A Love to Cherish
Page 8
Belle followed the line of hair marching down his stomach to the dark triangle between his legs. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw the granitelike column of his manhood rising against his stomach. He was fully, overwhelmingly erect, a shiny pearl of liquid visible at the very tip of his erection.
“I can promise you nothing but pleasure, Belle,” Casey said, giving her one final opportunity to back out.
“I didn’t ask for promises. Tommy is my life. I don’t need anyone else.”
That’s all Casey needed to hear. His body covering hers, he kissed her hungrily as his hands learned her body, finding all those places that gave her pleasure. He put into play all his expertise, using lips and hands and mouth to bring her to the brink of madness.
“I want to bring you more pleasure than you’ve ever known,” he whispered into her ear.
“I’ve had no man since Tom died, and none before,” Belle admitted on a sigh. “I’m not all that knowledgeable.”
For some reason that pleased Casey. It made him more determined than ever to please Belle. He kissed a trail of fire down her body to her breasts. The end of his tongue tasted her nipple, circled it, then drew the crest into his mouth for a thorough tasting.
Heat shimmered through Belle, making her dizzy with delight. The varying textures of his tongue and mouth against her skin enthralled and enraptured her. She purred her pleasure as his hands slid down her body, shaping her breasts and waist and thighs, finding the burning, inner heat of her, sweet and yielding, with his fingers. Her whimpers told him what she wanted, and he eased his fingers through the tights curls into her slick passage.
Belle tried to speak, but her breath broke on a strangled gasp as she convulsed around his fingers, spilling warmth onto his hand. She thought she cried out his name but couldn’t be sure. His answer was another penetrating caress that made her body weep passionately for him.
“Sweet Jesus!” Casey cried, feeling his body swell as it prepared to spill its seed. “I don’t know what in the hell is happening to us, but it’s making me crazy.”
He pulled his hand away abruptly; Belle murmured a protest at its loss. Against her skin, he blazed a trail of wet kisses, down between her breasts, across her stomach, licking, touching, tantalizing, until his lips found her sweet, tiny nub. Then he did something so outrageous Belle’s eyes flew open and she lost the ability to think. His mouth found the place where his fingers had been only moments before. Then he parted the dewy petals of her sex with his tongue and sipped hungrily of her sweet essence.
Belle finally found her voice, crying out on a note of shock. “Oh, no, you can’t. … It’s not …” She tugged at his hair, trying to get him to stop.
“Didn’t your husband ever do this to you?”
“No, never. Please, I don’t want …” Her sentence ended in a strangled sob as her body began to vibrate against the friction of his tongue.
Reluctant to do anything Belle didn’t want, Casey slid upward along her body, settling between her slender thighs. He separated her soft portals with his blunt flesh, forcing himself to press slowly, despite his nearly out-of-control passion that demanded a swift release. She was wet and hot, sultry and welcoming, and he fought for the control he normally practiced. Sweat glistened on his body as he pushed deeper inside her, groaning when he felt her inner muscles welcoming him.
He rested his head on her forehead while he caught his breath. But it didn’t help. His passion doubled and redoubled. “Oh, God, lie still or I won’t be able to do either of us any good. I can’t ever recall being like this with a woman. I have this violent need to thrust and thrust until I bring myself to climax, and I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.”
Lying motionless beneath Casey’s powerful body was nearly beyond Belle. She wanted to move her hips, to undulate beneath him, to feel his strength driving into her, touching her very soul. She wanted to reach for the stars and watch them explode around her. She wanted to find paradise with Casey. For a brief interval she satisfied herself with running her hands over his body, learning his bold masculine contours. But it was difficult to concentrate when the hard, pulsing length of his manhood was embedded deep inside her. She moved her hips the tiniest bit and it was all the invitation Casey needed.
He flexed his hips and began thrusting forcefully, nearly driving her off the bed with the wild fury of his strokes. He kissed her as if he’d die if he didn’t. Blood squeezed hot and slow through his veins, flowing into his distended sex.
