in pain and held her side as an invisible energy seared through her.

  “Grandma!” It took everything I had not to touch her.

  She clutched her abdomen. “Because, Lizzie, I don’t want you to come after me if you don’t think you can do it. I’m an old cuss. I’ve had my time. Don’t let Vald take you, you hear?”

  “No. I have to get you. I mean, look at your hands.” Large holes sliced through her palms, as if an invisible blade cut her open right before my eyes.

  “Oh yeah. Let’s talk about how much my life sucks right now. Why can’t you stay on track?”


  I fought to look her in the face. Her skin had taken on an unearthly pallor and the wounds in her head began to bleed fresh. I had to get her out of there. “Tell me how to sacrifice myself. Just tell me, and I’ll do it right now.”

  She shook her head. “You have to figure it out yourself. But dammit, Lizzie. Think about it.” An invisible blade sliced her neck. Blood flowed freely from the bubbling wound. “Shit,” she gurgled. “You weren’t supposed to see this.”

  Grandma clapped a hand over her neck. “If you cry, I’m going to beat the shit out of you. Now think about it. What does it mean to sacrifice yourself? Who are you really?”

  I started to reply.

  “Hup! I’ll tell you who you are, Lizzie. You’re a brilliant little snit who types out her grocery list on the computer, never had a library late fee and won’t take a dump without planning it on your calendar. I’m willing to bet Pirate was the only half-ass thing you had to deal with before I showed up at your door.”

  “I’m not—”

  She threw a hand up. “The night we met, you had timed directions to a restaurant you said yourself you’d already been to!”

  As if I’d wanted to be late to my birthday party. “I’m or ga nized.”

  “You’re wound tighter than a gnat’s ass! Let go! Trust your instincts. Stop thinking of every negative thing that could happen five miles down the road.”

  Well shoot. I didn’t know what to think. It felt safe to know exactly how my life would turn out. That’s why I planned everything so precisely. And why I’d stayed in my job for so long. And I didn’t date unpredictable men.

  I’d worked my whole life to be normal, accepted. Now Grandma wanted me to blow the whole thing out of the water. Slowly it began to come together. “That’s what Dimitri meant when he said to sacrifice myself,” I said for my own benefit, as much as hers.

  “Exactly.” She made a show of swooning. Oh geez. I hoped it was a show.

  Grandma popped back up, a little more spry than I would have expected. Her energy surged and her wounds disappeared. She almost looked like herself again.

  Sacrifice myself. Okay. I could let go. A week ago, the mere thought would have given me hives. Now I felt giddy. I could do this. “Dimitri wants me to let go of myself.” I couldn’t help smiling. “I don’t know why I didn’t see it before, Grandma. Dimitri said as much to me. But then again, since when do men make any sense, right?”

  “Oh yeah, I’m in hell and now you’re grinning and making jokes.” She waggled a finger, only half kidding. “Now do what you have to do to get me out of here. Besides,” she added, “we’ve got some catching up to do. We missed out on a lot of years.”

  I planted my back against the outside of the Dumpster. The night sky shone rich with stars. “I’m sorry it took me so long, Grandma.”

  “Zip it. If there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s whining. Besides, I heard it all in the Cave of Visions. You’re forgiven. Unless you keep apologizing. Then I’m going to be pissed all over again.”

  I nodded. “Can you at least tell me why?” I asked her. “Why did Vald come after me that night? You must have known something could happen, or you wouldn’t have tried to protect me. What does this thing want from me?”

  She huffed so hard her nostrils flared. “Well, cupcake, it’s like this. You probably keep hearing about your Great-great, Great—whatever—Aunt Evie. Lord knows I have. Aunt Evie locked Vald away in the second layer of hell. Aunt Evie was the most powerful slayer in the last thousand years. Aunt Evie made the world’s best potato salad. But what you won’t hear is that Aunt Evie had nothing on you. She never learned how to seize a demon’s vox like you did that day in your bathroom.”

  “You mean the green light thingies?”

  “If you want to call them that, then yeah. She had the power to lock Vald away.” Grandma brought up a finger. “You have the power to destroy him. Capiche?”

  I nodded. Destroy Vald. Yow.

  “He’s unhatching a particularly nasty plan, worse than anything I’m going to face down here, I’ll tell you that. We’re not sure what he’s up to, but you play a big part. Now I think—aw, shit.” Her image flickered.

  “What?” Are you in pain?” I couldn’t stand to see her like this.

  “Thanks for reminding me, but it’s not that.” She stared over my sho

  Voices called from the field behind me. I turned. Ant Eater headed our way, trailed by at least a half a dozen werewolves.

  “Tell them to stay the hell away from me,” Grandma ordered. “I can’t keep my energy with this many auras cluttering the air. Dammit! This is important.”

  “Stay back!” I called to the mob, waving my hands in the air.

  “Lizzie, pay attention!” she demanded, as Ant Eater and the wolves surged forward. Grandma’s image flickered and she let off a load of cuss words that would have made my adopted mother reach for her rosary.

  She spoke quickly. “Vald wants you. He wants your power. In my vision, I saw the best time to strike. You have to—flisbit.” She faded out, then flickered in again. “You have to prepare. Let go of yourself. Look to the outside. Accept the universe. Sacrifice yourself. And remember—”

  Ant Eater stormed up in a rage. “Get your ass over here right now.”

  “What about Grandma?” I hollered. “Wait! Grandma! When is the best time to strike?” I demanded as her image crackled one last time and disappeared.

  Ant Eater planted her hands on her hips. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  She couldn’t see her. None of them could, I realized.

  Ant Eater seized my shoulder and forced me to face her. “We need you now. Rex made his move. The wolves have got the whole goddamned coven backed into a corner. Time to earn your keep.” She cocked her gun.

  “Okay,” I said. I didn’t even bother to question my new role. I knew it had changed this afternoon. Here was the test. Deep down, I ached to spend a few more minutes with Grandma, but she would have been the first person to tell me I needed to let it go. Our conversation was now in the past. I had to look to the future. And for once, I was ready.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I followed Ant Eater to a rusty trailer near the woods. Werewolves jammed the entrance.


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