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Redeeming Rafe

Page 3

by Sloane Kennedy

  Logan straightened. “Even if all that had happened was Dom giving that kid a better life – giving him a future - shouldn’t that be enough? At what point does it cost too much to save even one kid from the hell of having to live in this fucked up world by themselves? Tell me what that number is so I know when to stop trying.”

  Rafe didn’t respond and he was guessing Logan hadn’t expected him to. The sight of finally seeing Logan angry should have felt more like a victory but all he felt was a dull emptiness.

  “Do whatever it is you’re going to do, Rafe. Go tell the world I got paid to fuck my way through Seattle’s elite. Tell them my sister was brutally raped by a man I brought into our lives. That my best friend sold himself to try to save his drug-addicted mother and that my other best friend faces his own battle with addiction every day. It won’t change anything because you’ve already won.”

  That caught Rafe’s attention.

  Logan smiled sadly and shook his head. “You wanted to hurt Dom, right? What do you think the knowledge that you hate him is doing to him? That you’d rather seek revenge against him and Vin instead of considering forgiveness for whatever happened to you after they lost you?” Logan asked, his voice almost gentle.

  Why the fuck wasn’t this man railing at him? Why was he talking to him like he was one of the fucked up kids he was trying to save? And they hadn’t lost him – they’d let him go!

  “They don’t get to walk away from this,” he said bitterly.

  “They’re not going anywhere, Rafe. When you’ve done what you need to do, they’ll be waiting for you because they want their brother back.”

  Fury surged through Rafe and he felt his control begin to fray. He couldn’t even manage a parting shot because all he wanted to do was scream at the too calm young man who looked at him with that mix of pity and kindness. Fuck if he needed any of that shit.

  He turned and left the building, his long strides eating up the ground as he pushed past the endless throng of tourists near the waterfront. His hands were shaking by the time he got a cab and he was in a full on rage when he threw open the door to his motel. But as he turned to close the door behind him, he caught a glimpse of a dark form standing in the doorway and then something crashed against the side of his head and everything went black.

  Chapter 2

  Rafe felt pinpricks of light pierce his dry eyes as he tried to force them open. It took several tries before his lids responded but then everything was too bright and his head began to swim as the throbbing pain increased. He let his eyes drift shut again until the stabbing in his temple eased and then he tried again. This time he managed to keep his eyes cracked open just enough to make out a few shapes. It took several long seconds to figure out he was looking at furniture.

  “Open,” he heard someone mutter just before a hand was pressed to his mouth. He jammed his lips shut when he felt the pills touch his mouth but then his head was yanked back and when he gasped at the pain, the pills slid into his mouth. An instant later water was sloshed into his mouth and he automatically swallowed and the pills easily slid down his throat before he could stop them.

  The brutal hold on his hair disappeared and his head lolled forward as water trickled down his mouth.

  “Relax, they were just a couple of ibuprofen. I hit you a little harder than I meant to.”

  Shit, he knew that voice. That deep, smooth, fuck me voice. He forced his eyes open all the way and saw Cade Gamble sitting not ten feet away on a chair that he’d turned around so that his arms were folded across the back of it. Rafe tried to move but then realized that he was bound. But his arms weren’t behind him. No, they were stretched high above his head and secured to something that kept him from lowering them. Behind him he could feel a solid, wide object. Some type of beam or post he guessed. A quick look around showed they were in an apartment, a really nice one that was at least a dozen floors up considering the view. Wide open floor plan with dark walls and light furniture. A huge kitchen with black appliances and floor to ceiling windows that showed the water of Puget Sound and the mountains beyond.

  His eyes settled on Cade who was watching him with amusement.

  “What surprises you more? That I don’t live in a piece of shit studio with just a hot plate and a fridge full of beer or that I managed to get you up here without anyone noticing?”

  Both but Rafe didn’t say that. He was too busy trying to get his breathing under control. It took everything in him not to yank at the piece of plastic pressing his wrists together. Zip ties – the guy had to use zip ties. Not rope or handcuffs or even a fucking tie. God damn zip ties. Panic began to seep into him as he remembered the last time someone had put zip ties on him.