Belle’s nails dug into the tanned flesh of his shoulders, crying out softly as she moved with him, bringing the shimmering pressure of his manhood deeper inside her. She felt her hips spanned and lifted by his big hands, felt her control slipping. She called out his name on a rising note of urgency. His answer was a thrust that went deep and hard. She was wet, soft and hot, and nearly as wild for release as he was. She came abruptly, shivering and crying as splinters of ecstasy pierced her, triggering Casey’s own release as he poured himself into her sweet body.
When Casey could breathe again, over the lingering tremors of ecstasy rippling through him, he shifted his weight from her and pulled her into the curve of his body. “I’m sorry if I hurt you. I don’t know what happened to me. I’m usually more disciplined.”
Belle stared at him in fear and disbelief. How could a man she hardly knew make her feel this way? She felt irrevocably joined with him, sharing breath and body, bound together by passion. She had loved Tom, enjoyed making love with him, but she had never experienced this kind of frenzied, wanton, coming together. It made her feel … immoral!
“Are you all right?” Casey asked, concerned by her blank expression.
She managed a weak smile. “More than all right. You made me feel … wonderful. It was … quite extraordinary.”
Casey laughed with genuine pleasure. “The pleasure was all mine, sweetheart.”
They lay in silence, resting, gathering strength. Casey knew he should tell Belle his reason for being in Placerville, but couldn’t bring himself to disillusion her after they had just made love so sweetly. But soon, he promised himself. He hoped she’d find it in her heart to forgive him. Especially since he’d left McAllister’s employ rather than betray her and Tommy. As much as he would like to, Casey didn’t dare think of Belle in terms of a longer relationship. He had no idea how long it would take to clear Mark of murder charges. Even if it took the rest of his life he would strive for Mark’s release. Belle and Tommy deserved better than a man unable to lavish his full attention upon them.
Belle let out a long, drawn-out sigh as she snuggled against Casey. She’d expected no commitment from Casey and received none. The words of love that usually followed lovemaking were missing and she felt the loss keenly. She sighed again and Casey turned her against him.
“Are you sorry?”
She didn’t even have to think about that one. “No, are you?”
“Only sorry that we waited so long.”
“We haven’t known each other all that long. You must think I’m a woman of loose morals. I’ve never done anything this wanton or spontaneous before. I made Tom wait until we were married.”
“I think you’re a warm, passionate woman who needs a man to take care of her.” He paused, forcing the next words out even though he didn’t mean them. “Unfortunately, I’m not that man. There are things you don’t know about me. I’ve put this off long enough but I think you should know …”
She placed a finger against his lips. “No, I don’t want to hear it. Don’t spoil things now. Tell me tomorrow, after I’ve had time to adjust to being with you like this.” She made as if to rise. “I really should be going.”
He pinned her against him with the awesome strength of his arms. “Not yet. Let me love you again.”
He ground himself against her and she sighed, half in longing and half in regret. She really shouldn’t do this again. But Casey made it difficult for her to refuse. She felt the weight of him against her thigh, the shape of him
, the hardness and length, and melted into his embrace. Recriminations could come tomorrow, tonight was hers to savor and enjoy.
He stroked and aroused her and she responded by initiating a few bold caresses of her own. He loved the feel of her, the hunger inside her when she responded to his caresses. Their second coming together was every bit as wild and untamed as the first time, but Casey reveled in the knowledge that he had been able to prolong their pleasure this time. He felt strength coursing through him, a power heightened and finally released by the woman striving with him toward a common goal. He stroked his thick length to the root inside her, and smiled as she whimpered and writhed beneath him. He bent and drank her small cries from her lips, thrusting and withdrawing, until her cries became piercing, urgent, demanding.
The sharp edge of ecstasy pierced them, then splintered into millions of tiny glittering pieces. The outside world did not exist for the lovers inside the small room. They had stumbled upon something precious, something too earth-shattering to suffer interference from problems that threatened their newly discovered passion. Unfortunately forces were at work that would shatter those feelings.
Chapter 6
“Missy Belle! Missy Belle! Where are you? Big trouble.”