  “If you’d done a little more homework on me, you would have known that my merc days paid really, really well. A lot of perks come with having the penthouse but my favorite is the private elevator that goes directly from the garage to this floor. No pesky stops between,” Cade drawled.

  “So what’s the plan Gamble? Jesus, is that even your real name?” Rafe managed to say along with a well-placed chuckle he hoped didn’t sound forced. “Let me guess, if I don’t give you what you want you’re going to fuck me up. Or no, I know, you’ve got some fancy torture planned for me…”

  Cade studied him for a moment, any trace of amusement gone. When the big man rose slowly to his feet, Rafe actually felt the direction of his panic shift from being bound to the dangerous man moving towards him, his pace unhurried. God, he needed to focus on using the man’s weaknesses against him – he needed to be the one in control. A thrill went through him when he saw the erection pressing against Cade’s jeans. It was something he could use.

  “You should have stayed away from Logan,” Cade said coldly as he came to a stop in front of Rafe, his long, heavy body just inches away. Rafe had hoped to see some emblem of desire because he could use that to his advantage as well, but all he saw was deadly intent. Cade’s dick might be interested but his head sure as hell wasn’t. But there were plenty of ways to get the man’s brain to catch up to the rest of his body.

  “Have a thing for the boss’ boy, huh?” Rafe said and a second later his head hit the beam as he instinctively tried to escape the big hand that wrapped around his neck. “Or does Dom share him with you like he did with his wife?”

  Any other words Rafe might have said were cut off as fingers pressed down mercilessly on his airway. He actually saw black spots dancing before his eyes when Cade finally let up and he dragged in several harsh breaths.

  “I should end you right now you worthless piece of shit,” Cade whispered. “I’d be doing your brothers a favor.” Cade stared at him for a long moment and then shoved away from him.

  “You’re lucky they’re better men than me,” Cade said as he returned to his chair. “Their orders were to leave you alone. Let you do whatever you’re going to do.” The big man let out a dark, cruel laugh. “They actually think you might come back to them someday.”

  Rafe willed his heart rate to slow as his brain’s attention turned once again to the smooth plastic biting into his wrists. His desperate eyes fell to Cade’s lap as he said, “Looks like you have a problem. A couple of them, actually.”

  He was proud of how cool he’d managed to sound even as his mind began to race. The heat was building inside of him and his breaths began to get shorter and shorter. He was nearly out of time. Letting his eyes drift back up to meet Cade’s, he suggested, “Untie me and I can take care of the first one for you. Then maybe we can talk about the rest.”


  Was this guy fucking serious? Cade actually laughed out loud and at Rafe’s crestfallen look he laughed harder. So much for thinking the youngest Barretti brother had brains to go with the sinfully gorgeous body.

  Snatching Rafe hadn’t been in his plans at all until he’d seen the man go into Logan’s foundation. There’d been little concern for his friend’s physical well-being but Rafe’s presence meant that the vengeful young man was
intent on witnessing the damage he’d already caused and that even innocent people like Logan weren’t immune. So he’d watched and waited and the second Rafe stepped out of that building, he’d made a decision that could end up costing him some of the most important people in his life.

  Cade hadn’t agreed with Dom and Vin’s decision to leave Rafe alone though he understood their thinking. To them he was still the little boy they’d been trying to find for years and Cade knew they truly believed they could get their brother back by letting him work out whatever revenge scenario he had planned. They’d even gotten the go ahead from the many people Rafe’s actions would hurt – Mia, Logan, Savannah, Gabe and Riley, Shane – they’d all agreed to let their secrets come to light if it meant giving Dom and Vin back their brother. And the fucking asshole in front of him didn’t give a shit that he had a chance to be a part of that kind of family.