Still flushed and warm from Casey’s loving, Belle bolted upright in bed. “That’s Wan Yo! Something’s wrong. Oh, God, I’ve got to get out of here.”
Casey leapt from bed, pulling on his pants and shirt before Belle had struggled into even one of her petticoats. “I’ll go out and see what he wants while you finish dressing. Hurry.” He placed a quick kiss on her lips, unlocked the door, and stepped into the kitchen.
“What is it, Wan Yo? What happened?”
Wan Yo staggered into a shaft of light and Casey caught his breath in alarm. The old man was staggering drunkenly, favoring his newly mended leg, blood streaming from his head.
“Big trouble, Mr. Casey, poor Missy Belle.”
A coldness settled in the pit of Casey’s stomach. “Where is Tommy? Who hurt you?”
The old man wagged his head from side to side, dribbling blood into his eyes. “Bad men break into house, hit Wan Yo, take Tommy.”
Belle came out of the bedroom, heard Wan Yo’s last words, and screamed. She would have fallen to the floor if Casey hadn’t caught her. Regaining her wits, Belle shrugged away Casey’s support and went to Wan Yo. “Sit down, Wan Yo, and tell us what happened while I place a cool cloth on your head.”
Suddenly realizing where Belle had been and with whom. Wan Yo sent her a reproachful look. “Tommy wait for you, but when you not come Wan Yo put Tommy to bed. Wan Yo fall asleep. Didn’t hear bad men come in through window. Then Wan Yo hear struggle and go to Tommy. Too late, missy, too late. Man hit Wan Yo in head and take Tommy. Sorry, Missy Belle, so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, Wan Yo, it’s mine,” Belle choked out.
“No, it’s mine,” Casey pointed out. “I should have been more vigilent. Tommy’s abductors must have known Belle was … not in the house. How long ago did this happen?”
“No can tell. Two hours. Three. Hit on head knock Wan Yo out.”
Casey spit out an oath. “Go back to the house, Wan Yo. I’ll take care of this.”
Wan Yo turned to go, then paused. “Almost forgot, man leave letter on Tommy’s pillow.” He handed Belle a sealed envelope.
“This has your name on it, Casey,” Belle said. Stark, cold fear seized her. Why would Tommy’s abductors write Casey a note? What was this all about? Too curious to let Casey read the note himself, Belle tore open the envelope. Five one hundred dollar bills drifted to the floor as she unfolded the slim sheet of paper inside.
The message was brief and to the point. When she finished with it she threw it to the floor and flew at Casey, pounding him with her clenched fists.
“Damn you! Damn your traitorous hide! You’re in cahoots with my miserable father-in-law.”
Her unexpected attack nearly knocked Casey off his feet. Bracing himself, he grasped her wrists and tried not to hurt her as he dodged her feet, which she used in place of her imprisoned fists. “Dammit, Belle, what is it? What did the note say?”
Belle pulled away from his grasp, picked up the paper, and shoved it in Casey’s face. “Don’t try to deny this. It’s all here in black and white and it all adds up. The reason you showed up in Placerville, your eagerness to get close to me and Tommy, your betrayal. Oh, God,” she sobbed brokenly. “It makes me ill to think that you used me to get to Tommy. You seduced me, you bastard! I hope you’re happy. You’ve just ruined two lives.”
Before Casey could answer to the charges, he wanted to know of what he was being accused. Though truth to tell, he could well imagine. T.J. McAllister was full of tricks. No doubt this was his way of getting even with Casey for defying him. He should have been more careful, Casey reflected bitterly. It was utterly stupid of him to let his guard down. He should have known he’d be followed. His fault lay in his eagerness to return to Belle and Tommy.
Casey read the letter twice before letting it flutter to the floor. In essence, it complimented Casey for being a good detective and thanked him for finding his grandson. He enclosed a bonus of five hundred dollars for aiding him in Tommy’s abduction.
Casey cursed himself a thousand times over. He had allowed one woman to make him forget years of specialized training. He wasn’t proud of himself right now, and he deserved Belle’s contempt. He realized that her guilt over what they had been doing when Tommy was abducted was as enormous as his.