  Growing up in a double-wide trailer in a small mining town in Alabama with a mean-spirited father and bible toting mother hadn’t exactly meant a future rife with options for Cade and he’d known it. Ironically, it was a string of bad choices that had finally gotten him on track when a few strangers saw something good in him and gave him the opportunity he’d needed to clean himself up. And while he’d never managed an emotional connection with any of his sexual partners that would ultimately lead to a meaningful relationship, he’d ended up lucky enough to find a few lifelong friends who had shown him what being part of a family really meant.

  Cade settled into the chair and dropped his head down on his arms so he could enjoy the sight of Rafe struggling uselessly against his bindings. But something started to register as he watched Rafe strain desperately against the zip ties he’d attached to the large eyelet secured deep into the foundation beam. Sweat dripped down Rafe’s face and Cade could see his shirt was actually starting to stick to his body as the moisture collected beneath the thin material. Rafe’s breathing changed dramatically as he began to viciously yank his arms back and forth. Cade waited several long moments for the young man to realize he couldn’t get free but instead of settling, his struggles increased.

  “Stop,” Cade said as he stood up. But Rafe was beyond hearing him as he began gasping in desperation. Suddenly his flailing and writhing stopped and he hung there, his weight causing the plastic to dig into the already damaged skin around his wrists.

  “Jesus,” Cade muttered as he grabbed his knife from his boot and reached Rafe’s sides in four long strides. One quick swipe of the blade against the plastic and Rafe was dropping into his arms.

  “Rafe, breathe,” Cade said anxiously as Rafe fought to suck in air.

  “Hot,” he heard Rafe choke out. “So hot.”

  Cade used the knife to cut away the remaining zip tie around Rafe’s wrists but the man’s arms flopped uselessly to his sides. Cade half dragged, half carried Rafe to his bathroom and turned the shower on, setting the dial to the coldest temperature. He managed to pull Rafe into the stall and flinched when the frigid water hit them both. He kept his arm wrapped around Rafe’s waist to hold him upright and used his other hand to move Rafe’s body back and forth so the spray hit him everywhere.

  The man was wheezing desperately so Cade leaned him over and pressed his front against Rafe’s back and let his free hand settle on Rafe’s chest. “Slowly, Rafe. Breathe with me, okay?” he said against Rafe’s ear. He felt fingers clutch his.

  “In and hold it,” he said gently and began counting. “Now out,” he said and counted again. He repeated the words over and over and finally felt Rafe’s breathing start to match his counting. It took another dozen rounds before Rafe’s breathing evened out and the fingers wrapped around his loosened. He felt Rafe sag against him as the cold water continued to rain down on them and he followed the other man to his knees. Cade managed to reach past Rafe to change the temperature of the shower and within seconds the warm water cascaded over them and the shudders that had wracked Rafe’s frame began to ease.

  Cade let his arm wrap back around Rafe and before he realized what he was doing, he skimmed a soft kiss over the back of Rafe’s neck. Rafe’s hand closed over the hand Cade had pressed to the man’s chest and a shot of longing went through him when he felt Rafe’s fingers intertwine with his.

  Forcing himself to pull back, Cade put space between their bodies. The other man didn’t follow and when Cade pulled his hand free, Rafe remained on his knees, head hung. Broken. Cade turned off the shower and got out to grab several towels from the closet.

  He pulled Rafe gently to his feet and began working the buttons on his shirt free. He could tell Rafe was aware of what was going on but the man remained mute and didn’t protest as Cade pulled the shirt off, then dragged the slacks down each leg. The underwear followed but Cade ignored the flaccid cock and ran a towel over Rafe’s body. When he turned Rafe to dry his back, he froze at the sight of dozens and dozens of scars along his back and ass. Bile rose in his throat but he forced himself to finish the task at hand. He wrapped a dry towel around Rafe and tugged him into the adjoining master bedroom and sat him down on the edge of the bed. The man was so withdrawn that Cade didn’t even bother to tell him not to move when he left the room. He returned within a minute and shoved a glass of orange juice into Rafe’s hand.

  “Drink it,” he urged. “All of it.”

  Rafe swallowed the entire contents down in a few swallows and then just held the glass numbly in his hand. Cade pulled it free and then got Rafe settled beneath the covers. Rafe’s hollow eyes stared straight ahead and Cade fought back the urge to run his fingers over the man’s cheek. God, he just wanted a response – any response. But instead Cade turned and left the room, pulling the door closed behind him. Why the hell hadn’t he just listened to Dom and left the man alone?


  Rafe glanced around the empty apartment in disbelief. It had to be a trick. No way would Cade just let him walk away. He’d been surprised to find his clothes freshly laundered and sitting on the end of the bed when he’d finally woken up. A glance at the clock had shown it was nearly seven at night. He’d spent more than half a dozen hours passed out in his enemy’s bed. And instead of waking up to threats or snide comments about his humiliating display of weakness, he was completely alone. No note, no locked doors, no warnings, nothing. What the hell?

  Rafe didn’t linger as he left the penthouse and took the stairs down to the main floor. It took only minutes to hail a cab and then he was back at his crummy hotel room. There was still no sign of Cade or his brothers so he decided not to press his luck and packed his shit together. Another cab took him to an equally rundown motel in a less than stellar neighborhood and by the time he was settled in the room, his nerves were completely frayed. He checked all his belongings for any kind of tracking device and then searched his laptop for any foreign activity. Nothing. Everything was exactly as he’d left it.

  Frustration went through him as he tried to figure out what was going on. He didn’t believe for a second what Logan and Cade had said about his brothers leaving him alone to do what he wanted. No man would lie down and allow a stranger to come in and destroy everything he loved.

  Rafe’s head began to pound and he quickly closed the laptop. Maybe his plan to bear witness to his brothers’ downfall wasn’t worth it. God knew he couldn’t risk another encounter with Cade. By now the man had probably told Dom and Vin about his crippling panic attack. And he’d known the second Cade had seen the marks on his back because the warm, firm stroking that had been relaxing him as Cade ran that soft towel over his body had stopped the minute Cade had turned him around. And that kiss...

  It had been brief and soft and barely there but the reaction would have been the same if Cade had kissed him on the mouth. His whole body had warmed at the gentle caress and he’d been unable to stop himself from lacing his fingers through the strong, blunt ones that had been splayed over his chest. Rafe reached behind his neck and skimmed his fingers over the skin Cade had touched. Shit, even Cade’s mouth on
his cock hadn’t messed with his head like this.

  Rafe dropped his hand and opened the computer again. He needed to end this. All the emails were queued and ready to go. One push of a button and Dom and Vin’s reputations would be shredded, the truth about their loved one’s pasts revealed. The press, the firm’s clients, everyone would see that his brothers used smoke and mirrors to build themselves up to be better men than they were. He could go back to L.A. and put this part of his life behind him. The fucking nightmares and panic attacks would stop and he’d never have to hear his brothers tell their lies again.


  Cade watched Rafe shift uneasily on the bench as his eyes darted nervously around him and then back at the revolving door that led into the building where Barretti Security Group was housed. At this point Cade had no idea if Rafe was trying to avoid seeing Dom or Vin or actually hoping they’d come through the door so he could catch a glimpse. From his position in the park across the street, Rafe was inconspicuous and it was unlikely that his brothers would even notice him if they did happen to exit through the front door of the building. Whatever Rafe was up to, he’d been doing it for three days now. The same exact routine from the moment he left the dive he was currently staying in to the moment he went back and hid himself away in the tiny room. Logan’s foundation was always first and Rafe used the alley across the street as cover. Dom’s apartment was next since it wasn’t far from Logan’s place of business. Then came the office building and it was always followed up with a cab ride to the northern part of the city where Vin owned a house.

  Cade leaned back in the seat of his non-descript sedan. Tracking the man was much easier this time around since he’d planted the tracking device in Rafe’s phone. He’d known the man would easily be able to tell if his phone had been hacked so he’d gone old school and used a nifty little tracking device that a friend from the FBI had given him. The chip had been easy to hide within the phone’s motherboard so his only real worry had been that Rafe would ditch the phone all together. So far so good because the way Rafe was constantly looking around, he was clearly still suspicious.


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