“Well, do you deny you were hired by McAllister to find Tommy?”
Hands on hips, facing him nose to nose, Belle’s temper was nearly explosive. Casey could literally feel the heat emanating from the hot centers of her eyes. He could feel not just her rage, but her fright and hurt as well. That he had hurt her so profoundly nearly vanquished him. He was as devastated as Belle by the turn of events. For it to happen now, right after they had made love, made their loving seem like a tawdry affair. And he hated that.
“Let me explain, Belle. After I’m finished I hope you’ll understand. I took the job before knowing anything about you and Tommy except what I’d been told. I’m a detective, Belle, a damn good one. I never expected to become personally involved in this case.”
“Didn’t you? Were you instructed to make love to me? Did you enjoy making a fool out of me? I’m the stupidest woman alive for believing you cared what happened to me and Tommy. I let your pretty words turn my head.”
Realizing she was growing hysterical, Casey grasped her shoulders and gave her a hard shake. “Stop it, Belle! You don’t know what you’re saying. I meant everything I said. I wanted to make love to you tonight for myself, because I care for you.”
Belle gave a snort of laughter. “You have a funny way of showing it. Pick up your money and get out of here. I should have sent you packing a long time ago.”
“I’m not going anywhere. You’re going to sit down and listen to me.” He swept her from her feet, sat her down in the nearest chair, and dropped to his knees beside her. When she tried to get up he pushed her back down. “This won’t take long. I want to tell you about myself.”
“I don’t want to hear it. I feel nothing for you but disgust. Nothing you say will change my mind. Do you have any idea how guilty I feel for not being with Tommy when he needed me?”
“Belle …”
“And do you know where I was?” she continued, too wound up to allow Casey a word in edgewise. “I was in bed with a man, behaving like a paid whore.” She suddenly ran out of words.
“Belle, I’m sorry. Please let me explain. I work for the Pinkerton Agency. I never know what a job requires of me. Allan Pinkerton sent me to San Francisco at McAllister’s request. I was summoned at a time when I was in desperate need of money, and McAllister offered twice the usual fee. No, don’t interrupt,” Casey said when Belle started to speak.
“I’d spent all the money I had in the world hiring lawyers to defend m
y brother. Mark was accused of murdering a professional gambler over a card game. There was one witness who could have testified that the gambler drew first, but he took off for parts unknown. Consequently Mark was tried, convicted, and sent to Yuma Territorial prison. He’ll spend the rest of his life there if the witness isn’t found and brought to testify. Mark’s lawyer says he can reopen the case if new evidence is found. I needed money, lots of it, to lure the witness forward.”
“And you went after a little boy who never hurt a soul,” Belle charged.
“McAllister offered a lot of money, plus a bonus for finding Tommy. I was reluctant to take the job at first, but the money won me over. McAllister said you were a whore, an unfit mother, that it would be in Tommy’s best interest to find him so he could be given a proper upbringing.”
“So you decided to find out if I am a whore, and bedding me tonight proved McAllister was right about me,” Belle blasted.
Casey shook his head. “No, Belle, it isn’t like that at all. I’d only known you a day or two when I decided McAllister had lied about you. You’re not a whore. You’re a beautiful young woman who loves her son dearly.”
Belle glared at him in disbelief. “Then why did you betray us? I trusted you. I gave my heart and body to you. You’re a no-good liar, Casey Walker! All this time you’ve been working for McAllister. You’re probably lying about your brother. And even if you’re not, it makes no difference to me. Tommy is the issue here. A small, defenseless little boy who needs his mother.”
Pain and guilt nearly defeated Casey, but he had to make Belle understand. “I didn’t betray you. Do you remember when I went to San Francisco a week or so ago? I saw McAllister and told him I was off the case. I refused to tell him where to find Tommy. He became angry because I took his money and couldn’t pay it back. I gave him an IOU and promised him full payment.”
“When were you going to tell me you worked for McAllister? When it was too late?” she asked. “It’s too late now, Casey. Tommy is gone and I may never see him again.”